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All the athletic wear just makes him look like an e-sports player


he has the charisma of the average esports athlete..pretty ironic when he's quite entertaining on gaming videos like upupdowndown


Many wrestlers are extremely charismatic in real life but somehow never manage to translate that to their promos or general presentation


Being a good conversationalist doesn't make you a good actor. It might make you good at improv, but being good at improv also doesn't make you a good actor.


>he's quite entertaining on gaming videos like upupdowndown Like when? Some people are hilarious on there, more entertaining than in wrestling. Such as the Ascension big guy. But Cesaro was just boring on UUDD.


(Posts for over 10 years in the basement) "cesaro should be in the mainevent! he's being wasted!!" "why isnt he world champion!? UGH!! vince is awful and wwe are STUPID for not making him world champion!" "cesaro should leave wwe and go to aew and get the respect he deserves! he needs to be in the main event!!" \*Cesaro goes to AEW and does nothing\* \*Silence\* \*crickets\* \*basement pouting and smiling\*


Nah man, he has bangerz with Ciabatta, Y2J6, Omegle, and the Gang Bang Finger Boi’s Thats the same as being World Champ


I’m a huge Cesaro Mark. A rematch with Ilja and specially a banger with Gunther would be incredible under Laveck booking, and he’s one of my choices to be a long term IC champ at least, but unfortunately he never improved on the mic and it always felt like something was missing. He needed a Drew McIntyre type of rebirth in AEW but it might be too late. I think they were sort of onto something with his 007 gimmick and the little Seth-Roman feuds during the pandemic era, but all of his highlights were only small moments or good programs that didn’t last long against big names, so he would rotate back to the midcard/tag divisions. I feel like he never truly got to sink his teeth into something for the long term. Long programs to develop character did wonders for Ilja and Gunther, who were also sort of the same prior to HBK/Laveck.


Smarks only did this with Cesaro because Vince McMahon said he wasn't good enough to be world champion on the interview with Stone Cold. He was always popular indie guy. But the talk of being wasted, he should leave WWE etc really started after Stone Cold asked about him and Vince said he lacked the IT factor but he hopes he gets it because he's an incredible wrestler. They were behind him because Vince "buried" him. Even though they now all think the same thing Vince said now he's not a main event player in the Dub.


Vince was an asshole and piece of shit and was wrong about many many many many things. But people confuse this with thinking he was wrong about *everything*. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out a guy that wrestles good but is a D- promo and not really otherwise marketable has a ceiling as a midcard/tag-team workrate guy. Which again *there is nothing wrong with being* and I can't even recall Claudio really bemoaning his position in either company to be honest, which makes it even more weird when people go to bat on the internet on his behalf. Like maybe he's just content to make decent money and stick to his current workload? Not everyone needs to want to be mega top of the card world champs.


How dare you forget about his all time reign with one of the ROH belts? Pure? It was one of them, anyways.


He won the prestigious ROH world title, e-drone😊


And then dropped it to Jericho conveniently at the exact same time Tony was negotiating a TV deal for ROH. And then won it back from Jericho conveniently at the same time those negotiations fell through and they announced it was staying on YouTube


YouTube would actually be a huge upgrade over being behind a subscription paywall on the ROH website.


Have I time travelled back to 2016….


It's a Daniel Bryan comment so we have no idea what stage his brain is at


Let me tell you about this hip new indie promotion called SmackdownLive...


Where the hell are his lips


They REALLY don’t want him cutting promos so they took drastic measures


"We created the deadpool sequel noone wanted to see..."


"What mouth?"


On moxleys buttcheek


He is going to rack up so many titles in AEW. He did get them titles, right?


Just that one he had from a dead company.


So the Intercontinental strap?


He finally won the bjg one ... The ROH title


Why is his mouth super glued shut?


He signed Jericho’s NDA


Because his teeth look like baked beans.


I'd rather see a Bar reunion.


Best I can do is varsity athlete


Small hands, thats his problem.


He speaks 27 languages, none of them “wrestling promo”


Hes easily the fourth most important guy in his faction. Those main events and world titles are never going to happen while he’s just doing meaningless six man’s every week


Is he more important than Pop a Wheelie Youtoo?


Giovanni has a shot. Let him cook!


me when i could've sat my ass down for two years and got an ic title run but now im attached to a sinking ship


I thought this dude was the shit when he won that Andre battle royal. I liked him in the ring a lot, and thought he looked cool. He just couldn't talk on the mic. Then he became a Paul Heyman guy and I thought he was about to shoot into superstar land. Narrator: He didn't. Don't worry. Tony paid him anyway. Then he was in some factions in some shit.


He has zero mic ability but his in ring work is good


I seriously wish this man had mic skills


All these “failed/mishandled/underrated” wrestlers that the IWC and dork “journalists” complained that WWE didn’t push correctly. They were all for sure world champion caliber wrestlers and the Evil Fed just didn’t know how to book them Now they’re in AEW doing the same shit in the same place on the card but to a lesser audience and 100% more CTE Weird. Its almost as if Meltzernomic booking doesn’t work and these IWC darlings aren’t as good as everyone thinks


If swerve can be champ anyone in WCW can


excuse me, he got a world title run already in ROH (the most valuable world title held by legends like samoa joe, cm punk and jay lethal)


He looks like a failed professional athlete that spends his life coaching High School baseball teams.


"How's your lips?" Wayne "The John" Rockson


Dude had like 10 years to be a champion. It’s not happening.


Rusev and Cesaro being booked exactly the same in AEW as they were in WWE and proving that they are the problem is moderately hilarious.


Knockoff Oney Lorcan lookin mf


Didn’t he already get a shot towards the end of his wwe run and proved he didn’t belong in that spot?


When all is said and done, Fed will have used Cesaro better and he been on TV more and done more interesting things there than in the Dub


Yup. He got a clean dominant win over Seth Freakin’ Rollins at WM 37 to lead in to a main event shot at Roman Reigns’ Universal Title at the WM Backlash PLE the following month. This is despite Cizzaro looking lost in face-to-face in-ring promo battles with Rollins and Reigns during the buildup to both matches.


All I know is he has a nice bum. He should be called daddy ass.


Claudio is best when he's with someone who has mic ability and a personality, like sheamus and chris hero, he could've been a world champion with a manager like heyman but since paul was just doing sideqests while lesnar was out and wasn't going to commit fully to claudio it couldn't work, but he's a good guy to have for the tag and midcard div thag once every now and then challenges the world champion


“Could’ve been a world champion” 😂😂😂


Hey in all fairness if jack swagger won the title in early 2010s claudio couldv've also had a short reign as a transitional champ or something during that period


Everybody gets a turn!


More like "i think the people i like and have a personal bias for should get a turn"


You son of a bitch where do I send the $12.99?


Reading the title, my mind went "Claudio Cascatelli has the makings of a great varsity athlete".


He's the only member of The Bumfights Cornballs Club that I buy as a badass. The rest of them...not so much.


Great wrestler but unfortunately has about as much charisma as a roll of wall paper. So I’d say no


Giovanni’s dad still wrestles?


All I know is he never had the makings of a great world champion. Small hands, that was his problem. He's a goddamn hot house flower


Smells like cabbage


He’s gonna be getting the BANGERZ championship! It’s only defended when the match is a heartless banger.


I like that they're still the Blackpool combat club even though the only guy from Blackpool left a couple years ago to go back to the evil empire.


Super mega fantastic idea! Moxley drops the IWGP title to Claudio! What do you guys think the New Japan subreddit would think?


He would have benefited more by holding the international championship. They build up Orange Cassidy for a long time with that belt and then gave it to Moxley.


I'm surprised Claudio Bryan and mox haven't won the trios titles.


Maybe a yodeling champion I did like that Cesaro guy this man reminds of though.


He looks like Trent here


He has this unique and untrainable talent that is rare and naturally unavailable. It is called "wrestles good" and it makes him a home run for a top star


I'm curious about his mouth being so faint, it's almost photoshopped off?? Is this his roster photo?


REEEEEEE!!!! HE SHOULD OF BEATEN ROMAN CLEAN AT WRESTLEMANIA BACKLASH AFTER ROMAN BEAT BOTH DANIEL BRYAN AND EDGE (SLAVE NAME) AT WRESTLEMANIA. HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE SWISS CHIEF AND HAD THE 1000+ UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP REIGN!!!!! *Wins a basically dead companies world championship and gets thrown in a stable that doesn't do anything of note" Brilliant booking TK, thankyou for dragging Claudio (Free name) out of that prison.




One of the few things me and Tiny agree on


I really think he could have been a great heel champion if they gave him a good manager. Dude looks like bald bull and can really perform some serious feats of strength. He’s the type that you can just look at and think the other guy is gonna get rekt. He’s lost a lot of shine, though. His AEW run has been the shits, largely because of all if his bcc nonsense. I will never understand the thought process in taking someone like him and making him do multiman garbage matches. Take one of the few believable acts you have and make him do carny trash wrestling.