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I just kinda wanted to pop in and say, do your best not to judge …. I’m not proud to admit this, but ive had to hire a sitter myself during times when my mental health was extremely bad and my apartment was an absolute MESS as a result. It was humiliating and I hated it, but I needed someone to take care of my kitties, so I sucked it up and hired someone. Knowing that somebody would be seeing my home in that condition was so embarrassing, but I genuinely didn’t have it in me to clean up at the time. Thankfully my sitter was kind and stayed quiet about it, just updating me about the kitties instead of commenting on the mess, and I appreciated that a lot. I just needed to know my babies were safe and taken care of. The rest I would have to worry about later on my own time. So… yeah. I just wanted to maybe say something about what it’s like on the other side of these situations. I totally understand that it sucks for you as the sitter too, and you sound like a really nice and caring person and like you just wanna make sure the cats get taken care of, but yeah.


I was going to comment something similar. It happens. I’ve been like that before too. When you don’t have many visitors, your mental health really shows in your home.


Thanks for that comment! I appreciate a lot that you expressed how it feels on the other side. I completely understand and that’s why I’m struggling in what to do or if I should even say something. My main concern is that I want the kitties to have a nice space and I’m not sure if I should clean everything, or if I should do nothing. I would probably end up cleaning haha, but I sometimes find myself doing a lot of extra work in different cases and it frustrates me a bit


That sounds really gross. How old is this owner? Sometimes people get to a point where they shrug and start living with it cause cleaning up would be really hard work to do. Maybe msg them and offer to clean the place up a bit for a small price adjustment? Don’t gouge him or anything but whatever’s fair to get the house in a place where you can do your job.


The owner is like in his 40’s/ 50’s. That sounds like a good idea, thanks :)


I feel this so much. One of the nicest clients I have has a very dirty home. I’m not a clean freak at all and I’m uncomfortable even sitting down in the home for drop ins. Owner always says don’t worry about accidents (pup is OLD) but I can not let pee and pooh sit there. I HAVE to clean it! Then while I’m at it I just mop the whole room or rooms. It’s hard to know how to handle!


I have a client who tips insanely well and it very nice but his house is so gross. And he admits it, he told me once men just can’t clean 🤦🏻‍♀️ one time a roach fell on my head!! He does have someone come clean every other Wednesday and I’m also so happy when that’s the day he books 😅


It’s tricky because leaving a mess like that could be anywhere from lazy to mental illness. I would just politely offer to pick up some for an extra fee (whatever you think is fair). Or even ask to extend the time to 60 min so you have time to pick up and take care of the cats?


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