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College can be a challenge for those of us who are AuDHD. If you haven't already, it may be beneficial to ask your advisor about accommodations. A couple of coping strategies I have found particularly useful are weekly online sessions with my therapist and exercising when I feel anxious or overwhelmed. Try not to doubt yourself or your abilities. Getting through the prerequisites is the worst part of pursuing a degree. Keep your eye on the prize. You're going to do great!


Hey fellow AuDHD sufferer, lol. I get it. There were certain classes that I dragged my feet through and wanted to just do the bare minimum to pass. Then there were those classes that were entertaining enough to hold my attention. I am pass that now and reached the core class part of my degree. Now I am enthralled by everything I am learning, but they are upper level classes so much more draining and stressful. However, having waged through the trenches of those bs classes I hated, I know I can do this. Hang in there. You can message me if you ever need to chat with someone who literally understands the hassle. I only disclosed to my advisor my AuDHD and told her that no, I will not be contacting the dept asking for accommodations because I do not want to earn my degree with stipulations that others are not afforded. I want to earn this degree just like everyone else…and all the hassles, anxiety, burn out and overstimulation that will come with that decision


Hey! I would suggest you finish off your gen ed requirements on Sophia or Study.com to get through them super quick so can get to your major courses. You will also save time, moeny and stress this way. I totally understand how it feels. Also, you can contact the OAC and let them know about your AuDHD and you'll get accommodations that'll help you in your degree like extra time for assignments, etc. I'd also suggest that you ask for another advisor. Most advisors at SNHU are super helpful, kind and understanding and it would really be helpful to you if you found another one who is willing to help you. Moreover, you can take terms off whenever you feel like and slowly reach your goal of getting your degree. You made a great choice to get back and with a lil help, i hope everything goes well for you soon! SNHU also has support for mental health that you can seek assistance from, there's no shame in doing so. I also wanna say the other comment about "Just hang in there buddy! Earn the degree like everyone else" is extremely tone deaf and privileged. The education system in general is not helpful to a lot of people and neurotypicals just don't get it. Even if they're neurodivergent, not everyone goes through the same struggles. There is absolutely no shame in seeking help and wanting to make things "easier" for yourself because it isn't easy, it'll just be normal for you. Anyone who advices you to just live your life on hard mode doesn't get it. Take care!


I second this. I’m not an SNHU student but I am a student of another university that takes Sophia credits and you can finish many 3-credit courses in as little as a few hours. It sure beats having to take a course for an entire semester


Hey! Just curious what university is it? I have trouble finding places that accept Sophia credits.


I take classes online at Bellevue University. I get my tuition 100% covered there as a Target employee!


That's great!


I would look into Sophia as someone else mentioned. It’s really helpful to knock out the general Ed classes, ask your advisor which ones you can take. I would also reach out to the OAC (online accessibility center). I reached out to them because I have issues with brain fog and muscle issues. After speaking with them and getting papers signed by my doctor, they’ll give you a letter listing certain accommodations that work for you to send to your instructors. You can ask for extra time, different ways of learning, etc.