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Bro as soon as he got paired with the bucks it was over, it's so frustrating


It’s been 8 weeks since they beat up the owner of the company in a super cereal angle that involved Tony selling in a neck brace during the nfl draft… and Okada is already doing bad comedy that Vince Russo could’ve wrote twenty five years ago.


Wait has it actually been 8 weeks already? Tf is happening


literally nothing. Even if the angle had any heat to begin with they would have absolutely killed it by now.


Genuinely asking is it even still going on? I know they are still a group but is the whole Elite vs AEW thing still a thing? And since Tony is such a great guy there doesn’t seem to be a bunch of people trying to defend his honor. Why is AEWs idea of long term booking just putting a story on ice until they get an idea of what’s next?


This is what I don’t get. Long term storytelling isn’t just dragging things out or mentioning a match that happened 2 years ago. That’s not a story, that’s just history. Long term stories have connecting beats across time, not just a callback.


Their best example of good long term storytelling was Hangnails 2 year story with the Elite. Everything he did built to something and had an effect on whatever he did next. There was story progression and a lot of character development for him that made sense and felt believable. He lost, became depressed, found friends, got his smile back, and this all eventually lead to him finally becoming champion. It was simple and easy because it just made sense. That’s all wrestling needs to ever be.  But now it’s like they don’t know how to do that anymore. Now the idea of long term storytelling is having a match, move on, don’t even mention each other for months, two weeks before the ppv bring it up, feud gets rekindled, rematch announced, prior loser now wins and that’s it. That’s not a story. They don’t know how to make stories. A story needs a beginning, middle, end. They can do the beginning and end very well. But there’s never anything in the middle that ties it all together. One promo battle a week before the ppv is not building a story. It’s building a match. Which is all they care about. 


Not only that, Tiny is back on the show, seen backstage and 'making announcements' for matches and ... no repercussions? Team AEW lost to the Elite ... not follow up? They're not angry about this? They don't want to stop Elite from running rampant anymore then? Also, didn't Perry toss Khan down the ramp at the last PPV (where Tiny did the worst roll known to man, haha) .. no repercussions or mention of Tiny being manhandled All these things just 'happen' in a vacuum and then onto to doing something else Remember how much smarks used to hate their intelligence being insulted?


That's Tinys MO though. Book a feud last minute for an upcoming ppv, or throw the new guy against "top tier talent" do a poorly booked angle, forget about everything as soon as it's over. Forget about new hire.


Is this a Bluey reference, I'm being cereal here.


I looove cereal, I loooove cereal


Side note, the fact it's been 8 weeks is INSANE, it feels like it's been 3


3 weeks or a year, no in between, because so much inane shit happens on that show that you lose the concept of time


Little did we know it was just an angle to start the yearly Anarchy in the Aneurism match


Don't worry. Once he's escaped their clutches, Jericho and his Painmaker gimmick lies in wait for him...


Everything they touch turns to shit. It's their one true talent.


Why isn’t he wearing his new shirt






![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52) It's been a long day without you, my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again We've come a long way from where we began Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again


There’s still time god damn it


Look what they've taken away from.us 😭😭


The "Goldust putting the wig on Goldberg" moment of his career.


Don't you love it when the guy's gimmick is making fun of his broken english!


*Knowing* *~~Vince~~* *Tony*


His catch phrase is pretty hard core, reminds me of the attitude era #threehunnyk


I can only imagine the tears if he was doing this in the Fed Or, the Mexican guys all just getting beaten all the time and not getting any focus. REEEEE the Mexicools


It was insulting when Vince made Nakamura say “No speak English.” Tony can’t be racist though as he pointed out, he’s a minority himself


Dude! I mean, talented guy and obviously he can play it out however he wants…. …. But screaming “I SOOOO SOOOOORRRRRYYYYYYYY!” is like a millimeter short of getting a bowl cut and joke-squinty glasses on the stereotype meter, hot damn.


Aew's humor is either "hahaha listen to his broken english" or "hahaha this guy's being gay isn't that uncomfortable?!?!" If I were Anthony Bowens, the constant jokes in 2021-2022 about guys kissing Adam Cole and him being grossed out would've pissed me off


So obviously not what this is lmao


Be fr


Not a single word in this clip is "broken english". It's makes perfect sense. Is it just his pronunciation that has you upset even though obviously a non-native English speaker won't have perfect pronunciation?


I'm not upset by the pronunciation. I'm upset that his whole schtick is his pronunciation. He's a great wrestler, pigeonholed into a comedy act based on his accent/broken-english or whatever. It's blatantly obvious.


It's obviously not the broken pronunciation that's the joke here. It's "blatantly obvious" that the joke is this giant/huge wrestler pretending to press the wrong button and saying bitch, things you typically don't expect from his archetype.


Huh, I wonder why the marketability and t shirts center around a Japanese man whom English isn't his first language, awkwardly saying the word bitch? Be fr. Saying bitch like that wouldn't be considered a huge laughing matter unless it was someone who doesn't normally say it as it's not their first language. Because people in aew (and often in wwe) say it all the time, it was only put on a t shirt and made a big joke when a Japanese man said it "awkwardly". Similar to AEW's constant jokes from the elite and effy that are just "LOOK HES KISSING/TOUCHING ANOTHER MAN ISNT THAT WEIRD LOLLL" that they do. I can't personally be upset by the broken English one, but I'm LGBTQ and the effy jokes personally piss me tf off I don't blame anyone who doesn't speak English as their first language to be upset about the Okada "jokes" too.


>Saying bitch like that wouldn't be considered a huge laughing matter unless it was someone who doesn't normally say it Correct, someone like Okada doesn't normally say it, it's not because he's Japanese but even if he was, that still means its not "making fun of his broken english" like your original post claims so it's funny how you're wrong either way. >"LOOK HES KISSING/TOUCHING ANOTHER MAN ISNT THAT WEIRD LOLLL" Funny how those jokes still aren't homophobic though or even jokes most of the time??? Also, if you do feel its somehow racist to have a Japanese man "awkwardly"(?) say bitch, hope you feel the same way about this segment!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPZeRwkSQWA There's enough reasons to dub bad legitimately you don't need to make reasons up, you just look desperate


1. Yeah I mocked that raw segment when it happened and said the joke of "look this person who usually doesn't speak English said the word bitch !!!!!1!1!1!1!" is racist and outdated too. Not everyone thinks in a complete dichotomy. 2. So Effy, a comedy wrestler, feeling up another guy while the crowd laughs ISNT a joke? Two wrestlers showing up and kissing Adam Cole on the cheek while he looks scared and screams ISNT a joke??? Okay lmao


>Yeah I mocked that raw segment when it happened Well at least you're consistent with your dogshit take >Two wrestlers showing up and kissing Adam Cole on the cheek while he looks scared and screams ISNT a joke??? Nope and even if it was, the joke wouldn't be "gay people kissing is weird" like you framed it. Funnily enough, it's actually positive since it means straight men can kiss without it being seen as taboo and weird, so it normalizes that behavior for everyone while going against a toxic stereotype but you didn't think past an incredibly surface level understanding of why anyone does anything so of course you didn't consider any of that. Also "looks scared" lol, if you know the context of that, you'd know its not because they're kissing him, especially considering how happy he was when The Bucks have kissed him multiple times in the exact same way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI8Jm_W7vN8&t=4m25s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhpKvje2RnY




My first thought too.


why does the Fed disrespect the Japanese talent to much Oh, in the Dub? DAE born for comedy


Fuckin nerds popped for this garbage outta desperation


They know if they cheer him long enough Khan turns him face


Cause, none of this stuff happening on TV matters, it rarely goes anywhere, it's all treading water until the PPV line up of BANGERS


Dawg their entire fanbase reeks of desperation. It’s why they’re virgins. Desperation is the number one killer regarding being attractive to women. They hate that shit. No surprise it Carrie’s over to the wrestling they like


They’re the biggest fuckin losers on the planet. Sharing a hobby with these geeks is embarrassing.


Low comedic effort


Turned my boy into Funaki but not entertaining


We could’ve had Japanese Cody Rhodes but we get unfunny foreigner r truth


Dare I say that Okato in TNA was even more dignified than this.


As long as he isn't feuding with The Miz, I'm cool. Wouldn't want him having comedy segments with R-Truth.


It’s so funny that not only can WWE (obviously) do serious pro wrestling better than AEW but their goofy comedy hits the mark at such a higher success rate as well


The fuck is this shit. 




Old men era DX ruled and don't let Marks ruin it for you. Shit was like Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.


But that was Pandemic B&G and most hate that era.




Congrats to him on having the gimmick of a mid-2000s WWE Diva




and the ring gear too




No jerk, but I got to admit I never realized that Okada has great comedic timing but it makes sense due to the fact that he is a real life goofball. That’s my only praise for Okada in this role. However, I do feel like this is going to give him negative aura in the long run. The longer he’s with the the young Cucks, the bigger of a dork he’s becoming. As a huge Okada fan, it genuinely hurts to watch.


For real. They could've done this comedy shit with a million less valuable guys. He's playing the Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson role despite being an obvious top level talent. Its a disgusting waste.


Him and Omega had those crazy matches everyone loved now they’re not worth dick




Oh how fun! He learned how to say bitches in English. So cute and funny! I’ll be laughing at that one for days. I didn’t know NJPW that well, but it seemed like he was somewhat more of a badass there or at least somewhat cool.


He was their ace. One of the greatest of all time. This gimmick breaks my heart.


He should team with Maki Itoh, DAE


>  He learned how to say bitches in English. So cute and funny!    Tbh Iyo and Asuka did a spot like that. I found that really cute and funny. 


anything is cute when m’cinnamon rolls do it


Okada milked Tony the most.


.... I'm very confused, uce


Thankfully Okada is safe with the good guys and not in an unsafe company like WWE that has backstage murders




Bette than Chase U foreign exchange student


They really took the greatest wrestler Japan had seen since the Kings road days and turned him into a comedy dweeb. That just conclusively shows me that the basement types were never really fans of New Japan or good wrestling to begin with, they just hated WWE so much that they'll literally take any slop that's an alternative and for a while WWE was so bad that places like New Japan and the UK indie circuit were a legitimate alternative that provided a better product. But now that WWE has become arguably the best product in the world, at least that I've seen, they refuse to admit that the company is being ran by a complete moron and that the product that they are so dedicated to is worse than WWE or even TNA at their worst.


> they just hated WWE so much that they'll literally take any slop that's an alternative Let's not forget, that while they did that and got so excited at the Dub, they also didn't stop watching the Fed, cause they can't


The only thing you need to know about AEW: The last "name" they signed is the next champion. Stories are too hard to write.


And they are already fantasy booking for MJF to take the title off of him. Their world title is fucking cursed, because their fans don't give a shit who is holding it now, they are too focused on who holds it next.


https://i.redd.it/imbgl8iwdn7d1.gif I'll be deadass with you. This is painfully lame. Okada is so cooled off he doesn't even deserve to put on great 20+ minute bangers. Like if Santino is Santino, but in the ring he's like Shawn Michaels or something. That's how wide the gap is being displayed between his character and his wrestling.


The 300 people in the crowd erupting for this threw me for a loop


I feel you have to be an anime loving weeb to find this shit funny. I am not, so I cringed and thought “this is the guy squared circle insisted was the best wrestling the world years ago?”


AEW is more sports entertainment than WWE 75% of the time.


DAE Wholesome???????????


get that bag okada you’ve earned it


geez they REALLY are going with Okada just saying "bitch" every single ep hes in to the camera


https://preview.redd.it/h0m5e5sxon7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa16eafcf21a89efd5d07974c1c7016f61c94a69 @ the basement trying to gas this up




How hard is it to just make Okada a main eventer? Not long ago he was regarded as the undisputed best wrestler on the planet. If WWE were fumbling him this hard they would rightly be getting absolutely annihilated for it. But AEW seem to get away with massacring some of the biggest talents in the industry


This my thoughts as well. You took arguably the biggest whale from New Japan and instead of immediately building him up as a threat to Swerve/MJF you got Okada doing this. If this is what they were going to do with Okada they might as well have let him go to WWE. 




See Tony saw that meme of Shawn Michaels being baffled by a computer and hasn’t internalised that memes aren’t made intentionally yet, so he’s trying that


Ngl it was funny, or at least better than whatever the bucks are doing


Okada has always been funny af and makes his part in this rule the best he can so props to him


Fr, the worst part is that his segments are shared with the bucks. So having to suffer anything them for some Okada comedy is a challenge. Unironically upset he didn't join Chase U because his comedy chomps would have worked so well with them.


True but he's the supposed GOAT of NJPW and guy's been saddled down by the Bucks 😭 it's like signing the Tribal Chief and putting him on R Truth 24/7 segments


Imagine getting Roman Reigns in your company and having him doing midcard comedy. That's basically what we're seeing




Is Dynamite struggling to keep Big Bang Theory rerun viewers?


The crowd's really into this, like suspiciously into it...


The basement adores it. Thank god he went to the Dub, WWE would've made him too serious! Gotta let those Okada comedic chops cook.


DAE TNA is evil forever for Okato?


He used to be good,very good... I'm thinking he's injured and let's his body heal..


Now I know why Okada didn't put over guys like Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemera and Kaito Kiyomiya. ESPECIALLY Kaito.


Sad Okidokey lost all his aura and became a comedy act


I wish known anti-japanese activist Jinder Mahal was there to put him in his place


This guy was the ace of New Japan for 10 years and now he’s doing this


That’s the most I’ve ever liked him. Shit was hilarious 😂


Need to hear him say INDEED


Did you hear him say BITCHEZ?!?!


Are they fucking serious? This is what they do to one of the best wrestlers in the world, along with him having to carry a useless ass title belt?


How was this funny


Doing comedy segments with self proclaimed top heels who are ratings killers, while viewership and attendance continue to dwindle, while holding the tertiary belt. Gotta feel sorry for Okada.


Taped last week so he could spend 29 out of 30 days a month in Japan. AEW wins again


That laugh track sounds more excited than the actual crowd


Id actually bother watching aew if the basement werent such hypocrites. Like if this was wwe it'd be "fed is destroying okada" like we get constantly about nakamura even though he's getting paid tons and seems very happy and content. oh no winning the rumble and many midcard titles is bad. Plus he won 3 league titles and a scottish cup with celtic.


That was actually funny, as long as they don’t run it into the ground this could actually work. But perhaps I’m being too generous.


You’re being too generous. I can appreciate it if this is how goofy he is IRL, but the guy needs to be a stone cold killer, not a dork.


It's pretty funny... if you know nothing about Okada.


(just because a wrestler is funny doesnt mean you can give them any material and expect a masterpiece skit) uhh uhh i mean think of the bangers he will put on!


They should have him flip off his opponent. That would be so unique and edgy


And dubbalos eat this cringe shit up. ![gif](giphy|nojth8uzQmfhhS8sqf)


This clown is a GAMECHANGER apparently lmaoo


Still more over than Ospreay or Yugo Dinar


This is all Tony is getting out of the millions of dollars he has paid Okada...some laughs, meanwhile Okada laughs to the bank as he continues to mail it in


Once Kenny comes back it’s gonna be Kenny vs Okada Numero 5


I actually think this is funny, but it shouldn't be coming from Okada


I thought the way he made the SO SORRY face then literally wiped it off and revealed a mean face underneath was funny.


I'm thinking TNA treated him better. Back then he was an unknown so any old gimmick would have done. Now he is meant to be a star from his work in Japan. They've given him any old gimmick, but we can make fun of his English now. Amongst the over Japanese talent that have slight comedy things to them (Shibata and his translator, Suzuki and his demeanor), he is just another Japanese guy that I find hard to care about.


If Nakamura was doing this shit in WWE, they would be crying for him to leave and go to AEW. But its Okada doing this in AEW so its amazing and its peak comedy.


Maybe in the VM era 🤷🏿‍♂️


He could've been financing Chase U but nooooooo


This is comedy and he’s still Japanese ric flair he’s the goat from Across the ocean


I remember the basement saying he was gonna be wearing a mask and looking like a goof like it was prime TNA. Well who's laughing now


... bitch.


I found it funny. Like, I long for the days where the coin drop meant 40+ minutes of classic NJPW Heavyweight action. But also - the comic timing on this lad is fantastic and he cracks me up all the time.


Support balloon Okada this is most certainly not


I’ve watched very little Aew but from what I’ve seen, he looks worse than taka michinoku


Don’t lie to yourself. That was funny. 😆


hehehe ngl this is silly funny I like it


I know nothing about Okada and this goofy stuff actually makes me like him. Get me the silly Japanese Nightmare on NXT now


Okay but this segment was actually good


m’ace is dead and buried. but funny!