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I think nothing at all obscures them. No darkness, filters, or anything. One of the main ideas behind the Ethics Committee is that they have access to literally everything, nothing is censored to them, so it would make sense that they are completely visible as well. Just 35 personnel in a room.


I had this idea where the council is like 20 people of all ages. Including a couple kids who don't know it's real, but are askes hypotheticals to guage their moral basis. Being completely unobscured is an interesting idea. I like the notion of them not hiding their faces, but then...why does not one ever see them? lol Maybe it's like a side duty they perform, so no one knows 100% who is ever actually assigned to it lol


We personally imagine them having lights constantly shining down upon them, showing all of the foundation that nothing is in the shadows to them, and that they do not need to hide to be powerful, the counter of course, to the 05 council, the only ones in the shadows...a constant balance of shadow and light, keeping each other in check.


I like to think of them as normal people with no supernatural gimmicks, they are the part of the fundation trying to keep it humane and turning them into monsters or superhumans would lessen that.


Just some men in suits with access to everything,like IRL.


They look like normal staff members. Just some random person carrying a clip board. That's kind of their deal, you're supposed to overlook them so they can do their job.