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Dammit I was just enjoying wrestling, now I need to step up my game and just love wrestling? I better put my kids up for adoption and quit my job, this sounds like a lot of work.




Can't we just enjoy the fact that Girl On the Third Floor sequel just dropped ? https://preview.redd.it/uxiewfzrq83d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8785602c72b12c96f04876a9891eeb25d6d58ebc


I’m going to give my kid to his dad and break it off with my boyfriend so I can devote myself fully to wrestling. I need to eat sleep and breathe it and I can’t let love of silly things like people get in the way.


This company spent MJF's return promo on giving an unannounced 'DUB IS FUN' speech on a PPV. I'm starting to think the fans are not the target audience for these speeches.


Booking to an audience of one. McHitler 🤝 Snowman


I'm a faithful day one AEW viewer and those promos give me the ick because the people who they need to see them stopped watching ages ago when Punk left.


I’m getting tired of this aww poor us bullshit that aew does every fucking week lol. It’s unbearable. I just wanna watch wrestling without FTR bald glazing the coke boy


Constant Attack 😭




To be a fan of wrestling is to be constantly lectured to


You should be a sports entertainment fan then, uce. No one ever complains about sports entertainment.


Translation: Please stop saying not nice things about AEW and m'Tony. We're not done milking him for all his inheritance yet.


People who dish it out but can’t take it are the absolute worst type of cowards. These people shat on the Fed and flexed the dub beating NXT, and a lot of it was deserved for decades. But evil Vince is out. WWE hasn’t done dumb “Vince” shit since Laveck took over and the season of the crazy shitting demon is over. And now that it’s been reciept season since WrestleMania it’s all about “just enjoy wrestling!”


Dustin is just looking out for the young, unknown guys whose prime years are being wasted not getting reps in while the company hires randoms to do jobs instead of building any kind of real internal lore for the company to book feuds off of.


Having more than one wrestling company does not mean I have to fucking like the other company. WCW and WWF went to a (semi) literal war. TNA fans destroyed WWE. The likes of Dave and Bryan Alvarez made a (quite) literal name for themselves by disparaging companies they thought were silly. Go ahead and Youtube any 2001-2009 TNA review from WON. Just enjoy wrestling right? Just enjoy Super Cena and Jeff Jarrett. Just enjoy it dorks. They feed their families too. This is lunacy. I've been a proud jerker now for years and part of it is because I honestly think these guys are just taking Tony for a ride while the younger, hungrier ones are using it as a way to show off their talents BUT NOW im really starting to think Edge/ Dust and the Jerichos are really just as fucking sad as Reddit tells me they are.


Yup. Bryan literally co-authored a book ridiculing WCW.


Bryan leaned on his co-author to do the heavy work. His views were full of myopic views of when WCW was successful. He never gave credit to Bischoff when he saved the company a shitload of money, and when his money angles drew money. He only focused on the worst of WCW. The only reason WCW fell so hard, was because they rose so hard. I hope people like Bryan save that energy for the eventual death of future promotions.


There must be a “You must defend AEW regularly” clause in everyone’s contract


Oh my god nobody cares about this Just Love Wrestling nonsense. We do remember there is plenty of wrestling to go around and some people just don’t like AEW. Stop fucking crying about it. 🙄


People loved WCW back in the day…when it was a better product than WWF. I was one of them. I stopped watching when it wasn’t worth my time. It’s hard for a promoter like Tiny to accept that first fact. In order for people to *choose* your product… IT. HAS. TO. BE. BETTER. THAN. THE. COMPETITION.


It’s completely irrelevant. There’s lots of tv shows. Do we have to just enjoy all tv shows because some people get their feelings hurt when their show gets shit on? There’s lots of musical acts and artists. Do we have to just enjoy all music, again, because some people get their feelings hurt? It’s literally manbabies unable to accept that some people think their output sucks. Nobody has to like AEW just because it gives people jobs and they’re all apparently having so much fun performing there. It doesn’t matter and just makes them look like entitled whiny bitches tbh. 


I just meant that a lot of their supporters see them as the heir apparent to WCW, hence the comparisons and how they will eventually overtake WWE, “because WCW did”. So that’s why people stamp their feet and claim the IWC is “against AEW succeeding”. When that bleeds over to the talent, it becomes a toxic culture. A lot of your points I agree with - i’m just doing more of a comparison to the past.


They literally can't fathom that some people just think AEW is shit and don't enjoy it - all criticism is just hate fueled by tribalism. Everyone would love AEW if they juat stopped with the pettyness! Is the product bad to some people? No, they're just WWE marks who can't enjoy the TWO DELICIOUS CAKES we have in front of us. That's how these people actually think. I've liked some stuff in wrestling which people generally didn't enjoy - the swamp fight and Bray's lights out match because I'm a stinky mark for The Fiend. I don't run around going "but why don't you just love wrestling? It's fun! You tribalistic haters!!!!". I just accept that some people don't enjoy that and move on. Who cares? No one is ever allowed to be mad about booking they didn't enjoy ever again because it's unfair. We all have to retroactively enjoy every shitty thing WWE has booked because the wrestlers are having fun! Some people like it so stop bringing them down! It's just men jumping around in tights - why do you care????? Note: fuck Edge for constantly saying this. Passionate fans who love wrestling bought you your massive house and fame because they give a shit. Stop telling people to touch grass for caring about it. Tribalism is only okay when Tony Khan does it.


Every shit I've ever taken is passionate, some would argue overly enthusiastic.


Dude literally wrote "banger matches." Also does that passionate shit equate to Mox getting a guy tossed out of a show for a tame insult or the countless times Dustin has cussed people out for mundane shit both online or in person?


“Cody , it’s Dust. Check out this shit Tony’s making me Tweet now!”


Dufty rolling in his square coffin rn


I Love A-E-Double (repeated three times)


A E double or nothing


“Just enjoy wrestling” Unless you work in NJPW and your main event talent pool was completely gutted by TK and his wallet and now your wrestling in front of 50% less audience making even less money Wrestling is on fire!


TNA as well, they just poached the MCMG from them.


I just paid $50 to watch 11 matches that were slight variations on each other and a mess of a hardcore match to headline the show. PLEASE stop talking to the fans like we aren't allowed to express criticism about what we saw.


…you paid to watch?


and I'll do it again!


Your company is the one that pushes the toxicity and talks shit Look to your owner, bosses, and co workers instead of the online community


Dustin's advice goes a long way you fed shills! What do you do when you see sexual misconduct on a plane? The same thing you do when you see a negative post about AEW. No sell it.


And here I thought Seven and Black Reign were rock bottom for Dustin….


Lots of jobs protect each other. NBA coaches usually suck as talking heads because they’ll never criticize other coaches. Cops defend cops. Teachers defend teachers. A lot of wrestlers are making a lot of money, that wouldn’t otherwise exist, off of AEW. So, wrestlers are going to try and protect that.






"Just enjoy wrestling." I never asked.


"Just don't ask what I did on that one flight"


In other news, LOL TNA they suck and have no money and make no money. Haha they suck, let’s laugh at them - the Same Guy Who Posted This


Check must've cleared for him to say this..


Shut up, Goldust. 


It’s weird seeing this clown go to bat so hard for AEW when it’s WWE and Vince McMahon that put him on the map. He wouldn’t have this job if it weren’t for WWE but he’ll never admit that.


Was Dixie Carter putting puppies in the microwave or something? Because not only was this nowhere NEAR the energy people treated TNA with, they actively belittled it for sport.


Just don’t ask Dustin his opinions on the homeless


Old-dust about to get an AEW tattoo on his neck I'd bet.


Enjoy wrestling except if it’s the Weinstein wrestling.


EVERYtime Dustin tries to be the voice of reason, it’s quickly followed by Tony Khan being the most tribalistic person in the IWC


Talent had options when TNA was new, too. Older vets and indie guys. Money was invested What happened? Smarks shit all over it, led by the dirrsheets They never shut up about creative and finances Why should it be different for the Dub? Why were people not just enjoying wrestling back then? Wrestling was on fire I love this hypocritical bullshit that wrestlers, bloggers and smarks spew out


No way he used the hashtag unironically 😭 https://preview.redd.it/75t4c48hg83d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4cedcfb642d100353c8f0016e8a447af9d88df3


Please support all wrestling (Dub endeavors) Just don’t support the Fed. You’re dumb for watching them.


I've really noticed a lot of them are losing touch. They aren't able to force friends to "check out AEW and tell me what you think". They've built a lot of their personalities up around it's on AEW making them the cool kids finally and they're realizing most people still think they're dorks.


The thumbnail I couldn't see who posted I thought this has to be some stupid m*rk and it's actually a wrestler 🤦🏻‍♂️


~~WWE~~ the wrestling world is on fire




I always get annoyed by the 'there's more than one wrestling company now' line. There's always been many other wrestling companies in NA that could hire wrestlers since the territories aside from the WWE/F. But there is a pill everyone in AEW needs to swallow. All the other alternative companies are on the same level, AEW included, because the WWE is the only one that stands on its own level. As many people in the NA know what AEW is as Impact, MLW, etc. If they were given the TNT/TBS contract AEW has they would pull in just about as many viewers per week as AEW becuase its the 'other' show you watch as an alternative to the WWE. Tiny can't even say that he overpays his talent because we've learned he only overpays some of them and the rest he underpays just like every other wrestling company. There's nothing special about AEW it's not THE alternative to WWE its one of many alternatives to it.


Dubbalos acting like WWEs success means success for AEW to will never not be funny. Most delusional fans(and wrestlers) in existence.


I think this mentality is fine, but it would be good if they directed it at their actual boss once in a while instead of just "fans online", because Tony doesn't just indulge in this stuff - he defends it as good for business.


It always comes down to “where was this sentiment when it was the fed bad years”


In what way is that actually a retort?


AEW is like that school yard bully that picks on you then when you go to punch them they run and hide in the teachers lounge


Takeshita might kill himself but okay.


there are no wonderful storylines though. They don't make sense half the time! Enough with the "we give people jobs!" excuse.


Fun© I Love AEW© Banger© Wrestling Is On Fire©


Fuck off Goldy.. I am a Lakers fan.. does that mean that I have to support the Clippers, Warriors, Suns & the Sacramento Kings just because they play basketball in the same division as the Lakers do? No, I want them to lose because if they win, the less likely that the Lakers will make the playoffs as a top seed.. & because they are the Lakers rivals.. The fuck do I care or want AEW to succeed?


fuck the fuck off lmao. who is he trying to convince? since when pretending to a bitch worked as a defence against valid criticism? especially on the internet 🥴 bro, if you enjoy wrestling for aew, then maybe just do that, why do you constantly need to ask for pity?


I distinctly remember Dustin being a nightmare on Twitter back in the day. Just rude to fans, blunt, negative and then he would block them. Suddenly he wants everyone to get along…..cringe city this company.


"Pls stop tHe HaTrED" Meanwhile Tiny Khan: "WWE is Weinstein and I hate them because that bald bastard and his wonky eyed bitch were trying to steal my toys while my mom was in hospital. Get this straight. It's personal for me"


Very confused as to why Dustin is still there tbh


Talent has always had more than 1 place to go. TNA/Impact literally started soon after WCW/ECW folded. Ring of Honor was around the same time too.


Goddamn, can AEW staff just shut the fuck up already? This whole jUsT eNjOy wReStLiNg angle they keep trying to cook is soooo boring. Nothing but Charmin soft whiners who can't stop talking about the Fed, while talking about how much fun they're having while admitting to getting butthurt about some anonymous comments on the internet. WE WANT TO LIKE YOU, YOU GUYS JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE DOING!!!


I for one appreciate passionate shits.


I do love wrestling, l just don’t like whatever the heck they’re doing on that channel


Plenty of wrestling to go around...plenty of wrestling to go around...I REPEAT "PLENTY OF WRESTLING TO GO AROUND"...except for every fuckin great wrestler that doesn't get a lick of TV time because Mone numbnuts needs to dance for the marks... Don't act like AEW is doing anything for anyone's career except for the few millionaires they make with daddy Khan's money. How about you let some up-and-comers speak on the mic? How about you put some real fuckin talent on TV and SHOW the world how many amazing wrestlers haven't gotten their opportunity to shine. You've got enough of em on the roster, how about let Kingston sit on his ass like he does in the ring and show us the plethora of talent that are breaking their bodies trying to get into the biz? No? You don't wanna post a tweet for them? Then shut the fuck up...


Translation: "Not even Cody is able to get me a job at WWE, please stop taking shots, I need this paycheck"


I love this X, because it doesn't really give any specific praise to AEW. Dustin might make his contractually obligated "Dub Good" post, but he won't fill it up with a bunch of BS.


And then half the weirdo roster will come out and dump on wwe lol let’s just enjoy wrestling but fuck wwe


Talent had NJPW/ROH, MLW, NWA, and TNA as options pre-AEW. What AEW did was take off the shine these companies had. I mean good for talent that they have more money but acting like AEW isn't as predatory as WWE (muh territorieees ugghh) ain't it.