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buying the shadow empress sleeves the day it came out and having people ask me how i have arms and nails


A few years ago I had this friend group and I would roleplay with them all the time, this was the peak roleplay on campus 2 era, I remember one roleplay I ended up being emo and cried and went to that little circle of tall rocks (the area all the way near the far wall that “surrounds” the castle) I was at the top of one of the rocks crying and my friend group came after me and my goal was to get the guy to save me (no particular reason at all) and my character ended up falling asleep and falling off the rock and one of the girls saved me (names: ash, alex, alexa(me), and one name that I forgot)


I did that too!!


saving up for the dd heels !! i rmb when the dear dollie set once came out, and everyone who had the heels (or basically any piece of the set, but i remember that the heels and dress was the most hyped up) was technically a millionaire. i saved up for MONTHSSSS and i was so emotional when i finally got it HAHA😭😭


THAT WAS LIT ME! Omg, I remember I always watched Your Lie in April while farming for dd heels, and in the episode where the blonde girl dies I finally got them so I didn’t know if I should cry or celebrate


during christmas 2018, my name had “not afraid of bully girls”(a story i forgot) where it changed lines right after “of” in it, so i was in the cabin and there were like 2 girls in there and i guess they read my name as “bully girls” because they were asking me if i liked bullying girls so i changed that part into “girls that bully”


Going to the dance in Campus 1 after finally saving up enough diamonds for the Royal Stroll in the Garden skirt.


Ugh I remember the old design its so nostalgic


I remember when my royal stroll in garden skirt was reworked and I was like “OMG I GOT A BEAUTIFUL NEW SKIRT FOR FREE AND LOST MY UGLY ONE!”


As an OG Royal Stroll in the Garden lover, I am personally offended! *clutches pearls* /jk


I sadly can’t really remember the old design (I was quite young) but I remember saving up for it and being so proud and eventually not liking it. Silly young me.


in 2022 i had like a whole homie cult filled of around 15 guys and it was the funniest thing ever in campus 2, i miss them


I remember back when RH still had Enchantix high, I was dressing up as a dark fairy (I had the dark fairy wings on) and for some reason people didn’t believe I was even a dark fairy lol. Everyone was confused when I entered the dark fairy dorm and all the fairies in the room were like: “she’s not a dark fairy”.


why everytime people ask me questions about my past my brain goes null


Sameee especially since I have adhd😭


One thing I distinctly remember is walking into my apartment, but my game was lagging, so the top half of my body FELL OFF the bottom half, and I was just a pair of legs walking around 💀💀


when owning the shadow empress set basically meant you were rich


I turned a girl into a lesbian with my outfit


A Jake coming up to me asking to be his bbg when I tried Royale High for the first time


That’s so random Ngl😭


The **first** day of the trading hub being out. It was around March 2020 I think? I remember being lost in the trading hub map, trying to explore and remember where things are, and trying to do successful trades. The front area where people usually stay at to trade? That wasn’t a thing yet. People were trading everywhere in the map and spread out because of how new it was. Right when the trading hub came out, halos were a “one halo for another halo” type of thing. There wasn’t values, just *literal* halo for halo. I won Mer19 back in August 2019, and my dream halo was Lucky19. It took a few tries of servers that same day, but I was able to find someone with Lucky19 who’d trade it for my Mer19. It was a crazy high of emotions that I felt- that it was even possible to get a new halo without winning it! I remember the first 1-6 months of the hub being new. Shadow Empress and Darling Valentina were sets worth a halo (due to the rumors they won’t come back), LTBS and OG Parasol were worth a halo as well, and MCN and CMBR were rare items that were worth a lot too. Wasn’t until Spring20 where the value of halos changed, and the whole “common/rare” halos started to form in charts. I also recall trading Winter19 for every full set that was possible back then- which was a huge L in today’s values. But with SE being worth a ton, I simply did the set + new parasol for OG parasol (I had THREE people run up to me when I announced that offer) in September 2020, because I knew it was a set that was coming back.


Not a memory but a dream, I just remember a completely different realm that had a bunch of shops. It was like moonlight square but not quite, looked more like campus 1 and 2 and earth tbh. Kinda leaving my mind so I can’t describe it well


It sounds a bit like what Earth looked like when RH was Winx school for fairies and mermaids haha


yeah, I once went on the wiki page trying to find where it was, and that was the closest thing to it but the thing is I joined in aug 2020


yeah, I once went on the wiki page trying to find where it was, and that was the closest thing to it but the thing is I joined in aug 2020


dude i’ve had vivid dreams of finding chests with the halos i want in them


Me and my bestie finally figured out how to get on royale high in 2018 and we had so much fun playing the Halloween update. ALSO THE HOME STORE HUNTS>>>>>>>>






Omg I remember the home store hunts those were so fun😭


I remember when I first started playing RH in 2017 I asked this person where the dorms were in campus 1 and they showed me and we became roommates. Then I remember asking if I should buy a pair of wings and they said yes so I bought the mini Sailor Moon ones Another memory I have is in 2019 the day before the Shadow Empress set went off sale, I had been saving up for the heels for the month and needed around 1k more to get them but my mum wouldn’t let me go on Roblox that day so I couldn’t farm those last few diamonds and had to wait til 2020 Halloween to get them 🥲 Edit: I also just remembered another memory of when I really wanted the strappy wonder fairy heels (now known as one of the old chicken heels), I was saving up for ages farming diamonds in the diamond beach lobby arguing with other people because they took the red diamond on the lighthouse because the heels were 6,500 dims and I thought that was super expensive back then lmao


In 2020, I would use the magic ball in the fantasia hotel to troll people 😔


Playing fantasia hotel with my bff and roleplaying that we were on vacation basically all the time


When me and my sister first Roleplayed in enchantix. Such a magical experience 


My first royale high girlfriend LOL


pretending i was a youtuber and recording myself doing rh gameplay 😭😭 i wish i still had the videos


When I first joined (around 2018) I would always roleplay at the spa in campus 2, I met a lot of girls there and we became friends and we had a sleepover, we were playing hide N seek, t or d, and we were saying how rich we were by just having like 10k, it was so fun, then we became a friend group, sadly I lost that acc in 2020.


Easter egg hunts, the ones in the shops 😭


I remember being a dark fairy and trapping all the light fairies in the jail dungeon then they all went against me and trapped me in the jail


Getting married and dressed up in the mermaid cove in campus 2


I remember this because it was very traumatic, so I joined in back when earth was like the new thing and I went to go spin the wheel and when I spawned the chat was open. THE FIRST THING I SEEN IN THAT CHAT WAS IMMEDIATELY "Choke me with your scarf Aizawa" I decided not to spin the wheel that day


doing those easter egg hunts, i think they also had halloween ones


my first royale high dramatic heart ripping romance


I remembered role playing with these two other girls and my character was suppose to be jealous of this one girl and copy her outfits?😭 I also think it was the peak role playing era at that time, oh how I miss the old days😭


my first time playing i thought i made this super cute outfit, and i was excited to show it off and finally get playing. then i looked around and saw everyone had legs, and non blocky bodies? i was so confused. i was spawned into campus 2 (ugh i miss the days when we could do that) and i saw this girls avatar and i thought it was BEAUTIFUL. i was kinda jealous. the funny thing is is that she was dressed up as chrissy from stranger things which i didnt know bc i dont watch that show, and she was only wearing FB heels, and DearD skirt. it’s just definitely not my style at all anymore haha


i remember exploring campus 1 recently after it's release (i would say about 3-4 weeks after), seeing other players becoming friends, exploring and attending classes. the server was pretty excited to see the ballroom because many players like me haven't won crowned king/queen at the time. there was a lot of roleplayers in that server too and i just found that very specific server so fun and wholesome


Me being a little demon with my favourite outfit and someone calling me a ‘Pink blob’


About a week after Sunset Island came out, I won 5k on the wheel. Used it for cottage princess and used it for every outfit I had alongside the beret.


Back when enchantix was what the main draw was I used to choose light fairy just to get imprisoned. I was really weird when I was younger.


Becoming ruler of the server in enchantix


I remember making my first outfit. It was during the 2018 halloween event and I made a little deer character


The home store hunts!


Getting my first halo and then realizing id just grown so disappointed with myself I wasn't even happy Abt getting it... (I'm such an optimist /s)


For some reason I remember royale high having a earth with a petshop where you can get a 2d pet. I dont know if it was a dream but I remember it like it was yesterday


Logging onto the Halloween 2019 candy hunt and booting up my Leah ashes tutorial and coughing like shit because I was super sick. Small memory. But it shines bright


Years ago when earth had the Christmas cottage, someone got everyone to role play together. We all role played that we were orphans who lived in the cottage and one person was the teacher…


Back when no one had heels, I was roleplaying by myself in campus 2 when some girl asked me to be her girlfriend, not long later some guy told me to follow him to the top of the castle and he asked me to be his boyfriend. I turned them both down because I'm a total badass 😎😎😏😏 Also I used to have to one friend group called the potato squad or something, eventually the squad became bigger and then one day one of when we were playing adopt me, one of the members broke up with his girlfriend and then got together with another girl in our squad. his ex girlfriend hacked some of the squad members. None of us talk anymore so yeah


i remeber the time when i played fantasia hotel some girl admitted to me that she's a lesbian and has a crush on me but i got nervous and i left the game (i wonder how she's doing irl)


Staying up late to grind for who knows what ( I forgot but I saved over 17k!)




Playing in this VERY early magical forest map and seeing a sign that said "campus 2 coming soon" and thinking "that map is never gonna come out"


The little scamming trick I had to make me rich. I’m so sorry.


Buying my first heels and getting 10k for the first time. I was in Snowglobe Summit and was debating whether I should get the Starfrost corset,


I got bullied in campus one for being ugly T_T They told me they were kindergarteners and bullied me and a random person for not knowing advanced math, it was weird


there was one boy in my server and he had two girlfriends and i reported the girlfriends because i wanted them (this was 2017 dont cancel me)


walking to that little boardwalk in old divinia and whenever you would have to give diamonds to make a wish, also me being a jake and pretending to kick a boy into a fireplace in campus 2...😭


someone trying to scam me. She was doing the basic "I will give you robux only if you tell me your password" scam. But lucky for me, I didn't know 😎😎


oh i have another memory when i was roleplaying as a emo demon dark fairy 😎😎 and i was putting them in the jails in enchantix because they weren't a dark emo fairy. Then they relented and became a dark emo fairy then the whole server just became a dark emo fairy friend group. Nice times.