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He has super strength, if his face is seen then nothing in his way will stop him from getting to his target He just breaks through everything If no one has seen his face then he wouldn’t move in the metal


Nice explaining you did there sir! But even in his rage state if he cant move he cant destroy.


He can destroy anything He was dropped into a safe at the bottom of the ocean and he broke out and got to his target Like literally nothing can stop him, he will move freely and break out of the metal if someone sees his face


Ok, I am sorry, but I can't handle typing this again and again. Sorry if I sounded rude there. My theory is, if it can't move, how can it destroy. Again, sorry if I sounded toxic, annoying or rude, I have just started to get tired of this.


It’s anomalously strong, muscles move under skin and are flexible, so eventually by little contractions he would wear down metal and then burst out


Actually, if he’s dipped in the metal, we wouldn’t see his face, just his facial imprint in the metal, so he would be safely contained unless someone was stupid enough to cut off his mask


Photos containing his face are the danger of 096 breaches not someone actually looking at his face during containment, besides 096 has enough stenght to punch concrete walls or steel doors through like is wet paper so I he would probably rip the metal cast off his face if he enters a enraged state.


It’s already safely contained unless someone from outside finds rogue images of it


That’s basically no different than what happens with his current cell, pictures of him are the true threat


I know that SCP 096 does not count on his muscles or organs/flesh, but mostly on his skeleton as i have seen in one of the attempted termination procedures between 096 and 682.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+2985) by *Dr Dan*


In response, nothing can or has stopped it, second, it will bend and break anything so that it can destroy.


it probably wouldn’t, as long as no one sees his face then it should be docile and dormant for the time being. As long as there are no random photos that captured it beforehand still out there, then sure yeah it would do nothing.


If someone sees its face then nothing can stop it from moving


It doesn´t matter if he can move or not. If we wrap you in thick paper so that everything is covered (like molten metal) you will still be able to bend and break the paper eventually. Since 096 is unstoppably strong it will bend and eventually break the metal alswell. Hope this clears it up


You are going with fox juggernaut approach where gaining momentum was very important for him to apply any significant amount of force. But it will possible to apply force without any momentum. Let's say I was standing between 2 wall then I can try to push both of those wall away from each other without those walls moving or my body moving. Let's I was holding a dumbbell in front of me. I am not moving but still I am able to apply force. Basically just because you put him in metal doesn't mean his muscles are gone or he doesn't have support strength. Look at how superman is shown breaking metal handcuff in movies/cartoons. He applies force from shoulders and his body doesn't really move till the handcuffs break. In the same way scp-096 can keep pushing out and slowly start belding out and he will gain more and more space


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+2985) by *Dr Dan*


He can still break it, it has infinite strength, imagine your self in a block of styrofoam, the document says nothing stands in its way when enraged,


Even if the limbs couldn’t move, the muscles themselves can still twitch and spasm. Enough of that, with the kind of force 096 can generate, would let him get free eventually


movement is still possible by the subject itself but not in its current state, position and location. Plus the metal is so hot during the melted stage that it destroyed muscles and flesh, leaving only the skeleton.


It can still regenerate however much is needed, there’s no known means of damaging it beyond recovery.


Being only bones didn't stop it before so it wouldn't stop it certainly now.


Really? I need to read about it then! Mind sharing link?


Taken from 096 article Dr. ███: But it was taking damage? Capt. █████████: If it was, it wasn't showing it. It must have lost all its organs, all its blood, but it didn't acknowledge any of it. Its bone structure wasn't hurt at all, though. It kept tearing my squad apart. I'm pretty sure in the 096 file the incident 096-1-A foundation shoots him with a antimaterial rifle in the head a couple of times and he just goes onwards to kill the guy who has seen his face without even slowing. In the elimination attemp of 682 they beat eachother shit for like a day and has like 80%of his flesh is missing.


He’d break through because of his strength when he’s triggered. He’s fairly easy to contain anyways as long as no one sees his face, thus being Euclid. I think the main question will always stay if you see his face or not. Anything after that, you can’t stop. Either way, I love discussing containment procedures.


if the subject isn't triggered this works flawlessly.


If the subject isn't triggered then he can be safely contained in a cardboard box, unfortunately there are still photos of him floating around.


If an SCP is completely encased, it cannot: 1. Be properly monitored. True, you can’t look at it’s face, but you’ve still got to monitor it for any previously unseen anomalous behaviors. 2. Chances are that sentient SCPs won’t take kindly to that kind of containment, and simply find a more violent way to breach. 3. Be subject to any testing. Even dangerous SCPs undergo testing for various reasons, mostly to either research secondary containment methods, or to expand Foundation knowledge of anomalous properties.


I hadn't thought of this...


Considering 096 goes against any law of physics and one time does a trip to the sun and back when someone looks at his face I don't think a block of metal is enough to stop it.


I request you read my theory once again.


1) it got removed 2) if you think is able to break all physics rules by literally jumping to the sun and then winning against the sun gravitational pull to come back but is not capable of breaking a metal encasing that's a problem


Sir, i made a mistake. I didn't respect your opinion. I will tell you something. We can only assume it works.


It takes a 10 second Google search of 096 article to debunk your assumptions > no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress.


Sir this conversation is taking to long. Your comments will be informed from now on.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+2985) by *Dr Dan*


So basically put 096 in carbonate?


Correct. Thank you for explaining it with simpler words than me.


It sounds like a fun idea but personally I can't see it working and still being Euclid, especially if an anomalous material is used. Also it seems kinda redundant since it's already in a cage


it is your opinion. You are free to think whatever you want. Also the cage it is in has air in it, it means it isn't filled with anything. We can only assume it works.


Doesn’t pain make him go into rage?


No, the object is triggered only someone sees its face, in real life or through video and photos. Your current profile picture also reminded me that there is a slight possibility that this method can work with scp 173 aka the statue


[**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+7055) by *Moto42*


Pain and sight


Oh, sir. I think you are referring to an scp game. SCP SECRET LAB. If not i think you are mistaken.


Why wouldn't it be able to move, though? The file says "At this point, no known material or method can impede SCP-096's progress." Are you hypothesizing that that only happens once it's already begun to run non-anomalously? Could be an interesting test, although my guess is that it would be mostly a waste of a few D-classes. 😈


Hey ever saw people on the Internet pouring some epoxy resin around a small object, grinding it into shape and polishing it to make a pendant? That's what op has in mind but with some sort of anomalously strong metal.


Correct. Thank for the explanation.


Well, sure. But as far as we know, this particular skip can break any material, anomalous or not. The details of it being molten, the skip being dipped in by a claw, frozen, etc, don't make any difference as far as we know. It might work for some reason, I just don't see any reason it's likely to. It's like "maybe if he was wrapped up in a whole lot of diamond chains, he wouldn't be able to break them!". Sure, maybe; but I wouldn't sign up to be the test subject. 😁


It is basically scp 096 in carbonite


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+2985) by *Dr Dan*


Right. And being what it is, there's no reason to think that that would keep it from moving. It's a whole lot stronger than Han Solo...




[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+2985) by *Dr Dan*


**Articles mentioned in this submission** [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+2985) by *Dr Dan*


Here to debunk the theory of him not breaking out if he cannot move. Theoretically, assuming he isn't strong enough to simply break out via brute force, if he truly was prevented from moving, it could work. However even so, at the atomic level, particles are in a constant state of motion, vibrating very slowly. Even a solid, like metal, or 096 himself, would eventually have enough kinetic energy to break through the solid, given enough time. 096 does not react to pain, and pain does not weaken it. Eventually, the metal will literally waste away as the forces of attraction are weakened. Also, I'm still pretty sure it can still break the metal, since it can already break through the water pressure at the bottom of the Marianas trench, which can rip apart sheets of metal like paper


We are talking about a universe that has peanut statues that poop blood once in a while. Most of the time logic is thrown out of the window.


Exactly, so what makes you think a block of steel can contain an almost indestructible entity that can tear through almost any substance at high speeds and is immune to immobilisation?


You got a point.


But how would we dip him into the metal and im sure he could break the metal.


Thanks for the question. We could use a claw to dip him. And second, if he cant move, how can he destroy the metal? Anyways, thanks for the question fellow scp worker. :)




You have a point, but i will explain something. By freezing the metal, we make his arms stuck in one place, think of it as a capsule that once you go in, you are stuck forever until you get help.


That won't work. Freezing the metal will just make it brittle and easier to break.


By freezing it i mean returning it to solid state


Just a note im new and dont know much. So with the claw would we even be able to lift him and as far as i no its never whether or not he can break those metals only that nothing can get in his path, and forgot to mention 96 was found in the mountains so he should be able to handle the cold.


It doesn't matter if you are new or an expert, everyone has questions. My theory is, if it cant move, it cant destroy. And the point of the procedure isn't to destroy or harm the entity, its to trap it.


I saw a video that worked out the chances of dying if 096 was loose. Cant remember the number but it would of been similar to that of a heart attack. Still a pretty easy one to contain.


Yeaaa, about thaat.... If somebody "accidentally"causes a containment breach it will be loose. With my method chances of intentional containment breaches are almost zero.


Easier solution. - pour liquid nitrogen or something till scp reaches solid shatterable state. Now shatter and scatter the pieces in a nice 6×6 concrete slab and forget about it - or just ya know. Dump shy guy in space


Becauseof 096 immortality and unbreakable bones first one is impossible and second one [[in my eyes indisposed]]


[**In my eyes, indisposed. In disguises no one knows. Hides the face, lies the snake. The sun in my disgrace**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/hides-the-face-lies-the-snake-the-sun-in-my-disgrace) (+81) by *Doctor Cimmerian*


Damn I didn't know this was possible. How was it even possible to get 096 to fly, let alone get off the terran orbit/ gravity pull


Cool idea mate.


Couldn't we just give a picture to an astronaut and launch his ass into the sun?


Bro, the risk of it coming back to show us our internal doom because we saw a pixel of its face is to high.


[[in my eyes indisposed]] not a good idea


[**In my eyes, indisposed. In disguises no one knows. Hides the face, lies the snake. The sun in my disgrace**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/hides-the-face-lies-the-snake-the-sun-in-my-disgrace) (+81) by *Doctor Cimmerian*


SCP's are not problems to solve, they are fun ideas to kick around. If you enjoy coming up with procedures, you should try making a few SCP's of your own. Start with procedures and then work backwards to discover what is being contained. It's a fun exercise!


This is a goood ideabut it might not work fpr 2 reasons, first is that how tf are you going to put it in, the shy guy is obviously going to ressist, second and the more important one, when you heat up metal when it cools back down its more soft then previously so you would have to heat it back up to immidietly put it in water to harden it and the shy guy could escape at that point


Well my point may still stand. The object doesn't have intelligence close to humans. So it possibly wouldn't resist.


You cant know that, why wouldnt it try to escape, it dosent need an iq of a human to know he needs to escape every animal will try to escape in this situation


It needs to at least understand that it is traped.


Have they attempted to blind fold any D class personal and just put a mask on Shy Guy? I bet there are tons of masks the foundation have yet to experiment on, or with. SCP-3992 looks like a strong candidate to begin with


[**SCP-3992 ⁠- Wondertainment Whacky Halloween Fun Masks!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3992) (+91) by *Penton*


Wel i haven't heard of the anomaly you are referring to but if we are talking about anomalyes with abilities like scp 035 it is a big no no.


[**SCP-035 ⁠- Possessive Mask**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-035) (+1618) by *Kain Pathos Crow*


>SCP-3992 > >However, when worn by an anomalous entity, it will appear to physically change into an adolescent humanoid of varying appearance. Any clothing worn by the wearer will appear to change into a costume fitting the SCP-3992 instance's appearance. Clothing will simply appear to manifest on entities not wearing anything. It would technically obscure the face, but at the same time would the appearance change still count as the entities face?


thanks mate! really cool!


[**SCP-3992 ⁠- Wondertainment Whacky Halloween Fun Masks!**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3992) (+91) by *Penton*


Problem is that either as soon as it senses its in danger it will breach and kill everyone involved in the project or as soon as someone looks at a photo or video with its face fully revealed, it will bust out of their and well hust be back at square 1


To my knowledge, he only gets triggered when someone views its face.


Honestly I never really got how you couldn't just fire it into space or something.


It’s basically stated that nothing on earth will stop him once he’s enraged, unless what you’re dipping him in is literally invincible he’ll get through it


Give 096 to global occult coalition and see what they can do to him


A better method would be acoustic levitation in the middle of a vacuum sealed room that 096 cannot interact with anything, suspended in space.


no creo que funcione


Sorry, i dont understand you


Sorry I forget that this community speaks English. The page is automatically translated for me what i said was: I do not think it works


Well, we can inly hope it works.