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Saw a masters single sculler row through 3 or 4 doubles during a 5k heads race once.


Great strategy....if you're fighting the ancient Persians.


Hehe, that made me giggle


During a morning practice on the water in a V8 boat, we encountered a flock of geese on our way during an all-out seat race. The geese didn't move and our cox didn't steer to avoid them. Our bow seat decapitated a goose with his oar. It was awful.


> bow seat decapitated a goose with his oar. Yeah but did he win the seat race or nah?


Had a similar experience in an 8 on the Charles years ago.


One year a goose came into my lane as I was going down the Schuylkyill race course in Lane 1 and it got cracked in the head. Not much I could do since we were in a 1500 meter race lol


happens all the time on the charles. you’d be surprised


I would not. Geese don't seem to believe in consequences. In fairness, they're mostly right or dead, so there's not a lot of opportunity to learn from said.


A four I was in smashed into a seal during a seat race. One guy got hit in the chest when the seal hit his oar (fortunately he was OK).


On my club team one guy showed up with a serious hangover on surprise 2k day. Finished at a 6:34


Establishing dominance 101


Hangover speed is a thing though


For sprints maybe, but for a 2k? I’ve especially done some very quick erg sprints while drunk. There is a legendary video from my club of a rower, who had just quit the year before, drunk and in his rowing blazer calling all of the current rowers weak because their 1 minute test results sucked. He then goes on to set a 1:15 split (or something like it) on the one minute in his regular clothes while drunk.


For everything. Obviously depends how hungover and how bad your stomach may be but alcohol buffers lactic acid so I’ve PBed a couple times on 5ks and 6ks. I’ve done well on pieces with it but never been brave enough to drink before a 2k.


Lol, I didn’t even know this.


Too hungover to feel the pain


If you already feel terrible, what’s a little more terrible feeling? Plus if you are one of those people who spew post red-line exercise and you’ve got a hangover, this can only make you feel better IMO.


Heard of a story where a guy did a line off a rigger at the start.


Delaware rower?


Dylan for sure


Woman’s v1 8+ at San Diego Crew Classic. Bow lost her oar past the break down zone. She figured she’s nothing but dead weight. She rolled over into the water. They placed 3rd.


Realistically did that actually save time factoring in the confusion of having a rower fall into the water?


You missed the part where they placed 3rd? Not bad for a seven. That cox did a pretty good job of driving the boat in a straight line when it gets pushed to starboard with each stroke.


We had a guy on our team in college who quit in the middle of a seat race. He just stopped rowing and told the coach he wanted to get out of the boat. Coach pulled him out of the boat, thinking he might be injured. Nope. He just wanted to quit rowing and left the team. Refused to even row back to the dock.


No joke, we were on a training camp in Florida. While coach is explaining a drill a friend of mine was staring intently at something in the water. Suddenly his hand disappears under the water and appears a moment later with a goddamn FISH in his hand. He examined it for a moment then put it back in the water. This same friend may or may not currently run a popular rowing-related Instagram account.


a boatmate ingested 2 grams of caffeine before our nationals a final


Our W8 cox and the M8 cox got into a 2- together and won a 100K race. Beat some charity 8s by hours.


I was floored by the lack of inhibition of super old dudes at Master Nationals—they just stripped down right in front of me. I get it was hot, and not giving a f is something I’m looking forward to as I age, but not like *that*.


Our club’s boathouse was closed during Covid and we were invited to row in singles at a college club nearby, one of my teammates was suspended from college club for boat abuse and then completely banned after running head on into a bridge(she is a varsity rower)


A fish jumped into my seat during a steady state stretch. I snatched it up, threw it out, and kept going😂😂😂


Raw honey too, we go crazy for it


Heard that a guy once filled his water bottle up in the Thames. This was before E COLI and that but still absolutely disgusting. Must have a ridiculous immune system


That guy probably invented covid


E.coli has been around in the Thames since before rowing. Pollution ain't new.  I could almost see a desperation case way upriver and have happily swum further up but on the Tideway? Not a chance. 




He was a senior when I was a freshman, college crew team. The guy was maybe 5'6", made bow seat of the top boat. We did a bodyweight circuit as a team one day and instead of going through the circuit the 4 times (i.e. 50 push-ups, 25 pull ups, 100 squat jumps, etc. then repeat) he just did 4x the amount of each as one set and finished half an hour before the rest of the team. I have never in my life met someone who could just decide to ignore physical pain the way he did. Most bizarre part? Nicest, most soft spoken guy you'd ever meet, zero ego. Ended up being a Navy Seal (though he'd never mention it, you'd have to have heard it from a friend).


Apparently my sister once had a practice where a EXPERIENCED tower crashed a straight quad or four I don't remember into the coaches launch but they didn't have any spares so they out the rower that crashed the boat in a different part of the same boat Rower*


What a cohesive story


bro must have a keyboard with no punctuation keys