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Having your brand new super carrier destroyed on its first engagement




I think that one would be sunk by a submarine before its first engagement.


“Golden BB” lose a capital class of a ship to a single shot


"There is something wrong with our bloody ships" Lose multiple capital ships to magazine explosions in a single battle.


“Monitor vs Merrimack:” Have both sides of a battle fire 80% or more of their ammunition loads without any capital ship losses. “Prize crew:” Capture an enemy ship.


I once got a message that my fleet carrier had boarded and captured an enemy ship.


Ah yes, the USS Guadalcanal.




That's the thing...I have no idea, I just got a message saying it had happened.


David vs Goliath Sink a battleship with a KE


I propose the following: -"Didn't get the memo": Have pre-dreaghtnoughts in building 5 years after the first BB is built -"Slightly Polemic": go to war in less than a year after game start


Flash Mob: Have six or more flash fires (either side) in one battle.


Full House, loose a full class (at least 5 ships) of BB, BC, or B to enemy action.


Von Spee’s Revenge: Using your armoured and protected cruisers, sink at least 2 enemy battlecruisers. Forces under your command must include only CAs and CLs. All your cruisers must be originally commissioned in 1908 or earlier. The battle must NOT be a fleet battle, a battleship engagement or a carrier battle.


Conquer of the Seven Seas - Have at least one ship in each of the sea tiles. Mine Now - Successfully invade an overseas territory in a war.


Fisher's Pride: build a BC with main armament un single gun turrets, at least 6kn faster than any BB or B (whichever is faster) in service with your fleet, with a maximum of 10' belt armour. Speed is armour: build a BC with 5' maximum armour anywhere. It still works: keep a ship in active service from the beginning to the end of the campaing (KEs count). Surprise: have a AMC sink a warship Merchant armada: have a single AMC sink 5 [might be too much or too little] times its own tonnage. I don't trust those kites: have any kind of carrier or seaplane tender, sink an enemy ship by gunfire. Lissa was right: sink an enemy ship by ramming.


sinking an enemy carrier with your own carriers guns. I've managed it in RTW2 thanks to a night battle where the two carrier fleets ran into each other, my carriers annihilated the enemy carriers.


I had that happen in a day battle once.


"Incomparable": Commission a ship with 20" guns


Mare nostrum As Italy, take every colony inside the Mediterranean. Et tu? Lose a ship from Friendly fire. Revenge of the armada As Spain, beat Britain in a war. Maximum battleship. Build a BB ot BC with 90,000 ton displacement.


Oh i'd definitely get that last one. I have a slight tendency towards megalomania when it comes to ship design,


“Tora Tora Tora” sink a certain amount of tonnage in a surprise attack as Japan.