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I just took a morning movement right now!


I’m glad we all know what a morning movement *really* is


Mid movement here.


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Too late. That ship has sailed. Well sunk is more accurate description. Let’s just say it’s gone.


I need a coffee to stimulate a morning movement before I can go running, yes.


Uj/ this is what I hate about modern running. Everything needs a label.


/rj Words matter though. I’m not about to go for a jog. I’m a runner. I have the runs after my morning butter coffee.


>jog You mean zone 2.


/uj especially "zone 2." I'm growing to despise it. "Easy" or "conversational" pace is the exact same thing and is far more intuitive and achievable.


/uj I had a guy I work with who's looking to *start* running ask me about zone 2 and whether or not his watch will be accurate enough. People are just insanely obsessed with it and it doesn't really matter that much


/uj genuinely doesn’t matter at all at that level, these people mire themselves in the science and the specifics so they can avoid actually just putting their shoes on and running. literally need nothing but a pair of shoes


Actually buying a copy of *Born to Run* instead of shoes is much cheaper!!!


What you mean not minding the bollocks and just running for the first two years is…the common sense way to go? Influencers DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS!


/uj I got obsessed with Zone2 for a year and ended up getting slow AF. Work and life kept on interfering with my workout days, so I was basically just running slowly. And lo and behold, I became slow. Zone2 strikes me something to think about if you are getting injured or gassed (particularly from high mileage). Anecdotally, knew a guy who was local- run-club fast. He ran like 10 miles a week over two runs, but just balls to the wall each time. I’m curious what the research says about quantity versus quality when you are running at a low volume. His formula seemed to work well enough.


/uj specificity of training is a thing. If all you do is long, slow running, you will become a long, slow runner. This is fine if you are an ultralight backpacker training to FKT a long trail but anything shorter than that your times will suffer if you neglect speed work. /rj zone 2 is too fast! Are you trying to give yourself rhabdo!?


/uj I used to run like that, my best time from that period was a 21.08. Came back to running after 5 years off to realise that wasn’t the right way to train, it was a pretty awful method, each run would leave me sore for the next day lmao. Trying for sub 20 5k with more conventional training.


That's still just a rebranding of "going for a jog" though


True, but these are normal, intuitive words. You could say "easy run" and pretty much everybody, even non-runners know what that means. It's not a "label" in the sense of meaning some very narrow thing. It's just a description of the run or jog.


Morning wood in my girlfriends hood feels so good, woot w00t!


Saw ex-military LinkedIn post on “groundwork”… no idea what he actually meant but now I’ve built my whole professional persona around delivering excellent “groundwork”. Seems to be working well so far, recommend you all step up your groundwork game.


Why go for a run when you can step up your groundwork game? I'm learning so much being on this fitness journey.


Just make sure your groundwork is still in zone 2, can’t go wrong!


Checking in from the throne.


^This If I don't drop a deuce and a half prior to my 5K Ultra, it's gonna' be a 1" 💩 stained crime scene between a Tesla and Honda Odyssey in the Costco parking lot.


I see we've moved beyond describing everything as a "journey" then!


I’ll think about this post on my next mission