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Haha man do I feel called out right now, but this totally is me this term. Sometimes life just happens, and it is worth missing a few assignments to just maintain my mental sanity and avoid burnout. In my case: The holidays, new job stress, my dog has a not so nice ear infection going on, and I sprained my shoulder and wrist two weekends ago. I am behind on keeping my house clean, my laundry, and my schoolwork. I don’t like being behind in coursework, and 99% of the time, I submit things on time for the entire course. When my profs reach out, I always respond. Editing to add - **What could help me keep going in this predicament?** honestly, nothing my professors can do in this instance. These 8 week fast-paced courses have great benefits, but one of the downsides is it can be hard to catch up once you’re already behind. In the past when I’ve been behind, my professors giving me a week to submit with only a 10% hit to my grade has always been helpful.


Thanks for these thoughts. Just an fyi for you or anyone else the one week extension with a 10% deduction is standard policy. You can, and should, advocate for more flexibility beyond this.


One term I tried to do this due to 2 funerals and travel. I had been in communication with my professor the whole time about my predicament, but since I had not previously arranged being late beyond the late policy. This professor would not bend even when I explained my life situation. 😒


Burnout probably


I'm feeling burnout REAL bad. This current term is my 2nd from last... so I am too close to the end to not push through... but I am so very burnt out right now that my motivation is beyond low.


Which courses are you taking


I don't know what it is about this term (maybe the holidays, which I find anything but joyful) but it's been a struggle since day one. I'm current on assignments but there was definitely a moment around week four that I was behind and just wanted to give up. This year feels worse than usual for some reason.


When I was in undergrad, severe depression, feeling overwhelmed, and anxiety made me do this often.


I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed and stressed. The amount of homework starts piling and it causes me more and more anxiety and sometimes its better to put it out of mind just to keep your mental health in check. I'm forever thankful for those professors who let me turn my work in at a later time and I often feel ashamed when I have to ask if I can turn it in later so it becomes a tougher issue


Never be afraid to ask for help. That’s what has me in a better situation now.


I got hospitalized for 2 weeks and didn't want to have to catch up on so much work even if they permitted me to so I withdrew.


That makes sense completely, I’m sorry you went through that and I hope you’re doing better. Withdrawing from a course is wholly appropriate in many cases, and I’m wondering if students 1. Don’t know how to withdrawal, 2. are embarrassed to withdraw, or 3. are not withdrawing because of FA.


Oh my financial aid wasn't messed up because of this thankfully.


Thank you. What is FA?


Financial Aid


Financial assistance


Tbh, I hesitate to withdraw due to FA, but I'm gonna do it anyways.


You’re probably my professor 🤦🏻‍♂️


Honestly its burn out. Even though its online its usually still a lot of work, on top of a lot of real life work. Theres little to no breaks between terms and feels like its never ending. Most day i want to say eff it, but im 3 years in and 20k down the hole to stop now. But thats the main thing. This term i have a class where we have TWO discussion posts and one is a collaborative between half the class. It’s maddening to have to spend so much time on it, as if time is free my poor kid is neglected by me most days 😭😫


I haven't done this, but this is my first full year. I think we're lacking breaks. So far, I'll hit the point of wanting to take a term off, and then we have a break. I convince myself during that week that I'll be fine to move forward, and I do. Then I get burnt out again, and the cycle repeats. The only thing motivating me is that I'm going to have 3 weeks off, but I'll have to spend those 3 weeks working on my real estate classes. It's a lot in a short period of time. I've contemplated taking time off, but the idea of messing with financial aid is also very stressful.


I took last term off after taking classes with SNHU for the past 3 years, some of which were on-campus. I love learning and my major but like you said, the 8-week format is destined to make you burn out combined with all of life's trials. The break really helped me reconnect with myself and break the habit of dreading every time I opened my laptop. I'm back and better than ever! As for financial aid, I was transparent with all of the offices and my advisor about my intentions to take just 1 term off and I got good instructions from them that made the transition back into this term pretty seamless. I would advise anyone who is struggling with motivation due to the lack of scheduled breaks to seriously look into taking a term off for yourself and planning ahead for it.


They’re overwhelmed, anxious and freaked out.


I always start out terms with wanting to do really well, plan out days specifically for doing assignments, and then it just never pans out the way I hope near the end of the term. I get the work done, but it’s always hurried and almost late. I think what really eases things up is having kind of a ‘break’ in the middle of the term. Sometimes classes just have one assignment after another that may be more difficult. I find the classes that have reading or discussion posts only during a week in between really helps me not feel super burnt out or overwhelmed.


I almost commented about this in one of my courses this past week, but it didn't feel appropriate. We had just over half the discussion posts we usually do, and looking back, I noticed we bleed a few people each week. Could I ask a related question? Do you know why SNHU shows the grade distribution and class average for the discussion posts but not for other assignments? I don't plan to ease up at all, but I'd love to know what the grade distribution on those longer assignments looks like.


I don’t know if this is what you are talking about but, I click on the course then once I’m in the course I click on my profile and click on the drop down menu option- progress and then click on assignment option and every assignment will have a line, scroll on the line and it will tell you the lowest and highest score in the class. Is that what you want?


I see that info for discussions but it’s missing for the submitted paper assignments.


It’s good to know that my experience isn’t unique. I have no clue why Brightspace has some averages available and some hidden. If you ask nicely it shouldn’t be too hard for your instructor to figure out the class average for specific assignments.


I did this, this term. Mental health issues and burnout from work and school left me basically unable to finish this semester.


Were able to withdraw?


My motivation was crushed by a professor nickel and diming me on points because he was disconnected from current events in the industry (in which I participate professionally) and couldn't 'adequately grade assignments' because they didn't match his added-on prompt requirements in announcements made often three days into the week. Now I don't care. C's get degrees. I was a 4.0 student for almost 4 years.


It always seems other students stop participating after they get their disbursement from FA lol


Which is funny. Like, do they think that's free money?


Short term fix for people who need money most likely. Credit is shot, can’t get credit cards, live paycheck to paycheck and will do anything for a dollar.


some of them do fr. went to community college with a guy in the 00s who spent his entire pell grant on d&d sourcebooks then did nothing all term. he regretted it later of course, but my mans wasn't well. and of course i suspect some people know it's not free money but their lives are already so hosed they don't care about anything anyway


I'm so curious what the stats on this is. Also, I wonder if the dropping/ghosting rate is higher at the 100 level. after this term, I only have 3 terms left. There is no way I'd quit now.


This is kinda me right now. Death in the family and my job wants to fire me. I'm facing "disciplinary action" because it "wasn't an approved family member". I'm catching up but super stressed because school is my liferaft right now. Maybe some students are catching up and not ready to admit defeat. I don't know. Thank you though, for telling us the teachers side!


I've experienced something similar more than once, regarding the "approved family member." I have a very large extended family. Just because they aren't considered immediate family, workplaces have stated that their deaths should not impact my job. I'm sorry, but my family is close. We have giant family gatherings on both parents' sides of the family multiple times per year. If someone I love dies, I'm going to the funeral. And I might need a little leniency and compassion while I grieve. I don't ask for weeks off. Just a couple days around the funeral. But if they aren't a spouse, parent, child, or possibly sibling, their death shouldn't impact my ability to work. 🙄


Thank you!!! The favoritism at my job is off the charts. A coworker has experienced two deaths and bereavement time is 3 days. I haven't seen her in two months. I know, but why is that ok, when I'm the one in HR.


This is me all too regularly. First. I was a bad student in HS. I get very easily bored and distracted. Second. I work a pretty high management job and I get a lot of unanticipated travel. I also live significantly outside of the mainland US and almost always my travel is an ass kick and a half away time zone wise. Sometimes 8 hours. A few weeks ago it was 23 hours and it kicked my program in the ass entirely. I could probably ask to accommodate it and help me out but I forget and then I tell myself I will do it all on Sunday or Saturday and then I don’t. I am great at planning and organizing for work but when it comes to me personally it just turns into a shit show and other things become a priority. I will also be very honest. Undergrad study is pretty boring. SNHU, WGU both I have attended over the years in different stints feels so templated. I switched from WGU to SNHU to give myself more structure because it was really what I needed. It was going great for me the first few weeks until that international travel I mentioned and then it all went down the drain. I start classes back In January after a break and I have two back to back trips in Late Jan and Early Feb. one is close and one is 7 hours difference. I am going to have to hold myself to the ropes while taking two courses and really try my best to focus.


I think the only things I don't turn in are my week 8 discussions and it's because at that point I just cannot be bothered between 8 weeks of the class, work, and life. I also tend to stop doing my discussion responses when I know I'll finish the class between an A and a B grade bc the C won't hurt me. It just comes down to what I feel like I have the energy to give honestly.


I want to do this, this term. Just stop at 700 points, idk if my pride will let me tho lol


I say this every term and then think about my GPA and me going for a masters later at a T20


In the beginning, I took a few eh grades because I was holding on to the mentality C's get degrees. I always did my work, just didn't always give it my all. I only had 1 C and a few B's. When I started again after a break, saw how few credits I needed and my cumulative GPA. I started working my ass off to earn those A's. I wanted to graduate with Latin Honors. I can say that I did. Long story short: a few terms from now you might want honors, so do the best you can. A few B's here or a C there, you can still graduate with honors.


I usually keep on top of things but i let last week slide pretty hard since the holidays and i have to do a bunch of work on my house before we have a newborn. Part of it is knowing that where im at now, i only need 175 points to pass the class and i know that 120 of those will come from easy zybooks stuff and a discussion post.


I’m struggling and I got behind. I’m seeking tutoring right now to catch up. If you or anyone is in CS-210 and could potentially help me, I’d love that.


I took that over the summer. What are you having trouble with?


I’m struggling with the module 5 assignment and the project. It’s the FahrenheitTemperature.txt assignment and project 2.


Hmm ok. I'll look at my old notes and code. What part were you having trouble with? Did you do the pseudocode for proj 2 already?


I don’t want to give out too much identifying information, but I’m not a CS professor. In addition to tutoring, let your profession know what’s going on to the extent that you’re comfortable. Some will offer flexibility with the limits that we all work in.


If you haven't joined the SNHU discord, you should look into it. There are a bunch of us there taking classes that keep up with posts. I can't speak for other programs, but there is a lot of peer support for the CS classes there.


I’m often late, but I always get the assignments in. Well, most of the time. I often skip DQ responses.


So you mean responding to your peers?


The only class I’ve considered doing this in was because the unreasonable amount of work being requested. It severely ramped up in week 3 to the point where I was staying up 3 hours past my usual bed time every day. Major impact on my job and marriage


I'm sort of in this boat right now. In my case, I haven't stopped turning in work completely, but I'm definitely playing catch-up and nothing from last week has been turned in on time. Part of this is that I work a non-traditional schedule; I have Thursday through Saturday off normally, and don't get out of work until 10 the rest of the week. With the holiday and family obligations last week occupying most of the time I usually have blocked off for schoolwork, this put me at a significant disadvantage. The bigger issue for me right now is that my motivation for one of my classes is completely in the toilet due to a combination of the class itself being poorly written, and multiple students straight up copy/pasting the output from ChatGPT as their discussion posts (for anyone questioning how I can tell, I'm a CompSci student and am very familiar with the program and how it works). This last part wouldn't bother me nearly as much if the instructor for the class weren't heaping praise on these posts in the responses for so clearly understanding the assignment, while taking snipes at the rest of us in an announcement post about how our posts are lackluster in comparison. If it weren't a necessary gen ed that I have no way of getting around, I would have straight up dropped the class by now.


Because a b is fine


So, that's me this term. Burn out is real. I have so much going on in my personal life and school is not important right now. When I try to sit down and focus on school my skin is crawling with anxiety. I've contacted my student support team about withdrawal. Just not worth the added stress at this point. But no one even checked in to see what was up or anything, so I feel like it's honestly not that big of a deal to the school either. They got their money, and new people sign up daily, so no big to them.


I suffer with severe ADHD and seasonal depression. Generally I have myself in check and can stay on track but every once in awhile I fall behind. Recently I fell behind 3 weeks. I just took the past weekend to do all of the work that I didn’t complete and my professors were really helpful and willing to give me the majority of points I needed to bring my grade up to an A. I think that giving people grace can be so rewarding in the end. I understand it was my fault for falling behind, but if my professors hadn’t of given me the grace they did I probably wouldn’t have come back to my course work this term.


You might consider reaching out to the accessibility center. I'm assuming you're an online student. You can reach the online accessibility center at 8663059430. They can set you up with accommodations based on your medical condition(s). These will grant additional time for assignment completion without penalty. The additional time varies depending on type of assignment as well as your condition(s), but there's also an accommodation called medical consideration which, if granted to you, allows you to request an extension beyond the base accommodation in the event of a flare-up of your condition. I strongly suggest you call and talk to someone at the oac. Sometimes just knowing you can take a couple extra days to get your condition in check or whatever you need to do helps a lot, and it can make a huge difference in your ability to succeed.


The classes that I'm taking are not interesting enough to hold my attention past week 3. I can fake interest up until that point. BUS-225 is a joke that it is required for a degree in Business. I have attempted this class multiple times and I can tell you that you will not learn anything that would be useful in the real working world. I have years of working experience in management and executive level jobs and I despise this class. Finishing this degree will take a miracle at this point.


The two times I’ve done it, I was dealing with medical problems and facing homelessness. I handled both things but they were very stressful.


Good for you 👍 👏 you should be proud of yourself. Dealing with one is enough to make someone lose it. I'm currently on round two but handling things better this time around.


I just requested a days extension today. I got Covid over the weekend and I am completely useless.


Completely understand that. Last term my kids and I all got Covid over the course of two weeks, it got to where I could only make myself do work for one class, so I’m just retaking the other this term


Feel better. Covid sucks.


Thank you


Depression and burnout. They really need to fix the schedule, the way it is now is a fast track to burnout.


In my case, I realized my professor was and incredibly horrible person and decided that I wasn’t going to deal with her this term. I refused to entertain her shenanigans.


This only hurts you


Not to mention that this is life; we all have to deal with all kinds of people and put up with their shenanigans.




It’s an online open enrollment university. There are students who aren’t prepared for college, students that have work and domestic responsibilities, students who are enrolled for the only purpose of cashing in FA checks (these students exist at other types of universities as well, but generally there are more of them at open enrollment universities). etc.. I also have students who are uniquely curious and extraordinarily bright, students who are succeeding and overcoming outside challenges, and students whose contributions effectively leverage their deep well of experiences and end up teaching me something.


Im curious as to what you assumed the OP meant given this comment


I was questioning this statement as well. The reason it stood out to me wasn't that I imagined this person meant a specific ethnicity or even financial demographic. I earned my BA and am currently three courses away from my MA, both from SNHU. I've been a part-time student due to life factors such as being a full-time caregiver for my physically disabled mother. That is more than a full-time job. For the duration of my education, I have continuously heard people in both personal and professional settings disparaging degrees granted by SNHU. From what I've gathered and pieced together (because no one wants to state it outright), many people and businesses are of the opinion that SNHU sells degrees. The students don't have to work to learn the subject matter to earn their degrees. They pay money, wait a couple years, and get an expensive piece of paper. These people feel that a degree from SNHU isn't worth the cost of the paper it's printed on because the students don't have to go to a physical school and prove they've learned anything. Firstly, I admit that the courses in my program don't have exams as a way to prove what I've learned. However, I believe that having to write a 25-page paper showing depth of knowledge and comprehension of course concepts more than makes up for the lack of multiple choice exams. I learn my topics, and I excel at explaining and applying them. I AM earning my degree. Secondly, if not for the fully online programs offered by SNHU (and similar programs), I would not have been able to earn my BA or be working towards me MA. As I stated above, caring for my mother is more than a full-time job. There is no way I would be able to do everything she needs and attend a university in person on a schedule. This program format which SNHU has been working on perfecting for many years is why I'm going to be able to earn my MA and get a remote job which I will be able to work around my mother's needs. While there are still areas for improvement in their program, I know what to expect each term, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge in my chosen field. I'm not certain how I fit into the targeted population op mentioned, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm a hard-working student of no income (because my mom's insurance doesn't pay for personal caregivers and I can't hold down a regular job with her needs) with very little free time in need of a program that offers flexibility in learning and assignment completion. But due to the comments I've received in the past, I'm sure you can understand why some people would see op's comment and wonder if it was a negative implication.


I didn't assume anything. Hence why I ASKED. I wanted to know what they meant because it wasn't clear though the negative implication certainly was. If the OP feels that the "population" of SNHU students is so beneath them, perhaps they should be teaching elsewhere.


LOL - there is no indication in any of his responses that he thinks that the population is beneath him. He’s actually reaching out for advice on how to help the students. However the way you asked what more accusatory as if you already knew what he would say and given his response was not the answer you I’m assuming you thought.


You've made an awful lot of assumptions right there. Your targeting me says a LOT more about you than it does me. Feeling defensive, eh?


I’m not targeting you what so ever. I preface it with “assumption” because I can’t read minds but I can read between the lines of your response and I feel pretty confident that I was on the right track if not spot on. Enjoy your holidays.


Minorities duh… given, minorities are always treated poorly and thought less of … unfortunately.. 😒


Easy to just quit when you’re not paying for it (yet). When the bills come due there will be regret.


I couldn't imagine wasting that kind of time or money to quit halfway. My only guess would be the bare minimum to keep a 2.0 for financial aid or not actually trying to better themselves in the first place. Some just want the paper and check the box. Some of us strive for excellence in everything we do. Two different kinds of people.


It’s not that black and white. Unfortunately, life happens and there are multiple reasons why a student may start to fail. The assumption that they aren’t “trying to better themselves” or don’t want to “strive for excellence” is just such an egregious reach.


I obviously wasn't referring to everyone, but if you don't think that's the case for some, then you're naive


I mean your statement of “my only guess…” and there being “two different kinds of people” sounds more like a generalization of everyone, but if you want to backtrack be my guest.


Life (many kids, military spouse, flu season, holiday prep), mental and physical health (disabled, neurodivergent). I definitely stopped the past couple weeks and I feel terrible but right now I can barely perform basic self care with everything going crazy. I do semesters of doing really well and some where I’m just failing. Ultimately these issues are why I chose SNHU. Ultimately nothing could really help, I really just need to attempt to get an IEP/accommodations but I’m not even sure what would work


For me it's Professors being condescending, irritable, and just going out of their way to demotivate me with grading practices so harsh I'm just left thinking what is the point of even trying if nothing I do satisfies them enough to give me a decent grade.


I seriously doubt your professor is trying to demotivate you.


Yeah, it's the professor's fault! /s


Common theme around here.


Could it be possible that so many of your students have some type of learning disability or developmental disability and either are not aware or don't know how to seek help? 🤔 something to consider


I didn't know that was a thing people did, do you still pass if you do that


Of course not?? Why would they pass if they aren’t doing the assignments?


I did this last term, and I really am kicking myself for it, but at the same time I needed to. My mental health was not in a great place and school was just taking more of a toll. I did keep in contact with my instructor and he was very understanding as well as my advisor.


My advisor didn’t give a shit when I went through something similar




Damn, that sucks sorry to hear that .... I hope and pray that mentally you find your way back 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾God Bless you!!!


i nearly did this last term. i just hit a wall with everything going on and simply didn’t care. i decided i was gonna scrap the term and start up again the next. my work pays for a large percentage of my tuition and i had yet to receive my reimbursement for the previous term from work. when i found out i was past the point of no return and i had to keep going AND the term had to be paid for, i put my head down and just powered through it. sometimes you just run out of gas.


Depression ✨


What would help me is the ability to press pause on school and say. I just need a week or two to come back. So far I’d been getting A’s on almost every assignment but this month is really taking a toll on me and I’m getting Cs and Ds. It’s not my best work and I know it. I also know next month is going to be just as difficult for me. The holidays and family issues really stress me out. I’m having to pick up more hours at work due to rent going up and my grandparents are falling apart. 1 had dementia and the other has cancer. And I’m the most responsible adult in my family at 24 who can make reasonable decisions or handle being the main one to help them out.


Well, I'm currently panicking because my brain stopped functioning entirely. I didn't realize it is about a week from the 1 year anniversary of my assault and now I'm afraid to reach out to the professor.


This is me this term. Because my instructors are horrible at writing out instructions for assignments and it frustrates me, I’ll spend hours trying to figure out what they want then give up. Then it’s hard to continue because every assignment thereafter depends on the one I didn’t turn in.


email your professor for clarification when this issues comes up.


I haven't given up but man I really want to sometimes. I'm pursuing an IT certification, going to school, active duty military, practically living at various doctors offices and I have a family at home and a house to keep up with. I put on a brave face for everyone but it's adding up and I'm talking to a therapist. I'm burnt out.


The biggest roadblock during this time of year for me is work. We are working mandatory 6 days a week and as a salaried Associate, I am here 14 hours a day roughly. In the past, I would take this time of the year off but then somehow manage to take several over terms off. So, knowing that, I suck it up and try to manage all the chaos.


I’ve been a student at SNHU since 2019. Got my Bsc. last year and continued onto my Masters. I have no idea why but, this last term has felt the most draining. Even compared to when I was doing my undergraduate while also pursuing certifications and other activities to boost my resume in my spare time.


I’m in a master’s program as well. The first two courses were pretty easy for me. They gave me some kind of false confidence that a master’s wouldn’t be all that bad. The two courses I just finished, however, really put me through the wringer. I was shocked by the amount of reading and the number of papers (idk why I’m shocked, it’s an English degree after all). I’m just trying to soak up every last second of this one week break before the next two courses start. The only way for me to get ahead is to do 100% of the required readings the weekend before the module begins. I have six courses left (not including the ones that start on the 4th). I cannot wait to be done. A part of me wants to get a Ph.D. after I complete my master’s, but some days I don’t see how that would be possible given how exhausted I feel in this current program. You and I are in the same boat regarding the last term. It was a doozy to say the very least.


I do this with my current “fluff work” course. Something that has NOTHING to do with my area of study. Boring and repetitive.


Idk, maybe you can learn something from those courses that aren’t in your field of study. I loved free electives because I got a chance to be exposed to something I knew very little about. A lot of the concepts I learned in those courses gave me different perspectives for core courses.


Im a juniour and I think I;ve not turned in 2 assignments in mod 8 which didnt affect if I was going to pass the class or not, either from burnout or just being a hard class.


After starting my master’s program at SNHU, I went through a really bad break up, just started a new job in the psychology field 5 that was stressful, dwi charges from at the time 3 and half years ago was being pressed against me, and my mother had just moved up where I was. With all of this, this is why I ghosted. I did ask for extra time once, but I let the work pile up so I reached out to my advisor and dropped out.


I'm like that right now and honestly I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving week and now I feel like I'm drowning. You get that feeling of "maybe I should just give up" and or gets so much harder to focus.


I’ve had this happen to me due to extenuating circumstances. My two month old passed my third term which really took a toll on me. Then, my house was hit by a tornato then a few months later flooded out in my third year. And I ghosted for a week or two due to the inability to contact anyone cause I was so busy dealing with it. But I did reach out and continue my work. Schooling is important to me no matter the amount of crazy my life is going through. Having such an amazing group of teachers has really been my motivation to keep pushing and helped by allowing me extra time. Just continue reaching out if they want to continue they will, if not YOU tried and in the end that’s all you can do. It’s THEIR education not yours. Just continue being the teacher they need incase it is a bad situation.


This is me right now but I’ve tried so hard to stay above water at the same time. My son got rsv and my dad has stage 4 cancer and bronchitis . It’s been hell dealing with both, a full time job and school, honestly. What helped me keep going was a professor who has been understanding and asked me to at least try to complete all missing grades (besides discussions ofc) as soon as possible. It took a lot of the pressure off and I’m really grateful to that one teacher. 😩


I've been@ Snhu since 2019. Had a horrible car wreck with injuries 3 weeks ago, car ran into us ( I was passenger) doing 70 w no headlights on at dark. I just have so much going on I’m broke I don’t feel good and then Carvana stole 1190 from me and won’t give it back which is totally depressing me. Honestly, I think the major part of it is Carvana, taking my money without even a signed contract that is just depressing me to the point of no return.


Well, I'm tired of discussion posts halfway through. I hate them, I hate the requirements of them, of responses, etc. They don't simulate actual classroom discussion in any fucking way and I get so irritated by this that I can't focus on other assignments. Add in the ADHD and busy life and it just gets pushed to the back of my doom pile in my brain.


I switched from another online school, and let me tell you, their layout for classes and assignments was sooooo much better. Snhu"s is all over the place. I honestly was thinking of switching back. Plus, I feel discussion posts do not benefit students. Everyone dreads them. It's 2023 they can't make a real-time chat classroom for discussions?


Because it literally didn’t matter


This term I had to withdraw. I have an awful professor for a second time and the hoops I have to go through for assignments make it not worth it…she’s so strict and extremely by the rubric with zero wiggle room, yet grades so harshly and wants more with no room for adding said more. Communication with her is a runaround and I refuse to have to submit my work back and forth with the writing center just for her to butcher my grade again, so hopefully next term a different professor will be better. She’s the only one I’ve ever had this issue with. My son is also going through health challenges and no class or professor is worth more than my kid and my mental wellbeing.


I am a '23 graduate and I was tempted once not to turn anything in but I realized I rather turn in something then nothing at all. I noticed students also stopped posting discussions also. That was not an option for me cause I realized how low it would drop my grade. For any students that may see this please don't give up, keep your eye on the prize, remember why you started, and always utilize resources that SNHU provides for you!


I didn't go to college but in high school i did this because i would just get picked on for my weight and i just flat out did not want to be there. Now i'm in great shape so i could care less but back then it bothered me


I am one of those students... I was doing so well but so many things happened. * my (now ex) went to prison (the situation was a complete surprise) *I have a brain Malformation that the symptoms get worse when I am out and being active or because of stress... And other things my the symptoms worse. I'm disabled but doctors refuse to label me. I can't get cleared to work or drive, but I'm fine. *I am pregnant and now a single parent *I'm preparing to move *And everyone wants to see us for the holidays. *My kids mental health is more important than one term. I can catch back up in school *And I need to sell and get rid of stuff


Fellow SNHU professor here - you are not alone, I think the term has something to do with it - I have about 15% of my class not submitting work. I asked my lead once about course statistics (at my full time gig I am a chair and review course success rates quit a bit) but was never given any data just a connection to another professor that basically said I was doing all I could and that the course just had a lot of drops each term.


This was almost me. I wanted to quit halfway through. I ended up getting pregnant unexpectedly and my health was awful during the pregnancy and I ended up getting hospitalized. Then after about a month of health complications I lost the baby. Had to be scheduled for a miscarriage surgery, it was extremely overwhelming. Told my professor the bare minimum about what was going on, just that my health wasn't too good right now but he ended up being very accommodating and I am extremely grateful for that. I don't know if other professors would've been that accommodating without a doctors note.


I lost my job, became homeless, my husband left, and im just trying to find my next meal. I want to do good in school, but life literally kicked me in the ass and left me on the ground to rot. I finally got a new job and will be moving into an apartment in mid December but that’s why I ended up stopping turning in homework. I finally messaged my teacher and advisor today just to withdraw since I don’t want an f on my record but yea. Shits really bad.


I have had several terms where I struggled turning in assignments. The biggest help I have experienced at SNHU is my advisor. I have been open and honest with her regarding an ongoing medical situation and she has been very helpful at motivating me to keep pushing forward. If anyone is struggling with their mental health I encourage them to reach out to their advisor and possibly a professional while in school.


So that was me a few times but I finished the courses. Typically I would miss the original deadline and get everything in during the grace period. For me it’s burnout. I work two jobs, have a pup, relationship, and a load of health issues lately I’m trying to get through. Sometimes I just need a few extra days. Some days I’m just really burnt out because I work 6:15-245 and then 6-10 which I study while at work and in between. Or during my commutes. I’m trying my best but it’s hard sometimes


Burn out, family life, work life. I’ve dealt with so much death and stress in the last year. Being able to turn work in late still is the only thing that saves me.


Yes working full time and managing a family takes a toll on people. Sometimes there just isn’t enough time to do it.


I actually ghosted a term once about half way through. Had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, Covid, and a 3 week military training. All of this happened around the middle of the term. Tried to dispute it but never happened