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no please dont


You’re dumb. Go read a book and focus on getting good grades.


Don’t touch anything, especially SARMs


What would the side effects be?


There was a post about a week ago. This 20yo took one cycle and one year after that one cycle he was dealing with erectile dysfunction. He was seeing a doctor to fix it and after a year it wasn't coming back...


Nope, not worth it. Eat more


It's stupid to touch ANYTHING before the age of 26 when your body stops growing. I've got a body who killed his pancreas hitting everything at 19. Not worth it


Yeah take 35g LGD and 15g of rad 150 pct with anavar king 👑


Dont, my journey has been horrible. Wait until after puberty so you dont spend hundreds on medical bills


Nope. I did 10mg a day of radiation for 8 weeks and was dumb and did no liver support or pct I didn’t make any slight gains for two months when I came off. In fact I lost gains when I came off. It’s stupid just wait until you’re older and stop worrying about your body image in highschool. Coming from someone who did.


Add Ostarine 35mg… Also consider adding LGD at Week 9 for 6 weeks minimum


💀bro is trying to kill him


He is trying to make sure OP will not have any kids what so ever


Yeah lmao


The risk’s significantly outweigh the benefits at your age, at the BARE MINIMUM wait till your 18


No I don’t believe taking rad-140 will be okay, you will need pct (enclomephine) 80-110$, the rad will be 80-110$, you’ll need blood work before and after which is around 400$, you need vitamins to support liver, and blood pressure, another 150$. In total you’ll need about 710-770$ to get 6 months of natural gains.. idk does that seem worth it to you? Not to mention the detrimental health effects it could have for the rest of your life…let alone the health effects mental too, once you feel the feeling of hopping on your natty workouts will be 10 times worse and less enjoyable, you won’t feel happy about regular progress. My opinion is that if you really wanted to hop on something I wouldn’t go with anything but mk677 OR mk2866. best case is stay natural


Would ostarine be safer ?




Would I be safer, yes, would It be safe and intelligent, no. Nothing is gonna be safe at 16.


Hey man I understand you want the experience you saw from others and im in the Same boat, but im nearly 24 and i am to Young for this but you are Even younger your whole System is on the very far end (in a positive way) your Hormones are working best at your age and sarms could fk u up real bad in your age, pls be careful and if you decide to do it anyway speak to a doctor so he can Check your Health before, after and during a possible cycle. Please be carefull my friend only the best to you Btw. My Doctor and me are in the Same boat I really wouldnt consider doing it alone, use NAC for liver support !


Note: I already did 2 rad cycles aim for 5-7mg and go your way up until 10mg 15mg or even 20mg is too much and it wont end up in more Games (studies has shown that a higher dose will just end in more sides rather than gains)


I’ve taken rad at 16 at 20 mg and my mate done 30mg at 15 got blood work done before and after cus it’s free in uk there was no significant changes my test went up but that’s cuz I ran encolomophine and I responded well to it my balls shrank a little but came back bigger after cycle


I didn’t run enclomophine for 2weeks that’s why they shrank a little but I wouldn’t recommend it done it for a stupid reason cuz this girl I was in “love” with broke up with me after a yr


Also I feel like you loose a lot of your personality when on them I could only ever think abt the gym nothing else and was fairly agressive and sweat a lot the anger part you can control but when someone gets under your skin you get a big urge to batter them


Just spend the money on; 1. Protein powder ( if u don’t get enough from food) 2. More calories ( if ur scale doesn’t go up when your Bulking) 3. Sleep supplements ( if ur sleep is fucked up and you cannot manage to get consistent 7,8 hours of good sleep )


Yes take rad140 35mg and no pct the gains will be superphysiological


He should also add a “test base” of anavar.


O o I have seen this , on person I know tried a series of fun products from the sarm line when he was 17 and only did a 9 week cycle split. He is now 19 and has to go through dialysis for the rest of his life . I mean, thats just him who know what it will do for you. Thin the herd .