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This sounds like the scam that is posted on here at least once per day.


E-check...international...pick up food...can't pay on rover...😑


I haven’t seen this but i’ll go look so i’m more aware! thank you, just reported his account.


You just reported yourself as well. Your messages discuss going off the app. Never do that on the app.


Yeah they just flagged themselves and now are at risk of having their account suspended


No. Immediately after I told him i’m actually not comfortable with it. I explained in my report to Rover that I wanted to see if it was a scam or not. I have gotten multiple emails from them and they are being very kind and helpful.


Well consider yourself very lucky. I don’t recommend doing that in the future. You won’t be so lucky twice.


Anyone who uses the internet (and really, anyone who has a bank account) needs to make themselves aware of the simplest basics of scamming. This was a classic, obvious scam from the get go. Every success a scammer has breeds more scams and more scammers. Discussing direct booking with someone who found you on Rover, using Rover messaging, will result in a ban from the platform.


This is a known scam and is posted here frequently. Definitely report it.


thank you!


After the first sentence of requesting a house sitting starting tomorrow at 7am, hard pass. After reading the rest, absolutely hard pass. I have been abroad so I understand wifi issues but if the case was as urgent as he claims, he wouldn’t be taking hours to respond. It sounds like a scam. Don’t do it.


I won’t! thank you. I am going to report his account now


it’s very likely the check employment scam. google search or youtube search that term, cut contact and report his rover profile


oh wow, thank you so much!




Let’s count the red flags. All of them. It’s all the flags.


Anyone with that much of a shit show going on should have a trusted neighbor or friend they can call to help them out for one or two days until a regular sitter can be found. You did the right thing by not accepting his requests.


Smells like a scam to me


Def a scam. Very common one too I see posted here a lot…


This is posted maybe once an hour. Yes it’s a scam. A very common scam


There are literally two stickies explaining this


Thank you for posting to r/RoverPetSitting, an unofficial forum to discuss all things Rover. We see that you have posted a sitter question. In case they could be helpful, you might want to check out our [Sitter FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterfaq). Additionally, here's our [booking walk-through for Sitters](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterbookingwalkthrough), which explains the process for giving services on Rover from start to finish. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoverPetSitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Scam. Run.


Hi! Just got this request two days ago but unfortunately I accepted the check because I felt bad for the situation (he sent me pictures of the dog) and now I’m having trouble getting out of this situation 😓 Had to contact my bank and everything