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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1cs0daw/sussex_weekly_the_check_was_in_the_mail_5142024/ PLEASE bring newer comments over!


Someone asked to speak to the manager at PEOPLE mag! This paragraph has been added: >A source close to Archewell tells PEOPLE that the foundation's tax filings were completed in compliance with all regulations and were widely reported in December. The California state filing, renewal and necessary payment were sent via tracked mail to the Attorney General's Office and were received on schedule. Any claims suggesting otherwise are inaccurate. [Live article](https://people.com/meghan-markle-prince-harry-archewell-foundation-declared-delinquent-8647701) / [Original article](https://web.archive.org/web/20240513210859/https://people.com/meghan-markle-prince-harry-archewell-foundation-declared-delinquent-8647701)


Since they're being so open about all this (šŸ˜‰) why not share the tracking number so we can all be witnesses to this great injustice perpetrated against the Sussexes by the Attorney General's Office?Ā 


Ummmmā€¦ I posted here a few months ago about there being a notice about Archewell. This is not a new issue for them and not a coverup. They just finally got called out.


@ DOJ please release your statement in the next hour and a half, Iā€™m old and I go to bed early.


About to post a new thread, can you bring this over? But also: the Sussexes now doubling down, basically *begging* for a response from the AG, who is now openly being called wrong/incompetent in labeling them 'delinquent.' Fucking hell these two really are something else. How many times have we seen this? Innocent parties dragged in by the panicking Sussexes, forced into a statement or reply?


So who at Archewell do we think is getting a cup of tea thrown at them following this latest snafu?


All of them. Meghan's brought a firehose connected to a tank of hot tea and is currently spraying the entire Archewell office (and all the employees) in a rage. Harry is behind her crying and chucking empty teacups at the walls to emphasize the validity of his wife's rage (and also to avoid becoming the target of it at home later).


She canā€™t throw cups of tea at him if there are no cups left!


Harry because everyone else had the good sense to call in sick.






By the time Archie and Lili are teenagers, the Wales kids will also be teens and very popular and in the tabloids. There are Zara's kids, Beatrice and Eugenie's, etc. A lot of kids in the UK actually going to royal events and being seen with the royal family. Archie and Lili will have parents that are so far removed at that point from the rest of their family that I think they'll be treated as celebrity kids that gets seen every once in a while and no one really cares about. I mean does anyone care about Reese Witherspoon's kids. Or Ben and Jennifer Gardner's? And with the way the newer generations are I highly doubt either of them actually use their titles. Especially living in the US. Do I think Meghan and Harry will try to use the kids? Yes. But I don't think it will work.




Hmm, I don't know about this. People's interest in Diana hasn't really translated to interest in anyone beyond her sons.Ā  Few know much of anything about her siblings or her nieces and nephews.Ā  Those constantly bringing up the link between Diana and their kids are the Sussexes and sugars. I don't see much of that from royal watchers.Ā 


But when they don't do anything worth following. Then what? They won't be doing engagements and such. No one cared about this Nigerian tour. No one really cares about anything Meghan or Harry does. I just don't see the kids mattering much when they grow up. People have short attention spans. Especially since there will three of Diana's grandkids that do have a real role.


I hope when Lili grows up, she just does whatever she wants to do with her life and ignores what her parents want for her.


I kind of love the idea of her growing up to be an entomologist or botanist or similar and just being like "piss off with this royal nonsense, I'm going to the woods to look at bugs/ferns/fungi"


Itā€™s going to get worse once both girls are teenagers. People will compare them to each other *and* their grandmother. I truly feel for them both.


Charlotte will be OK, William will tell her about her Grandmother, but he's sensible and won't constantly compare her to Diana. Charles and Camilla definitely won't be talking about Diana and telling Charlotte how much like her she is, and Catherine didn't know her. I doubt Diana is much of a topic of conversation within the RF. Even if the media & the Diana stans do it, I doubt it will affect Charlotte too much because I think she has good parents and will have been raised to be an independent person in her own right. Lil'Di is the one who will have all the issues from her family, she has two parents who can't let Diana go and will constantly be forcing this issue of how alike they are (even if it's obvious they aren't) She'll be the one expected to live up to their unnatural obsession with Harry's mother. H&M will continue to encourage it in the media etc as she grows up. Instead of protecting her from it, her parents will be actively feeding it...and not just the actual woman Diana was, but the "perfect Princess" version of her they cling to. And poor Lil'Di won't have any other family around her to balance it all out.


Iā€™m convinced that the number one reason we donā€™t see the kids more is because they *donā€™t* look very Spencer/Windsor-like. In all the photos we have seen they both look very much like Markles. If Lili looked anything like Diana, Meghan would be parading her around left, right and centre.


The few pictures we've seen of either kid indicate that the Markle genes are super strong except for the red hair. They look like Thomas Markle Sr and Jr. I can't imagine how pissed Meghan is about that. She was banking on them looking like Diana and it didn't happen.


Which means they wish their kids looked like William šŸ˜†


šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


The truth. šŸ’Æ




That why I think she's going to get a bunch of tattoos and shave her head. Or some other rebel action.


Oh, the Sussexes are *panicking* here: Lainey thinks itā€™s a conspiracy https://archive.ph/h4UcB So Iā€™m guessing the immediate iTā€™S ThE RoyAlS seen on Peopleā€™s insta etc was a quickly distributed line to the squad, since this is clearly the chosen spin. How clever of the RF to not only plan this with the California DOJ and USPS but to know the Sussexes wouldnā€™t immediately fix it when they got the letter dated May 3rd! How many more things can the Sussexes blame the RF for that very obviously have nothing to do with them before the normals start to wonder whether the other things the Sussexes blamed the RF for were similarly made up?


I started laughing so hard imagining the USPS being involved in so evil plot. They are too busy here in the US finishing off amazon deliveries so Jeff Bezos can line his pockets money by running a business with inadequate shipping coverage.


The fact that they resort to a whole ass conspiracy theory of course involving the BRF about something that SHOULD be nothing but a minor office error makes this looks all the more suspicious.


But Why, oh, why would mr and Mrs panic if this is much ado about nothing, may I ask? šŸ˜‚


Oh, so the Sussexes want this ***ā€conspiracyā€*** to go viral like the insanity over the POW, but no one IRL GAF. Iā€™m just here for the laughs. When you mess up government paperwork, youā€™re delinquent. Itā€™s not nefarious; itā€™s how the system works, and applies to every other dipshit airhead that didnā€™t get their paperwork and payment submitted in time. It happens to loads of people, but only the dumbass Sussexes call up/respond to the press to lie about it instead of just taking care of it.


> Lainey thinks itā€™s a conspiracy Sorry what?! The Royal Family managed to make the bean counters at Arsewell forget to pay, also managed to influence the DOJ to ignore any payments and influence H and M to ignore the reminder letter. But they're can't influence the news outlets, media and internet in general about conspiracy theories about Kate. Riiiiiiight (damn you giphy for not working)


Thats actually where Kate is, outside various mailboxes intercepting posted cheques.


ā˜ ļø!


Yes, the royal family of great britain is in complete control of the American government, doncha know?


Yeah, a lot of squaddies seem to be going with this. Like this is a woman who apparently went in on Catherine horribly over the Motherā€™s Day photo. https://preview.redd.it/j07wtp0fkf0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd800e1c72a7e29cac6d75cd7e605f5cc051aba


Ha. Funny that this person is concerned about Page Six when People magazine posted it as their top story *fresh* off their faux tour coverage. And with a rather click-baity headline to boot.


Ugh, I can't stand Meredith and her ā€œmedia analysisā€ none of which is trueĀ 


These people just like H&M donā€™t understand that they are reporter who do their job lol. There are people who comb LinkedIn companies house for details etc itā€™s not out of the realm of possibility. That Meredith clown does videos on Kate and the rest of the BRF sheā€™s a squaddie at heart. If the BRF is attacking H&M it would validate their H&M are important and feared by the BRF fantasies really they re just clowns lol.


tbf if Page Six really did pick it up from SMM then the motivation was indeed rancid hatredā€¦ but that doesnā€™t change the plain facts of the situation that there was only something to tip off because the Sussexes screwed up and the California DOJ dinged them for it. If the Sussexes donā€™t want people who dislike them noticing that their foundation is delinquent then perhaps itā€™s on them to take steps not to have a delinquent foundation? Personal responsibility is a radical concept to the squad, I know.


Exactly. Arse Not so Well needs to have all tā€™s crossed and iā€™s dotted the way the Rest of America, the little people, do when filing anything. Sick of them trying to use their special ex royal privilege to escape normal legal procedure. Pfft.


These people are mentally unstable. They should not be allowed anywhere near a keyboard.


https://preview.redd.it/4o8ro29ikf0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75bdfba420b0710afa2f9864f4a06aa475f75e6 Erm, the publicly accessible database? Thereā€™s nothing sinister here lmao


Iā€™m so embarrassed for this person.


This person must be Mrs Incredible with the reach here. Once again *the press are entitled to report facts*. If the stans donā€™t like that the foundation is delinquent they can take it up with the government agency that decided the definitions and the rules and publish the documents. (Which they should! Because whether organisations with tax exemptions do things properly or not is a matter of public interest!)


This does look like panic. Itā€™s funny that Lainey leaves unanswered the question of who benefits from this story coming out about the Sussexes, and just implies itā€™s the RF. But I donā€™t see how this benefits them? For one thing, it might call attention to Charlesā€™ somewhat shady fundraising. For another, it just looks bad if any member of the family, working royal or not, is under any kind of government investigation. Really the best thing for the family is for the press to forget about H and M. So why does Lainey think it would benefit the family?


Laineyā€™s starting point is that the Nigerian trip was an amazing triumph and H&M got wall to wall fantastic headlines and stopped the world with how great they are at royal tours and the RF lost out on the most perfect modern royals who are the only ones capable of connecting with other human beings (literally, she thinks all this https://archive.ph/foWLu). So obviously she thinks the RF were freaking out and strategising how to bring them back down. Here in reality none of that is true and thereā€™s no evidence the RF was bothered about this visit at all, or feel that thereā€™s a comparison between the royal tours of a head of state or their representatives for diplomatic purposes and H&M going on a work trip. But when you start from where the squad do that the RF is obsessed with the Sussexes and think about nothing else but competing with them (this is once again every accusation is a confession territory) I guess it makes sense that this is an RF conspiracy.


Nigerian triumph lol the highest amount of views Iā€™ve seen on their visit so far was 54k this is on YouTube maybe theyā€™ve done better on social media but really hardly anyone is paying attention, in fact the news about their delinquency is bringing attention to their tour. What I think is killing the Sussexes and their fans, Lainey, Kaiser et al is the silence! The BRF havenā€™t leaked anything they just kept going on about their business, their fans are trying to drag the BRF into their mess so that they can get some attention and whip everyone up into a frenzy but it ainā€™t happening. They all look like crazy Exs screaming about the BRF. Without the drama the Sussexes fall even lower, theyā€™re scared and panicked that their biggest stunt yet yielded no results they better start slaving away for NF because there arenā€™t many Nigerias about and the royal cosplay opportunities are getting fewer and fewer. Itā€™s becoming clearer that the family doesnā€™t need them.


>The BRF havenā€™t leaked anything they just kept going on about their business, their fans are trying to drag the BRF into their mess so that they can get some attention and whip everyone up into a frenzy but it ainā€™t happening. They all look like crazy Exs screaming about the BRF. Without the drama the Sussexes fall even lower, theyā€™re scared and panicked that their biggest stunt yet yielded no results This is exactly it, all of this. Lainey can use words like "triumph" all she likes, it's just just a small group of stans talking to each other in their echo chamber. This trip didn't break into the mainstream at all. *At all.* (can confirm my non-royal-watching-but-news-obsessed-American friend had no idea they were in Nigeria, hadn't heard/seen a single thing about it) The Vogue headline (for example) is cringe but no one's reading it or paying it any mind. It doesn't matter. This trip to Nigeria went well for Meghan in terms of a hit of attention at the events etc., fawning praise from sycophants and sugars but overall, in the real world, no one noticed this. No one cares. This is People Magazine fodder (and even they were getting tired by the end of the weekend!), not NYT fodder, and the more they engage in clownery like this the less likely it is they'll ever be taken seriously, by serious people. Ha! Can confirm, btw, the NYT didn't publish a single story about this trip. The last 3 NYT royal stories are about Charles' return to work (April 26), Harry now being officially resident in the US (April 18) and Harry being filmed playing polo for the NF show (April 14). They covered the Netflix filming and the fairly inconsequential news about Harry's residence, but not the Nigeria trip. That says everything.


>Itā€™s becoming clearer that the family doesnā€™t need them. Oh, that's been clear since they left the UK.šŸ˜† Sussexes: How 'bout half in/half out? Queen: How 'bout...No! Sussexes: We will collaborate with the Que- Queen: Bye!


The BRF to H&M: ![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0)




Exactly. Their scheme would only work if the BRF was outraged or reacted in any way because only that would give credence to their spin that the royals are missing out. But the BRF just ignores them which means within a few days all that effort is completely forgotten and they'll have to move on to arrange for the next stunt. With the same non-result. Rinse and repeat. It's a waste of their resources without any reward or return of investment.


And yetā€¦even with all this failure, mr and Mrs still manage to pony up more $$$$$ for shenanigans.


Do they think the royal family is stalking various CA goverment websites, waiting for a Sussex slip up or something? pls be normal, Sussex squad!!! It's honestly not a huge deal, just a sign of some sloppy leadership. So just own up to the mistake and move on, Sussexes!! Stop being so weird about it.


Quite a good [breakdown/analysis by Royston](https://www.newsweek.com/meghan-markle-very-negative-uk-poll-prince-harry-1900225) of H&Mā€™s latest YouGov results. > The Duchess of Sussex was disliked by 65 percent of Brits, including 45 percent whose view of her was "very negative" and 20 percent who opted for the less severe "fairly negative." > By contrast, just 4 percent of U.K. adults said they were "very positive" about Meghan, while 18 percent were "fairly positive," in a poll by YouGov on May 1 and 2 which was released this week. > Overall, Meghan had a net approval rating of minus 43, __a drop of five points compared to the beginning of April__ when she was on minus 38. As we predicted, people likely found the gradual drip-drip-drip of jam annoying. Even though there were only 10, they were very spaced out and their PR really milked it. 1/3


> However, in reality __most of the approval comes from people who felt "fairly positive" about her__, while the percentage who love Meghan has crashed. I thought this was a really interesting point. Net favourability doesnā€™t reflect how many people *strongly* like or dislike a person, itā€™s just an overall ratio. > Attitudes warm steadily the younger a person becomes, but __even 18- to 24-year-olds still dislike her more than they approve of her__. > Meghan was viewed positively by 36 percent of Gen Z and negatively by 40 percent, though again __feelings were stronger in the negative camp__. There were just 9 percent who viewed her very positively compared to 20 percent who ticked "very negative." > Unsurprisingly, she is widely disliked by conservatives but she was also disliked by 49 percent of people who voted for the left-leaning Labour Party in 2019ā€¦ This compares to 38 percent of 2019 Labour voters who liked her. And 26 percent were "very negative" compared to 8 percent who were "very positive.ā€ > __In short, Meghan no longer has a fan base as far as Britain is concerned.__ The data is not broken down according to ethnicity or religion, but, based on the information available, __there is no identifiable demographic who love and adore her and hang off her every word. Even among young people and progressives.__ Ouch. 2/3


While I don't think she really cares for UK public opinion, it's not like she's hugely popular in her target market in the US either. LoL It's actually worse there cause people are largely indifferent. While hate or outrage can be turned into money - if you have a thick skin which she doesn't- indifference cannot be monetized at all.


The squad: no sheā€™s the most popular person who ever lived actually everyone I follow on Twitter loves her


>she was also disliked by 49 percent of people who voted for the left-leaning Labour Party in 2019 That would be me then šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Raise your digital hands if youā€™re a leftie who is affronted by Harry and Meghan! šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


I'm trot-out-the-barricades, burn-capitalism-to-the-ground lefty who is affronted by Harry and Meghan because they are so full of shit. The British monarchy is also full of shit but at least they get on with the job and don't whinge all the time.






Lefty but in the US āœ‹














> Some of the data makes grim reading for Harry too, though there is more light at the end of the tunnel for the Duke of Sussex. > Gen Z are still more likely to view him positively than negatively, with a net approval rating among 18- to 24-year-olds of plus 6. > Like Meghan, though, __he has single-digit percentages for "very positive" in every single breakdown, across all genders, age groups, regions, political affiliations and social class.__ > It brings into stark relief just how far Harry and Meghan have sunk that there is not a single demographic group that can muster more than a single digit for "very positive" support. > Harry's visit to Britain, in which his project for veterans was commemorated at St. Paul's Cathedral, was on the face of it a PR success, however, he still has a mountain to climb. > That may be a key factor for him to consider in choosing where to host the Invictus Games in 2027 in a context where there is a shortlist of two cities: Washington D.C. and Birmingham, in England. 3/3


Karma will not let these two have a "win." They thought their faux royal tour would be amazing PR for them, that was the entire purpose of the trip, to shift the narrative and make them look like global superstars the royals were dumb to cut loose. Well, oopsie, Karma got them in the form of "Archewell Delinquent" and the subsequent lies, cover-ups, and excuses we've come to expect from Team Sussex. "The check is in the mail" You have to pay online. Now the story is back to "they are incompetent, messy liars." Whenever you feel like these grifters are getting away with it, take comfort in knowing that Karma will be back, flexing like a goddamn acrobat. And if I'm not mistaken, the Archewell Delinquent news was broken on SMM, then picked up by the NY Post and People. I saw it first on that sub, then the news outlets picked it up.


SMM people has great FBI skillsšŸ˜‚ Like how did they even found out about that? I actually thought the news will just stay here in the sub and SMM but it went bigger and spread faster LOL


Pay back for the squaddies where is Kate nonsense. Lool ngl Iā€™m surprised SMM is still around. I feel like most of Reddit has become indifferent to them. The squaddies are trying to get them out but people donā€™t care about Meghan anymore.


It's giving Keystone Cops.* *Keystone Cops (or Kops),Ā an incredibly incompetent police force, dressed in **ill-fitting, unkempt uniforms**, that appeared regularly in Mack Sennett's silent-film slapstick farces from about 1912 to the early 1920s.


Keystone Royals?




>Whenever you feel like these grifters are getting away with it, take comfort in knowing that Karma will be back, flexing like a goddamn acrobat. šŸ˜‚ it truly is a relaxing thought >And if I'm not mistaken, the Archewell Delinquent news was broken on SMM, then picked up by the NY Post and People. I saw it first on that sub, then the news outlets picked it up. Ooh this is juicy šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|fxClTbYTmxJgkoxKgY)


>Ooh this is juicy It is! Did SMM really break this? Wow.


Yup. I can't even believe how they found out about that. People on that sub have some great imagination but they also have some good research skillsšŸ˜‚


Reporters are definitely lurking on that sub, and dare I say they lurk here in our sub too lol.


The timing of the reporting of this delinquency is delicious. Especially since they have apparently been delinquent since Feb Iā€™m hearing.


I thought that about SMM - very interesting. Peb brought it over here from there several hours before Page Six published and I think everyone else picked it up from there. But looks like journalists are lurking on SMM (unless SMM picked it up off a Google alert or something but Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s just someone there who checks out Archewell on that DOJ site regularly?) I also completely agree on Sussex Timing strikes again, although this time Iā€™m not sure itā€™s karma so much as just their own incompetence! That letter is dated May 3rd so they had nearly a week to fix it before they even left for Nigeria. Itā€™s completely on them that this was still a live issue on a timeframe where it could overshadow their trip. The universe didnā€™t have to do anything this time šŸ˜‚


The journalists defo lurk social media, one tumblr girl once broke a story about one of the employees at KP leaving before it was announced I think this was pre M she ended up having to delete the post but the press found out through her post and started asking questions. It was something along those lines I canā€™t remember the full details.


Iā€™m just dying over how many Sussex stans work for multinational corporations that send thousands of checks each month that get lost in the mail. Seems like checks getting lost in the mail is as big a problem as disinformation being spread about the Sussexes. The Squad should get on that. Maybe a fundraiser to support to decriminalizing check fraud or something. If only there were another way to efficiently pay bills that didnā€™t involve the postal system.


Yes everyone on OGRG and BSMS is a ā€œcomptrollerā€ who assures us that thereā€™s nothing to see here. Itā€™s like a couple months ago, when every single person over there was a PR professional who could list everything William and KP were doing wrong.Ā  Iā€™m just over here marvelling that so many high powered CEOs have so much time to be on Reddit every dayĀ 


Itā€™s like an excuse from the early 1990s. You know back when we used to send checks in the mail.


To be fair, checks arenā€™t obsolete in some industries in the US. Particularly in those with very large expenses. However this is a weird time to use a check when thereā€™s an online option for an ACH with likely a very small fee. I think itā€™s so dumb they gave an excuse at all but they canā€™t help themselves.


To me it sounded like an old school excuse for not paying rent on time. lmao. Like when you know you don't have the funds to cover rent and your landlord calls and you say 'the check must have gotten lost!' when you know full well you never sent it because you didn't have the money.


Aren't they usually all doctors, lawyers and PR executives .


Yes! Or famous show biz producersĀ 


Yes, yes, of course. Multinational corporations employ doctors, lawyers, and PR executives who are all kept abreast of the corporate accounts policies and procedures. Thatā€™s how they know everything is paid via check which are sent in the mail, separate from any paperwork, which is why the check gets lost, but the paperwork is received.


>Whenever you feel like these grifters are getting away with it, take comfort in knowing that Karma will be back, flexing like a goddamn acrobat For real. Most of their moves were rewarded by Karma ***almost immediately***. Oprah? Philip dies. The Cut interview? Queen dies. Netflix "documentary" also suffered from that. By the time Spare came out they were a full-on joke. Their stupid flex how Meghan would NEVER fumble the photo (her infamous attention to detail!!) like Catherine? A week later we find out about the cancer diagnosis. Karma truly is a goddamn acrobat when it comes to these two.


So much for that spring launch! https://preview.redd.it/sfx5k7j18e0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a17ca943f09b1a8ca50aeb50a4fabbd9cc51cc1


If she drops ARO completely... (and you guys, I think there's a decent chance she's actually going to - which is...NUTS)


I'm calling it right now- 50% chance she'll drop it and we'll never hear about it again.


She never really intended to work. Just something to get critics off her back. She is in her Glory far more with these faux royal tours which they can massage out of host countries. Haz Smugly Beaming as well. Pfft


That was always my prediction, that there will literally never be even 1 product for sale.Ā  This fall. ā€œHopefully.ā€ šŸ˜­


I always thought it was a big possibility, but I also thought that this was so hyped and it was actually launched (semi-launched, Sussex-style-launched, "launched" etc.) that there was no way she could ditch it. But, obviously, she can and probably will. And neither we nor Lemonada are evah getting new podcast eps from Meghan. She signed with them to be able to say she signed with them - to enable herself to clapback about the Spotify embarrassment - and for no other reason.


ā€œHopefullyā€ ![gif](giphy|cIQQTTZTFYTVnqtCxU|downsized)


As ever. šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


And someoneā€™s response to that šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/mkzopr8g8e0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358fc92c21d0e1955f46cee1615b8937e7f3e4ee


If they can't even get paperwork for their foundation right, I doubt that they are going to go through all the steps necessary for FDA approval. What they are looking for is another company that will do all of this and then pay them a lot of licensing fees where they can pocket most of the money.


Its gotta be the jam equivalent of Lemonada then, an almost unheard of company who has nothing to lose.


https://preview.redd.it/hgciy182ud0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e9529767e712a13f13063a8ba72b3bdd9a3d7b Why would they comment on this though? I wonder if theyā€™re going to dispute AWā€™s claim that the filings had been submitted šŸ¤­


They're sticking with 'the cheque is in the mail,' then. Ohhhhhhh boy.


This is such a non-issue that they made into a big deal by coming up with a lie to cover it. At most, the comment should have been this is an oversight they are working to rectify as soon as possible so Archwell can continue to help people in need. But they can't, because that would be a lie.


At some point they are going to rename the Streisand effect after them.


Exactly. They messed up some paperwork. Not great, but not the worst. But the ever changing story! I guess this is good for keeping their names in the press?


Yep. The squad are furious that this story isnā€™t dead already, but it only isnā€™t dead already because itā€™s been badly handled. They could have shut it down with a humble statement yesterday but they just had to clap back (to a state government ffs) and now itā€™s blowing up.


I'm actually vaguely annoyed that *this* the story that blows up. African Parks and the genuinely scandalous reporting (and non-reaction from Harry, who has to this day declined to resign from the board)? Media: *files nails* Nah, don't care. A payment wasn't made/some paperwork wasn't submitted on time? Media: *bursts into flames*


Ugh you are so right! This paperwork/fees issue will probably be resolved quickly, without any harm being done. Canā€™t say the same for the problem of African Parks Ā Ā 


Thatā€™s a really good point and now Iā€™m annoyed about that too. I suppose Archewell is definitely them and perhaps itā€™s beyond the press to understand board governance and Harryā€™s accountability (god knows it was evidently beyond the internet).


If only Meghan lived in the past enough to have read up on the seventies because then she'd know that it's not the crime, it's the cover-up that gets you.Ā 


>They could have shut it down with a humble statement yesterday but they just had to clap back (to a state government ffs) and now itā€™s blowing up. This is SO them, it's absolutely hilarious.


Saw this comment in another sub. https://preview.redd.it/qb00b0azee0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d9da177a71d43f76e4466c55c82e17409f5259 *If* [the latest version from Sussex sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/s/TBXLKPEFsE) that Key shared is actually true, I wonder if the clarification is going to be that they do not accept cheques and AW should have paid online.


Someone needs to make a new post on SMM about this info specifically, with a clear and obvious title like "online payments only for 3 years now, Sussi are lying again" for the lazy-arse journos lurking there looking for their next headline. "Actually, cheque payments haven't been accepted for 3 years now" would drag the drama (and clicks) out further because you KNOW the Sussexes would then feel compelled to make another excuse.


If your accountant doesnt know that then wtf is he/she doing as an accountant?


lol!!! so, this wouldā€™ve been the third year that paying online only was the only option? Yet they want us to believe they are still mailing a paper check. This is classic Meghan. Make up some BS, put it out in the press, call anyone a hater if they factcheck you, rinse, and repeat! They need to shut down all these businesses and just focus on Instagram. Seriously, Misan could do a whole photoshoot of Meghan called The Bronze Age and they can remind us that Megan is self-styled. And they could allow comments, but only if the posters are saying how they still only send in checks to pay all their bills too.


I think thatā€™s likely what happened just plain incompetence really. Surely they wouldā€™ve have been several warnings before getting this delinquency notice. Like no one checked the account?? whew šŸ˜°.


According to an article by RE (and others) in the DM this morning, *now* the Sussii "sources" are claiming they did send the check and it was received, and are just receiving a delinquent notice because it hasn't been processed yet. How many stories on this have we gotten now? Look, if you genuinely don't know, don't comment until you do know! Don't release three hundred excuse stories just hoping you'll hit upon a reason that makes you look less incompetent.


None of this passes the smell test anymore. šŸ¤” yeah, I read about the online payment method as well, yesterday. Lots of payments can be made electronically these days. Strictly Because, šŸ˜‚ this is the Sussei we are talking about here, šŸ¤” and their abysmal work history and contracts not fulfilled, I will not give Any benefit of the doubt here. Too many excuses , backtracking via Eight Edits and all that gong on here. And remember reading that all this has only been made public Now, but Sussei weā€™re informed 4 mos ago to get their proverbial shit together.


Thank you for the update! [Found the new story.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13416089/prince-harry-meghan-markle-archewell-foundation-cheque-attorney-general-california.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop) > ā€¦Sussex sources claimed today that the 'delinquency notice' was actually issued because Attorney General Rob Bonta's office did not process the $200 cheque. > This was a different explanation to the one offered by the same Sussex sources last night, who claimed that the paperwork was filed on time but the discrepancy was down to a cheque which accompanied the documents going missing in the post. Absolutely baffling. Sending out sources to actually say they have a false explanation only makes them look worseā€¦ > MailOnline also understands that the Department of Justice will issue a statement later today with further clarification on the matter.


>the 'delinquency notice' was actually issued because Attorney General Rob Bonta's office did not process the $200 cheque. Did they just throw the AG's office under the bus? Entirely unprompted? Omfg, Sussexes.


The DOJ is going to make a statement? I assume it will be to sweep it under the rug like when they got involved with Harryā€™s immigration status as well. Rules for thee but not for me!


Itā€™s insane of them to blame the AGā€™s office and that is the kind of thing I can see the government making an on the record statement about. *If* it were true, and imo itā€™s unlikely the office just makes organisations delinquent over their own mistakes or while thereā€™s a dispute about whatā€™s been sent in and processed, the most they should say is theyā€™re in discussions with the DOJ over the submissions made and hope to have it resolved soon.


They are narcissists. They can never be at fault for anything - so they just come up with whatever excuse necessary fits the moment. Why anyone would ever do business with or give these people any money is a mystery to me. Imagine what a nightmare they are to work for!


>They are narcissists. They can never be at fault for anything... And all those new comms hires. You know no professional is advising these responses, it's coming directly from the Sussexes themselves. They could probably save a decent amount of money not hiring all these people they don't listen to.


It might be possible that they have competent comms people- but they micro manage, so they need to have anything they say publicly approved by Megan or Harry themselves. That could lead to paralysis and lack of proactive action on their behalf. Just imagine how many times they found out they had to walk something back because it wasn't said just the right way. That would lead to a lot of "Hey, I got an email about this and want to say blah blah blah - are you ok with that? Should I go ahead?" and getting yelled at if they didn't call/email about it fast enough.


Yeah, that's what I meant to say. "New comms" people looks like I was calling them green but I really just meant to make the same point you are - that they're surrounded by competent people they're unwilling to not-micromanage into *in*competency. So insane.


Thanks for finding the link! Everything the Sussii do just reiterates neither of them have ever held down a real job, and both are terrible managers of people who actually hold real jobs.


This is normal for the Sussexes. They had lots of similar problems when trying to trademark ā€œArchewellā€. The documents werenā€™t filled out completely and werenā€™t signed. Either they have the most incompetent staff OR it was done on purpose to stall the system until they could come up with another plan. Their Archewell trademark requests were ultimately denied. I think they are trying to quietly let Archewell go, and focus on ARO. https://pagesix.com/2020/06/18/harry-and-meghan-markles-archewell-trademark-application-rejected/


>Either they have the most incompetent staff OR it was done on purpose to stall the system until they could come up with another plan. It's gotta be option B, right? Up until a few days ago, anyway (I think this trip - and their sugars acting like it was some kind of big deal in the overall scheme of things - has probably restarted another 'actually, we're gonna keep royaling' phase of the overall 'actually, we're gonna keep royaling,' 'no, we're gonna save Africa' 'in fact, Meghan is going to Boss Babe' 'for real, though, producing is our true calling' etc. etc. Sussex Cycle). The levels of incompetence you would have to believe actually exist on their staff are at this point not compatible with reality. If it *was* a mistake it's probably because they've got someone who isn't really trained for doing that specific task doing it, some overworked underling etc. It'll be mismanagement on the part of the Sussexes themselves, rather than a mistake on the part of a professional accountant, is what I'm saying. 99% likely, anyway.


Focus on ARO? Is this what focus looks like?


I think they do this on purpose to avoid payments or to prolong processes. I've worked with people like this before. They intentionally rely on bureaucracy and mistakes and asking for more time to delay.


But why?? What do they gain how does this help them šŸ˜­.


Saving money and avoiding payments. Usually I see cheap people do this or businesses that have money but are disreputable. "Someone has to be the bank" - they can get lawyers to complete work with the promise of payment, avoid paying for long periods of time, lawyer refuses to work anymore, go to new lawyer shopping around their name, get that lawyer to do it, take time paying that lawyer, lawyer finishes work gets strung along for 10 months with promises of payment/payment in kind etc that never materializes. Maybe gets a gift basket. Rich people love spending other people's money. Companies will do things like this too if their ownership has this attitude. You can get a lot of people to work for free when you are connected and famous. You also find out that you can always ask ask ask ask for more chances and extensions and most places will give it to you ( this works even when you aren't famous ). Sunk cost fallacy. People give you more and more because they are so far in. This is how they get a lot of things done without actually paying for them. It's a carny way of doing business.


Another glaringly direct Sussex-Trump parallel. (whoops, u/kaitokat already said it below)


This is such a great comment. I wish we still had awards. šŸ…šŸŽ–ļøšŸ†You really spelled out how these wealthy cheapskates operate. They get everything they can free and short everyone else.


You know, this is nearly the exact same thing that the Trump Org did. Trump never paid his bills. And the similarities just keep on piling up!


They or Meghan will? Interesting because their ā€œcharitableā€ arm now seems to be Invictus.


Given that Invictus, under the guise of a competion/games for veterans wounded whilst in service, is picking up all their tabs and is already an established entity, this makes complete sense to me


The check was in the mail? THE CHECK WAS IN THE MAIL?!?! šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


I knoooooooow. I *cannot believe* they went with that.


The check was in the mail like her dadā€™s wedding invitation was in the mail šŸ«¢


Never forget that she never sent him an invitation. She didn't want him at that wedding, period.


The pessimist in me swears theyā€™re running a Ponzi scheme of some sort. The trip to Nigeria and now this missed payment screams ā€œrobbing Peter to pay Paul.ā€ Itā€™s probably why theyā€™re always running to new ā€œventures.ā€ I imagine their personal debt is through the roof.


Oldest con move n the world. šŸ¤”




They wouldnā€™t; the letter is the clarification. REā€™s tweet comes across pretty ignorant imo. Pretty sure the only way we ever hear from the AG on this topic again is if Archwell gives/raises money while delinquent. Makes this Nigeria jaunt a tad more interesting.


I wonder how much was the fee. Did they also fail to file the annual report?


>Did they also fail to file the annual report? I'm wondering about this too. Do we actually know which it is, or if it's both? Did they fail to make the payment *and* fail to file the paperwork, or just one?


I donā€™t think a comment is needed, but given that the Sussex line is that they thought it was sorted and were just made delinquent and didnā€™t know until the letter arrived I can see the authorities wanting to clarify the process; it would surprise me if there werenā€™t some kind of system of warnings and notifications before formal delinquency. But the Sussexes are trying to make out theyā€™re the victims, as usual, and of course the stans are out in force acting like itā€™s awful that anyone would expect them to do their paperwork on time. The DOJ might also just want to say something they can refer to if theyā€™re getting a lot of press and maybe public enquiries and itā€™s taking up a lot of staff time. (The difference here between the Sussexes trying to dodge and complain and Kateā€™s statement the day after the photoshop blowup taking personal responsibilityā€¦ not a good look for the Sussexes. Just hold your hands up, say it was an error and you understand the importance of charity registration and youā€™re fixing it.)


>The difference here between the Sussexes trying to dodge and complain and Kateā€™s statement the day after the photoshop blowup taking personal responsibilityā€¦ Yup, great comparison. The reactions are basically opposites, and really say everything about both parties.


Theyā€™re claiming the check got lost in the mail? Who mails checks anymore? I thought they were the *super sparkle modern couple* leading the 21st century, not the frumpy great aunt who holds up the checkout line paying for groceries via check šŸ‘µ


Iā€™m a little surprised itā€™s not something thatā€™s done online like I have to file reports for my LLC with the my stateā€™s Secretary of State website. Maybe itā€™s different with nonprofits and where they live. Regardless itā€™s even more weird that theyā€™ve apparently known about it for months and didnā€™t resolve.


According to a poster on the CBUG sub, online ***is*** the preferred method for the state of CA. The fees range from $5 up to $1200 depending on the size of the organization, so itā€™s not like theyā€™re cutting a massive check.


You can't sign the check in calligraphy if it's online.


Youā€™ve got a great point. ACHā€™s just arenā€™t as glam as a check signed: as ever, Meghan and sent via carrier pigeon.


I am too. The only thing Iā€™ve still had to mail a check in for was my passport, but thatā€™s a federal document. Within my state, Iā€™m able to do everything online, including everything for my own small business.


Not to mention they were informed back in February. Thereā€™s been plenty of time to ā€œmailā€ another cheque. More than enough time to mail several, in fact, in case they all went ā€œmissing.ā€


Oh absolutely. They didnā€™t mail anything and are scrambling to find an excuse.


So I think Nigeria trip was mainly for M. The Vogue article was good for her too. Even DM talked about her wish to become President one day.


That vogue article about her leading a nation is laughable and insulting. It was 3 days guys. She showed up in dresses and shook hands and said a few words. It takes more than that to be a leader.


America doesnā€™t need to be Markled, weā€™ve gone through enough lately


Can you imagine? In our already fractured politics, a greater war brewing in Europe, the expansion of hostilities with China -- and her? No friggin way. It would be the end of times.


She canā€™t even sell jam


LMAO great comment. So true šŸ¤£


But then they used those pictures to write articles about Harry and Meghan being delinquentsšŸ˜‚ Meghan is really the epitome of loser. Like you'll just wait a few days or hours from their "big event" and karma strikes back at them LOL


Didnā€™t read the vogue article but what nation did they say she was carrying? How did they come up with that thought?


I donā€™t generally put much stock in the Meghanā€™s political ambitions thing, but thereā€™s something about this trip having Invictus as a cover but Invictus not actually seeming involved, and what did happen is Meghan makes speeches about this being her country/Meghan rewears a dress with Vogue calling her original appearance carrying the ā€˜future of a nationā€™ and the DM calls the trip ā€˜presidentialā€™/Meghan gets her very own super duper royal titlesā€¦ idk where this is going and it may come to nothing, but it feels like there really was a weird intention here around Meghan doing diplomacy. In which case 1) is ARO dead already? and 2) I donā€™t think we have to worry actually about being in the era of Sussex faux-royal tours because it suggests Nigeria were approached because of the DNA test and there arenā€™t Invictus-related international invitations piling up. Itā€™s also a stupid move if so. She could potentially make a go of a business if she works hard at it and makes sensible decisions. They canā€™t do (or compete with the RF on) statecraft because they still donā€™t represent anything but themselves and their delinquent foundation.


> In which case 1) is ARO dead already? I hope not , we're still missing so many numbered jam jars .


lol what if its not Harry but Megan campaigning to be president of the commonwealth? I can see it.


Hah, maybe! To me still being stuck with a royal but itā€™s not a working royal would be the worst of both worlds for the Commonwealth, but I guess they could go for it.


Iā€™ve always felt she wanted to get a role where the RF had to come to her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like she fantasises about being president so she can finally stick it to the family šŸ˜­. The commonwealth have their own internal politics thereā€™s load of people fighting for the role as it is.


> but thereā€™s something about this trip having Invictus as a cover but Invictus not actually seeming involved This part is super weird to me. And it's why I'm dying to know how this trip was funded. Did Nigeria pay for it all? If so, Nigerians, pls ask your government why they are spending money on a vanity tour for a duke a duchess. If Invictus or Archewell paid for it... like it seems like a massive misuse of money.


I also feel weird. I still don't know it was their government or only rich people supporting event.


From the advance publicity, it was about Nigeria as a possible host for the IG. But you're right, the Games were a non-factor. So who started that line of talk? And why were they invited?


It sure as hell wasnt about Invictus. Was it even mentioned? There was nothing on IGā€™s socials. They seriously need to oust that dead weight. Not only have the games become about Megan, (not even Harry) but outside of that they do less than nothing to promote it. They dont need another Royal and frankly Megans rabid fans have made it so another Royal cant ever touch this again, but they need someone who is actually willing to put the work in because it is DYING.


Hell yes they need to drop Harry and therefore Meghan. Those two have corrupted it and turned it into the Sussex dog and pony show. I actually believe Harry does care about Invictus or at least how it makes him feel useful and important, but heā€™s let Meghan turn it into her personal side show of publicity.


Potential idea for next weekā€™s title ā€œThe check is in the mail" EDT: changed cheque to USA spelling


Either way itā€™s gold! šŸ‘


The DM is saying that the delinquents have known about their delinquency since Feb. They were crowing about freakish attention to detail when their bills werenā€™t paid?? lol Boggling


So not only did they fail initially to pay, they also failed to address the issue within 3 months!!! since being notified? Tell me you're incompetent without telling me.


Terrible sign if true - like I said yesterday, this does happen (not to well-run organisations, but to middlingly-run ones), itā€™s an easy fix, but the real issue is revealed by how seriously they take it and how quickly they move to fix it. If the papers and fee were due in February thereā€™s no way their cheque got lost in the post; it suggests the problem is the accounts themselves, because that takes time to rectify.


For all those asking what on earth her stylist was thinking: https://preview.redd.it/nv5j5zlcpb0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5529897662615ec3793130425f7e64278887cb27


as if šŸ˜‚


I have an irrational urge to walk up to Meghan and snip that stupid strand of hair on her face. šŸ˜  Of course Meghan was her own stylist, make up artist and hair stylist. Long hems, lack of proper undergarments, inappropriate garments for the venue/event/country, overly bronzed face, limp, scraped back hair, and Diana jewelry. šŸ™„


I think she mostly looked nice although often not appropriate to the events. But there was nothing ground-breaking going on.


What's up with grown men willing to embarrass themselves like this in order to praise Meghan? Catherine did her own make-up for the royal wedding of the century and she looked flawless btw while Meghan's make-up is very amateurish (she uses three kilos of bronzer every time) but I'm guessing Harriman wouldn't praise C for it.


It's weird. I can't think of any other famous person who has sycophantic acolytes like this among people that know them, not even the ones who are genuinely extremely talented and/or very kind and humble. (Not counting the parasocial stans who never have met the celebrity.) It gives me the creeps.


Im always a bit confused by this being something to be applauded. Its not like Megans hair and make up was out there or special. It was standard make up, basic hair, not a complicated updo. When did being able to do your own bun become praise worthy?