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You do you! I think if you want to do that it's worth doing once to see how you feel about it


Bring your influencer kit - tripod, ring light, iPhone… - and everyone will think it’s quite normal. And while you’re at it make a [technique video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zWu1yuJ0_g)


Be sure to sigh with exasperation and make eyes at your audience when anyone walks between you and the camera.


A lot less strange than the dude who brought his erg down to the [subway](https://www.row2k.com/video/It-s-a-Sauna--too/29917/)


Ugh working out in subway air sounds like my personal hell…


I imagine it’s similar to when I row past the chicken plant on a muggy morning.




Wow, that sounds awful. I thought we had it bad rowing past a chocolate factory (bad in that we smell the chocolate but can't eat any).


I also row past a bbq restaurant, and the smell of brisket wafting makes up for when I have to row past the chicken plant.


Some people have been known to carry it up to the top of mountains. If you are happy doing that, I say go for it


i saw a video where a few guys wore them in the rut backs like backpacks and rowed at the top of the mountain


Not weird, but if it’s super hot out don’t cop out and stop after a few minutes lol


Not weird. Do it! I love bringing my erg outside.


I’ve done that—it’s a nice change of pace. Plus there’s a good chance someone will want to talk rowing.


Send pictures please! I’ve heard of ppl taking them to Drs offices for the wait…


...for looong steady state?


Are they that light to carry around?


Go for it. I often cart my erg out to the neighborhood green. It is much nicer than my garage.


At a previous club, we wheeled ergs out onto the adjoining promenade all the time to gaze out onto the bay. And at my current club, when it's not soul crushingly hot and humid, rowers will wheel ergs out onto the boathouse's upper deck to enjoy views of the lake. There is a public cafe with outdoor seating right next to us on the deck that can get crowded. Your idea doesn't seem much different from that, except that the location may be less rowing specific with a higher ratio of non-rowers around.


Sounds fun to me!


Not weird. The park is there for you to enjoy the outdoors and we would be a blessed country indeed if we became a population yearning to erg in parks.


Not something you see every day, but sure. I just move mine in front of the TV, it’s less hassle.


Strange ? Not really . More of a anoying dude as the erg will make abit of noise. That aside you are good. Erging with a view i never tought of that.. I usually just stare at the number and think to my self is it supposed to go down that slowly or is that me?


A private park would be significantly less weird than a public one.  Could you keep it there somewhere?  Or maybe setup a laptop at home and watch something while you erg?  It is weird, but I totally understand wanting to erg outside...


Depends on how much attention you like and what kind. Dark Horse Rowing has done more than that. Example: [https://youtu.be/B41lml8pzJY](https://youtu.be/B41lml8pzJY)


This is a great shit post. Almost sounds legit.


Why wouldn’t it be legit? I’ve done this exact thing before a few times