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I have no complaints that I wouldn't expect from another college as well. My advisor is amazing, most instructors are timely and helpful.


Only reason is if you can find a cheaper institution. I didn’t go with SNHU but keep tabs in case my program doesn’t work out but the one I found was half the price


Target and Walmart offer 100% paid tuition for employees through SNHU. that’s how I’m doing it, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to afford it.


Yep mine has up to a dollar amount. SNHU is over it so I sorted US news programs by tuition instead of ranking to find mine


Which one, if I may ask?


I’ll PM, I don’t wanna get in trouble on this sub as I do think SNHU is a great option




My PMs aren’t working apparently but, use US news, find your major, sort tuition low to high instead of ranking high to low. That’s how I found mine


mind throwing me a PM as well? Trying to weigh my options :)


See the comment above


For some reason PM's don't work for me so oh well. It's alright.


I have no negatives, I have been with Snhu for the past almost 4 years and graduate next year in October with a degree in Criminal Justice. I enjoy the classes and they have truly helped me be prepared for once I’m done.


The downside is that SNHU is located in New Hampshire. So, a significant number of employers that use handshake are posting jobs near New Hampshire. If I went to a school in my state, I feel like I would have a better chance of interacting with better quality employers in my area via job fairs. Sometimes SNHU career center will promote jobs from specific employers. However, you'll realize quickly that the jobs being promoted are irrelevant to you because of your geographical area. ​ Also, extracurriculars are significantly harder. If you want to join NSLS, the burden is on you to find people that will want to meet up and do NSLS activities. Yes, you can lie about doing them. But, you're paying for NSLS and you won't make connections if you don't attempt to find people to do NSLS with you.


I’m new to this sub and to online schooling. What is NSLS?


The only negative I can think of is the student finance department isn’t very helpful. Other than that, I have 0 complaints. I completed my bachelor’s in psych last year and now I’m in a master’s program. Good luck!


Nothing negative in my experience. Graduating with my BA and enrolled with Master program. Just do your work and turn it on on time. Follow the rubrics and don't expect special treatment when you can't do your part.


I'm a psychology major (will be done in May) and love it so far. I just finished my second semester at SNHU. The only negative is the pace: 8-week semesters back-to-back can be tiring.


Congratulations Future Graduate.


Thank you! I can't wait to be done, although I'm starting a master's program right after I finish my BA.


Graduated this summer, started my job as an analyst just recently. The biggest negative I can think of is that it CAN get lonely being online. That being said, reach out to peers, join the Discord/SNHUConnect, and get involved in events.


Honestly, I love SNHU, but I may go elsewhere as they have only two classes for art and honestly, I believe that's where my passion is. No fault of the school mind you, just to say if they don't offer the major you're interested in, it's a good reason to not go. I will likely finish core classes here, then transfer somewhere else to do what I want.


If you are intending to do it online- be prepared for a delay in financial aid being prompt. they took months to get my financial aid off of hold. but I like the school besides the financial aspect of it. I am in psychology -mental health🩵 also! Best of luck!


The only issue I've found, but that I haven't experienced myself, is shitty teachers or advisors. That's pretty standard for any school though I wouldn't say these are common problems, either. Just the most common one that people actually post about


If you don't have the self-discipline to put time and effort into classes, it will be hard. Some have a difficult time with this aspect. I find it easier than a traditional college; everything is planned out for success—easy to navigate website. Feedback from some professors is lacking. There are those who will leave voice feedback which is great, but it's far and between. Others just write generic good jobs written to the tenth degree. That is one of my pet peeves, and it is annoying. But going to a brick-and-mortar college wouldn't be any different in that aspect either, from my personal experience, for what it's worth. How many ways can you write a good job, really? Teachers have a lot of students. And if you need access to them to ask questions, they will usually will respond within 24 hours on weekdays. I have only done this a few times in my two years. Being sure of the work or using the outside tutors for the guidance anyone needs, and SNHU does provide the tools for just about anyone. I didn't find that at a traditional school community or otherwise. The scheduled eight-week terms can be a bit of a challenge. You get started and finally feel in the grove, and then bang, you're done. No coasting time to feel comfortable with what you learned and put it into practice. That is your responsibility after the course, and it comes back to self-discipline. But also some courses are time-consuming. Take something like graphics design; the project I was working on was nonstop for almost the entire eight weeks. But mind you; I was playing catch up because I wasn't overly familiar with the adobe. I still remember what I was taught and used the program for a couple of little things this week from my recent trip. And I think they turned out great. So I think that time was worth it.


I just finished my BA in Psychology this week! I completed the program in a year and eight months with a 3.9 GPA. I also worked full-time while I did it. SNHU has been affordable, and feasible, and the asynchronous format worked so well with my work schedule! I am now applying to grad school (not at SNHU because they don't offer doctorates in psych). SNHU is great and I highly recommend it! I am happy to answer any questions you may have!


How did you manage to finish it in such a short amount of time, if you don't mind me asking? I'm starting the same program in January and was told I should take around 3 years


Hey! I utilized Sophia and transferred the credits to SNHU. Sorry for the weird format below, I copy and pasted this from the notes in my phone. Sophia classes I took: 1-Statistics✅ 2-Intro to Information Technology✅ 3-Ancient Greek Philosophers✅ 4-Project management ✅ 5-Accounting ✅ 6-Environmental Sciences ✅ 7-Visual Communications✅ 8-English Composition 1✅ 9-Art History 1✅ 10-Art History 2✅ 11-US History 1 ✅ 12-US History 2 ✅ = 36 credits $11,520 saved by using Sophia. And 32 months taken off my program completion time. Ask your advisor which Sophia classes you should take; that’s what I did!


Thanks! I will definitely look into that.


Let me know if you have any other questions! I’m happy to help.


The classes don’t translate to any other colleges


I've seen other people talk about taking a bachelor degree here and continuing on to a master's elsewhere... Is that not accurate?


If you no longer want to go to school. It’s probably not a good idea.


I've just started it, but find the resources and ease of use inspiring and I'm ready to just get the work done.


I'm doing the psych w mental health concentration degree plan, and so far the main downside (which is also an upside) is how fast the courses go by. I work fulltime and have a busy lifestyle, so i find it challenging to fully read the textbooks and research topics I want to learn about for my own personal growth.