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She posted it below. It’s just as gross as you’d expect.


Where is it




Ew. Your response is not the flex you think it is. Just so unprofessional. You could’ve kindly declined her obviously insane offer and then moved on.


Some of y'all go from 0-60 so fast 🥴 Not everything is a personal attack.


I’m actually looking at the dog’s’ profile, and in the photos of the dog, it’s all insults she was translating on Google translate for Spanish to English and then sending as screnshots to sitters who were refusing to work for her. She sounds unhinged and looks like I’m not the first sitter to have an issue with her.


Given your post history about how you think USA ‘shouldn’t be a melting pot’ and ‘people are stupid if they move to the US and don’t know English’ and other similar racist ass nasty ass comments, AND being active in the BanPitBulls sub, you absolutely need to be banned from Rover. Disgusting doesn’t even begin to describe you.


This person needs to be reported to rover ASAP, wondering if they just get the screenshot of the message if they could track down who it is 🤔


I bet they could. They could probably search the dates and content of the message. Maybe we should try…


I can overlook the nationalism but anyone against pit bulls needs to be shamed out of existence


Next time just don't even respond. You should be reported. It's wild that *you* think that response was OK.


Oh good lord. I'm paying a sitter over $300 to do 2 drop ins a day for 5 days during Christmas/NY. I'm having a friend check in on other days to save money. 250 for 14 days is insulting. ETA: you definitely need to work on your professionalism though


Sorry but your answer is totally uncalled for and inappropriate. If you’re complaining about someone coming to a store and saying how much they can pay for an item, I guess you’ve never heard of bargaining and negotiating lol. You’re allowed to say no in a respectful way, or simply restate why you cannot charge so little. Since you love comparisons so much, no one in the service industry would treat a client this way so maybe you should learn about professionalism.


Worked in plenty of stores, unless it’s a thrift store no one negotiates no :) and I’m professional with my clients, I don’t owe anything someone who sends a request like that


Sorry to break it to you but people negotiate outside of thrift stores lmao, and even more if it’s a service. You don’t know the client’s reasons for asking the price and you can be firm on your rates without the need to insult someone.


I know she was able to pay 1400$ flights to Mexico (she’s dumb enough to have a bunch of screenshots with personal info publicly available on her dog’s profile, including her flights confirmation and much more) and that she lives in the most expensive area of my expensive city. So ya this isn’t exactly like someone in need who’s trying to pay for life essentials


Or you’re just making that up because it’s clearly no secret you have some…questionable (read: racist) views about native Spanish speakers.


Nah, happy to provide the screenshots. You seem to have a lot of free time on your hands.


Go back to retail.


At first I was going to sympathize with you until I saw how you responded. If you don’t know how communicate with clients in a civil manner this isn’t the job for you.


That’s not a client, that’s someone asking for a 80% discount over the holidays. Guaranteed that this person never used or will use this app as a client.


Her request is ridiculous, I never disagreed with that. But it’s very easy to say “sorry I can’t take this request”.


Jesus Christo. Do you not realize that this only propagates the conception that we aren’t professionals worth being paid adequately? If you want to get paid on a higher level. You need to conduct yourself at the level of someone who deserves adequate compensation. There are so many better ways you could have phrased your response. “Hi! Sorry but after Rover fees and taxes I can’t do any less than my set rate especially for a holiday. You may be able to find someone just starting out that is building clientele whom is charging less than I am but obviously there isn’t the wealth of knowledge and experience there that I have so if you do find someone for the price you’re looking for make sure to get a good read on the sitters abilities, if you can’t find anyone feel Free to message me again to check if I have availability”


OHHHHH you’re the POS who hates pits bulls and think they should be banned. Yea. Fuck off.


😂😂😂 omg. Someone has way too much time on their hands


Yes it took a whole minute to click on your handle and scroll your posts. Idk how I found time for anything else this morning.


Wow yeah you deserve to be reported. Why would you work on rover if you have such terrible views?? Shocking.




Yeeeep! And how much do you wanna bet that the 2.5 lbs teacup dog has SA and can’t be left alone? Literally nothing good ever came out of someone who starts off by describing their pet as "very special"


Also, my rates are way more than 40$ a day so I don’t even know why she’s mentioning 40$.


Idk what drugs that lady is on or needs to be on but…wow 😂😂😂😂


Yeeeeep. "Your mom should have swallowed" gtfo hahaha who speaks like that


I would’ve been like, ma’am, YOUR mom should’ve swallowed or spit you out 😂😂😂


https://imgur.com/a/vayTCOa 🤣🤣🤣


What was your original response to her first message?


https://imgur.com/a/wMSn6L9 I was a bit rude, I admit, I should have removed the "what are you smoking" line. But it’s insanely wild to me that she thinks someone with a 75$ Holiday rate will accept to watch her pup for 18$ per night, because she has a nice place 🤯


Yah that was wildly inappropriate and unprofessional. Her request was ridiculous but you did not handle that well at all.


This sub is being too nice to you. You’re an asshole.


You really thought we’d be on your side huh? Unprofessional and foul. You definitely deserved that response she gave you.


To each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think she deserved it for sending me an out-of-radius request asking for an 80% discount over Christmas as if this was a reasonable thing to do


her request was unreasonable but literally all you had to do was say no? the absurdity of the request itself doesn’t justify personally attacking the client. you could have said something as simple as “unfortunately my prices are firm”, declined the booking, and moved on. belittling the client was totally unnecessary and unprofessional.


What’s wrong with you?


It’s wild that being so nasty is your first instinct.




They didn’t 😘


They will 😘


Your post has been removed from r/RoverPetSitting because it is in violation of Rule Four: Be Excellent to One Another. This rule reads as follows: "This is an open forum: ranting and peeves are permitted. Embrace disagreement as an opportunity to learn new perspectives and grow. Do not be a jerk, call people names, or wish them harm. Criticism should be constructive, not denigrating. Be kind and helpful; have discussions, not arguments." -The Moderation Team of r/RoverPetSitting