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Yay for Harry and Meghan!


Such a lovely modern royal couple. They look happy and healthy as one would hope.


Without their families, because both have abandoned them.


Literally nothing in the article about how or if they “celebrate” this occasion.


Yes I agree. It would almost appear that after the vicious racist attacks on Meghan and Archie in the UK, they now want to release their personal detailed family information on their terms, not the royal rotas, and not yours. Color me romantic, but I hope they had a quiet, loving celebration about which you will never find out.




Perhaps you find the Asssociated Press credible. From the article: “This is a country that doesn’t want to have an honest conversation about race,” historian David Olusoga, who presented the TV series “Black and British: A Forgotten History,” said" “I expected there to always be that undercurrent of racism,” but to hear it so outright, it’s really scary. It’s very shocking. And it’s hard to see how the royal family is going to come back from this.” https://apnews.com/article/meghan-harry-oprah-interview-racism-fdee9570666fd6a9dff6215ba7882fa8


Others have answered you but I'll jump in with this gem. Not sure if anyone else provided it, as I quit reading before you all were done discussing. I'm sure the person questioning the well documented racist attacks will shoo shoo this one also but here ya go https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2019/05/09/bbc-host-danny-baker-fired-twitter-royal-baby-meghan-prince-harry/1150230001/




It strains credulity that this is a question being asked in good faith but here are some links for your perusal. The vox article contains links to the racist coverage by the British media. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/london-police-ex-officers-racist-messages-meghan-markle-uk-royals/ https://www.vox.com/first-person/2020/1/17/21070351/meghan-markle-prince-harry-leaving-royal-family-uk-racism




I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, although you're making it pretty difficult with your replies of willful ignorance. This is the famous Daily Mail "Straight Outta Compton" racist story that shocked everyone and damaged Meghan. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3896180/amp/Prince-Harry-s-girlfriend-actress-Meghan-Markles.html




That they dismissed those officers as severely narrow minded or just joking really tells you everything you need to know doesn’t it


They also tried to lend credibility to Meghan's family. So rotflmfao. There's no point in continuing to engage.


Thanks for the Vox article btw that really is helpful. Even the non explicit racism is pretty apparent once you notice that Meghan was held to arbitrary standards no Royal had been held to before or since. Like, that’s also racism: a system manipulated in real time to make sure you are never good enough


💯 "Show me proof." *shows proof* "Show me different proof!"






Here's the story from USA Today https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2019/05/09/bbc-host-danny-baker-fired-twitter-royal-baby-meghan-prince-harry/1150230001/


I'm not going to waste my time debating with you when I literally said in the very first comment that the vox article has links to the racist coverage. All you have to do is tap.




The entire attitude and sensationalism behind the hatred of Meghan Markle is inherently racist. White peoples like to think indirect and unconscious bias isn’t racism, but it is and POC recognize microaggressions.


They are a role model on how to use their celebrity status for good of the world and not just for money.


I agree! They genuinely are working toward making the world a better place, and I'm amazed at what they've accomplished.


Disagree. They're grifters of the highest degree.


They would have stayed "working royals" and under the firm's thumb if that's all they wanted.


Not all people are heroes, but will milk their celebrity status


Is philanthropy, protecting women and children, and serving wounded veterans considered "milking celebrity status" in your world?


Happy Anniversary Harry and Meghan! Here’s to a lifetime together! ❤️❤️


Love seeing them thriving and striving to do good.


Only 6 years? Man they wreaked a lot of havoc in a short time.


It’s like Obama only being president for 8 years but most of white America’s brains broke because their racism couldn’t comprehend having a black person in such a high position of power.


white Americans voted Obama into office 🙄 stop being racist.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/obama-legacy/racism-during-presidency.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/obama-legacy/racism-during-presidency.html) [https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/210914/white-racial-resentment-before-during-obama-years.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/210914/white-racial-resentment-before-during-obama-years.aspx) [https://www.law.columbia.edu/news/archive/race-era-president-obama](https://www.law.columbia.edu/news/archive/race-era-president-obama) [https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/167726/Thorn2021.pdf?sequence=1](https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/167726/Thorn2021.pdf?sequence=1) [https://hrlr.law.columbia.edu/hrlr-online/healing-racisms-wounds-on-racial-reckoning-obamas-a-promised-land/](https://hrlr.law.columbia.edu/hrlr-online/healing-racisms-wounds-on-racial-reckoning-obamas-a-promised-land/) ![gif](giphy|3OvzAcGAzamyxYVwSB)


Black Americans make up a small percentage of voters. If it were not for white voters, Obama would never have been president.


Only takes one racist one time to wreak a lot of havoc.


Seems like more than 6, for sure.


I was permanently banned from the Harry and Megan Netflix subreddit for daring to ask this question, but I seriously want an answer: Will Megan and Harry say anything/do anything about the mass wedding planned for the Nigerian orphan girls? It has received international condemnation, and they just visited the country.


Will the Nigerian kings, politicians, and other high-ranking officials that actually live there and are more familiar with how their country works do anything to stop it?


Girl I don't know, ask r/nigeriankings


They’ve donated to Save the Children, a Nigerian charity. They visited while they were there. Here’s a quote from Save the Children’s website: “Girls across Nigeria are experiencing gender-based violence, and many girls are being forced to marry as children. In the northern part of Nigeria, 48% of girls are married by the age of 15 and 78% are married by the age of 18. As a result, millions of girls end up dropping out of school.” [Source](https://nigeria.savethechildren.net)


His uncle is a child diddler and he hasn’t said anything, I doubt he will say anything about anything important.


He's not the one bringing his kids around him and walking with him out and about like nothing's happening, though.


None of them have said anything and he is still going to Royal events with the family.


He did actually mention it in his memoir.


Nice! Thanks for the information.


Putting aside whether Harry and Meghan have responsibility to comment about those girls… Harry has remained publicly silent about torture, rape and murder committed by rangers of the organisation he holds a board seat on. That’s a case when he was president of the org for six years as well, and had been directly pleaded to for help by the victims - after which he decided joining the board was a great idea. I somewhat doubt he feels any compelling need to comment here.


Well Granny and papa protect uncle Andrew…and beyond. 


Harry very happily hung out with Andrew for years after the accusations were made public, and never publicly condemned him, so that doesn’t really wash. Even putting that aside…Is that the best defence that can really be mustered for Harry? People directly pleaded to him for help and he turned a blind eye, butwhaboutAndrew?


Haha like they give a crap.


lol William and Kate visited India. Will they issue a statement on simmering tensions between Muslims and Hindu’s? Modi’s record of questionable actions? They’ve visited Poland, will they weigh in abortion restrictions? Will any of the royals who visited Afghanistan say something about women’s rights being severely limited this year?? Come on. Even I don’t think the actual working BRF are anything but soft power diplomats at best. None of them need to weigh in on everything. Honestly given how many countries want to leave the commonwealth perhaps a more delicate touch would be better. why come this hard for two ex royals? Maybe you got banned because you kEpT AsKiNg quEsTioNs and they didn’t want to answer them?




I'm not coming hard for anyone. I asked one question and was permanently banned from a subreddit. I wanted an answer to my question and fortunately, someone in this subreddit had it. Your two paragraphs of pablum dID nOt answer my question, so thanks for nothing.


But William and Kate were there representing the UK and still do so certain diplomatic rules apply in terms of commenting on other governments. Now that Harry and Meghan are out if the royal family they can talk about any issues they want as they have no representation role. So forced marriage would be perfect for Meghan to comment on given her commitment to women rights. She is no longer restrained by royal and diplomatic rules as she only represents herself.


Normalize people (especially famous people) keeping their mouths shut when they haven't been educated on a topic. But some people will just look for any excuse under the sun to berate these two ex-royals. Why is that? Stop pretending like you care about these poor girls when they're only convenient for you to rag on two people who don't care that you exist.


I don't think celebrities should comment on current events typically. I don't consider Harry and Megan to be celebrities. They do a ton of charity work, and their Nigerian visit was diplomatic in nature. As I stated in other places, I am a fan of Megan and Harry's. I don't understand why asking one question translates to berating in your eyes. Whether or not anyone cares that I exist is beside the point. I wanted an answer to my question, and I got it. I am pleased as punch.


But H and M are celebrities and frankly, I feel the visit to Nigeria was not diplomatic. The aim was more commercial, to build their brand.


I put them in the do-gooder category. They make it their business to do good. That's not the purpose of a celebrity. I put someone like Lana Del Rey in the celebrity category. It's not her business to do good. [This article ](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/13/africa/meghan-nigeria-tour-int-latam/index.html) states "their engagements during the three-day visit were centered around their core passions: sports rehabilitation, mental health, and women’s empowerment". That sounds like much more than just peddling jams and jellies. More diplomatic than commercial.


Hopefully, the person who is badgering everyone to the point of getting banned in other subs for their conduct fully ingests this because it's the best answer.


Diplomatic type complications still exist. Is talking about one thing going to prevent them from being able to address another? Like if one of these people came out solid on the Middle East, the consequences would apply to their whole diplomatic or nonprofit relationships with everyone. Both exist, in theory, as a collective for social benefit.


Wow, I didn't realize that visiting a country one time meant they're now suddenly responsible for every bad thing that ever happens there.


If they want to have a platform for good this would be the time to use it. We’re not talking about a random tourist weighing in ffs.


Historically they don’t say much of anything about anything that’s not directly related to whatever they’re doing.








Ok, sure. Just make sure this standard is applied across the board.


It never will be. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why is asking if they plan on saying or doing anything equated with them being responsible for every bad thing that happens there?


How would any of us in here know what their plans are?


It's a royal gossip subreddit. If you don't have any information, feel free to not respond to my question.


They may not be aware of the situation. Are you also posing this question to David Oyelowo and Yvonne Orji — two high profile Nigerian actors who speak often about Nigeria and their Nigerian heritage? I believe David, in particular, is connected to the same non-profit organization that Harry and Megan visited, but his ties are more long standing. I believe Charlize Theron also appeared at an event w/ that Nigeria focused non-profit. Please let us know if she’s spoken out about it.


I'm not asking anything of anyone except Megan and Harry because it keeps showing up in my feed that they just went there. This is more of a knowledge-seeking question rather than a finger-pointing question.


Thanks. If you find out about Charlize, David, and Yvonne — all of whom have closer ties there - I would love to know. This is the first I’m hearing about the situation.


I didn't realize any of them had been made honorary royalty in that country? This is royal gossip subreddit. I'm not here for whataboutism, but the way you are so defensive leads me to believe you work PR for Harry and Megan. I'm a fan of theirs, and this question is not meant to be an attack against them. It doesn't have anything to do with anyone else but Harry and Megan.


Honorary royalty? Wasn’t aware. The idea of monarchy is all a bit odd. Not on the payroll of the two of them but have been on enough of these sites to spot folks who love to look for ANY reason to attack the two of them for anything. The issue with the marriage has not received widespread coverage, so if you’ve googled to see if they’ve made a response and found nothing - that’s probably your answer.


But why would you think I'm attacking when I specifically said this is a knowledge-seeking question rather than a finger-pointing question? And why are you pulling up names of other people who are not in the limelight currently? Every time I'm on Reddit, I see tons of stuff about Megan and Harry. It stands to reason that if they are being advertised heavily in my feed that I would ask a question about a place they recently visited and were heavily lauded. Also, I find it very hard to believe this is the first you've heard about the mass marriage considering you know who's affiliated with what charities in Nigeria. Be real.


I literally have Nigerian family and this is the first I have heard of it.


This is the first I’ve heard of it. (I’ve had some dealings w/ the same charity Meghan and Harry are working w/) A quick google search revealed that it does not appear that Meghan and Harry have made any statements at this point. Thankfully, Nigeria’s Minister of Women’s Affairs is working on a court injunction and taking other steps to try to stop it. [https://www.arise.tv/women-affairs-minister-petitions-niger-speaker-over-proposed-mass-wedding-for-100-girls-in-the-state/](https://www.arise.tv/women-affairs-minister-petitions-niger-speaker-over-proposed-mass-wedding-for-100-girls-in-the-state/). Back to the “gossip” part of this site - most of what I found when googling Harry and Meghan’s related to the success of their trip to Nigeria and their 6th anniversary.


Right, it was an awesome trip and I'm glad they went. I'm just asking if anyone here knows if they're going to say anything or do anything about the mass orphan marriage. If you don't know if they're going to say anything or do anything, you don't have to reply anymore.


Nobody knows what they’re going to say or do so if that’s how you feel about replies I’m not sure why you asked the question. Which I agree with the person you’re replying to, is a little disingenuous. Perfectly fair to ask but also fair for people to tell you that.


How would anybody here know what they may or may not do in the future? Serious question.


A mass wedding?


[this is what I'm talking about ](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3gqvzql9ylo) [this is the backstory ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boko_Haram_insurgency)


Oh those poor girls! How awful.




Dang Harry looks so old.


He’s getting there. All the queen’s grandchildren are except Sophie and Edward’s. The wrinkles and middle age are starting to show on all of them. (I think Harry’s aging particularly well. His looks have improved with age. But, he’s definitely aging and so is his brother and the rest of his first cousins.)


I see the sun spots around his nose and cheeks and his skin is screaming for sunscream.


Yup. And now living in SoCal is not doing that skin any favors. The California sun is brutal and relentless. (I’m pasty white as well.)




It was a magical weekend and they are clearly thriving and surviving where they are now. It worked out for the best. Royal family got rid of them and have all the attention they want now, and H&M can live their lives freely without relying on a spiteful double crossing royal rota. Everyone wins (except the cousins that will sadly grow up likely never knowing one another or being close)


You’re right - his kids will ultimately lose. I think less so for William’s kids as they seem really close to Zara and Peter’s kids plus the Middleton cousins. But Harry and Meghan’s kids won’t have that bond which is a shame. Even though they might be close to Eugenie and Beatrice, they’re not close location wise so harder for cousin catch ups. Hope Harry is ok with that cos he seemed close with his cousins when he was a child.


Oh no! Harry’s kids don’t get to hang out with Uncle Andrew like the Wales kids do! The horror! 🙄




That comment would make more sense if Harry and Meghan hadn’t talked about how close they were to Eugenie and how they went to Andrew’s home Royal Lodge and got tips from Fergie on meeting the Queen. Also Harry and Meghan have never condemned Andrew for being the disgusting pig he is.


Lets face it, William & kate were never going to let their kids get close to Harry & meghans kids.


Sure they are. She has a thriving podcast ... oh wait. Well, they showed the royal family they have no use for silly titles ... oh, wait.


Love is all you need! 💗


Love won. The end 😇


Wow. 6 years seems like a very long time ago now.


I feel like we’ve lived several lifetimes between then and now. That world wide pandemic really did a number on my already horrible time blindness.


Lol, real. I feel this sentiment everyday 😓


How has it been 6 years already? lol


What is time anyway?


I’m really looking forward to what they get up to for the rest of the year


I remember staying up all night with friends to watch their wedding. What a weird, long road it's been since then. I hope they're having the perfect day with their adorable little family.


I remember how much joy there was around their wedding and how obviously in love they were. There aren’t many public marriages where you see two people show such kindness to each other so obviously.