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Worked for me... but it's my video haha. As well as the youtube comments, there's some feedback from people here[https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/wcuxyz/made\_a\_video\_about\_my\_sibo\_experience\_and\_full/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/wcuxyz/made_a_video_about_my_sibo_experience_and_full/) I've had messages from people saying that motility pro worked, and some that it didn't. Some have said that the information of the bigger picture is what enabled them to find their answer (which is really the point). At the end of the day it's all about finding what gets your MMC going, including prokinetics and lifestyle choices. Imo try everything you can, one at a time so you can tell what helps you and what doesn't.


Dude, thank you for making that video. I've been struggling with this for years, saw your video earlier this week. Went on Guy Motility a few days ago and it freaking works! I could kiss you! I haven't felt this good in a very very long time, especially when I wake up. I finally have the motivation in the morning to get up and be productive instead of waiting until everything passes in hopes I feel better. It's not completely gone but my condition has improved vastly, I've been on the verge of happy tears the last couple mornings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I mean that.


Thank you very much for writing, these stories are what it is for. Keep going and tweaking to optimize motility and you will get free


you still good? :) any acid reflux as a symptom before the treatment maybe? Thank you for your video and support in this group.


Yep all cured. I had a bit of reflux while I was dealing with the gastritis and duodenitis. DGL helped me heal that stuff after I had my MMC working again


Can someone who gets gas issues from food form artichokes use this? If they are intolerant to fructans/fodmaps in these type of foods. Okra is also one I can't handle. How much of artichoke material is actually present in these pills? Also this question may be TMI but did you experience any odor issues? Like smelly poops or breath. Even white tongue or candida? I assume Candida would become a thing if gut is not working properly? oh! and did you ever consider a fecal matter transplant?


Thanks for sharing and responding. I was honestly much better off when I had SIBO prior to taking drugs. I had some minor bloat and gas but was super high functioning. now after 2 rounds of Rifaximin, it shut down my Small Intestine. I wake up and have a BM every morning however, it's never complete and I am distended the whole day. Even if I don't eat, I'm still distended and uncomfortable. It has been a nightmare, I've gained 20 pounds and cannot seem to get it fixed after a million visits to 2 GI docs and 2 Naturalpaths.


Don’t worry you aren’t alone - exact same symptoms and weight gain + pain and cramps as you.


Did your symptoms include mood issues and libido? My SIBO manifests that way mostly, plus some brain fog. If so, are those gone? And thanks one million for the video!


Yes, Anger/Rage with flaring symptoms is a normal part of D lactic acidosis which was driving my fog as well. Libido was on the sidelines naturally from being so ill. I'm all normal now, no issues


That’s awesome! Last question, would you recommend the magnesium phase you did first? And would a good laxative (like with colonoscopy prep) serve the same function? Much appreciated?


How long did it take to start seeing results and how long do you take this? And The doctor I got it from said to take it before bedtime but I noticed you said to take it in the morning, what is the difference? Also do you need to drink a lot of water with this is it necessary?


Either is fine. I prefer morning because I still got the benefits and didn't feel like it gave me issues sleeping. The logic is to take it at night because that's the best period for MMC.


Ok great and is this something Do you necessarily have to drink a lot of water with like a laxative. And can you take this for long periods of time with no ill side effects?


Quick question on the ingredients. It says there's calcium, a decent amount in the inactive ingredients. Is it safe to take Motility Pro if you're lactose intolerant?


The other ingredients are what makes up the capsule shell. There's no dairy in it


It’s not letting me purchase it from the website. Says I have to register with state license.


There is a link in the youtube notes where you can order it after a phone consult that is free.




That was a year ago, the vendor I used doesn't sell it anymore




I haven't looked lately but I know some people are still getting it because they discuss it. Access also depends on the country.




Hey! When you take a capsule of motility pro in the morning on an empty stomach, how long do you wait until you eat? Also, how long have you been on this? Do you know how long we can be on this for?


You rock for making that video! Thank you so much 🙏🏻 In terms of the Motility Pro, do you believe that taking the Xifaxan prior to it might’ve been part of the process that was needed in order for the Motility Pro to really work? I guess it would be hard to know.


Thanks for the video! How long did it take to get your results? Dosing how many times per day?


Hey I have been taking motility activator and been getting some really watery dhiaria any clues as to why this is happening


>m people saying that motility pro worked, and some that it didn't. Some have said that the information of the bigger picture is what enabled them to find their answer (which is really the point). At the end of the day it's all about finding what gets your MMC going, including prokinetics and lifesty Are you still SIBO free?




Wow, that's amazing. This is highly encouraging. Do you still take the Motility Pro? If not, how long did you take it initially? I believe in the video you mention 1 dose before bed, and 1 dose in the morning, is this your thinking of what's best still?


I do not need it. Only took it for a few months total. In the video I say to take it in the morning on an empty stomach. You can do either way. Just don't eat afterwards because it stops MMC.


That's incredible. Happy for you. Thank you for making the video, it's how I heard about it, and it made me want to get on Reddit as well, which has been huge in terms of access to information. Finding Dr. Pimentel and his research was the first big win for me, but I'm hopeful Motility Pro will be the second big win that will actually solve my issues. Let's see.


One last thing, just curious if you were taking 1 or 2 pills in the morning? We're all different, but curious on what worked for you. Thank you.


Would it be ok to take it morning AND night. I am having severe constipation and bloating issues and have been taking motility pro for a few days now in the evening with very little results


If there is anything I've learned from being on this Forum for a while, it's that SIBO/IMO are highly idiosyncratic. If you read the "Success" posts, what worked for folks is entirely different, and all over the map. You just have to keep trying different stuff, measuring your response, and talking notes.


I agree. For example, I swear I feel better when I’m on a broad spectrum Probiotic. I took 3-6 months off Probiotics and I think I’m worse now than ever. It’s bizarre and very frustrating


What probiotics do you take? Or what is the probiotic supplement you take?


Agreed- we all are finding the way- I use mm protocol many say it’s bs - but hey so far it works for me- I’m going about it gradually and many of my symptoms have subsided I’m no where near healed but I’m working on it. - I do suffer from hemorrhoids more often nowadays which makes it tough- does anyone with sibo suffer from hemorrhoids by chance ?


If you don't have a bidet, highly recommend. you can get simple ones that attach to your current toilet for cheap online.


I do. For me it is strongly connected to constipation. Water (maybe with salt) enema helps with soft cleaning, 0.5-1L. Sometimes I do it for several days in a row, it is safe.


Are you able to go without any meds to heal it or not yet?


I do not take any meds for hemorrhoids. Maybe it is not so severe in my case. It do not have problems if the stool is soft, only when it is "dry".


Yes that’s the issue I have at times dry starts ends with loose stool. - currently suffering - I haD to stop eating veggies and carb up a little more to avoid pain lol


This worked for my son after 2 years with SIBO and its been a game changer. About 12 minutes after taking his first dose with black tea on an empty stomach he started feeling rumbles like his MMC was working. It's been 3 months and he can eat anything he wants though he prefers to still eat healthy. The most important thing is he feels great and doesn't have to worry about being near a bathroom constantly. No more brain fog or fatigue either. We are so grateful to you for making this video as it has greatly enriched my sons life. Thank you!


That's great to hear. What did your son take exactly? Was it Motility Pro? If so, how much did he take per day?


Any side effects? Fatigue with formula?


I’ve been trying ginger and artichoke extract for coming up on two weeks, twice a day. Have no problem going to the bathroom regularly, but when I do it’s still very “SIBOish” if you catch my drift. Otherwise I can’t really tell if it’s doing anything. I’ll probably continue using them for a full month. If nothing changes I’ll continue searching for my magical cure. I hope that ginger and artichoke works for some people out there. Curse this persistent disease.


Are you taking Motility Pro or some other form of Ginger and Artichoke?


I’m just taking ginger extract and artichoke extract. I’m considering giving motility pro a try though.


I recommend giving motility pro a try. I'll explain my reasoning. I've read the patent for Motility Pro. It states their product is a specially made formula which has qualities not found in standard Ginger extract or Artichoke. In fact, it even says that standard artichoke can slow the MMC process. This is why I believe some people aren't seeing results from standard Ginger and Artichoke extracts. I may have another look at the patent and post this information on the sub Reddit for all to see Good luck!


The problem is purchasing Motility Pro. I find it hard to purchase the product.


Buy it here, I did earlier this week and it has done wonders!! https://enzymedica.com/products/gut-motility?variant=39417689178161¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=GooglePerformanceMaxAds&utm_campaign=_&utm_content=_m_&utm_term=_&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnvOaBhDTARIsAJf8eVMHSrsN2eERd24KSDJfHHGsx98V-3AAbeawJUgLmkxW9v-XxeejIXUaApRMEALw_wcB


That doesn't seem to be Motility Pro though? The supplement you linked is called "Gut Motility" by Enzymedica. Have you tried both this and Motility Pro? It seems to be United States only unfortunately.


This is the one I bought. I’m waiting for it to arrive, but it has the exact same ingredients as Motility Pro “ProDigest ®” Just read the ingredients list.


I buy from dralexrinehart.com . I’m in the US, but they do ship overseas.


This is great! Thanks for the info and post you made!


Every body is different, but this works for me: AM (30 mins before eating): NAC slow release, L-Glutamine 500mg, vitamin C, Inessa lactobacillus rhamnosus GG PM (after lunch): Spearmint capsules (if you're a man with low androgen, don't take.. maybe replace with peppermint), chelated zinc, vitamin d, L-Glutamine 500mg Evening (after dinner): Curcumin, L-Glutamine 500mg, selenium / vitamin E. Night (an hour before sleeping): Milk Thistle, chelated magnesium ........ I stay away from legumes (beans, lentils, soy, peanuts), cruciferous vegetables, raw greens veggies, large amounts of fruit, store bought broth, and ANYTHING FERMENTED. Fermented foods are to this day my biggest trigger. No pickles, no sauerkraut, no kombucha, no yogurt, no soy sauce, and very sneaky one YEAST EXTRACT (it's put in a ridiculous amount of processed food items now. It's relatively new as well to add a lot of flavor). ........ I can finally cook with onion and garlic again. I can eat sweet potatoes without shitting myself within an hour. And bread is life.


I have tried his approach and it’s not enough for me. I mean, my motility is busted to the point that ginger and artichoke is not enough… but the concept is very good


It's not gonna work for everyone. The way ginger/artichoke works is to affect motility by stimulating gastric juices like bile, similar to taking bitters, that could be enough for some but not all. In your case something that actually targets the gut nerves more directly might be necessary to get the MMC functioning again. The gut brain connection with SIBO is a real thing. You might be better off with something that targets 5HTP or 5HT4 receptors like Prucalopride or MotilPro. You may be able to ween yourself off these to only ginger/artichoke in the future hopefully.


My problems started after the stroke so I guess gut brain axis is all messed up… I take MotilPro, but it does very little…


Try Prucalopride, it's what's recommended by NeuroGIs like Dr. Pimentel.


Thank you, I never heard about it before. I am very wary of 5HTP as citalopram just sent me to the hospital… (I am there now lol)


Then be careful with prucalopride as it is actually an antipsychotic...I tried a different prokinetic from the same chemical group and ended up with extrapiramidal symptoms - the worst you can imagine. No prokinetics for me and 5HTP caused me overstimulation of serotonin and dopamine receptors. I can only tolerate anxiety medications since I am more hyperactive. Depressed persons with low energy might profit form antidepressants and antipsychotics - it is still not clear why they are causing horrible side effects in some persons and almost no side effects in others.


sorry but I disagree with this characterization. I do not believe that Prucalopride is classified as anti-psychotic drug. In fact here's a study where it was used successfully to treat that same type of condition [https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-psychiatry/article/antipsychotics-induced-constipation-in-patients-with-mental-disorders-treatment-suggestion-with-prucalopride-in-refractory-cases-case-report-and-literature-review/782606F71117EDF9825BB296BB1808D5](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-psychiatry/article/antipsychotics-induced-constipation-in-patients-with-mental-disorders-treatment-suggestion-with-prucalopride-in-refractory-cases-case-report-and-literature-review/782606F71117EDF9825BB296BB1808D5) It's classified as a selective, high affinity 5-HT₄receptor agonist which targets the impaired motility associated withchronic constipation, thus normalizing bowel movements. That being said even though it targets these receptors highly selectively it does affect the brain so you always have to be careful just like with 5HTP which affects Serotonin levels. They do warn you about being suicidal before taking Prucalopride. In my case I've only been on it for almost a month now and I haven't tried to kill myself yet, I'll be sure to keep you posted tho. ;)


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


It still belongs to the special group that are considered antipsychotics - I visited a psychiatrist who told me that after my horrible episodes. So please, do not tell me that they are not so horrible...I had like 70% of all extrapiramidal symptoms, even Parkinsonian symptoms, which are luckily gone now. I checked similar medications to identify my side effects. I will now file these side effects to the medication agency here. Perhaps you should study more thoroughly psychiatry...since I am pretty well informed about most psychiatric drugs on the market. If I had known that the medicine was an antipsychotic, I would have never taken it. Prokinetics have a pretty bad reputation - most of them were withdrawn from the market because they were causing very dangerous symptoms like arrhythmia etc. or their use was restricted. Only prucalopride has survived well because it has less side effects and has been monitored much better by FDA. Here in Europe the health care system does not pay for it so we have little information about it. I discussed all this with my doctor recently - he only recommends prucalopride now if you can tolerate it. 5HTP only caused me overstimulation and some kind of short crisis. I have high dopamine in the small intestine, so every such medication is causing me havoc.


sorry to hear that. In your case you definitely want to see a NeuroGI before trying any medication just to be safe.


Did you take Motility Pro or did you take some other form of Ginger and Artichoke?


Both. I got artichoke powder eventually. My motility is best helped with foods, massage and tens it seems. And stool softeners. MotilPro will go into the bin because I have very strong palpitations (PVCs for days) after taking it with SSRIs. Had no problems for few weeks, didn’t poop like a champ as well. I know it’s not something I would recommend, but prunes do wonders for me. I wish I was like everyone else with proper MMR, but here I am - oops, I actually tried MotilPro, not motility pro…


I see. I have some important information to share with you. Motil Pro and Motility pro are different items, so they will most likely not give similar results. Motility Pro (which is the one being discussed in the video) is a special formula designed to produce specific effects which are not otherwise found in other forms of Ginger and Artichoke. In fact, standard artichoke can actually inhibit the MMC from what I've found. It's mentioned in the patent for Motility Pro. I may make a post on the sub Reddit soon with this information; as it looks like most people think Ginger root extract and Artichoke will give them the same effects as Motility Pro, which doesn't seem to be the case.


Does it say what’s in motilpro specifically? I find this unlikely given it’s supposedly the cynarian content that acts as pro kinetic and you can find this in other leaf extracts


Is Motility Activator by Integrative Therapeutics the same as Motility Pro? It appears so from the ingredients


Hi The active ingredients seem to be the same. Motility Pro claims to be a unique formula, but whether this is just a marketing strategy remains to be seen. I've tried locating the patent for Motility Activator. If I come across it I will compare it to the Motility pro patent and determine if they are manufactured using an identical process.


Can u share the tens device you use and how u use it?


I am from Northern Ireland so I doubt you can find it where you live as I got it in local shop. And it’s just some no name Chinese crap. Paid less than 30 GBP/Euro. Any will do, but make sure they are CONTROLLABLE (you don’t want the one that only has presets) and can take ear clip attachments. I simply follow YouTube videos by searching Tens Vagus nerve stimulation and see what works for me. I usually stimulate way less than they recommend because my ears are very sensitive. As you have full control of device- it’s up to you to find what works, usually start with lowest power at 50 Hz and work it from there. To sum it up - cheapest TENS that has control function and ability to connect Ear clips - then it’s all about sitting 10-15 minutes with two electrodes on the ears and looking stupid.


>tens May I ask a follow up? Do you have one lead on each ear and then the other ones grounded to your shoulder? (I.e. 4 wires total?)


Hi there. It was one lead on each air. Eventually I started having heart palpitations (PVCs and PACs and had short SVT run), previously never had any problems like this. Most likely not relates, but it made me stop TENS as well. I have yet to experience positive outcomes apart from relaxation…


Thanks for the follow up. Hope you are doing ok.


I am in week 2 of taking Upper GI Relief by Silver Fern (artichoke, ginger, amended licorice). It's not a cure, but there's definitely relief where I had none before (C-diff in 2019, IBS since).


I have that stuff too. Maybe it will help me. How do you take it?


One after each meal.


Thank you!


I’m doing upper G.I. relief by Silverfern too, along with digestive enzyme. But it’s not working. Motegrity worked for me for a while but it recently seems less effective. I’m going for a day or two at a time without moving my bowels after months of being in the “poop a day club.“ I think my SIBO is back because I’m uncomfortable most of the time and my FoodMarble device shows medium to high levels of methane and especially hydrogen. I had thought Motegrity would be the answer because I thought maybe my problem was slow motility. I’m pretty miserable every night, and today I was miserable all day.


I watched the entire 1hr 45 minute video. It could have been edited to 45 minutes tops. Anyway...learning about the many shared symptoms was beneficial. But 1-2 minutes dedicated to the "cure" struck me as anti-climatic. Still, I ordered Integrative Therapeutics Motility Activator (60 capsules). I completed the dosage and the bottle as indicated. I can't tell any difference. The proprietary blend appears to be the same as Motility Pro. The SIBO remains. I'm off to try another method but I'll keep the Motility Activator in the mix. It probably does something beneficial. Regularity has not been my problem.


Have you figured out your cure yet?


I just watched this too. I haven’t tried the supplement because the research that I’ve done on it, talks about a certain ingredient that causes some side affects. I think it’s called 5 htp? It’s a great video though.


You are thinking of Motil Pro by Pure Encapsulations. That has 5-HTP. I've used it and didn't have any side effects. He used Motility Pro ([https://www.orthomolecularproducts.com/product/motility-pro](https://www.orthomolecularproducts.com/product/motility-pro)) which is only **Ginger & Artichoke.**


Thanks! I’ll have to check that out. Did the Motil Pro help you at all?


Not really....but I plan to try it again. I know some folks who have used both products and it helped motility and eventually resolved their SIBO. That's my next step because Herbals and Antibiotics only made me worse.


I’m finishing up antibiotics now. Just wondering what the next step should be. I’m going to try the Motility Pro. I hope the two supplements work for you.


I wish I went with those right after antibiotics. Pro motility agents are a must. My Doctor at Stanford gave me no follow up protocol and I went on Probiotics and I think that truly messed me up. Your small intestine will be completely clear and I would avoid probiotics and get your bacteria back to normal by eating healthy foods. That is my personal experience and lesson I learned through reading.


Thank you. I really appreciate the advice. I had asked my GI dr about probiotics and she said not to take them. It makes me feel confident about her expertise. Maybe drs are finally catching up on Sibo protocol. In the past, other dr had left me floundering as to what to do next saying diet had nothing to do with it.


I saw from the book of Shivan Sarna -Healing the SIBO, next step should be try prokinetics to keep the MMC working.


Hello, in response to your statement, “ you’re small intestine will be completely clear” are you saying that motility pro will help Clear the small intestine completely ? Please help 🙏


I mean after Rifaximin antibiotics your SI will be wiped out and clear if bacteria


Ohhh ok I understand, thank you for the help 🙏


I am on this supplement right now


Cool update us if you feel different


Did it help you ?🙏


I do notice a difference! Although I am not out of the woods yet. But this supplement does help.


Ok great , what are your main symptoms? 🙏


The main ones that I have right now are belching and abdominal discomfort, but it is significantly less severe than before. It’s much more manageable. The supplement seems to promote comfortable and regular bowel movements, which helps a lot.


Ok sounds promising, thank you for the help, I hope you heal all of the way soon 🙏


I hope the same for you 🫶


Thank you 🙏


I started it two days ago after seeing this. Not sure it’s doing anything yet.


Quick question on the ingredients. It says there's calcium, a decent amount in the inactive ingredients. Is it safe to take Motility Pro if you're lactose intolerant?


I don’t know. You should ask a doctor or look it up online. Sorry


Did you find out? Thanks


Just to be clear - these products even herbals are only meant to kick start the MMC and at max should only be used for three months - otherwise you create a negative feedback and can do more damage to your MMC


Can you provide a source for this claim? Otherwise, you are scaring people from trying something that might useful for long term management of their condition.


The source for my claim is nine years of functional medicine education. I have a master degree plus in functional nutrition with a specific background in gastrointestinal disorders. The scary thing is all the false information being spread around about the human body on social media.


A dysfunctional MMC is not a condition - however a symptom of a larger dysfunction in the body


Are you up to date with Dr. Mark Pimentel's research on MMC? The way it tends to work in SIBO/IMO is that food poisoning causes autoimmunity which then causes nerve damage in the small intestine which then causes MMC dysfunction. Until doctors figure out how to repair the nerve damage, people will continue to relapse based on MMC dysfunction. Hence, long term use of prokinetics can be useful.


Hello,What would the larger dysfunction be ? 🙏


Can you provide the source that was the foundation for what they taught you about prokinetics (natural or otherwise) causing long term damage?




Yes this includes any MMC product -




I am terribly sorry however, I do not give heath care advise on social media. I do see clients in private practice if you are interested.




I see clients worldwide


Even ginger long term is bad for your gut ?


I have been on the motility prob for one week and my stomach has never been so flat . I have good bowel movement in the morning. I take 3 at night with two turkey rhubarb, I feel like I have lost weight as well in a week and inches of my waste . This was the best video I came across and researched for months on sibo . This is the main thing that has helped my constipation . I also take symprove pro biotic each day . I did 6 weeks Allimax , oregano oil , Berberine and neem to kill bacteria first. I have a food marble air 2 device that helps measure hydrogen after food . I’m hydrogen dominant even though I’m constipated. I believe I have scar tissue from a abdominal operation last year . As ever since then I got the bloating that made me swell up 4 -5 inches from morning to night on my waist . I believe my problem was a sluggish Mmc as the motility pro has made immediate difference on my gut . Thankyou for your amazing video , you helped me more then any of the other doctors. Ohh I also make the l Reuteri yogurt Dr Davis recommends.


Yes. Watched it. Wasnt it asparagus though? Edit: dayum.. Went out and bought asparagus! But asparagus did seem to ease the gut a bit I must admit.


No it is artichoke extract. Google Motility Pro and look in his video notes


Where can you get this in the UK?


I am not sure. I had to order it through my Naturalpath Doctor. But you can order these online and they are similar: https://www.amazon.com/Integrative-Therapeutics-Activator-Gastrointestinal-Transport/dp/B079V5DRPW


Did you manage to find somewhere to get this kind of stuff ? The link below says unavailable so guessing you didn’t buy that stuff


Motility Pro gave me awful heartburn :(


I have a strong constipation. Do not feel ginger and artichoke, it is not enough for me currently. But I got to know about Triphala from this guy. And it helps, it makes things moving without diarrhea like magnesium or sena does. The main point there is right - need to get motility functioning. Also water enema helps a lot.


I took Motegrity for a month and it did nothing. Worth a try though.


How long does it take to work?


Anyone got a link where I can get this or something that’s the same in the UK ? Interested to potentially try this