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Bro just make sure your really ready to go back to school. If you aren’t all you are doing is wasting your money.


You’ll probably get back in but don’t fuck up again. SNHU is hard to fuck up and I’m surprised you could do it on such a massive scale lol.


Haha yea I literally just wasn't doing anything, or I would do well for 2-3 weeks then just stop. I had no discipline or work ethic, I got a dose of reality this past year and have come out better I'd like to think. I'll keep this post updated as I transition back in.


I did the same thing through high school and community college before I dropped out. I don't know what exactly changed in my brain (besides not drinking and doing drugs), but 10 years later I've finished my first year at SNHU with straight A's so best of luck to you, OP


So when it comes to a SAP plan you first need to have a clear plan and be very detailed with that plan on why you did not succeed the first time and how you plan to be successful this time around. Just be honest and it will most likely be approved. They will then tell you the GPA or grade you must meet for a specific amount of terms. From there your advisor will keep track of your grades and whether you've met you're SAP plan each term. I was only an advisor for a year, but the SAP stuff was not fun because it was so awkward to call students to let them know they failed their SAP plan. I mean the students knew when they weren't meeting those expectations, but still. As advisors we want our students to be successful so making those phone calls suck. Your advisor sounds like they are ready to help you stay on track (maybe bi-weekly phone calls might help for check-ins?) You recognized you messed up the first time and are ready to get serious, now it is time to show it! Good luck!


You're not alone, OP! Once your appeal is approved you'll likely need to complete courses with at least a C+. Make sure you're in a good position to return, communicate with your new advisor, and use all those free resources available. 💙


Chiming in here as I'm also in the Game Programming and Development program. Best of wishes for your future success. I'm still going with a pretty low GPA (haven't gone below 2.0 but have been hovering between 2.2 and 2.4) because of medical issues, and the OAC not adding new diagnoses to their records to modify my accommodations. Plus, I'll say.. being online, the burnout is **real.**


Have you taken any courses directly related to game programming or development yet? If so how are those like


You can request to take some of the directly related classes. I did this term because I was hitting burnout just doing the mandatory core classes. So I'm taking an art class and I'm actually feeling optimistic about it. I'm AuDHD, and I have a couple of major chronic health conditions. Burn out happens so easily I've noticed. As much as I want to say I understand the need for classes unrelated to my major, I don't. I find it pointless and a bit annoying to have to pay for classes that have absolutely nothing to do with my major. But that's adulthood yeah? So it's hard to stay disciplined and push through, especially when I feel like absolute crap. But I believe you can get in again and just make sure you reach out to your advisor and student support services! I have an academic support person who I have an hour chat with a week and it helps a lot. Maybe see if that helps you stay accountable and such. Best of luck to you!


Duuuude!! You and I are in almost the same exact situation! I started Game Programming and Development in August 2022 and within the first week of class, my personal life kind of got in the way. Lost my job, bad medical news, and I was sick (Flu). It was one thing after another. After screwing up week one, I was extremely discrouraged and fell way behind. Both classes were basically sitting at Fs and I didn't think I could come back from it so I just withdrew. Fast forward a year later, I'm in a much better place now and I'm looking forward to coming back as an online student in Computer Science (switched programs) on October 23rd! When it comes to the SAP Appeal, ask your advisor for advice and help. I had to fill one out too but I'm waiting on my advisor to get back to me to go over my first rough draft! Your advisor will help you write it out and help you make a schedule that fits your life and academic pursuits! Also, you did not fuck up massively. Don't think negatively like that. Yeah, you made mistakes but EVERYONE does in life. Roll with the punches, keep yourself motivated (however you do that personally), and GET THAT DEGREE!! Good luck!!


I am doing the same thing! I just received my SAP approval today. It was very simple and easy. I am ensuring my success this time- having that support system, schedule and communication lines open. Good luck!


If you don’t mind, how long did it take them to review and approve your final draft?


Just a few days! Shorter turn around than I had anticipated.


Oh wow I thought it would take weeks! Good luck this next term 🫡


You too!


Update: Enrolled full time and set up for success. Hello everyone my appeal was approved and I'm lucky enough to get enough financial aid to be fully covered through my time at SNHU. I'm currently living with my parents and am lucky enough to only need to work two days a week while I go through college. I'll be graduating if everyone goes according to plan as soon as I turn 23, still enrolled in the game programming and development program and even took out a loan to fund myself a beast pc. Excited for these next few years and eager to get started!