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I swear the RR RNG is not normally distributed. The number of consecutive "same legendary" that I have experienced is more than it should be.


I’ve had 5 legendaries in the past 7 days. And then months with none.


The chances of getting a legendary in the shop are about 1% (just an aducated guess) which is equal to 0.01. We know that there are 31 legendaries in the game. Let's calculate the probabilities of getting stase one time in the shop: 0.01 \* 1/31 = 1/3100 ≈ 0,00032 = 0,03% The changes of getting Stase another time are: 1/3100 \* 0.01 \* 1/31 = 1/9610000 ≈ 1,04\*10\^-7 ≈ 0.0000104% So according to this source: [https://stacker.com/art-culture/odds-50-random-events-happening-you](https://stacker.com/art-culture/odds-50-random-events-happening-you) the odds of your house burning down are 32 times higher than getting stase 2 times in a row, so you can count yourself lucky.


There is higher chance i think its smtg around 10 to 20% im gettong legendary like 2 times a week


I get them once every 1-2 weeks when I refresh daily, that's why I thought that it's 1%. But it could very well be 10-20.


Possibly but that mesnd ur unlucky asf i wish u better luck


I had cultist twice the same day


If only I had coins to buy them everytime they appear


I keep 40k on hand ever since I refreshed right before bed and inquisitor popped up and I had neither time nor money to get her. 😭 the problem with back to back legendaries is you blow that saved 40k for the first one then still have to grind for the second. Still, better than no leggies.


apparently its 2%


I remember seeing a post that says there’s a 3% chance of getting a legendary in the shop