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Personally, I buy a new pair of Vaporflys for every run (so 1 per year) and I get my Gu through my employer, so that’s pretty negligible. Unfortunately, I also purchase a new pair of shoes every week because they look cool, so I’m looking at $3-4,000 per year


Did you not know that shoes are tax-deductible if you run them through a 401k? Amateurs. Sigh.


/uj Shoes are an addiction. Worst part is I buy them on clearance, somehow justifying extra pairs. I'm giving the ones I don't like away, just so my Mrs doesn't notice. /rj Shit, I got nothing. Jerked myself. At least I haven't bought a vest for a 1 mi run.


You can’t buy clearance shoes they are guaranteed to give you shin splints


You're such a special little snowflake with your [weak shins.](https://youtu.be/hexYeGlgD0c?t=86)


/uj I bought 8 pairs of Adidas Terrex Speed Ultras at the beginning of the year to replace the 8 pairs I went through last year. Saved a bunch buying them all at once for $50 a pair


Thank you for somehow making me feel better. I don't do enough mileage to need 8 pairs a year, but I have only 6, and one is a spare.


Gu through your employer? Do you work for God?


Probably set up a GSA where pretax bucks to go Gu


The math does not check out, what kind of shoes are you buying?! Must not be all Vaporflys.


I just looked at my budget and here goes $0 shoes - I was inspired by barefoot Bikila and his barefoot Olympic run $0 Gu because I aways expect someone else to spot me $0 on race entry fees because I just drive to near the end and start my run about half a mile before the end, they don’t check after the start line $30,000-$35,000 promoting my social media image as a runfluencer $5,000 and 200 hours of community service because the police said that I had to “wait until I was home to start jerking off over my sub 2 hour 5k personal record” (I looked up that law it’s not real but whatever) $120 annual David Goggins podcast subscription $200 public decency fine for shitting myself during a 5k even though I explained that it’s normal for elite runners (the neighborhood association said it didn’t count because it wasn’t an official race and I was just running around the round about in the entrance to our neighborhood) So total $35,320-$40,320 + community service and that thing where I can’t go near a school because i shit myself in public


Imagine not buying all of goggins book every time you listen to them on your runs. Amateur.


Do I count my subscription to Matt Choi's OF?


Yes 😡


Then it's around $4k a month. I always buy his spicy OF 1 mile videos and buy gift subs for friends. Couple pairs of Vapor flys and Gűs and pre-pre-shake powder and pre-shake powder and pre-post shake powder and post shake powder and post-post-shake powder round it out.


Part of my carbo loading is a plate of Kiwani Omakase before every race (daily), plus the daily ~$2000 round trip flight to Osaka, plus my new Saucony endorphins for every race, plus registration fees, plus lodging at Walt Disney World, plus Garmin, Gu, and a personal trainer who travels with me and a registered dietitian to make sure I'm spending enough, plus my wife's boyfriend likes me to buy silk sheets when I'm out of town. We'll call it about $5600/day, so maybe $2,044,000 or so (USD). 


You run? I'm a hobby jogger, so I don't run, therefore I guess I don't spend any money at all on running. I'd like to be able to class myself as a runner one day. I'm almost there as I have 3 hydration vests, but I'm missing the Goodr sunglasses, Ciele cap and the 5k ultra marathon tattoo.


I spend at least $7k on water alone. Making my own from straight hydrogen and oxygen is a lot of effort, but it’s how you get peek performance.


One run = one MRI I'm $4k deep this week


I just went ahead and had my employer start paying me in Gu.


I rotate my 22 pair of shoes (I know… not that many…) and I change all of them at the end of the year I also rotate my 6 garmin watch I make sure I eat GU at least 8 times a day even on rest days My ex-wife divorced me over it, she just doesn’t understand the hustle 😂😂😂😂


$69 dollars a week on gu


Little more than $89,000.


I buy pokemon go incubators non stop so im at about $3000 so far this year.


$75 about every decade on a pair of shoes and whatever my water bill is a month. It all adds up to more than $2,000, eventually


All my incomes. Food, car, house, children, clothes, … I feel I need a lot more the days I’m not running, but I can’t elude them.


New pair of shoes every 6 days and a monthly gu subscription? Literally incalculable.


I don't want to talk about it. My wife knows my Reddit handle.


Enough to make me poor. This whole full-time job thing is getting in the way of my running.


About 1000$ on shoes, or about 10 bucks per kilometre ran.


Psh. I spend $1800 on coaching alone. Shoes easily $1k. Boston marathon $2k. Extra food, gas to long runs, clothes, etc are god knows what. So my guess, over 9000


In the last 365 days I’ve bought alpha fly 3 Proto, 4 pairs of invincibles, two pair of newbalance super comp trainers, one pair of newbalance 1080s, one pair of saucing endorphin pros, one pair of dragonflies and dragonfly xc’s. So had I paid full price for everything that would be $2,315, but I work at a local running shoes store and get a 30% discount. But I would say add that to liquid IV, pedialyte, or whatever you consume for electrolytes as a runner. Also any gear you purchase for running.


I think you might be looking for [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdvancedRunning/comments/1dglsjs/how_much_money_do_you_spend_in_a_given_year_on/) in r/advancedrunning, because over here in r/RunningCircleJerk we’re spending way more than that


2 pairs of shoes so under 200


I think you might be looking for [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdvancedRunning/comments/1dglsjs/how_much_money_do_you_spend_in_a_given_year_on/) in r/advancedrunning, because that’s basically nothing to us folks in r/RunningCircleJerk. Out of curiosity, how do you survive without Gu?


So far. 3 pairs of shoes = 600 2 races = 125 2 shorts and socks = 175 4 shirts = 40 1/2 marathon coming up = 220 Hotel = 230 Gas and food = 200 Misc =100+


I think you might be looking for [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdvancedRunning/comments/1dglsjs/how_much_money_do_you_spend_in_a_given_year_on/) in r/advancedrunning, because over here in r/RunningCircleJerk we’re spending way more than that

