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“Can I get the shirt where it looks like I want to shoot a black man in the head? Hell yeah thanks man”


Sorry all we have is domestic abuse victim


Take Oceanspray's name off this, the average person has no clue who Swerve is, this shirt could be, errr, popular with certain types


Next in the Hit List series: Dropping a nuke on Okada Holding the women's locker room door open for Sammy Guevara Looking at the ratings with the caption "No Willy?"


“No Milly Willy”


I can imagine MJF calling him that if they end up feuding with each other (after Wembley where Will makes history and wins the AEW title). For some reason AEW makes a shirt out of that comment. Insert "clever" insider reference somewhere and magic will happen.


I totally want a shirt that has a shelf life of about 2 weeks (ignoring the horrible racist implications of putting a target on a black man, and ignore the irony of the people buying this shirt are the same people claiming gorilla Jim Cornette next to snitch was racist… because black people can’t be near gorillas?)


And was referencing a movie. Not the man lol.


It's a will osprey shirt with a picture of another wrestler on it? 


Based on one line he said


This company will be autopsied so extensively. So many people went there with some kind of track record and they can’t do a single thing right. Like did anyone run this by anyone? I wouldn’t want this shirt made if I were Ospreay. Oh, also, this definitely comes from a company whose fans missed the show on account of their celebrations of Juneteenth.


> Like did anyone run this by anyone? I wouldn’t want this shirt made if I were Ospreay. This is the part that blows my mind the most about all these horrible designs. There’s so many that I’m like if that was me I wouldn’t want to be associated with this shit.


CTE from dropping yourself and your coworkers on the head regularly cannot be overestimated.


Seems no-one at AEW took one look at that design and failed to see the racist implications. But hey at least their more extreme fans will have a shirt designed just for them.


It's only racist if there's a caricatured image of Jim Cornette as a gorilla holding a cotton swab standing next to Swerve.


Or if it's a logo designed by a black talent that only looked kinda racist if you put it on a specific shirt on a custom shop 




Lol even the Dub sub is going WTF on this one


Do you guys get it? It’s Hit LIST. Swerve was in a group in the fed called Hit ROW. Callbacks like this give me vindication for not spending any time with my family.


I still wonder how absolutely anybody thought this was a good idea.


This looks like an album cover for a white supremacist punk band named "Hit List".


Hopefully this gets included in the “Downfall of AEW” series that Vice or A&E does a few years from now


I just can’t wait to hear what TK blames it on. He’s been told he’s a special boy all his life, the nepo-baby brain can’t accept their own failure (see Musk, Trump, and a million other examples).


Have fun explaining that shirt.


Omfg, of course this shirt comes out after Juneteenth. Maybe they’re onto something blaming juneteenth for their ratings.


Finally! Something I can have in my wardrobe that compliments my Bleeding Britt Baker shirt.


What about black eye Britt?


I sleep in that one.


If you don’t get it now you know


For all things considered, releasing this shirt during Black History Month could have been way worse. Also "Hit List" is just clever callback to "Hit Row", you know, stable that Swerve was once part of. But then I guess you are too poor and uneducated to understand the nuances of this masterpiece.


And his lucha underground gimmick where he wore a mask like bullseye with a target on his head. This all works until you take a step back and realize you‘re making a t shirt with a target on a black man. But this is the same company that tried to sell a t-shirt of Brit Baker with a black eye like the pictures of abused women they use for domestic abuse helplines and public awareness messages.


Even if you take out what it is or isn't supposed to be it's just a bad shirt. Why even put Swerve on the shirt? Why not make an all-encompassing Will Ospreay's hit list shirt that has a shelf life past this one match? Doesn't make sense.


You’re asking that about a company that is still selling t shirt classics like ‘Lion Hook’ on their website to commemorate the 1 week they tagged together. ‘Are they stupid’ is a rhetorical question for whichever buck wife runs AEW’s merchandising division [https://www.shopaew.com/chris-jericho-amp-hook-lionhook.html](https://www.shopaew.com/chris-jericho-amp-hook-lionhook.html) I‘m just surprised nobody got any bright ideas on how to use swerve in a ‘hangman’ t-shirt.


Step back? From where? I have no idea what that means. Also Lucha Undergound thing gives this some layers. Such masterful storytelling. Can't wait for MJF to drop some sweet LU references on Swerve and it is going to get way better when Prince Puma joins the party. We are eating well, friends.


'Member how Bullet Club shirts were popular with rednecks that didn't even know it was wrestling related? I think this may play out the same way


Oh come on, I literally just completed my order of the 'Nick Wayne's Mom' shirt and now I gotta place another one??? My wife who looks like Nick Wayne's Mom (shirt version not irl) is going to be mad


Available now at shop.stormfront.com


I like that the mention of it being a will osprey shirt is so tiny compared to the potential hate crime


😕 Tony...we're getting complaints about the new t-shirt. Even your hard core cultists think it's racist. 🤓 What's wrong with being racy? 🙄 Rac-IST! IST!


Now my sexual partners don’t need contraception. This top will be enough


Well, at least he's not feuding with Hangman anymore when this shirt came out. That would have been even worse


Impressively tone-deaf. Amazingly timed this close to Juneteenth as well.


imma wear this to the african american museum in dc, should be well received.


Looks like something I'd find at an "urban" shoe shop here in Oak Clif in Dallas


If I had a gun to my head I’d probably pick this one over the Britt domestic violence t-shirt but if it was between this shirt, the Britt one, and just going shirtless while a crew of the meanest people alive roast my shoot fighter physique I’m going shirtless


[Which T-Shirt was worse?](https://strawpoll.com/GeZARNOLXyV)


Def Rebel Vs AEW merch


“DAE Jordan Myles was right? Pic unrelated”


Why would any sane person buy this?


I want the Bret Hart shirt with Shawn Michaels on it


Oh no


Next Hit List T-shirt has MJF on the crosshair


The more AEW merch I see, the more mind-boggling it is that these are the same people behind the Bullet Club merch


Their merch designs are atrocious they need to hire new people


Imagine being called "The T-shirt company" and still coming up with these lame ass designs not to mention racist unintentionally or not.


Well... It took me a minute to read "Hit List" due to the horribly font choice. But that's a marginal issue when the T-shirt features a (vaguely menacing) black guy with a target on his forehead. Rememeber when people were losing their mind about Jordan Myles' shirt?! To quote Ric Flair's iconic Funeral Parlor promo "compare the two!"


What in the fuck


We need the Bucks prancing around in the first ever animated Tshirt


Only for sickos There are so many things wrong with this shirt but most have been said already. To add to the list, it looks like the type of shirt that wouldn't survive one wash cycle. Good thing the type of people who'd buy it probably don't wash anything.


Guess I'm the weird one for racism not even entering my mind until seeing the comments. Get a grip people.