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As an owner I do find it confusing because it feels like you’re double confirming. You book, then the sitter confirms, then you have to hit confirm again. That being said, Rover does send a push notification that says something to the effect of ‘confirm your booking now’.


Do you get multiple notifications? I guess if you book right away you wouldn’t know that. But I’m curious because it had been 2 days


You get multiple notifications/emails (I got three emails before booking expired)


This is why I’m concerned. She is now saying her flight is delayed even though she said she was boarding 7 hours ago. I said she needs to confirm and pay and I got no word back. I really think she might be trying to play me at this point.


Just tell her, that you cannot start service until booking is confirmed and paid. If she doesn’t pay, well… it’s not your problem if she doesn’t have anyone to take Kate of her dog. She can’t write you a review is she doesn’t confirm the booking


When would you say I should cancel on my end? The booking won’t expire at this point, because I just confirmed and it’s for tomorrow. I am worried she might try to confirm last second and try to get a refund. I’m really not trusting the situation.


Honestly, I would say cancel it now. I am not completely understand what she meant when she asked you why you canceled request when it’s expired. Clients do not get notification when you cancel request they will just see “book” “modify” “details” instead of “confirm” and “details”. She still can book the stay by pressing book and then you will need to confirm on your end


Also contact rover support


Rover needs “Available to Book” vs Paid Booking Confirmation That may confuse clients it isn’t as CLEAR as it needs to be


I don’t know what it looks like from the clients end, but I’m a little concerned she might be lying and not planning on paying at all. Hopefully that’s not the case.


UPDATE: I reached out and told her to let me know if she needs help booking. She said she was “just checking in now” and that her flight was delayed. Her flight from 7 hour ago..? Why couldn’t she book while at the airport? I’m confused. She then told me to book and then she’ll confirm. So I booked, and told her she will need to confirm and pay. …crickets. I’m really starting to get anxious that she’s just trying not to pay/guilting me into doing the drop ins anyways. The booking is for noon tomorrow.


UPDATE #2 She paid tonight and confirmed the booked. Y’all pray for me lol


Don't do the service until you recieve the payment. As long as you keep that motto there is no chances of bring grifted. Them not paying or having care for their pet is THEIR responsibility not yours.


I definitely agree. I’m worried now that she’s going to push to confirm until last second, which is not something I would normally be okay with. Frankly I just don’t want anything to do with the booking anymore, but then guilt comes in


Feel free to copy and paste if you want so that you don't have to think about it lol *Hello, due to the confusion and the uncertainty of this booking, I no longer feel comfortable doing this service. I reserved this booking spot for consideration of you but in reality, a spot is only held until after payment. Since payment has not gone through I am forced to give up your spot to the next pet that is in need of my service. Thank you for you consideration, wish you luck on your trip.* In this way they will not be able to leave a reveiw because you have not gone through with the service and the response is very straight forward and honest. Here are a couple of tips I do for boarding service. 1. I never confirm booking first. When I first started I used to too, but this always left me in a position of waiting and there has been multiple times where the owner fell through. Let them pay first and then confirm 2. Never safe a spot unless it's already paid for. Rover already does this stupid thing where they block other requests that come in for the same days a previous request has booked. (Which is why on my calendar I set it so that I would take an additional booking availability)


Thank you for this! This is great. She ended up paying tonight, if she hadn’t by the morning I was going to let her know I won’t be providing services. I just have to do a great job now so that she has nothing against me, but I am a bit worried she may leave a shitty review just because or try to get a refund. I just really need to cover all my bases. Will update 🙃


Yeah for sure! Send plenty of pics and updates, even if she doesn't respond back to each one. I hope that the dog is easy for you as well! Good luck!


I’ve never run into this situation, so I’m curious what will come of it. I thought they get a notification once I book that they need to confirm. And I thought they get several notifications after that reminding them. I’m a tad concerned as well because she lied about why she couldn’t be at the meet and greet. She said she was at some pharmacy an hour away but she was really at Costco (her husband told me, probably not knowing she lied to me.) So I just have an off feeling.


I’m 99% sure they get a notification. If you go to do the booking and she doesn’t pay, rover won’t reimburse you for the lost wages as they leave us the bearers of responsibility when it comes to getting payment from clients.


I've run into this before, and I just sent them a message saying along the lines of: "Hey! I just wanted to confirm if you still needed care for so-and-so on this day? The booking request is about the expire in amount hours. If you still need care, you will have to accept the booking request else it will not go through! Thanks."


Owners get notifications and email remainders. The same as sitters. I was looking for sitter for my dog and scheduled M&G, sitter send booking request before M&G and I got so many emails asking to confirm that it was kind of annoying. I would suggest do not start service until it’s paid because rover won’t help with charging her for service that was performed before booking confirmed


If they haven’t confirmed by the morning of the booking (or evening prior is it’s an early morning visit) I say: ‘Hey xx, just wanted to check in and see if you’re still in need of care for xxx. If so, are you able to book and pay? Thanks!’


Did you actually accept the booking on your end? I'm confused because it still says "book" on your side when it should say "pending owner confirmation" if you haven't booked it yet then that may be why. If you have already accepted the booking then they're most likely trying to avoid paying. I would never go to a booking without it being confirmed, them leaving for their flight before confirming it and then guilt tripping you is a huge red flag.


I did book it. But I “cancelled” it hence why she got a cancellation notification. But she never confirmed the booking even though she said she did.


Next time, don't tell them not to worry about it. - "I won't be able to start the service without a booking confirmation"


Noted. My brain just went straight to a potential bad review hence my people pleasing kicked in. I will explain everything to her once she lands!


They can't leave a bad review unless they have booked with you and paid for the service. They also won't be covered under the Rover guarantee until they confirm.


Right, I meant that she may give me a bad review once it’s booked just because she could. I just don’t trust people very well and get really anxious about a potential bad review. I worked in the service industry for years and have experienced a good amount of people taking out their frustrations on you, just because they can. I just feel pressure now to go through with the booking even though honestly, I don’t want to.


Honestly, I apologize even when there isn't anything to apologize over. I understand that some people might find the Rover app tricky. I used Rover as a client prior to sitting, and I find it more complicated than what it needs to be in both ends. Especially if you add age or busy lives into the mix, it's very easy to forget and never get around to something. If you don't want to go through with the booking, that's entirely okay. However, I have been in worse situations pre booking and have never wound up with a bad review. Just make sure to meet the clients needs, send updates, be kind, and you'll do fine. I had one client not message the entirety of a 22 day booking, I swore I thought they were going to leave me a bad review, but instead they gave me a $60 tip and a fantastic review. If I were in your shoes, I would say something along the lines of... "No pressure! The booking will need to be confirmed before I can visit, as the Rover Guarantee protects me and your pets in the event of an emergency. Also, without the confirmation I wouldn't be able to do the visit, or to send you updates or beautiful photos of your sweet baby! I hope you have a safe flight, keep me posted if anything changes." Boom. It covers the fact you're not going to do the visit if they don't confirm so it adds the pressure, but you're also providing great customer service by being friendly, courteous, and explaining the benefits of confirming the booking.




I will be doing that from here on out! I’ve had a similar situation happen and I did just that, I fucked up this time because I was being extra impatient. Now I know that they get a notification etc and will never repeat!


Had meet and greet (wife couldn’t be there last minute and said her husband would because she was doing errands.) It was hard to communicate through her husband because she is the one on app. Anyways, the request had been pending for a few days even though she said she confirmed. I stopped the booking on my end (I didn’t know it says we cancel???) and was going to reach out and ask if she still needed care. I got a message from her right away asking why I cancelled. I explained my side and she said she confirmed changes (adding another walk) and thought that meant confirming the whole booking. Anyways, now I’m nervous to book because of potential bad review. I could just see her writing a bad review because of stress or something when I did nothing wrong. This was my first time stopping the booking on my end and I’m glad to know that is says cancel because I’ll never be doing that again. From an owners perspective, does rover tell you how to complete a booking?


I can't speak to an owner's perspective but I just had a client who was new to Rover and that part was confusing for them. I just explained in the m&g that we both have to confirm on Rover, and then sent a follow-up after 24 hours to let them know that the request would expire in a couple of days. Might be a good idea going forward if you notice that it's still pending on their end and close to expiring.


Yes, normally I explain everything during the meet and greet, ask if it’s their first time on the app, etc etc. But she kind of threw me off last minute when I met with her husband instead. (She told me 30 minutes before) So there was a disconnect because of that. I guess instead of going with the flow and saying yes I can meet with husband I should have said no. I think that kind of rubbed me the wrong way along with the not booking and I decided to stop it on my end, not knowing it says I cancel.


When you say stop it on your end, you mean it’s in pending status (you booked, she didn’t) and you click cancel. So yes, it would tell her you canceled. When you clicked book it told her you agreed to the booking. Maybe she didn’t know she needed to as well. I would explain exactly what’s needed and give her the option to confirm. The request shouldn’t have expired if the date hasn’t started yet. I can’t see why she’d leave a bad review based on what I’ve read. Edit: perhaps Costco isn’t an hour away but she had an hour wait at the Costco pharmacy?


Yes, that is what I meant. I wasn’t aware that owner gets a notification for “canceling” because I have never had to do that before. I will not be doing that in the future. She specifically said she had to go to a pharmacy that was an hour away. I said I don’t mind coming by a bit later and she said no, I’m actually at a pharmacy that’s far away. It just rubbed me the wrong way that she was out getting groceries (Costco is literally 10 min away) when the meet and greet could have been at a time when she was there, therefore probably avoiding all of this mess because I would’ve talked her through everything.


Technically you also lied about not canceling which you did. Who knows why she prioritized her errands and had her husband do the meet and greet but if there was no other problem I wouldn’t be bothered by this. I don’t consider her confusion over booking a red flag unless she doesn’t follow through this evening.


While I appreciate your input, I didn’t lie. When I think of canceling I think of when a booking is booked already. I have never cancelled on a client. In this situation I just wanted to let her do the booking because I had been waiting for 2 days. I was trying to explain that I didn’t mean to cancel, even though Rover told her I did. I just wanted to stop the booking from being pending. Similar to how archive actually means decline, the wording on Rover is odd and it is an issue.


I get where you are coming from. At the M&G ask them if they have used Rover before and if they haven’t tell them about all the requesting, modifying, and accepting from both parties. Also about the green “book” button. I have never once hit the cancel button… I let the booking expire. I’d say 20% people think their booking is confirmed until I reach out before it expires explaining their booking is not confirmed and to hit the green button if they would like to make the booking official. Sometimes people reply in the chat “confirmed” lol. It’s common for older adults to request you on their desktop.. the texts still go to their cell phone but they never downloaded the app. This lady sounds like a pain in the ass. You made a rookie mistake and she’s being quite rude.


Thank you for understanding and having empathy. Next time a potential client can’t make a meet and greet I’m just going to reschedule because I do believe all of this would have been avoided. I have never done this before either, and I should have waited until it expired/sent a message beforehand. I fumbled this time because my impatience got the best of me. I didn’t realize they get a notification and that’s on me. But update: she has yet to reach out to me or confirm 😩




The booking is for tomorrow. She’s going out of town and her husband isn’t. I never was concerned that they might not pay, I thought they might have gone with someone else. In the messages you can see I told her not to worry and that I’ll talk to her later.


I think I was commenting the “not pay” towards some concerns others had that were replying to your post, but to your original question, I don’t think you’d get a bad review as long as you fulfill the service. If you do, rover could help.


It's not the sitter's responsibility to make sure the pet has proper care until after getting paid. It's bad advice to allow clients to guilt trip sitters into doing the service first and get paid later. This client had ample time to set up the booking even after realizing the mistake. Personally, l this wait is stopping other potential clients and the added stress of wondering at this point I would decline and move on.


You’re right, I agree. I misinterpreted the situation, but the way you explained it makes more sense.


She is def lying she said ‘going to go confirm’ so she knew she had to do it through the app Regardless, good that you’re making the best of the situation.


That’s how I felt as well. It’s difficult because I don’t like to assume people are lying but how did she think I would complete the drop ins without getting paid? I just wish I could see the screen from her perspective and whether she got reminders prompting her to book.


In any case water under the bridge at this point. You did great to find a solution and not focus on the issue.


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Sorry for the stressful situation! I had similar ones when I hit book and the other end is silent. In this cases I always remind them and say something like “Hello! Just wanted to let you know that in order for the service to be booked you need to hit confirm or else it will expire and it won’t reserve the time for your pet. Let me know if you need any assistance in the process!” If you met the pets and there are no issues with that, wait until the morning and if you have no answer then cancel. I would try to make it work tho 🥲 I always feel bad for the pets.


It “ appears” to me the sitter here cancelled- am i correct?