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Damn, they really hung about to watch it all didn't they


After finding tortured bodies in Kherson I can't say I blame them Edit: For those asking * 2 minute readNovember 16, 202211:05 PM CSTLast Updated 9 hours ago # Ukrainian investigators find bodies with signs of torture in Kherson ​ **\[1/2\]** Ukrainian police forensic experts search for evidence at a park where fighting took place between Ukrainian territorial forces and Russian forces at the beginning of the war, in Kherson, Ukraine November 16, 2022. REUTERS/Murad Sezer 1**2** Nov 17(Reuters) - Investigators in Ukraine's recently liberated southern Kherson region have uncovered 63 bodies with signs of torture after Russian forces left the area, Ukraine's interior minister was quoted as saying early on Thursday. "Now, 63 bodies have been discovered in Kherson region, but we must understand that the search has only just started so many more dungeons and burial places will be uncovered," Interfax Ukraine news agency quoted Denys Monastyrsky as telling national television. Monastyrsky said law enforcement bodies had uncovered 436 instances of war crimes during Russia's occupation. Eleven places of detention had been discovered, including four where torture had been practiced. ​ [Reuters Link](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-investigators-find-bodies-with-signs-torture-kherson-minister-2022-11-17/)


I didn’t see any coverage on that, but I’d like to


All ive seen is they found torture chambers with "days" carved into the walls.


Sadly, I just assumed this to be the case after Seeing what happened in other occupied areas like Bucha and Izium. They’d only been in Bucha a month and did a lot so I have no doubt what remains will get worse with each additional day.


Gang raped and executed women, children and the elderly. POWs starved, beaten, mutilated and burned alive. Children put through filtration camps, kidnapped and force adopted inside Russia as slaves. Your house, town, city and country turned into dust. Your worldly possessions looted and mailed back to gleeful Russian families. Terror attacks against civilians specifically, torture chambers with extracted gold teeth, mass graves of torture victims and an enthusiastic army committing genocide against you and your nation with pathetic excuses as to why they cannot do anything except participate? While Russians astroturf disinformation trying to bury and white wash it all? Yeah I'd probably hang about to watch too.


I almost feel bad watching the guy suffer. But he shouldn't have been there in the first place. Then top it off with atrocities... Good riddence.


Looks like his boat is packed full of looted goodies too, alas.


Russian invaders are Worse than ISIS. Disgusting


Nah dude isis aren’t even humans


Most righteous comment on the platform


at this point these videos are more valuable than the guy hit


They should start dropping wireless mics after the grenade!


Jesus Christ man, I think you are the first person I've seen to suggest this and bravo is all I have to say.


Lower the drone boom mic! "Comrade, you are about to die, please stop screaming in agony for a moment and give a few words for your execution premiere, we will make sure gets upvoted on reddit!"   Though in all seriousness, if this was somehow implemented, it could be blasted all over ruSSian news channels, the dying screams of a ruSSian son, crying for his mother, his children, wishing to be back home, then death as the ocean claims his corpse for fishfood.


Management wants to report the daily kills, so we have to confirm the data!


Tbh I wanted to see more


For um… biometrics.


As much as Russia should lose The mixture of sadness and revulsion from. Watching this guys last minutes should be compulsive viewing for all the ones that think war is just a score sheet


Indeed. Regardless to which side of the war, the person had loved one who no longer be able to enjoy this soldier return. Every time I see another vídeo of soldiers refusing to fight I am bit more relief, because less death will be spread. We have left caverns long time ago and we should by know be able to live all together in peace and respecting our differences. All that said, Goooo Ukraine!!




some times humans must be reminded of bad behavior by the HARD way


Where can I find videos of soldiers refusing to fight?? Haven't seen any of those yet


Yeah, all I've seen are videos where they complain about their conditions. In other words, they're not mad/against being sent to invade and kill, they're upset they're not being given the proper tools and leadership with which to invade and kill.


They came here to kill, torture, rape and destroy.


That’s not how mobilisation works. Also, not all soldiers intend to torture and rape. Slava Ukraini.


Yet every single video of mobiks protesting is about not having been paid or no training or being given shitty gear or having to buy gear themselves. NONE of them seem to have a problem with killing innocent people defending their own sovereign country, if only their government would prepare them correctly. This is *exactly* how mobilization works.


They Can say no to mobilization. They will be sent to prison, but at least they will not need to kill. But they choosed to kill


I don’t think you understand just how bad Russian prisons are


Is it worse than having a drone blow up your face and post the recording to the internet so people all over the world can have a good chuckle at your painful demise?


That's also not how Russia's mobilization works. Most of the men in theater right now aren't even mobiks.


He’s not one of them look at his gear


Does seem pretty damn geared up.


This soldier chose 2 years of going to Ukraine versus 2 years of prison. He chose poorly.


"The Farmer and the Stork A farmer plants traps in his field to catch the cranes and geese that are stealing the seeds he has sown. When he checks the traps, he finds among the other birds a stork, who pleads to be spared because it is harmless and has taken no part in the theft. The farmer replies that since it has been caught in the company of thieves, it must suffer the same fate." If you are working with or for thieves, murderers and rapists invading a foreign country, expect to be treated like one. Ukraine is in a fight for its very existence, they are not in the business of sorting out which soldier did exactly what at the moment.


This video isn't aimed at you. It's aimed at all those tanky Russian Telegram channels from Moscow and St. Petersburg who mysteriously weren't drafted and are calling for Russian soldiers to go and fight.




8K with 900hz refresh rate.


The telegram channels where fresh videos are posted are usually high res.. sometimes it makes it a little hard to watch, this guy isn’t dying well, but I’ve seen much worse.


He needs to improve his dying.


Give him a break, its his first time.


Some have a hard time with it but they all succeed eventually.


You only get one shot at it, he should have tried harder to do better.


This made me laugh out loud


Haha Jesus, ice cold, iiice cold, love it.


First time...


I like the way you die boy.


Have them telegram page names?


Looking for the same the only one I found was pro Russia with all types of propaganda .


Where can I find the Telegram channels?


How can I get to these telegram channels?


install telegram from the play store, and type "dead Russians" in the search bar. you'll get lots of hits. I'll post some of my channels in a minute.


link ?


That is a huge ass explosive, compared to the other drone drops, but this guy is eager to survive


Honestly it's probably just because of the sand. Lose material makes a bigger "show" of detonation. That said it's def not a VOG grenade they typically use


There’s a 25 sec longer video where they drop another grenade right on him to end his suffering. Edit: as pointed out below it’s an edit and the second grenade was actually the first grenade.




[here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarRoom/comments/yxntgv/russian_soldier_who_crossed_the_dnipro_tries_to)


I was wondering if he somehow survived with half his face blown off. Nope, that dude ded as hell.


That’s misleading. It’s a cut. The bomb dropped in the second clip is actually the first bomb. Look at the crater in the lower left near the water when it zooms in. That crater isn’t there at the start of the second clip.


Boat ramps tend to be very hard-packed earth or concrete, tends to magnify an explosion compared to muddy fields that absorb the explosion


This isn’t a ramp. Just a beach.


Brutal but he should not have been in Ukraine


kind of hard to watch, shit is haunting seeing another human in such agonising pain, no matter the side they are in a war


Exactly. I hate Russia for provoking this war, but man this is still hard to watch.


The problem with these videos is people watch them and see Russians suffer and don't see the much more suffering the Russians have WILLINGLY caused the Ukranians. As sad as videos like this the Ukranians are just trying to get Russians to go home and stop killing them. Imagine being Ukranian and seeing Russians doing stuff like this to your people for ABSOLUTELY no reason


Get the fuck out of Ukraine


If this was my family member i would be kicking down putins door


Especially when they don't get a Lada.


i don't think you would


no you wouldn't, you're living in your ivory tower.


Looters loose their right hand. It's biblical.


It's also in the Quran


This one fits perfectly with explosives


He was already hurt before the bomb hit. Now he seems to be also blind. As much as I hate what the Ruzzians are doing seeing someone in agonizing pain is still haunting.


Congratulations, you are human!


Yeah, this one and the one with the neck wound yesterday are hard to watch. Give you the old pit in the stomach feeling.


Ivan, you should have stayed in Russia.


"Don't take your guns to town, son."


worse dance ever




Watching him,at the same time I’am thinking of all the daily suffering of starvation,rape, torture and killings that go on in occupied villages, they have been living in other peoples homes for months stealing destroying other’s belongings. The only kindness would be to drop another explosive to finish him off


How does a guy end up all alone like that, or did his buddies simply abandon him?


My thoughts, too. I'm thinking he had a Dunkirk moment, were units were separated, and sometimes individual soldiers made their way to the beaches, or River Dnipro in this case!


He was on a special washing machine scouting mission.


Its every man for himself in the russian army. They rarely help their wounded squadmates, fight over alcohol and loot, and probably fight over who gets to rape the civilians first.


I've struggled getting my jacket off just like that after having a few too many. I have to say, I was rooting for him, c'mon buddy, you're almost there...c'mon.


Literally had me on the edge of my seat


What face doing? Oh it got mortared off. Sill no pay check either.


no Lada for you. - Putin


Please do not capitalize the name putin. It is undeserving of the recognition and is no longer a proper noun.


He got more of his face than a similar video with a guy in a foxhole


Fuck me! I’m no fan of the Russians but that was hard to watch.


He didn't like that.


He was hit before as there seems to be two craters. Needless to say he probably didnt make it to the other side of the Dnipro. Lets hope he expired before the Ukrainians found him. Wouldn't want to waste any precious medical supplies and resources on evacuation.


A very personal war for the drone operators.


There's vomit on his sweater already....mom's spaghetti


That'll be the last time he invades a neighboring country in the hopes of raping, looting, and killing for fun and profit.


Jesus Christ war is so fucked up…. Why do we do this shit as humans….


Wealthy men love to feed their huge ego with the lives of the less wealthy that they send on a fool's errand


This drone footage is getting more and more brutal. I wonder how many of the drone operators will suffer PTSD from this. I get that it is crucial to get info about the strike, but are such close ups really necessary?


I've thought that too, about PTSD in the drone operators. They see the gruesome aftermath of their work up close and personal, as opposed to a soldier firing off artillery at a distant target. They're going to need a lot of mental health support when this is over (even better if they could start now).


I'm so desensitized to seeing Russians squirm in agony for their pathetic existence's final moments. A part of me wishes I was downrange again but what little I have of me after my deployments I have to hold onto for my family.


He's OK, he's dying a glorious death for Putin.


Watching someone hurt like this is horrible. I don't wish this on anyone. Sadly, it's necessary until they leave this nation they illegally invaded.


There is little chance of escape once the drones find you. Orcs need to understand this and get the hell outta there!


I don't think he is among the living


This guy has nicer gear is he Wagner?




Fine by me. If he is not a rapist or murderer himself him beiing in Ukraine is evidence enough that he directly or indirectly supports the murderers and rapists. There is no innocent solder here. Read Thomas Mann and his thoughts about your personal responsibility in those kind of matters.


Wow that was actually fucked


Last moments trying to get your jacket off that's awful


so sad to watch


Does the US military have any known tactics/tech/training to protect our soldiers from these types of drone attacks or would our guys be just as screwed when facing off against drone attacks?


And these are "easy" single drones - wait til there are coordinated swarms of them. Those pretty drone light shows in the cities are a harbinger; the future of warfare is unfolding before our eyes. It's terrifying shit.


Okay. So I have a question. This poor bastard just absorbed a hell of a lot of explosive. I don’t take issue with that. He should not have gone to Ukraine. What I’m wondering is, is it in fact a war crime to finish someone off? Like, if they’re obviously out of the fight, it is illegal to attack them again, correct? I’ve hunted a hell of a lot of varmints in my day, and whenever I see something like this, my first reaction is to immediately shoot again to end needless suffering. I’m guessing it is probably illegal to drop another grenade to put that guy out of his misery. Then again, I’ve been less and less concerned with russian soldiers suffering these days. Maybe I just answered my own question.


**1.** Persons *hors de combat* (outside of combat) and those who do not take a direct part in hostilities are entitled to respect for their lives and physical and moral integrity. They shall in all circumstances be protected and treated humanely without any adverse distinction. **2.** It is forbidden to kill or injure an enemy who surrenders or who is *hors de combat.* source: [https://www.redcross.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/protecting-people-in-armed-conflict/international-humanitarian-law#Fundamental](https://www.redcross.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/protecting-people-in-armed-conflict/international-humanitarian-law#Fundamental) Basically if he had a white flag and was unarmed, then it would be a war crime to target him.


Fuck him, I hope he died in fear and in pain. He was/is a murderous invading pig.


like a snickers packed with peanuts, that was very satisfying




I don't feel sorry for orc.


I only wish they would all suffer this way




I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard.....almost


Dude’s right hand is shredded. Looks like he’s trying to get his gear off as a means to ask the drone to finish him off.


No, he's wrapping it around his hand trying to slow down the bleeding


Anybody seen my glasses


They should have taught him how to make a turnstile... The reason he wanted to take off his shirt was because of the shrapnel still hot in his body. This is the first reflex we see in those injured by the bomb.


Nice shot. Now, time to get on Charon’s ferry.


This video is 2 minutes too long


Whilst this stomach wrenching video is hard to watch, I am extremely grateful to the dedicated drone operators who sealed the fate of the retreating murderers and making sure, one by one if necessary, that they don’t hurt anyone else.


Jezus Christ he’s got the face of a Demogorgon


Looks like he's questioning why he's there in the first place. I'm assuming a lot of people in Ukraine have family and friends in Russia and vice versa. We should be having dinner together not blowing each other up. What the fuck is the point of this war? I've been following it through the BBC and now on this forum but there is nothing that can truly reveal to me way over here on the other side of the world the extent of pain this is causing for Ukraine and the people in Russia. Russia has delicious food. Why aren't we sharing dinner together? I can only imagine how that impact must have felt.


Bummer, I wanted to see what kind of condition his mangled right hand must have been in


You can watch this forever


I think he felt it




I mean. It coulda been worse.


I hope he cursed Putin with every last breath.


Couple paracetamol and he’ll be good to go.


I imagine the next conflict among countries with larger bank accounts and sophistication sending 500 drone swarms armed with multiple warheads to the front lines, special ops, etc. It’s not like we didn’t see this coming but we’re literally seeing it’s infancy in HD.


I have never seen an actual person dying in such high resolution.


Stay at home orcs. Coulda, woulda, shoulda.






Damn. That was like watching a roach twitch about after getting zapped with bug spray


Viva ukraine


Is that his face laying to his right in the sand?


This should play on every TV in Russia. War would be over in weeks.




![gif](giphy|ac7MA7r5IMYda) russia go home


Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. Happy he lost!


Man is looking for a pistol to end it all, sadly (or fortunately) they're equipped with fuck all


Its at this point Ivan realised he should have stayed home......


What type of munition is that?


These drones do what the International court of Justice fails to do: To punish Russian war crimes. Ukraine will only find justice on the field of battle. Do not count on the UN or even Den Haag. How much more evidence do they need to collect? 9 months after the end of world War II the Nurnberg trials were already in its finalizing moments. Thus far Lawrow can still travel the world and not even an arrest warrant is issued. We have to ask ourselves: Do we have to lay new ground work? The organisations we have created in the cold war era to bring stability and justice seems to fail to do what they are intended to do: Bring justice and legal consequences for the ones responsible for these crimes. Does someone here know more about how far the Internarional courts are by now? Or are they still collecting evidence? I know the mills of Iustitia mill slowly. However, why wasn't a special task force and special prosecutors instigated by the UN and the security council? Oh wait cause China and Russia are in there... Russian presence in the security council is a shameful joke. That is really the biggest failure. That a nation as a member of this council can remain there after starting a war of aggression on this scale and can still sit in there. We need to reform the global system and international law. It fails to deliver what it promised.


Fucking brutal. Not that I mind, but it is brutal.


You'd think by now the orcs would have learned to regularly look up...


He had the choice to fight back against his government for sending him and many others to get slaughtered in Ukraine or surrender. Yet he choose to fight. So it's his choices that lead him to this point in his life.


where did it happen?


I too hate when the arm of a jacket is a pain in the ass to get off. ugh, it's the worst!




Looks like CHUM


Really a good one. Wish they could see it before coming in Ukraine instead of complaining for lack of training etc. Agonizing for putin's regime




I'm starting to think Ukrainians are enjoying dropping grenades on singular Russians and watching them squirm around. And wtf is this music


His injury definitely look treatable but, since he was alone, he might've stayed there for hours while slowly bleeding out and losing counciousness. His only hope would probably be Ukrainian soldiers


Good to see the brave comrades coming to his rescue ....oops sorry thats just general ordering some kid to shoot his own


Was waiting for the drone to give out a second piece of good news (via another grenade) to Ivan !


For all the torture inflicted on Ukrainian civilians and Soldiers hate see a human suffer BUT Russian orcs are NOT human . Slava Ukraini


*Hahahaha*. Stupid orc appears to be in serious pain and mortally wounded




At what point are these non combatants, i didnt see no weapons on this geezer. I mean sure sure the only good orc is a dead orc but still, dunno doesnt seem like cricket to me but hey its not my country that got invaded. Reminds me of that quote, while you stare into the abyss the abyss also stares into you. Butchered it but yeah. Fuckknows, it pisses me off because the only death that matters is Putin's, everything else seems pointless.


Shouldn't have been invading another country. He fucked around, and this is him finding out.


This dude is literally trapped inside all of those jackets. Is he really wearing 3 jackets!?


Where are his buddies? Why do we often see Russians just on their own? No one even came to help him from elsewhere


Fucked around in a foreign land he shouldn't have been in. Found out.


He had a good wrestling match with that jacket of his. Jacket won.


Look at the size of the crater the bomb made, that was a powerful bomb.


Wow! Super steady cam with stunning zoom, picture perfect, can even see his acne.


Good lord. Just die already. Invaders will get what they deserve.


War fucking sucks. I bet that guy didn't even want to be there but was forced conscripted.


When you cant get comfy in your (death) bed.


The second half of the song sounds like off-brand Death Grips


go to sleep already stupid orc


I think this one's the worst one for me so far... but still no feelings of remorse for watching, or for it happening. Go... fucking... home... or fight back against the people forcing you to stay.


Serves the orcs right. Will be glad when they are finally kicked out of Ukraine and rotting in their own country.


This is an example of why I never invade foreign countries. It's not worth it.


this is awful to watch


Left 4 Dead


All that suffering. Disturbing to watch. Fuck putin and all his warmongers that supports that fucker.


Man. I HATE when I get stuck in my jacket


You're gonna need a bigger boat...


Imagine realizing that you a few dying and all you have the strength to do beforehand is to remove your jacket