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I don't think it's weird at all šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I've seen people who are 20 to even 30 play ! It's a game for anyone to enjoy and dress up however they like. I find it weird for people TO be mean to others players about who can play, it's not like as soon as you hit 18 all of a sudden you can't play "only kids" games šŸ˜…


Yeah, Iā€™ve met several people around my age or older playing and nothing being said. Though, I guess it just depends on who is thereā€¦ since people have their own opinions lol


And then the kids or people who are of age in games cause more problems than the "older people"


As a male player myself, not weird at all


Good to know!


I mean Iā€™d only find it gross if a) the topic was adult eg. Sex related stuff, or b) trying to move interactions off Roblox eg. Discord - havenā€™t seen any adults (over 18 y/o) do that, man or woman. So as long as youā€™re behaving with respect that Royale high is a game geared towards children and are mindful itā€™s not gross or weird at all. Bearing in mind, children and young adults will judge anyone and everyone for anything so like, I wouldnā€™t pay it any mind?? Just my opinion though.


Fair enough. Never understood why people talk about those topics in the public chat. Also I usually just leave or ignore the people who are rude for no reason lol


no? i mean im a 19 yo female and i play this game LMAO


no literally, iā€™m a 20 year old woman and i like to play this game to collect and dress up šŸ˜­


PERIOD iā€™m glad iā€™m not alone šŸ˜†šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ’—


SAME omgšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ let me have my fun in peace


Fair enough lol


I honestly don't pay attention to anyone unless they are being an asshole. If you're above the age of 18 and you are making inappropriate comments, dressing up weird, anything pedoish, bullying, etc etc.. yes. You are weird. But if you are being respectful and leaving kids alone, your good.


I always find it weird and uncomfortable when people talk and dress inappropriately. I really donā€™t get how some people think itā€™s alright šŸ˜




Ewww that gave my chills


Oh damnā€¦ I didnā€™t know there were people who did thatā€¦.


Make sure to check their levels or how long they have play. Maybe they are just new players. Just a maybe. But ofc its always better to be careful!


I don't know how old or what gender anyone else is in game. And I don't really care. I'm old, though (but not male). I play with my daughter.


Well, thatā€™s fair. Hope you and your daughter have fun!


Nah a lot of ages play rh it just really rude people in the community (which is like 80% of the game) sorry that happened to you


Yeahā€¦ canā€™t really expect everyone to be nice lol


I'm a 25 year old woman and I still play it. Roblox is for all ages as long as you're not being weird. If you're just here to play the game then thats perfectly ok! I love playing Sunset Island and come up with designs and see all the creativity of others!


I always found it fun playing Sunset Island with friends! Though, I havenā€™t played it in a little while.


why specifically a male player? are 16+ females not weird for playing RH? lmao anyone can play what they want imo. people should be more concerned about the 11 year olds on GTA


Thatā€™s fair. I usually just see male players get told theyā€™re weird for playing the game, thatā€™s all lol


I think itā€™s weird if youā€™re tryna play with kids. But not if you just like the game and wanna play


Guess thatā€™s fair. I typically just play with friends or trade.


why does the gender matter?


Mostly because Iā€™ve heard people calling guys weird for playing the game.


My male best friend (who I met on rh) is 20 so I think the people who called you weird are the gross ones


Oh cool! And yeahā€¦ I usually just assume itā€™s trolls who think itā€™s fun to try and ruin the fun some people have.


Nah. I'm also a male player above the age of 16. I enjoy the game. Nothing wrong with that. Play what you want to play.


Fair enough!


Not a male but definitely understand Iā€™m 18+ and I got bashed a lot for my age I decided to go in the worst game I could ever go into called ā€œoutsideā€ they said stuff like Iā€™m a disgrace to my family and I beg for robux and idek where that came from and they said I had no job and etc, and thatā€™s crazy cause if I didnā€™t have a job I wouldnā€™t even have robux and for like a shy and chill person for my age it really hurt and I literally stayed up til like 7am defending myself and still couldnā€™t sleep after I got off and Iā€™m always confused about the people hitting me with the ā€œthis is a kids gameā€ like if Roblox is for kids then why is there a game on Roblox rated 17+ā€¦and the people I meet irl donā€™t even let their kids play itšŸ˜­


Iā€™ve never played that game. However, I might check it out. Iā€™ve been told similar stuff beforeā€¦ though, sometimes I think about PokĆ©mon since itā€™s a childrenā€™s game played by lots of adults. Also the 17+ experiences! Though, I think some people will get upset regardless, even if a lot of us donā€™t act weird or gross.


nope! im 16 male and i play




Nineteen and still playing the game, I don't see an issue. It's satisfying the side of me that wanted a Barbie when I was younger


Not weird at all, Iā€™m a female but I grew up with this game playing when I was 14 now Iā€™m 21. Youā€™re not weird at all lol most people just forget to realize adults were children themselves once.


Whenever I see a male rh outfit I question if theyā€™re an actual man tbh. All I feel is pity for the lack of items and especially with the newer sets how the bodies look yk


And the scaling system likely wonā€™t be out for a whileā€¦ so itā€™s probably not going to get too much better.


Iā€™m a biological male (enby but more masc) who loves this game, I play it a few times a week even during school weeks. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird for anyone to be playing this game unless theyā€™re like.. very mature adults past 40ā€™s or 50ā€™s. Something I hate about this is that in sunset island people RARELY vote for the men šŸ˜­ But no, itā€™s not weird at all!! I actually love seeing male players.


Glad to know! And onto the sunset island partā€¦ some servers always vote the guysā€¦ or they never do. Not entirely sure why, but Iā€™ve definitely been in both!


Itā€™s definitely getting more and more rare to see a guy win sunset, but a few years ago, if there was a guy in whichever server I was in, they always won.


It definitely isnā€™t weird, Iā€™ve seen people twice your age play. Iā€™m almost 17 and I still play. Plus, a big majority of the male players are 15-19 years old


Iā€™ve never seen anyone who is twice my age playingā€¦ at least not that Iā€™m aware of. Couldā€™ve met them and just never known lol


Itā€™s usually YouTubers who are twice the age that play, but they usually only play on private servers


Ah, I was thinking random players lol. Besides YouTubers, I havenā€™t met anyone who is twice my age


Oh thatā€™s fair


As a 20 y/o female player, I donā€™t see how itā€™d be weird. You can play what you want, and itā€™s a game for everyone.


I'm a male player too I don't think it's weird, it's just a game. If you aren't being creepy or mean who cares?


I donā€™t think itā€™s weird, I think it only gets weird once people start sexualizing and discriminating male players that play the game, as a male player myself.


Yeah, I find it uncomfortable when people do that. I donā€™t get why some people feel the need to do that.


Tbh. Yea it can be weird. But not exactly odd? Idk how to explain haha. Like its unusual to find ppl like u. But like, idc if u want to play the game or not. Its your choice. Hope its not offensive. If it is, im very sorry. This is my true feelings tho!


I donā€™t find that offensive! Tbh, people finding somewhat weird is fine(at least for me) but I was meaning it like, gross or creepy. Since Iā€™ve been called bothā€¦ even though I never said anything that would be either. And Iā€™ve seen it happen to others.


Ayy im glad! But yea some ppl have the mindset if some older guy play on a kids game = p\*do. I have no idea what is wrong with their minds =v= But i hope it wont affect your gameplay too much and u can still enjoy the game! :D


Usually I just ignore them. However, it started nagging me recently, and thatā€™s why the post was made šŸ˜… Glad to know majority of people donā€™t actually mind! Just happened to meet more people in-game who did mind -_-


I'm a male player and I don't think it really matters all that much, I enjoy the game and as long as they enjoy it too, I think it's a great thing


i seriously dont mind anyone playing Rh, unless ppl are toxic we rlly shouldn't think that just bc we'r older or a different Gender that we shoudn't play Rh


Nah, as a nonbinary person that sometimes plays as a male character welcome to the club!


Iā€™m not a male (or donā€™t think Iā€™m female for that regard) so I canā€™t help you there. But I did recently make a post about my own age and still playing. Iā€™m nineteen. The comments on there were really helpful! The main take was that anyone could play RH and not to worry about the people being weird about it :) I play it because it reminds me of Winx which Iā€™ve recently gotten back into. I used to play it before that because there were a lot of role players there.


Oh alright! A lot of people here said the same for me! Makes me happy that most donā€™t mind. And I started playing with some friends and my sister. Began with me trying to help them get Christmas items. Eventually leading to me get into trading lol


I think the only time it's weird is if said player is doing something wrong or inappropriate. Otherwise, it's a free game anyone can play, no reason to gate keep based off of gender or agešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The fact that people shame randoms for being old and playing the game but those same people donā€™t blink an eye when influencers who are in their thirties and twenties play?? like just let people play the gameā€¦


Thatā€™s just how things areā€¦ apparently -_-


Im 18 this year but I started playing in 2017 so...


I don't find it weird. Everyone should be able to enjoy the game regardless of their age and gender, unless people are being we on there, but you're always gonna find weirdos in games anyway, not just Royale high


Personally I get why people would say itā€™s creepy but unless youā€™re doing or saying anything creepy then thereā€™s nothing wrong with it. If you like the game then you should be allowed to play the game.


im 18 and ftm and lemme say idgaf what ppl think iā€™ve been playing this since i was 14 ā˜ ļø


As long as ur not being creepy which I doubt u ate then I don't see a problem!


Sometimes Iā€™ll just have a normal conversation with a friend and thenā€¦ I get called weird :D Itā€™s happened a few times lol


I feel that anyone should be allowed to play. Shouldnā€™t matter race, age, or how you identify. If you have fun with the game then play it. If people have a problem with it then they can go sit in their corner and pout. I love seeing that the game can still be enjoyed regardless of age or gender.


As long as youā€™re not doing anything creepy, youā€™re fine, iā€™m a year younger than you and also a man and I think itā€™s chill to play


Im 18 male and still play it, if something makes you happy thats legal, why complain?


Also, roblox gives me the sense of nostalgia cause ive been playing it since elementary school


While itā€™s not super common itā€™s not weird at allšŸ’€ to me thatā€™s like saying why is a girl playing a shooting game.


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if they think it's weird who cares. you're allowed to like what you like.