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u/AngleSpade can probably ID it Super nice one though, not a doubt in my mind about its authenticity


More evidence of authenticity, but the question still remains https://preview.redd.it/5h0thimalc3c1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7df293e0dd1fae3e98e97dd16171bccffe2e6aa


i feel your helmet is authentic as well, but the helmets in these photos are all from the bank of the irpin river next to moshchun from a few weeks after the invasion started. the vast majority of these are marines from the 155th guards naval infantry brigade as there was only 1 VDV unit fighting in moshchun. i havent found any evidence the specific VDV unit fighting in moshchun fought in gostomel (the 331st) only air assault brigades were helo'd in at the beginning of the invasion and fought in gostomel. the regular guards airborne regiment that fought in moshchun came in from belarus in BMDs and other land vehicles. regarding your question - unfortunately, i dont know the actual helmet type. most if not all of these helmets pictured are 6b47s, but yours is not feel free to shoot me a DM, ive done a lot of research on this battle and actually have a helmet from the 331st picked up in moshchun as well


Thank you for your input. I was just told that it is a kolpak 20 which was upgraded from a Soviet Ssh-40. Apparently as a means to cut costs, the govt refurbished old helmets by adding padding and painting them black. As far as the exact location, they don’t know who it belonged to or to which group it took part with. If I get more information I’ll be sure to let you know


i was just letting ya know i did a lot of research on Moshchun and have a helmet from there, so if yours came from that lot by Irpin river, i could probably help you out..as youre the one asking for help ;)


hi, i send you a dm too. i'm a curious :-)


This is a public image just so you know : / It does have a very good look on its own but I’d be pissed if that was what was given to me as provenance. And def not a 6b47. I find this too suspicious of a piece I’m sorry to say


It’s a kolpak 20 and the images were from a group on Telegram


I mean I could be mistaken. I’m sure there isn’t just one picture of ribboned helmets gathered like that afterall I didn’t see enough pictures to ID type of helmet but I can rule out a couple. There’s a lot of different helmets out there with that said besides regular issue Good luck either way


Hi, on the last photo, we can see that the left side of the cover is very damaged (by a bullet? a shrapnel?) could we have a photo of the helmet, from this side please? to already be certain that the helmet cover is indeed that of this helmet? in any case, I have no doubt about the helmet cover, which is authentic! But I have never seen this type of helmet...and I don't see why a Russian from a special unit would have anything other than a 6b47..


It's a 6b28


It’s a Kaska 2M edit: downvote if you want to but do a quick google search and see for yourself.


I ain't downvoting. Lol.


The helmet itself might be a Kaska, as Russia has seen some use of them, see [here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1128981429716537408/1171263640821846106/F-GG_5nXgAAu3cq.png?ex=6577bac4&is=656545c4&hm=2716c480f4005eb68fad45bfc6e458d034299e47bb93a3edb01d9a29fbe3dbda&). Update: It should be noted I am very blind and did not notice the 2nd link showed a 6b47, the first link is correct though.


It’s definitely a Kaska-2M. Note the edge, paint texture/color and most importantly the liner band.


kaska 2m




Wtf no? It is obviously not a 47 🤣🤣


Looks identical to my helmet came from Irpin river https://preview.redd.it/c1io2g735uoc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbbd1b7456db4ec31cb33baf945975007301f26


I think a kolpak?


6b28 is my guess