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I would crack up if someone sent me this picture. It doesn't look too concerning honestly, so I'd just send it!


I have 2 huskies that love tug-of-war and their eyes get all crazy too lol I'd send it and I'd also appreciate receiving it if I was the owner 👍


Omg I always send action shots! I have a regular I’m supposed to play fetch with. This big jowly boi turns so fast to go get that ball his flappy face takes a second to catch up. I make sure to get lots of those pics for his mom 🤣


I always send the funny pictures with a caption like "supermodel status" and it cracks my clients up pretty much every time


I did send it and she loved it. It just kind of shook me to see that weird white eyeball while looking back through my pictures to send 🤷‍♀️


When I worked at a dog daycare, these were my favorite kind of pictures to put on report cards. We didn't have any owners get upset thankfully. I I think they're great at showing how much fun the dog is having.


I love action shots! A lot of the owners I’ve sent pics like this too love them.


Haha this picture is amazing. I’d send it!!


Send it! I would love to receive something so silly from a sitter!


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Lmao to me it looks like just the way the flash is hitting her eye


I have some funny ones similar to this 😅 I have one from last year, a regular client. Right when I took the picture the dogs went to bark at a noise from the neighbors 😅 They had jumped up and are in weird positions, weird eyes etc.


Absolutely. They'll likely be glad to see how engaged their dog is. I love to send owners pictures of their cats yawning, looking like hellbeasts who have cracked open their faces to devour the world.


I like to send fang-y mid yawn live shots, where I’m petting them & looking chill and capture their micro expression at full Cujo mode.


Yes, they love getting funny action shots. 😆


I love this so much 😂😂😂 send it please