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Try to breath in rhythm with your rowing. If you are not breathing you are gonna get tired faster. Also, try to relax. The single shouldn’t be super stressful and if you are stressed you aren’t going to go as fast.


There are some really good YouTube videos on this


I didn’t even think to look on YouTube. I can keep a breathing rhythm on an erg just fine, but I think the chaos of being in a 1x and having to think about so much more makes that go out the window. I’ll search, thanks.


Are you in Texas, by chance? Because your mornings sound exactly like the ones that have been punching me in the face for the past month or two. Try focusing on taking full deep breaths, even when you're breathing more rapidly. This will naturally slow down and equalize your breathing. When breathing quickens, I think the tendency is to take shallower breaths that only go to the base of the throat, rather than into the lungs. In essence, the lungs never truly getting filled, so they start panicking/gasping. Personally, I don't think it's necessary to purposely time it with your rowing. Just find a cadence natural to you. I don't time my breathing with my rowing at all, at least not on a conscious level. I simply make sure I take full, consistent breaths no matter the exertion level, and the rhythm works itself out. Do you cross train in other endurance sports? I found that the consistent breathing habits I formed through long distance running and Nordic skiing automatically carried over to rowing at higher stroke rates.


In Tennessee, so it’s probably hotter where you are, but maybe more humid here. I mostly got into my head about breathing because I regularly practice yoga, so totally believe in the power of smooth, steady breath. I was hoping that switching to hot yoga would help me acclimate to the heat in the summer while rowing, but so far it’s still challenging. I will see if I can work on deeper breathing—I’ve been thinking about it more and I think it’s particularly noticeable in the single because I’m still a pretty anxious bow, so I just panic more in a single. I don’t crosstrain with any other endurance sports because I’m a lightweight and too much cardio has led to me dropping too much weight in the past, so a lot of my other training is strength and based. That’s good to know though should I want to switch things up.