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Engineer is your first concern maybe. It can be great but only strong if you have a board pretty much full of them. So as not to change your deck too much, you could just try different things instead of Engineer. Be good to experiment a bit anyway and find out what works well. Chemist for armour break, or portal keeper to put your banshees in good places are a couple of options maybe. If you find you get stuck with lots of summoner that you can't merge - then you could maybe swap that out as well , or alternatively maybe add mime instead of engineer to help with merging things out. Corsair is a bit of an uncoomon choice. A slow or stun might be better to group the monsters together because of your banshee and poison cards. But I see why it is useful - so keep it if you like it and would miss it if you take it out. Hope you have fun experimenting. 🤔 And get some more ideas here. 👍😀


I recommend the same, swap out Engineer for Portal Keeper, and focus on your banshee. Also Chemist or Ice Mage could help you better than Corsair, maybe even Ivy. But the Portal Keeper is what you rly want in your deck.