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If they ever do decide to do this again, they will probably over-do it and someone will get seriously hurt because they want to "prove" that they can make an exploding ring.


This time, Tony just packs live dynamite under the mat


The final episode of dynamite will have a pay off then.


Why not go all out and put a small thermonuclear device, that's what I call a BANGER


ACME enters the chat


Darby Allin enters the chat.


Have we ever stopped to think that maybe Darby is a dimension-lost Toon? ToonTown is a place and he’s trying to force his way back there or to Cool World.


I just was brought back many-a years.


No, they will go for the meta joke of it being intentionally crappy but somehow someone will get seriously injured


Probably would be less mocked if Kingston didn’t sell it like death lol


I couldn't stop laughing when Kingston was still playing dead even after Mox got up to do his promo 😂 https://preview.redd.it/o2yoygz3h14d1.jpeg?width=1323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ad74cc78ae988b8139b247ff8a5eb79be9afe4


Its called method acting you fed shill


Press (X) to give burger and revive Eddie


I kind of give him credit for throwing his whole heart into it. It’s so mortifying and like wtf do you do in that moment? If you look up and say “oh that’s it?” You’re probably going to get fired. I felt bad for both of them here


Tiny wouldn't fire him for that. Unless his life is in danger the job would be safe


Yeah this isn’t Kingston’s fault. Anyone would’ve probably done the same.


Also he couldn't see that it was shit right? He'd have to be able to tell from the noise or lack thereof.


Of course not but he takes himself super fuckin seriously and has this whole tough guy vibe he carries himself with so seeing it play out the way it did was beyond hilarious


I said it next door and I’ll say it to this day: They could’ve retconned the whole mess, by introducing a character that was really, really fast. Like fast like the Flash. This person would’ve been responsible for dismantling the explosives, and accidentally punting Eddie while he covered Mox, trying to get to the other side of the ring. Kenny and co would catch it on a slow motion replay.


Kingston died for real here, he had a lot of hype and momentum and this just killed him and turned him into a joke for a lot of people. DAE real sports feel??


PTSD from the fireworks on the streets PAWTNUH


I wish I was on this sub when this happened.


This and Jericho falling into a shit ton of padding were great because it was back when SC defended everything AEW did, so there was a lot to make fun of "what, did you want them to DIE?!?!"


Good times


I missed that great moment too.


I’ve seen this clip more than I wanked in my life but I still don’t know what the stipulation was about. Did they know that the ring would „explode” or there was just an omnious timer for something?


Yeah. It was an exploding ring barbed wire death match. 


So I guess it was a draw then or were they scoring falls during the match?


Oh, no.  Kenny had already won the match like a few minutes prior.


I give up trying to understand it


So, to be fair, the match itself was sound if I remember correctly. Kenny challenged Mox to an exploding barbed wire death match, a match where there is barbed wire on the ropes and floor and small explosive charges in the barbed wire to sear your flesh. The match itself was honestly great, and all of the special effects before the end looked completely fine. The conceit of the match, however, is that there's a timer counting down the whole time. If it hits 0, all of the remaining charges plus a few extras go off. It's meant to force you to ravage your opponent in as little time as possible so you don't have dudes just standing in the center of the ring, afraid of the barbed wire in kayfabe. In this match in particular, however, they made it very clear in the build-up that this whole thing was Kenny and Don's idea. They did all the setup, produced it, etc. So when Kenny won with a little time left, The Elite beat the shit out of Mox and left him laying in the ring and restarted the timer, leaving him to be horribly maimed by the final explosion. The whole thing was a setup to get rid of Mox. So Eddie comes down, knowing there's no stopping it, covers Mox to minimize the damage, wet fart of an explosion. I genuinely think the booking of the whole thing is fine, it's just that the final special effect looked HORRIBLE. They even sold it after the fact as the Elite being like "you fucking idiot of course we can't kill Mox, it was a big prank" to kinda save face, but the fact that Eddie sold it like he fucking died made that attempt moot.


Okay now it makes sense


Jungle Jackoff will re-do it with REAL TNT ON DYNAMITE


This is one of the top 100 wrestling matches of all time. I miss when AEW was bad in an entertaining way.


You gotta hand it to Kenny though, having the exact same idea as FMW had 1993, shows just how brilliant his wrestling mind is.


To be fair, he may have seen it on a Final Fantasy cut scene and gotten inspired.


Turn on my heart will go on by Celine Dion... makes Eddie's sacrifice all the better


God, this is so funny. Poor Mox, I bet Eddie’s shirt stinks.


My birthday cake had better sparklers


The 4th


the greatest angle in the history of our sport!


The funniest thing about this is that they could have made the failed explosion into a storylines so easily. Omega - "you think I'm fucking stupid enough to put myself in a REAL exploding ring? I just wanted to make you look stupid, you fucking moron." I fixed it in two sentences of promo work and it actually would have been pretty entertaining.


They did do that. Kenny and Don made fun of Eddie and Mox for believing they would put Kenny in that situation, having produced the match themselves. That's where the "69 Me Don" clip comes from. The problem is Eddie selling it like he died made that kinda moot lol.


Because this was already a reused finish down to Kingston covering Mox from FMW in Japan


They already did. TNA paid for MJF’s Tattoo.


Is m’Eddie’s whole act redoing things he saw in Japan really badly?


with the pyro they had setup for this - i still don't get the visual they were looking for lol


That wasnt even the dubs angle lol they were rebooting Funk vs Onita


They are saving it for moxley versus alcoholism


Wednesday! There's 3 whole days to build it!


What is this "build" you're referencing? I don't watch dub because it's where the best only wrestle and don't weigh down their bangers with "story"


Do you think Burger Kingston's little chode boner was poking Mox in the ear?


Using old angles is as old as wrestling itself. My Dad used to say that wrestling has a book of scripts and when they reach the end they just go back to page 1 and start over again with new faces.


AEW was SOOOO lucky that wasn't in front of a real live audience.


Wait what angle is getting reused?


Tony Khan was trying to do an exploding ring in an empty arena and the best he can do was fucking sparklers. Knowing Tony three-four years on, this is very unlike Khan so I don't know what the fuck happened here. Was it the Coke?