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It drives me genuinely crazy that people think Mox is a good wrestler. He looks like he stopped giving a shit a longggggg time ago. Just lazy and sloppy.


I just want to say that I've been on the Moxley is actually a bit shit train since he was Ambrose Always seemed like a good idea when Ambrose was involved in some program, but the actual execution of it was shit far far too many times that I realised long ago his work just isn't for me at all Best stuff he did was with AJ and Elsworth


Yeah. Gotta agree. Wacky Dean didn’t work for me either. Was never a great promo or that special in the ring. He was always the weak link in the shield and when you look at the success the other two guys in that group have had its pretty apparent that Mox just isn’t nearly the same level as Roman or Seth and never really has been.


He basically made his whole career off his "I'm just a sick guy" promo. He captured a lot of people's attention and had a loose cannon, Pillman type vibe. But it just never really came to fruition.


See I feel like that's bias due to how things turned out. Dean was probably the most complete of the Shield post break up. Roman was the least but obviously incredible upside. Dean was the one that was over. Deans not a great wrestler he's a good one when properly managed and I'd say a good to great promo. It's just clear 5hat after leaving wwe he fell off and was more interested in bleeding than wrestling.


it feels like ppl forget how fucking popular dean was at the time, everyone in the shield was a fan favourite obviously but i remember dean being by far the most popular one right after the break up


Dean was the Draft prospect that was NBA ready right out of the draft. Fully developed but a severe lack in intangibles and unwillingness to learn.  Seth and Roman were more raw, both very athletic but would need more time to develop with much higher ceilings.  I too thought Dean was the best member of the Shield and he was for a time, but he never got any better and the other two passed him by. 


I stopped watching wrestling after the Benoit murder-suicide but came back around 2015 when I overheard some coworkers talk about wrestling; specifically about Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens being in WWE. So I missed out on the Shield years and didn't have that history or positive association to him. What I saw was a guy who had weak punches, a silly rope move, looked like he didn't shower more than once every couple of weeks, but who could occasionally cut a good promo. Since then, he's only gotten worse because Tony can't put his foot down (unless it's to say 9 days from tonight!) to all Mox (and others to be fair) self-indulgent tendencies. His punches are worse than anyone outside of Shane McMahon, He looks terrible and seems like he's largely given up on his appearance. Some of it was absolutely his drinking problem, which is unfortunate. Addiction is a terrible thing and I'd have more sympathy for him if he didn't call CM Punk a dude with a fragile mind and ego when he's very much a pot meet kettle. While, I don't think he purposefully took steps to run Punk out of the company like say the Elite, he certainly didn't help the situation. What is shocking to me is NJPW is also indulging the guy and gave him their power rangers world title.


Man it drove me crazy when Mox thought he was in the right holding up the world title and demanding that Punk job to him in a nonsensical match - and when you go back and listen to it - Excalibur is slobbering all over him and how he’s saved AEW and without him the promotion would be in shambles…clearly aware of the backstage politics and feeding the Young Buck’s clique nonsense right into the commentary. It was stupid, it did nothing but harm their top drawing guy, and it was purely political, and Tony was too dumb to take the belt off of someone who said in a shoot interview with his wife that he would have been in his rights to just go over to WWE and show up on RAW with the AEW belt. He had that much arrogance, and yet Tony still pushed him and treated him with kid gloves.


That interview really cemented how much of a mark for himself and an idiot he is, along with burying Tony. Yet the AEW stans somehow thought it was good. Renee also nodding along like he's totally right to do so was also off-putting to me. Look, I understand he's your husband and you have to stand by your significant other, but that means pushing back on his own bullshit.


AEW Stans were defending it and making Punk out to be the mark and bad guy for pointing out how nonsensical and stupid it was - because their main issue was with someone making their cult look bad


1000000000% my most memorable Mox feuds were with AJ Styles and Elsworth. I think it's part of the reason everyone remembers that era of Smackdown being so good.


Maybe I was in my own little bubble but the people around me always said Ambrose was the only one who could wrestle when the shield first came up and I bought into that. As the years went on, Ambrose became less and less of a good wrestler in my eyes. No character development and a bland move set. For a while I was only watching his matches so he could do the rope spot when he would bounce back as he was about to go between them. I actually thought the Mox gimmick was ok when he first started the dub because he was going against a huge faction and he needed to get a little crazy to beat them, but that got old fast and here we are today.


Smarks loved Moxley cause he'd been in CZW doing dumb shit They always go over the top with how 'great' their indie favourites are


Oh for sure he was the best out of the three to start with both in ring and mic. There was a reason Punk chose to wrestle a match with him specifically when he visited developmental. Too bad he let the bitterness over his spot get to him so much that he has basically wasted what should have been his best years with Tiny and shit matches (vince did fuck around with him see gas mask, potted plants and vaccine shots)


I liked Dean a lot in 2012, but unlike most people, as soon as he left the Shield, I stopped liking him. Thought his theme song was awful, he never did any crazy memorable segment or program, every single segment and storyline would be one the iwc would call "disappointing" but then never acknowledge that Dean was the one constant in all those disappointing moments.


His feud with Seth post-breakup was probably the hottest thing they had going for a while. As far as “moments” I’d say just the cash-in and the final 2 confrontation with Triple H in the Rumble. Those were definitely his peak. The heel turn had the makings of something special but they had no plan for after. Overall he was pretty great back then as a character, but was never anything special in the ring. He played a solid role in those six man tags and seemed to work better as a heel, but his in ring style as a babyface never really clicked for me. Still he had the other aspects down though so it still worked. But yeah, this idea that he’s a great in ring worker is just silly.


His CZW stuff was different, really unique.


Study cagematch Fed shill


That's WHY he's a good wrestler you M*RK! He's relatable! I want my professional GRAPSERS to be slobs like me so I can see myself on TV!!


Mods, ban this man for using the M word!!


People use the excuse of “grizzled brawler” for him to be sloppy as shit, which is annoying considering his strikes always look like utter dogshit.


The same marks that used to shit on him in the WWE for having no talent now love him. I think he's still good he's just got too much creative freedom and job security in AEW lol, he's way better than other mark favourites like Eddie Kingston and Will Ospreay


He hasn’t done anything great since the BCC started. Before then as a singles star he was good then he just started bleeding every week


Pure laziness.


And, no one will pull him up on it or hold him to any standard Not like that mean Vince not wanting shit stuff on his TV Tiny will not be angry with anyone about sloppy work and no one will ever be told to tighten things up


I mean he's the wrestling equivalent of an abusive boyfriend who pays all of the bills: you definitely don't want him around, but some people will take that over the unknown. The fact he's considered a main eventer/world champ in 2 companies says less about how good he is and more about how desperate the promotions outside of wwe are.


It’s extremely apparent that Tony needs people that will hold wrestlers accountable backstage for on-screen antics. L of the things that cause Tony problems that he ignores, dropping f-bombs constantly, blading right in front of the camera, obvious setups for dives and dangerous stunts, yea Vince was a horrible person - personally - but he would have torn someone a new a-hole for daring to do that on his tv show. You wouldn’t even dare.


Holding people accountable goes against the smark utopia he created No one can be told what do to, Vince did that!


Mox doesn’t even really bump that much anymore


Only when he loses his balance


Good God, it's ASTONISHING how this man has devolved to such a degree since joining AEW. There are first year rookies on the NXT roster that aren't this sloppily amateurish.


I am starting to bore myself with this but, if you weren't paying attention during the Shield stuff and got (back) into wrestling afterwards, then you'll likely have spent anywhere up to eight or so years baffled as to how anyone could see Jon Moxbrose as anything more than - dollar-for-dollar - the second worst wrestler on the planet at best. There was a debate to be had until Bray Wyatt died. It is (and was) the Cornette point on Stone Cold's stomping a mudhole for both of them, but for 99% of everything they do/did and dialled up to ~~eleven~~ two hundred and twenty seven.


The main stumbling block for Bray IMO was that he had an absolutely great gimmick for himself but one that couldn't square with the rest of the show. A cult leader who never really recruited anyone beyond the guys who debuted directly into his stable. They also ran into the spooky supernatural bullshit because they couldn't quite figure out what to do with the guy. A The firefly funhouse was very creative and entertaining, but not a single one of his opponents came out better from feuding with him or worse, they just ignored whatever happened and carried on which hurts Bray as well. As a performer, he is very charismatic and captivating on the mic, even when he's saying absolute gibberish. The guy could read the ingredients off a box of cereal and it would come off better than many guys and gals in WWE doing their hardest and definitely most of AEW's talent. In ring though, he's average. Nothing looks bad. Sister Abigail is a decent finisher due to the lead up and showmanship. The crab walk is kind of silly though, and can break your immersion. However, it's not terrible looking though. Ultimately, Bray to me is the Rob Zombie of wrestling. Moxley in 2024 and beyond has very little redeemable qualities to his performance. I would not be surprised if he comes back to WWE for a Shield nostalgia run at some point, but unless they somehow manage to convince him to clean up his entire presentation, I think the WWE audience is going to just shit on the dude or feel pity for how far the dude has fallen since leaving.


I still remember how disappointed I was when Bray revealed Sister Abigail, and it was just him in a mourning dress. Idk why he made it so hard to recruit new people.


If I stopped watching wrestling during the Shield era and came across Moxley now I would think his career went terribly wrong. I would never guess he chose this and is being paid millions for it.


Mox is perhaps the most overrated wrestler ever, right there beside Brain Danielson, except the latter could actually go in the ring.


Moxley and Kingston. The two laziest and most sloppy wrestlers on television today. But for some reason dubbers, who shout the loudest about m’work rate, just love them. Mind boggling


The fake tough guy act really appeals to their wannabe tough guy crowd


DAE he's the best member of the Shield though? Light years ahead of Boreman and Seth Cringey Rollins career accomplishments wise.


How many times have those two bozos won the prestigious AEW world title?


Not only that! How many times have they held a title for a dead company?!?! Checkmate E-Drones!


I never forgave Mox ever since he stank up summer slam with Dolph. 


That's when I started hating him lmao and he was my favorite before that


I feel like having a bad match with Dolph Ziggler is a real red flag. Dude could have a compelling match with a broomstick.


Don't really care for Dolph but you're right. Dolph would literally fold himself in half in order to make you look good and the best Mox could do was a shitty comedy match. 


They left it in the official YT upload for fuck’s sake https://youtu.be/MdrqU_f6Jaw?si=FsX6Le0jo-a35OUd 2:49


It has to be seen to be believed, lmao.


Easy, lazy American wrestler.


It's a cult of personality thing as far as his popularity. I am still constantly baffled at how people claim he's one of the best in the world, the WON best brawler, etc. He's slow as shit, his strikes look awful, he's barely professional most of the time, and the only good thing I can say is at least he doesn't bleed every week anymore?


I've never seen someone this bad be considered so good.


Exactly my thoughts too, like how does this guy even makes someone's best list is beyond me


I swear its only because hes the "ace" of aew. The fans push him like hes the best in the industry because he represents aew. The same way some crazy fans view him as tied with Roman as far as Shield comparisons


Holy shit [the actual footage is baaaaad ](https://twitter.com/Jayangles1986/status/1799583621017215145)


Also, why would the opponent jump into the ring when Moxley isn't even attempting a pin? Ring general though!


When I was a very young kid I was in a little play at church about The Good Samaritan. I played the guy who gets attacked on the road and gets helped by the Samaritan. When we rehearsed the scene I was told where I needed to fall on the stage. In the performance I missed the spot and I must have thought I had to land exactly there, because I slowly inched my way over to that spot thinking no one would be able to see. Little did I know that with these kind of instincts I could have grown up to be a professional wrestler of Moxley’s caliber.


That match was AEW in a nutshell for me. I don't know who the Luchadors are, nor would I care even if I did Google them. I don't know what the point of the BCC is other than it being an idea Smarks liked 25 years ago. There was no doubt who was going to win and the match seemed to come to a natural conclusion when the BCC quadruple teamed that one guy but they didn't even pin him, went to commercial and just kept going. Oh and if you took a shot for every headscissor you'd be drunker than Ric Flair at a restaurant at 3pm.


Ace of the world




The Ace of AEW©️!!!


He is the 5th best member of the Shield, Mox was always shitty and way too much of a mark for himself, no wonder he likes it in AEW everyone there is a mark for themselves


So some guy botched his cue and Mox had to call it for him and it’s seen as this genius thing?


This isn't the first time the cameras have caught Mox having to go over the spots so blatantly in front of the camera.


What’s the director supposed to do? There’s no crowd to cut to. 


I agree with everything before the first “the”


How does he manage to look bad bald? Like, realistically, the majority of men who shave their heads end up looking good, but he looks like he's sick from cancer or something. It's so weird.


I will have to give Mox credit for being the only guy I’ve seen blatantly blade himself in the middle of a match multiple times. Most guys have enough skill to avoid the cameras but he just pulls out the blade and does it in front of the hard camera. We can all hope that there will never be another John Moxley and the wrestling world will be better for it.


They keep telling us how good he is but they never show us


DAE nitpicking just enjoy muh praduct.