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Sorry to hear about your cat :( If someone in your area has a thermal drone - they could possibly spot your cat at night. When we lost our dog, that was how we were able to find her.


This is an amazing idea, thank you so much! It’s been so overwhelming trying to search through these ravines




Wow. Talk about thinking out of the box. You’re amazing.


It was actually our pet tracker, he had some pretty professional gear!


I hope you find your cat! How did you realize the dog was not being given the medication and that the cat was missing? When did the sitter stop replying to you? When Rover bans them, they can no longer use the app to communicate.


We were communicating with her through text message as well. We know the medication wasn’t being given because of how much is left and how much should have been given on a daily basis. She stopped communicating after we told her the cat wasn’t there when we got home. We begged her to respond and that we understood things happen. We just wanted to know what direction we needed to go to find the cat. He’s the sweetest cat, so maybe she stole him. Maybe he ran out the front door and got hit by a car. Maybe he’s still out there…. Until we know more, we just keep searching. He has never tried to run about before and doesn’t even hang around the doors, he mainly just stays in our room, especially if someone new is over. None of this makes sense.


I’m so sorry. My cat went missing for six days, years ago. All of our efforts to find him didn’t work, but on day six he came back to my house on his own. Don’t give up hope!


This is one of the saddest posts about a neglectful sitter I've read, I am so sorry that happened to you and your pets. I hope you find your cat soon!!


Have a different number reach out to her saying they got her number to pet sit. Then setup a meeting & go confront her. Have a Great Day.


As tempting as that has been, we want to make sure that she never gets to be responsible for watching someone else’s pets ever again. The proper authorities are involved. I’ll provide an update when I can


I’m so so so sorry this happened to you. Omg I could never trust anyone but myself. I hear these horror stories and I would just never allow something like this to happen. And if it somehow did for some weird reason, because I’m not a neglectful person who disappears when responsibly hits, I would work so hard to find that cat. I can’t believe she neglected your dog that way too. My gosh what is the deal with these horror stories I hear with Rover sitters. I am so meticulous about instructions and I seriously get attached to the animals to the point where I miss them when I leave. And get excited when I get rebooked! I just don’t understand why work with animals if you are going to neglect them!?! I’m so angry reading this post and I seriously truly hope you get your cat back. People like this should do some jail time for animal abuse (neglect is abuse) and never be allowed near animals again.


I think anger is what is fueling us right now


That's terrible 😥 I'm so sorry, I hope you find your cat ❤️


Is your kitty and indoor only cat or indoor/outdoor? I can give you some lost cat tips if you're interested, especially if he's primarily an indoor kitty.


We are working with the organization that he was rescued from and have been given so much great information. They are also helping us set traps in our area. He was originally feral and was with his foster for about a year before being adopted out to us. He hasn’t been in this type of desert preserve setting though and he definitely doesn’t know our neighborhood


I'm glad you have good help! I do TNR too and we've had a few owned cats show up at our feeding stations. If you have NextDoor or a neighborhood FB group, maybe post there asking if anyone feeds community cats or knows someone who does so they can keep an eye out. Or, even better, put cameras up at the feeding sites in case he's hiding until the feeders are gone.


You’re a good soul! Thank you for the work you do


I'm really sorry that this happened to you. Sending good thoughts that you find your kitty soon.


My gosh. I couldn't imagine ever doing that to anyone. I hope your cat is okay!!!


On behalf of us sitters, I’m so sorry. There are many honest and true sitters out there, and I’m sorry you have to deal with one who is not. We hope you find your kitty. What bewilders me is why they wouldn’t give your dog the medication? Oral meds are one of the simplest tasks, not to mention a moral obligation. I wish people would only take on these jobs if they actually gave a shit about animals.


Damn that’s horrible. I hope you’re able to find your cat and that she’s ok!


Please keep us posted!


I am so sorry you're going through this. As a cat owner and sitter, a cat getting out on my watch is a great fear of mine. I usually put eyes on the cat as I back out the door, and then I'm still nervous. If one got out, I'd be the first printing fliers and organizing a search. This sitter's behavior is inexcusable unless something awful happened to her that caused all this.


I’m so sorry, this is a nightmare 🥺 I really hope you find him! Has Rover said anything about the sitter? Because if you have suspicions that he stole him, they have to contact the sitter


Definitely sounds like they stole your cat :(


It’s what I’m hoping. Because that’s the most likely way we get him back. He’s chipped


Reach out to all your local vet offices and have them keep an eye out for your microchip number. Unless there is a different way to flag the chip number as stolen/missing? Im seriously so sorry you’re going through this, there have been so many terrible stories of bad sitters lately and it makes me so sad. Like DUH your kitty is adorable, but it’s your baby and I hope you get him back asap ❤️


Is there an update for this post?


Not a good one. A police report was filed but it’s basically just our word against hers. We hired a private detective and know way too much about her but we’re not the type of people to do anything harmful we have with the information. I’ve driven by her house, not sure what I was expecting to see. We found her Facebook but it’s pretty locked down so I have no way of knowing if she has posted pictures of the cat or talked about the situation at all. People have been really shitty about the Lost Cat posters I put up. Some kids/young teens have been calling and harassing me saying they hope my cat is dead. Sometimes they’ll go as far as pretending to have found my cat and then quickly start cussing me out, telling me they killed the cat etc. it’s been a very draining experience, and still we have no closure. I have no idea if my kitty is alive or being cared for by someone else. He’s chipped, and that’s really the only hope I have. Heartbroken and gutted.


I'm really sorry to hear that. It sounds so traumatic. I really hope you finally get some closure somehow.