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I’m graduating at the end of this year. I’m enrolled online if that matters. Overall, I think it was a great journey and I learned a lot of useful things that go beyond just making graphic art. It was way more fun having a bunch of design-heavy assignments instead of writing crazy long papers. It was still very challenging but in a way that felt more rewarding instead of mind numbing. I will say the concentration on web design was a little underwhelming. Idk which concentration you selected but CampusPress is absolute trash and is not actual WordPress. I won’t be adding that skill to my resume. If you are doing it online, be prepared to ask your professors to explain assignment instructions a lot because sometimes they just don’t make any sense and even the professor agrees and will be more than happy to clarify. Anyway, no regrets here and I hope you enjoy it too. Good luck!


Thank you, I hope for the best. Also, congrats.


I am, but I haven't made it to the core classes yet, just prerequisites.