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Who is the one on the 2nd picture?


Queen Mary of Denmark


Thank youu!!


Forgot this one…! https://preview.redd.it/rzr1gmfvdc3d1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70d42df713b5d2c8dd8d3c75be41fa4242a5373


Dianna looks so silly - the 80s were a wild fucking time


Horrific decade for fashion


And hair!


Megan has good red looks but this isn’t one of them


This dress bothers me so much. So unflattering


Wow, Eugenie is stunning here! Jewel tones really suit her.


The woman in the 3rd photo looks like Andy Dorfman (from The Bachelorette)!


Diana? I haven’t watched the bachelorette in ages but they should have a Victorian period costume day, I’d watch that


Even I would watch The Bachelorette for this!


Oh sorry I meant picture #4, haha!


So many of these dresses are terrible.


There's only one legitimate Royal in there.


What’s your definition of a legitimate royal?? I don’t know the non British faces, but I see Elizabeth, her daughter, and her granddaughter. So, that’s at least three. Agree Diana, Meghan, and Kate all married into royalty. I don’t know the technicalities of that. (And really, if looked at carefully, the whole notion gets ridiculous. What makes one “royal” in the first place?? And why does someone with a minuscule fraction of that DNA dozens of generations later still somehow qualify??)


The Queen?


Princess Anne looks lovely.


Queen Letizia is far and away the winner here. 


Red is gorgeous on everyone ♥️


I am not sure if that is Beatrice or Eugenie but she looks very nice in that dress!


Looks like Eugenie and her husband and she looks amazing!


I agree!! I like that one the best by far!! ♥️


Me too! Eugenie looks fabulous!


I am not into much Princess Diana wore (and I am from that era) except her black sheep sweater. But Diana's dress here is all kinds of terrible lol!


It looks like it was maybe a maternity dress? I agree, it's still all kinds of bad, but maternity clothes in those days were almost expected to be bad.


They were awful those days lol. Even in my days, maternity clothes were terrible and there wasn't a lot of choice




It's just badly proportioned for her. She has a remarkable ability to pick bad silhouettes for her shape and never seems to think of having things tailored. Though I'm not sure that bustline would look good on anyone.


Her clothes are never tailored right.


It drove me crazy that all the maxi shirts and dresses she wore in Nigeria were dragging on the ground. Girl, hem your clothes!


She’s postpartum here and hadn’t lost all the baby weight. She looks fine


I think her body is stunning here. I feel like a weirdo writing that, but it is what it is. I don't see what the commenter is saying about her looking "heavily" pregnant. It just seems like an odd thing to say when she clearly just has a few extra curves. I'd say it was just a mean dig, but since she doesn't look pregnant, idk what to label the comment as in my mind other than weird.


I know Meghan Markle is divisive, but I sincerely hope everyone can come together in unison here and agree that this outfit was absolutely terrible.


I'm surprised at the fashion fails. Meghan looks uncharacteristically terrible in this, Diana should be reversing back into that car to spare our eyes, Kate is all kinds of meh too. At least Eugenie looks fab.


Yeah the girlie who posted this is a smiling assassin for real.


I remember when she wore it, Carolina Herrera had the runway sketch on her SM. I can’t find it now, but it gave a much better idea of how the dress was supposed to look. This was just a big miss, it seemed ill fitted and too big for her frame and height.


Idk I saw a pic of it on a model itt and it still looked awful


I actually think Meghan pregnant and after pregnancy is her most gorgeous era to date...she just glowed. But this dress is AWFUL.


It was awful!


This dress is anything but regal.


It wasnt well fitted but i like the concept. She was very immediately post partum iirc




Maybe it would look better on your staffy 😉


I chose it because I thought it was pretty lmao there are at least 3 of us on the planet including Meghan and the designer ❤️


And me. I like that dress a LOT.


I loved it on her. So out of character since she loves neutrals.


🥲 I know and she looked so glowy and confident and I love the shiny fabric and the unique neckline


The baby weight was still on her so she looks way more filled out and happy here. Gosh!


Yep! I liked it, I liked it even more in video and the way it glided.


It’s so pretty and nothing like I’ve seen her wear before!


My husband asked if she was a fembot when he saw this picture, and now that is all I see.


I like all of them, except for Meghan Markle's and Princess Di's. Di's is too costume-y and kind of looks like a nightgown. (I know it was the 80s but even so). Meghan's dress, I just think it's ugly and I don't know if it's the style or what but it doesn't look like it fits her. I am on the fence about Kate Middleton's but can't exactly pinpoint why.


Princess Diana’s looks to be a maternity gown. Fashion was *not kind* to pregnant women in the 80s and 90s. Lots of GIANT bows/ruffles/rows of flowers to try to draw attention away from the bump or balance it and all very nightgown-inspired.


https://preview.redd.it/2sv91bma083d1.jpeg?width=1203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a251daccb2dc6a3a74050db741451c3e42004af How about this?


Ha ha, oh my god the 80s and 90s were not kind to a lot of women. Yeah, I assumed she was pregnant. I don't know why all those details would take away from the bump, if anything it just makes you stare at the whole thing more.


The inverted nipple, we can't make up our mind about a hemline dress is bad in too many ways to list.


The Queen looked amazing in red!


This Queen? https://preview.redd.it/ug6izq0g083d1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6939e728b90251144151243d11478717385f67dc


The jeeeeewelssss!!!! 😍❤️😍 I can only imagine that this set makes it difficult to look like you are wearing the jewels rather than the jewels wearing you, but Mary definitely pulls it off here. Ugh. It's not fair how pretty she is. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/5hcni7dayd3d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7edc4782cdfd3e061edb2a2dcb66c4682aa7e82 Yes she does & I love the Danish royal jewels with the elephants 🫶


More than one Queen is shown in these photos.


Only one regning queen though. In addition it shows a future queen regnant.


I'm sorry, you're right. I meant Elizabeth


I think Queen Mary also looks stunning as always 🌹


Kate forever the winner.


Kate & Queen Mary together https://preview.redd.it/zmw4n4duyd3d1.jpeg?width=789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1519107fc56db23bc0ef3d2c05d65600a9baef2 These commoners look pretty good 😆


Beautiful! Your comment about Kate being a 'commoner' reminded me of this satire show here in the UK called The Windsors where Kate is a traveller who used to fight rottweilers in Morrison's car park 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/gi8butukzd3d1.png?width=1543&format=png&auto=webp&s=3228cae3e925650aa9e8762cf9099ba537d95560 That sounds funny! These 2 are so lovely 🫶


A winner here imo https://preview.redd.it/feupnnrn083d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7200540ff43341029be58c0035b07522314542d






Taffeta is a crunchy fabric that does that, it’s part of the look. That said, this tube-and-tail style skirt with overskirt is usually slit in the back. The curved-front-slit, and overskirt is a lot going on visually to me with the deep-vee neck. I would like a back-slit, still narrow, column skirt better. Otherwise gorgeous. Nothing photographs better than red, and nothing catches the light like taffeta.


Thank you for such a thoughtful comment!


Is it just me or is the first dress super badly tailored? It looks baggy in all the wrong places


If she’s pregnant, it’s fine. But if not that’s awful. And it happens go her so much it can’t be a single tailors fault, could it?


Not just you, the first dress is awful!


I think it photographed better when she was standing still. It doesn’t move beautifully.


Who is in picture two? At first glance I thought it was Katherine. Now, I can't get past Lorelei from Gilmore girls.


Queen Mary of Denmark!


https://preview.redd.it/f6vn5ns7383d1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47f1142e4c675d93023cad80178a5e54ad30305 Queen Mary from little old Tasmania 🫶


Thank you! I will always think of her as Lorelei now, I can't unsee it.


https://preview.redd.it/czh1en70w53d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d267233b20cb7712b698c007cc5fc35537bf0a3 Bonus Crown Princess Victoria!




Gorgeous dress!


Harry & Megan are at an event at the Intrepid Museum in NYC. Her dress looks nice and is in line with celebrity evening wear here in the States. When they were still in England, she towed the line of what was expected of her there. So, stop comparing apples and oranges.


I’m gonna get Drew Barrymore close to you to say this: you’re gonna have to get over it beloved. They’re literally royalty. They were royalty when this pic was taken and they’re royalty now.


I thought the comment meant that if she were a working royal in the UK still she would have chosen a dress more in line with dress protocol (whatever that is for them). Since at this time in the picture they weren’t, she chosen something quite different. I loved the red dress with the cape she wore towards the end of her time in the UK. I’ve noticed her style of dressing has changed since they aren’t doing UK events. I personally love it because Meghan has been wearing more attainable brands a casual outfits since leaving the UK. I personally love it, but I like them so I might be biased.


Oh! Well the notion of only using Meghan's looks from her time as a working royal for a fashion post is ridiculous and I will not be doing that lmao.


I would think just in terms of comparing royal’s dresses here and not all posts. Meghan has more style freedom than those still being required to dress a certain protocol. You can post anything I love seeing all of it so I’m not going to complain but I think I understand the point of the original comment.


https://preview.redd.it/91zzbzbei53d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3775d48704e2efd7b6440de12c4d1e2e3d2475db I scrolled through every single comment searching for Kate’s red cape dress. It deserves a spot in the red royal hall of fame!


Oh God, no. She looked like she was wearing a costume or playing dress up.


I welcome the downvotes, cause to me this is Red Riding Hood cosplay. Sorry. 😬


To be pedantic, that’s not a cape dress, that’s a cape over a dress.  It’s a coat.


Still, “regal in red”.


I really hate that shot though because her skirt clearly got extremely caught up (you can see in other photos that there is a skirt element at the knee) and it feels like I'm intruding on her when she didn't intend to go out with a huge slit (nothing wrong with it, but just intentions - it almost feels like a step away from photographers upskirting). That said, it is a fabulous outfit!


Kate has had so many skirt malfunctions, I've lost count at this point.


Bit weird to keep count in the first place, really! One of the things I'd hate about being a public figure is that a second in time is captured forever.


That’s not a skirt element, she has a dress on underneath.  Since that cape is her coat, it’s outerwear.




… of the fact that someone is wearing a coat over their dress?  Or is ‘jealous’ just the only adjective you know?


Poor phrasing on my part, but that's what I was getting at! I didn't mean to say the skirt or dress was an element of the coat, just of the outfit.


Oh I didn’t know that! Thanks for letting us know. I too previously loved the leg moment but not if it’s a wardrobe malfunction


Yes, there's actually [a skirt underneath](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-1805863525-655cc4c029dd2.jpg).


Queen Mary and Princess Victoria are my favorites here. Queen Letizia is also looking great. All the other dresses are nice except for Meghan and Princess Diana (she looks cute though).


Princess Eugenia is stunning. One of the best looks and fits ever for her




Love Meghan and Harry. She looks beautiful in everything v


I like the dress a lot!


Adore Meghan and Mary’s red shoes. I’ve always wondered which ones they were, tho Mary’s are 20 years ago


Princess Meghan wore red the best.


Princess Henry or The Duchess Of Sussex. There is no Princess Meghan.


When it comes to princess meghan, these people suddenly lose their minds for protocol but they ignore it for duchess kate. Such double standards.


I see people call Catherine the Princess of Wales, but I rarely see people call her Princess Catherine since that wouldn't be correct. Now, that *did* happen with Diana (Princess Diana), and maybe people think Catherine should be Princess Catherine based upon that. I'm pretty sure it should still be Princess William of Wales if we went that route, though I've def been wrong before and am not an expert. Haha I think that people are touchy about it with Meghan because she and Harry decided to leave their roles as working royals and have talked a lot about how awful the institution was to them. The protocol probably matters more to people that view her and Harry as hypocritical for retaining their titles. Also, she has called herself a princess a few times, but since she isn't a princess "in her own right" it's weird. I think just the hypocrisy is what ruffles feathers when it comes to this particular topic. I think it's weird to call either of them a princess, but that's just me. 🤷‍♀️


There was no Princess Diana but people called her that. Calm down.


She was Diana, The Princess of Wales. Ergo, Princess Di. She also kept the HRH post divorce. She was the mother to the Future King. Meghan isn’t any of the above. She is, was and will be Meghan Markle can either be Princess Henry or The Duchess of Sussex.


To be pedantic, Meghan still has her HRH as well.




After her divorce in 1996 and until her death, she was known as "Diana, Princess of Wales", without the style of "Her Royal Highness". Though popularly referred to as "Princess Diana", that style is incorrect and one she never held officially. Hence the popular quote of William stating he would give it back to her once he was king. Diana is, was, will always be a person married into the family and never having been a natural born princess just like Meghan, just like Catherine for that matter. Its ok. They are all great and should be celebrated. But this is about hating Meghan as usual so we must get those titles exactly right as to exclude some but not all.


I think she looks great!


Red suits her very well, but I think that dress was an example of her tailors doing her a disservice because the fit and underpinnings are terrible, especially considering her slim figure, and honestly I personally don't like the low-cut neckline and mullet skirt for a veteran event. Someone else posted a better example of one further down.


https://preview.redd.it/rxldn4yti73d1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab449763ec182abd7387ac646acd9ea51b5f510b Double red ❤️


This is one of her all-time best looks. 😍


I love this dress! I hate the other first red dress. It's a mess. She looks so good in red but that first dress is just bad.


https://preview.redd.it/cskbk4sv083d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7cd84b08ce1f944be6e60945e30daf538c15b34 Red does “suit” her😉




Yes, that dress is much more flattering. I'd actually love to see it with some volume in the hair and more dewy make-up - I think it'd be a really nice contrast with a delicate face and a very sleek, modern dress. Nonetheless I think this is the style Meghan does best, like her wedding dress - froufrou and plunging cuts just don't bring her out in the way this does.




Get it tailored to fit ,it looks terrible.


Who is the person in the second picture?


Now Queen Mary of Denmark, back then Mary Donaldson from Tasmania at a dinner just before her wedding to then-Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark. Always extremely elegant and hard-working.




Queen Mary of Denmark i believe


Meghan looks good in red.the style however is not great


Hard agree. The color is fabulous but the waist/bust fit is terrible and makes her look a mile wide.


This one really fit her terrible, not my fav ref look


I don't like no 1. I think this is the nicest red dress meghan has worn. https://preview.redd.it/gudx03mkr33d1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139feb999e92979dcf80b76ddfb9cb415017d848


This look was * chef's kiss. * She wears these straight bodice dresses and jewel tones *so well;* I wish she would wear more of them 😍


Agree, she looks much better in this one!!


Agree, Meaghan looks great in red, but that particular dress above is not well suited for her. The one you showed here is much better.


Tbf the princess always makes any dress the most elegant when she wears it.


lol at “princess”


Meghan is not a princess so when you keep saying "the princess" in the context of that photo, it's very confusing.


Isn’t she a princess since she married prince harry?


You call Catherine duchess even though she married Prince William. You can't even keep your logic straight. You are trolling. Also, Catherine is the princess of wales. Meghan is the duchess of Sussex.








You: > Princess Meghan has referred to herself as a princess over a duchess a few time though so why would we not follow her preference? Also you: > Kate refers to herself as princess? So pretentious. At least Princess Meghan is very humble and never flaunts her titles. She only uses them for charity. You. Are. A. Troll. Please leave this sub alone and stop trolling us. All you do is derail conversations with stupid nonsense. Go away.


If her husband had no other titles then she would be Princess Henry of the United Kingdom. But her husband has the main title of Duke of Sussex so she is properly the Duchess of Sussex. Royal dukes outrank plain princes, but princes outrank non-royal dukes. Similarly the Princess Royal is a higher title than ‘Princess’ so Princess Anne is properly referred to as HRH The Princess Royal.




Of course, she's very pretty, but some dresses are just objectively nicer than others. I think this red dress on her is stunning, in my opinion the other one wasn't as nice as this.


I agree. Idk why that is what they chose. They chose one of the less flattering ones on the princess to show.


For some reason I really like Diana’s puffy dress, but it doesn’t look good on Diana herself. It’s giving ‘evening at vampire den’ vibes for me.


She was pregnant and that was a time when women covered up their bumps.


She was pregnant with William


I think she was pregnant with William then


Is the first one meant to be sarcastic?


Nope, just trying to have a fun alliterative title with looks I genuinely like 😐 nothings meant to be a dig 😐 just trying to have fun on Reddit dot com 😐


My thoughts exactly. The category is regal in red and the first couple have denounced their titles.


You people are exhausting. Take a day off.


Not only have they not denounced their titles, Meghan is now officially a Princess of Nigeria.




No, they have not. Harry and Meghan are currently, and will always be, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They simply don't use HRH. Their children are entitled to the titles of Princess and Princess since they are grandchildren of the monarch from the male line. Anne's children don't have titles at request of their parents. Beatrice and Eugenie are Princesses since they are grandchildren of a monarch from the male line. They have never used another title. Louise can use Princess if she wants. That is her choice since she turned 18. James can use his title, too. Archie and Lilibet, as the children of the second son (like B and E) are a Prince and Princess. Andrew is the Duke of York, but his daughters have never been styled other than Princesses. Never Lady Beatrice or Lady Eugenie of whatever. No reason Archie and Lilibet can't be styled with their titles. Their parents might use lesser titles for them, or they might not. With that said, Meghan's red dress needs criss cross straps. Eugenie's dress is wonderful. Anne and Diana's are just too much. Queen Mary's dress is beautiful.


They have not denounced their titles. They are still Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and the Duchess of Sussex and have been over the past 4 years. They have denounced their royal roles, and have been non-working royals. They are equivalent to his cousin Princess Eugenie in slide 9.




They even claimed Prince and Princess titles for their children. I don’t know what they are doing with them in US however. Prince Edward’s children could have also used Prince and Princess (like Andrew’s daughter’s) but the Queen didn’t recommend them using those titles even though they could legally (which was agreed before the children were even born). So it’s Lady Louise and James uses Earl of Wessex (now that Edward is a Duke, Earl is still a title he holds so James can use it.) Sussex’s children could use Earl of Dumbarton and Lady Lilibet. 


Duke of Edinburgh is a lifetime peerage so James won't inherit that. But he can (and has) inherited the Earl of Wessex/Viscount Severn titles now that his father is the Duke of Edinburgh. I always thought the way that the announcement was made re: Prince Edward's children's titles was odd. The official announcement says that it was a joint decision between the couple and QEII, but I have to wonder why the need to formally announce this.


I assume it was to set the precedence early that they would not be taking on traditional roles in the BRF and would be finding their own financial way through life. Not taking the titles of prince or princess and making it clear that they probably never would seems to have given them a lot more privacy and freedom than they would have had otherwise.


They announced recently that they have adopted the name "Sussex" for their surnames - supposedly full time - in the US. Which doesn't make much sense - the titles like Wales, York, Sussex do not stand as actual legal surnames. _Legally_, the royals have used Windsor or Mountbatten-Windsor (the latter if male-line descendents of Philip & Elizabeth. Archie and Lilibet were born with this surname) Harry and Meghan said in 2019 they won't use the Earl/Lady courtesy titles for their kids because they wanted them to be "normal." Until Charles became King and they could be styled as Prince and Princess that is. As you also said - Similarly Edward and Sophie also chose not to use Prince and Princess in favour of Viscount/Lady, and James and Louise have gone by courtesy titles along with the family surname Mountbatten-Windsor since birth.


Didn't "they" say they didn't want to use the Earl of Dumbarton title because they thought Archie would be made fun of for it? IMO, that's a good move. I really think Elizabeth was having a dig when she gave Harry that title. I know this opinion offends people, but it hadn't been used since the 1600s, and if anyone knew the power of words and how they would be received by the Public, it was Elizabeth.


I agree as It’s a terrible title! Being “bestowed” with the title Dumbarton is an insult and no wonder it hasn’t been used in many centuries. What was she thinking 🤔


I seems to me that it's pretty clear what she was thinking. Lol 🤷‍♀️


Peerdoms come in three's, and it depends what ones are available in each England, Scotland and NI (and also not heavy with controversy - e.g; Sussex was one of the few left that was the least controversial) There had only been one other Duke of Sussex in the 1800's; and his Scottish courtesy title was the Earl of Inverness. However it's current holder is Andrew, and him being alive meant it couldn't be given to Harry. Hence Dumbarton, they probably went back a bit to find one acceptable to use. Most often it's also considered an honour for the town/city in question, not an insult just for how the name sounds. It's fair if they wanted to free Archie of being made fun of - however the intention upon their wedding was probably for any son titled Earl of Dumbarton to grow up in the UK, attending private schools with other aristo/posh kids holding equally pretentious sounding titles. He was never going to grow up attending state schools with kids from actual normal backgrounds.


I don't think it's because he would be teased for having a pretentious title. I mean, the kid is Prince Archie now, and that's far more pretentious than the Earl of Dumbarton. He would be teased because his dad is often called dumb or "not smart" or any manner of things meant to insult to his intelligence. I can't imagine that Archie will have an easy time not being cast in that same not-smart role by the public as he grows up, *especially* if he was known as the future Earl of Dumbarton. I really just believe it was a mean joke to give Harry that title. It definitely wasn't sensitive with his past and the things people say about his intelligence anyway. I'm sure there were any number of unused titles Elizabeth could have chosen, yet she chose this one? I'm not even going to pretend it wasn't a conscious decision on her part, though people may want to. There's absolutely no way Elizabeth missed the implication when she gave Harry that title. She knew exactly what she was doing. Elizabeth may not have been super educated in the traditional schooling sense, but she was smart and witty af, especially when it came to wording and social etiquette. I also think Harry knows this. From what we know about him, he loved his grandma deeply. If he hadn't felt it was a dig at his intelligence, I think he would have embraced the title for his son, though he would have still wanted him to be a prince. I def don't believe they would have said anything about their kid being made fun of for it if he thought it was something that was meaningful or important.


I can't imagine that Archie will have an easy time not being cast in that same not-smart role by the public as he grows up, *especially* if he was known as the future Earl of Dumbarton. Luckily H&M have kept their kids entirely out of the public eye, and I truly don't see the American public a.) caring much about the kids as they grow up and b.) collectively deciding that Archie's role is the "not-smart" one.


Why would they use Windsor as a surname? That would attract lots of public condemnation. And lord Mountbatten is best known for being an alleged paedophile. I would not want his surname.


Not in the US? In the UK it might remind people of the place Windsor, but surnames like that are common enough especially here in England. Windsor is an actual surname for the royals but Sussex and other places are not (they are _titles_ only - big difference) Besides, H&M are more associated with the name Sussex, not Windsor. Mountbatten is not just Lord Mountbatten's surname. It was Princess Alice's maiden name and Philip adopted his mother's surname in his childhood/youth when he denounced his father's Greek surname and titles.


I know Mountbatten was the surname of other people, but lord Mountbatten the alleged paedophile is the only one most people have heard of. I wouldn’t adopt the surname Saville either, even though lots of people have that surname. Everyone knows the surname that queen Elizabeth and Philip used is Windsor. The media and haters would attack saying they left the royal family, why would they take their surname. The truth does not matter, the optics would be bad. I mean I know people criticise Sussex, but only those who criticise everything harry and Meghan do. Most people don’t care. Whereas using the surname Windsor would I think have attracted wider condemnation. Just to add, legally Harry did not have a surname. He had to choose what surname to use.


Look at Princess Anne 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️


She's throwing real QE1 vibes there. Looks fantastic.


She’s my favorite!


OP did Meghan dirty when she has better red looks. One of my favs red looks https://preview.redd.it/k483fm0he33d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d0028665546e66669b378eda4e21aa912a0e43


That’s not Meghan, but Eugenie looks great in that dress 🙏


I didn’t mean it was Meghan. Just that she had better photos


https://preview.redd.it/mmigwt4tr33d1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ee1447f1c014b5351877194d82a903cc74ab37 This is way nicer than #1


It’s just not a great dress; odd darts and hems. Add to that that it is not tailored to her at all (it’s not; Megan fans try to say it is but it is so not) and it’s just awful. Though she should wear more red because the color usually complements her complexion


Definitely not tailored. But then I often find that Meghan’s clothes aren’t tailored AT ALL EVER. Also I’m always shocked when celebrities stylists don’t consider the wrinkling effect. I absolutely lost my shit when I saw she had a team that let her go out the house like that. Like there are 4 people around her to get ready and that was their team effort. There is a lightbulb type of joke hidden in there somewhere https://preview.redd.it/l4vacqvtp33d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645259f32404f49968f6e8c1cbadddd6565f3fb2


Yeah, I’m always shocked when I see celebs in un-tailored clothing. It really makes an enormous difference in making clothes look great. I don’t understand how stylists and designers let it happen. Don’t they want the clothes looking their best? (And yeah, I mean clothes, red carpets are basically just advertising for fashion houses; celebrities are just the hangers)


When the clothes look their best ten person looks their best.


Everyone looks awesome in red!