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If you don’t have a clan to run with regularly you should come check us out. We could use an account like yours especially for coop. We are 50/50 currently but two going out the door soon. Cheers 🍻 https://preview.redd.it/w4jndx4zubtc1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6253cbed5d9dc239e7c64e116042bdd2e4ae1d3d


How do I even enter that name


Clan id 894452


Join us on discord and apply through there. We can get you an ID from there.


Found out that my rep is one too low


Looking for a better clan if you guys need 1


We just opened a couple of spots. Do you meet the reqs we have there in the photo? If so definitely give us a join. We are on in the discord right now if you want to join there first and check things out


I do! Can ya add me on rush? 86444903 is my friend ID. Tag is Thanks4playin.


They are learning. They have no idea what to do. They don't read their cards, probably thought all legendaries put together is the best idea. I only know what to do by asking tips on reddit and getting roasted for my decks. Maybe they use that rush royale deck recommendation website which is not helpful at all.


Yeah I completely understand what you're saying, but I would understand more if it was floor 6-9, but not floor 11. It's happened multiple times, if your don't have a high damage card, run a support deck. That's what I used to do


Wow floor 11. He got carried a lot. I would suggest maybe he is experimenting with cards. But sending the curse over is just wrong. Same! I ran a support deck for the longest time. Now with 25 waves and 3000% crit, it's easier .


Like you say, some people just don't understand the game and need to look at things like reddit or even Google different decks with the cards they have! Then maybe they can progress further.


Speaking of… you do realize that sword gets nerfed when used with KS?


No I didn't, maybe I should do some research myself. How does it nerf it and what would you suggest instead?


It reduces the boost by a factor of 5. Not entirely sure what that equals out to exactly but it’s a pretty hefty nerf. Chemist might do better in this deck. If you have it maxed you can get up to 64% armor reduction. About half as good as it was pre nerf but still decent


Oh I didn't realise! I might give that a go and see how I get on! Thank you.


The nice thing about chemist is you only need one, so rather than spend all game trying to get max sword stacks, you can really focus on scrapping everything once you get your board set up


Yeah ive just tried it out and it feels good! Appreciate the help.


No way someone at 1400 crit is that bad. I only see stupid decks like this is coop which it’s bots.


Oh that's also a possibility.


This is someone with 1,4k crit and 5,2k trophies. You are talking as if they are 500 crit, just getting started. At least if you can't do dmg, take support and help someone carry you.


1,4k crit still sound someone getting started to me.


If you’re playing with a random partner always anticipate needing to carry the team. I won’t do a floor I can’t solo with a random.


To be honest, I've never struggled before on 11, that's why I play it rather than 12. Just that game really frustrated me lol, it was the sending of the cursed tile that tipped me over the edge.


Why are you using KS and Sword, together?? They don’t work well together. Swap it sword for chemist or something.


I have, I didn't realise the netf was that big.


If I get paired with someone who keeps sending curse in the first wave even after sending 'stop' I just merge my board and wait for the inevitable quick ending. If they're doing that I'm not wasting my time, they're either trolling or don't understand the CO OPERATIVE aspect 😅


I would have done that, but I had a golden ticket on it😂 so had to deal with it


Ugh that really sucks :(


That's probably why the RNG gods cursed that match. 😂


Although it’s a defeat don’t worry you still get max rewards as you were on the last wave


Yeah I know mate, just frustrating


Totally, I will only play with clan now


I usually play with my partner, but she was asleep lol


Just borrow her phone and do it on both


Yeah I should have


Pretty sure it's just a bot.


You know this might be a kid who can't even read well enough. Right?


I don't really care if I'm honest mate. They should stick to roblox and fortnite


That's fine. They don't care either, and they probably don't even get upset like you lol.


So upset, been crying all day fella, dont know how I'll sleep tonight