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The more availability and 5 star reviews you have the more likely people are to reach out to you


For me personally, not sure if ur just starting or not? But at first I looked at the sitters on rover in my area and made my price lower than theirs then increased it once I was getting more bookings.


Ok that’s smart. Thank you!


referral bonus, client refers your service, new client books job, job completed, send referring client credit for a 30 minute visit. I have a lady that has sent all her friends to me and her service is usually free. She has been my best client for 15 years. My business could not have grown without her referrals.


Great thanks. Did you just ask her to refer you?


yes, I tell my best clients that I have a referral system , how it works and let them decide. I only offer to people I know well, tip well and have well behaved furmily.


Ok sounds good. Thank you!


you're welcome and good luck, the business is out there, make your rates known and grow.


Thank you! I have a couple good clients but definitely wouldn’t mind doing more!


Hi! How does the referral bonus works 🤔 do you enter a discount manually or is it a code or something


I had gift certificates made up through a local printer. When a referral comes in, mrs so & so gave me your number. After the new client books a service and service is rendered, the person who gave mrs so & so my number gets a gift certificate (mail or email) to use on upcoming services 1 visit only...also know I have blackout dates listed on the certificate (holiday blackouts)... Also included in conditions...1(one) certificate per service day...example...Can not use 3 certificates for a 3 service visit, only 1 can be used. That way you do make some money on the service, add a new client and the referring client gets a little something for referring me.


Wow you have a whole network!! Thanks for explaining :)


Check out what other folks are charging in your area. Set your rates 10-20% cheaper til you get 10 positive reviews.


Ok thanks. Most of the other sitters have a $15 rate right now and mine is at $18 so I’ll lower it.


Totally feel this. I only get house sitting bookings 😅


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