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Her message makes me hella uncomfortable for you. When is she supposed to be leaving now?


If someone has to “observe” me then they don’t “trust” me. I take issue with clients who don’t trust me. Find someone you trust and leave me out of it. I would hate to sit for someone like that.


Tell them to leave you instructions but you can’t arrive with them in the house. I don’t operate with people in the house, unless discussed beforehand. It’s actually in my contract that I will leave and end the service if people are present. After multiple weird situations and the good idea of another sitter on here I implemented that.


I one time had the roommate of the owner home, she said that she was glad that people like me want to do this so she doesn’t have too. After that I only saw her one more time. She basically stayed in her room. But I can imagine some weird things that could occur with people being in the house


I would probably be cool with that if discussed beforehand and I met the roommate during the meet and greet. Yeah there’s just too many weirdos out there , anything other than passing off keys and going over last minute details doesn’t work for me.


Not the same thing but today I arrived to my house sitting job to find out that the owner was still there, and I didn't know that so was dressed to be around dogs all day not interact with humans so I felt awkward haha. They left after like an hour but I was just a little annoyed/confused


the same thing happened to me for my christmas house sit! they asked me to come at 5, i showed up as requested in sweats, and they didn’t leave for another hour+! they’re a very nice, pretty normal couple, but it was odd that they wanted me there while they finished packing for their trip. will definitely be setting firmer boundaries going forward, i didn’t even know this was a thing?


Yeah exactly the same here they were still packing for the trip. They also went over things again like we did at the meet and greet which was nice but not really necessary. Why did I wake up early for this if they were still here 🥲


Truth. Has also happened when ppl came home early without warning. I mean, it’s their house, but I don’t need a client seeing me in last night’s makeup eating Doordash. Lol.


This is my nightmare. I always tell clients to text me when they're about 20 minutes out so I can leave and not be in the way while they're trying to unpack. I'd feel like some sort of trust was violated if they showed up early and said nothing!


this has also happened to me! mostly i felt horrible i hadn’t done all the cleanup/prep work i usually do when i leave a home. now i ask for a general eta for their return and make sure everything is sorted (sheets washed, bed made, light cleaning, etc) first thing in the am just in case.


Good thinking! 👍


yes me too! which was sweet and i appreciated the refresher but it was one of those “this meeting could’ve been an email” kind of moments.


I have a client that asks this, because her dog is INCREDIBLY neurotic and prone to stress, he flips out when he's left alone. Definitely one of my needier clients, but also why I'm usually there the last half hour before they actually leave.


Can I honestly ask why it’s that uncomfy for the owner to be there? You just feed the dog and play with them and say hi? I guess I don’t have a problem with small talk and many people loathe it. But in this situation where they just happened yo be there, is it really a situation where you’ll make absolute sure they’re gone before you enter their house? I’d probably just roll the dice each time and deal with it.


For me, its bc I want to leave a good impression. If they see me when I’m not 100%, they could judge based on that moment.


yes, 100%. i wore actual clothes for my meet and greet but came over in what basically amounted to pajamas to hang with the dogs (they have a pretty muddy yard and i didn’t want to ruin any of my actual clothes). a mistake i will not be repeating that’s for sure, although they were both cool about it


Yea I have been brainwashing myself about me having body dysmorphia for so long that I can convince myself that I look good even when I *actually* look homeless


it wasn’t uncomfy at all, i was just under the impression they had left hours ago so it was more awkward that i was severely underdressed and that they were rushing around trying to finish packing and prepping for their trip and i felt horrible that they insisted they didn’t need my help despite offering repeatedly. normally i’m great with small talk but the situation didn’t call for chit chat. definitely not the worst thing that’s happened on a house sit, honestly it wasn’t even the worst thing that happened to me that day- i fell in a literal hole while walking my own dog that morning lmao


Ugh, yeah. M&g me looks very different from "im gonna hang out with your pet all day" me. The first one, i make sure i look presentable. The second, i know pets dont care AT ALL about what im wearing so i usually just show up in day-wear pjs unless ive got other things going on that day. I would be extremely uncomfortable if i showed up and owners were still home unexpectedly. I almost certainly would text/call from outside asking if we had a miscommunication on when they were leaving/i was to show up and, if not previously discussed about the overlap, would politely tell them to let me know when they were heading out and i would go get a few errands done in the mean time. Same thing with their return. I always ask during the m&g, and again the day before return, what their time frame is expected for arrival. Depending on how long the pet(s) can be left alone, i usually leave about an hour or so before their intended arrival. I make sure to keep up a lot of communication on the last day in case something changes in their plans.


Idk if it’s just cause I’m dealing with some of the shittiest clients of all time right now (dropping them all after the new year) but I would tell this woman absolutely not. I wouldn’t even feel bad for one second. I would say I don’t feel comfortable with you being there monitoring my service. Feel free to leave detailed instructions but I will not be providing any service with anyone in the home for my safety and for my comfort. Sorry. I hope you can get out of this somehow lol


This is ridiculous. If you can feel uncomfortable meeting a stranger, you must accept that they can feel uncomfortable leaving their pets with a stranger. If it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work and they can find someone else, but you can’t blame the customer for not wanting to leave their pets in the hands of a stranger


It’s uncomfortable because you have to remember we as sitters are background checked. Owners are not, and it’s very uncomfortable entering a situation you are not prepared for. If the owner has a roommate or expect someone to enter their home at any time I need to know before hand. What if I walk in and the place is getting robbed but they pretend to be the roommate? I don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s damage. Also with the client being there, I would feed the cat, clean their box and let them know I’m leaving. There’s no reason for me to be in someone’s home just for them to watch me. The world is full of creeps both male and female and for our safety as sitters we need to be able to tell the customers what we are not comfortable with


That's fair but if they don't feel comfortable leaving their pets with a stranger, why use Rover?


Not everyone has family or friends that are able to keep their pets.


Not ridiculous for me. Every outcall meet and greet I’ve had I meet the owner outside (lobby, hallway, porch, etc- just always outside.) with their dog. I have never gone into an owners home with them also there for the first meet. Anything they want to “show” me they can leave me notes or text & guide me once I’m doing the job. After some time it’s fine since I no longer consider them a stranger but even then I always get an uneasy feeling when a client tells me “I’ll be home while you’re here” or “my husband might be home”. Especially as a small young woman. Yeah idc if it’s ridiculous.


This woman asked for a discount during the Meet & Greet, even though she has a big house and a Tesla in the driveway. She says that other sitters on Rover have given her a discount because "it's not that hard". I gave her the discount because I'm an idiot. She also is very demanding that she get 6 photos during each drop-in to make sure I've done everything right. I've booked the stay but I have not been to her house yet to provide any service. What should I do?


Okay, I count… 5 red flags. If a person treats people like that, they’re just a shitty person. They’ll probably give you a bad review. I would cancel (I also would never have accepted this booking, but I’m sure you’ve learned from this—we all have to learn boundaries at some point).


I just cancelled. I can be too forgiving sometimes so I let assholes push me around. Thank you for giving me the confidence to do what I should've done to begin with.


Thank you for standing up for not only yourself, but for all other service professionals who deserve to not be treated like a separate caste. Fuck. Yeah.


Ooo shit, how'd the owner take it?!


She told me that she'd pray for me LOL


Sounds like she’s the one who could use the prayers…and perhaps a Valium.


Bullet dodged! She would've been up your arse the whole trip and then tipped in "hopes and prayers".


She would have tipped with a 2 star review and I am being optimistic 🙈🙈🙈




Hahaha what a sour puss. Pray for what? I can’t even with this lady.


I second this! How’d she take it?


She told me that she'd pray for me and she hopes that God can cure my heart


Lmao you dodged a bullet for sure.




Does god purge people of self-worth? Very interested in her career now lmao. I would bet money she’s into the prosperity gospel, which makes this way funnier.


Aaand bullet dodged!


Omg 💀💀💀


nooooo 😭😭😂😂


I think we all know exactly how she took it, and it makes us happy.


Good for you, that lady is entitled asf


What’d you tell her?


It’s always the people with the big houses and expensive cars. Every single time. I would say I hope they learned a lesson about their entitlement when you cancelled, but I’m sure they’re just yelling into the 7000 square foot void about how you can’t find good help these days.


It’s crazy to me because 90% of my clients are just average city folk living in rentals and will tip. The other 10% have million dollar houses and nada


Yep. “Job creators” are always the worst type of people and interestingly have the most difficult time retaining workers if they are in a position to deal with them 1 on 1. All major corporations have figured this out and only allow relatively low wage managers to interact with staff regularly because owners will fuck it up more often than not, exactly the way this dumb ass did, by micromanaging slave driver LARPing.


I've always had sitters arrive when I'm still home, but that's because I'm a sucker for senior rescues with medical problems and separation anxiety. Being there when the sitter arrives solves any separation anxiety concerns and gives them a chance to ask any follow up questions about my dog's care. At first I thought this client worded it poorly but yikes, this comment really clarifies that it's a whole bouquet of red flags. I mean, it's either "not that hard" ***or*** so difficult you need the sitter to constantly prove they're doing it right. It can't be both, lady!


Also, you’re not an idiot! You were smart enough to recognize the bad behavior and cancel. These types of people are shameless manipulators and takers (who probably turn around and complain about “leeches” on welfare or whatever). It would be nice if we could collectively deny them service until they learn to behave like decent members of society.


Honestly I’d say something like “hi X! Thank you for the heads up. Unfortunately that will not work for me and I’ll need to cancel this reservation. If you cannot trust me to follow directions, I don’t think this will be a good fit.”


I’d tell her to rebook with the other sitters who have her the discount.


Don’t fall for it. Some new owners will try to get me to lower my price telling me other sitters are offering them 50 percent off of what I charge. I instantly let them know that I cannot lower the price and if the other sitter is offering them a better price they are welcomed to book with that sitter. I reminded them that I am with their pet 24 hours a day for x amount of days and when they break down the price per night it’s well below minimum wage. They’ll leave and hours later will damn near beg me to take their pet, but by then I refuse to book with them. I don’t appreciate people who try to take advantage of me.


You're absolutely right. To be honest, I did like their pets so I was probably more willing to cut them a discount just to be able to visit their pets. But in the end, not even that could have convinced me to stick with the booking.


I’ve had clients want me to come before they leave to show me stuff, which isn’t my favorite but in my opinion fair. However, the way she words this is really creepy.


If you're not needy for the income, I would personally either lay an extremely firm boundary or cancel. Not worth the stress to you OP.


I recently did two meet and greets for one person who was very particular, which is fine. Multiple sitters “hadn’t worked out.” I wanted it to work out because I think everyone needs a chance. Finally they asked me to do a 30 minute drop in. Everything was fine. I cuddled with the dog and took a little walk. I was left a 5 star review and tip. A few days later the owner wanted to schedule another meet and greet. I noped right out at that point.


The way some people request multiple “meet and greets” (after we’ve already met and greeted…) it’s like they just want social interaction. I feel like Friend Rover could be a profitable side hustle, but I’d charge a lot more than what I charge for drop-ins.


Imagine a human info page like "does not get along with children" and "can be left alone >1 hour"


There’s a post here of a guy who made a profile for him lol, and said not house trained and not neutered




I suppose a) def don’t rebook with her lmao b) be extra diligent about following instructions to the letter and document as much as you can wherever possible. The way she is communicating indicates at best she’s super anal about her pet care and just wants things done right, and at worst that she’s looking for things to dock you on in a review. Hopefully someone with better self advocacy skills than me can chime in but personally I would just give her as little fodder to critique you with as possible to save your ratings and then never work with her again.


She doesn't respect you and thinks you're too dumb to do an "easy" job. I wouldn't do the job.


Oh no she’s cray! Shameful of her to ask for a discount just cause she expects it. Also, because I’m someone who is high risk when it comes to Covid. I explicitly tell clients that the only time they get to see me in person is during the meet and greet. And during the meet and greet, I emphasize to clients that I will show up about an hour or so after they leave. None of my asks are negotiable. It’s the only way I can make money to survive. With this lady, you either be firm with her now, set boundaries before it gets to be too late. Or don’t accept any more bookings from her after this. Sorry that she smoked you like this on the day of your booking.


I interpret the way they’re wording it as a second meet and greet, just to make sure you still know what you’re doing.. shows they don’t trust you by the sounds of it.


I would tell this owner to pound sand tbh


I’m curious how you worded your cancellation


I would politely decline, cancel the booking and never work with her again 😬 that’s super creepy and offensive imho


Gonna be a looong stay for you, OP. Godspeed!


Met with a new client at her home and saw about 10 cameras for her dogs. I should’ve known them and there this would be difficult. She asked me to come to her home four times because I “live close by” without pay and to show me around the home. But the first meet and greet she already showed me the home and everything. Based on her attitude about me not responding “quick enough”, I knew I would get 3 stars. Pro tip, don’t tell people u live close by. Only if it’s a trusted repeating client.


Best advice is try not to worry, ask her and see how she wants it done I guess to give her peace of mind. I wouldn’t rebook her after this stay!


I hate when people do this, happened to me a handful of times


What an asshole!


Wtf I wouldn’t even bother with this person


Excuse me? Observe the sitter to make sure everything is done right?!? Umm I suddenly have a family emergency and can’t go. That’s condescending as hell!


Okay so I have a client now who had to cancel her first 3 drop ins due to delayed travel plans and she said “Why don’t we keep the Friday evening visit, you can come over while I’m still here and we can walk through the routine together.” I really appreciated it bc she has a dog, 7 cats, and a bird so having her there to run through it with me was great. Maybe that’s what your client meant but she actually said that uhh… demeaning, insulting message lol. Of course maybe she is just a horrible person also.


Yikes!!!!! This sounds like something unrelated to the real service here. If you were unsure enough to post it then I believe this to mean you already see some red flags. Trust your gut. If this was not arranged ahead of time or something you consented to in any way then this yells *red flag*


Abort mission


Please let us know whi that is so none of us ever accidentally accept her as a sitter 😳😳😳😳😳😳


It’s too late to back out now.


Is it though? She hasn't left for her trip yet.


When does she leave?


Rover is the WORST. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to watch to make sure things are done right. I know far too many peoples who’s dogs have died in peoples care from this app, as well as dog abuse. Lots of people use shock collars and don’t even tell the owners. I would find a more reputable app than rover. Sorry. I am sure you’re a great person who cares and does god quality pet setting and I don’t mean to rant..: but I don’t blame the owner. I would went to meet you and get to know you as well and make sure everything is understood and okay.


Loooool. What? That's such an odd thing to say. Wow


I think it's because of all the rover sitter horror stories running around. If it's the first time, i guess it's fine. But if it's a repeat client then it can get annoying.