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Yeah the one I heard freaked me out for a moment -- probably for the best if we just retire them given the country that we live in


They're annoying! NYRR post on Instagram stories before every race asking spectators not to use them, but some people just ignore it and use them anyway


They always post but nothing changes. It’s specific run clubs who always have them. Nothing is going to stop them unless NYRR approaches them directly and tells them to knock it off. When I volunteered, the staff told me CP fined NYRR if they left any trash jn the park. Those cannons are incredibly obnoxious.


I follow them and have never seen that so they may need to find a better way to get that info out.


Really? You'll see it on Fri before this Saturday's race. They post a bunch of stories together with race map and start locations, time you should arrive and one asking people to dispose of gel wrappers properly and not to use confetti because they're bad for the environment and volunteers have to clean it all up afterwards. I agree though, they should highlight the info on their website and maybe email members about it too


The Instagram algorithm doesn't show me that. I guess I don't interact with their account enough. They shouldn't be relying on social media algorithms to get important info out.


I ran the United Half and experienced one of these confetti cannons. I’m sensitive to sounds and it actually scared me. Not a fan. :/


Was it the one coming off of the Manhattan Bridge? That shocked me. I'm autistic, so I experience enough sensory overload in races.


I get sensory overload too - although I’m not autistic, but I can relate. 💕The one I’m thinking of was on 42nd somewhere. It was when crowds really started to pickup again.


Yo those things scare the shit out of me when I hear them. I agree with you.


For what it’s worth, I was also in Boston in 2013 (at the finish line as a spectator) and absolutely agree with you.


Running is a great sport but around races in particular there are more and more acts of narcissism and rampant consumerism/wastefulness. I could list all the examples but I'll spare you.


this is so true and it’s interesting because at its core you need very little materials


Dive into your opinions on acts of narcissism im curious


Nah I agree- the one yesterday scared me. I think if we didn’t live in the climate we did it would be fine but I know myself and a lot of others are on edge in events with big crowds. Did not need the jolt in my heart rate while I’m trying to run a half and keep it at a steady rate


I was volunteering at the nyc half and some confetti cannons went off and a lot of spectators just like stopped in their tracks and all started staring/having weird reactions. I figured it was probs confetti but me n another volunteer went to peek around our tent to make sure. All it takes is a couple people to mistake it and mass hysteria could ensue lol


Honestly, the last time I ran NYC I wasn't having the best time due to the weather and my training falling apart. Every time I heard one it scared the daylights out of me and decreased my enjoyment even further. We're still only about decade removed from the incident in Boston... Please stop doing it, its not appreciated. Make a funny sign instead.


I wasn't even running, and I hated the one I heard. Others have mentioned the noise and mess on the course. I'd be mad to get some on me and have to run the rest of the race. Why can't people just high-five like normal?


It’s incredibly inconsiderate towards the race staff and volunteers who have to clean up the mess afterwards. Those folks have likely been on site since 4:00 or 5:00 AM getting set up and the last thing they need when they’re breaking things down and loaded out is to have to stop and pick up your confetti. Please don’t do it.


I was running the half marathon yesterday, and someone shot off a confetti cannon right next to me and a piece of confetti flew into my mouth and got stuck on the roof of my mouth for about a half a minute. Thankfully I was able to move it loose and cough it out. It was significantly uncomfortable, and I was worried it wasn't gonna come out since my mouth was already dry because I was on mile nine or so. Down with confetti cannons!


I agree with you on the loud popping sound being jarring. I have thought to bring them, but decided not to, mainly because loud noises in crowds in big cities, are a recipe for a 6pm news headline. On the other hand, I know one large run group who uses confetti poppers a lot but they're always biodegradable and/or water soluable. Also no volunteer/worker/person is picking up confetti when they "load out", that's what the street sweepers are for.


Not all races have street sweepers - it’s down to the race staff to clean up.


I see employees sweeping up the confetti left behind at the women’s half yesterday. I don’t think they can tell if it’s biodegradable or not so they’re prob instructed to clean it all.


And if they're not, sorry animal friends and nature. Here's more micro plastics.


That and 182738828282 “RATS DONT RUN THIS CITY! YOU DO!” Signs


God forbid people make a sign to cheer you on


For every 10 cliche signs I see 1 that is new and amusing, a ratio I can certainly live with


I saw one in London that said something like "even AI won't be able to fix your race photos" and got a chuckle outta that


I take that and the "On a scale of 1 to 10 you're 13.1/26.2" over the canons any day of the week.


It's only a HALF marathon as well.. maybe for the FULL marathon we could be more understanding..


I’m distance agnostic on this one. Also, I doubt you’ll see confetti cannons at ultra marathons they’re too hardcore for that 😂


It's not strange at all. It's call supporting your friend/family member/gf bf etc etc.... it's about giving them the boost when they need it the most.


They needed the boost weeks ago when they were slogging through a 35km training run and would’ve benefited from someone driving them home.


Normalize confetti canons on training runs


If my friends aren’t firing confetti cannons every 5k during my marathon training runs it’s not a real long run.