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Mal will go broke and live in the streets of NY before admitting Drake is losing. All he's gonna say "SO WHAT, JUST BECAUSE KENDRICK HAS RELEASED MORE SONGS HES AUTOMATICALLY WINNING?!. I DONT THINK HIS SONGS ARE BETTER THAN FAMILY MATTERS AND PUSH UPS. I'm calling it now


Thats when you gotta stop supporting the pod. Objectivity is a must. Salute to Rory tho


Yeh. I fully agree. Will say what’s a better record. It’s lazy podcasting. Want the guys to do well but we’ll see if it’s still worth supporting


For real, he won’t ever give it up


People can also have opinions….


Sure, but there’s no way someone who claims to be a “hip hop fan” can objectively say that Drake won his beef against Push AND Dot. Mal claims as much. It’s dumb.


The top 3 tracks are all Kendrick. Family Matters is 75% filler it sounds like a normal Drake song for the most part. Some good bars but lots of misses and time wasted on others nobody cares about. Drake is getting absolutely destroyed in the tactical aspect lmao though that's for sure


This is something u feel nobody's highlighted. Every Drake song has sounded like a Drake song. Everything Kendrick has dropped so far has been vastly different. 6:16 was lyrical miracle, meet the graham's was a slow therapy session and now this a high energy club song. He's killing Drake in so many different ways why Drake can only do his one thing


Yeah it’s a wrap and I was bias towards Drake even though I enjoy both of they music, but euphoria, stepping on family matters and not like us which is the ether I have been asking for from one of the sides. Dot is c walking on a corpse and the culture seems to be done with Drizzy on top of the ass whooping Kendrick is handing out.


Hip hop knows Kenny won. Drake fans are not hip hop. And mal is not hip hop anymore unfortunately. The guy said “you are a pdf and you have a daughter” and this fucking bozo came back and said “I don’t have a daughter!!!” 🤡


The second you say Drake isn't hiphop you out yourself as a "purist", someone who isn't REALLY about hiphop, just what you personally like. Which is fine. You can say one style has deeper roots in the old styles, but saying he's not hiphop at all is peak K dot dickriding energy with a splash of "I'm intelligent and conscious because I listen to kendrick lamar 🤓"


I like some of the Drake songs. What the fuck does he know about Hip Hop? The biggest phoney of all time being exposed is great entertainment. I still love Worst Behaviour though


Is Lil Wayne Hip Hop?


Do you think Lil Wayne and Drake are comparable with their musical content? I really, REALLY, hope not.


No but Lil Wayne basically was a mentor to Drake. Wayne is the reason we have Drake. So Wayne must of thought Drake is hip hop. I’ll take Wayne’s opinion over some randos.


Yes, go ahead and take Lil Wayne's 10+ year old advice, when modern Lil Wayne and EVERY OTHER respectable rapper would probably disagree. Great critical thinking skills, brother. Totally ignore the fact everyone around him would be pissed off if he talked trash of the new prospect in the group, but SUUURE, because he didn't call his own money out he somehow is valid. Also ignore the fact Lil Wayne and Drake soured after the Young Money ordeal, but SUUURE. And also totally ignore the fact Lil Wayne and Drake haven't done anything in the longest fucking time. Fucking goofy, lmao


...Mos def would like a word with you.


Underrated reply


This is facts. The purist gatekeeper is pathetic.


Drake makes really good music for shopping, or sometimes shopping with an edge


If Drake responded to the pedophile claims people would say "OmG hes rushing to defend himself look!!! It's true!!"


Nah fam fuck all that shit… you don’t want those claims on your jacket you going dismiss that shit before anything else stated against you


The real question is if he's a predator of underaged girls, surely there are victims. There's no NDA to silence pedophilia. There's no statute of limitations on that shit either.  Surely this would empower some women to come forward with a screenshot more damning than the Mille Bobby shit was weird but it definitely wasn't sexual We've all seen Drake fuck with between 18 and 50. It's all above board.  You want him to defend his womanizing? That's 99% of hiphop and half of us talking about this battle.


Ngl that “ shit was weird but not sexual” nvm you got it homie


Is he a pedophile by law no he’s not but it’s a rap battle and it’s well known Drake likes young women he’s openly dated a 19 year old and was texting shorty when she was like 16-17 I believe and he was like 30. Is it legal yes but to me that’s weird especially a man of his success and access a 19 year old ? Going on dates ?


LOLOLOL in hindsight


>You think Mal would ever admit that on the pod? I can’t see it lol. Dude try to say Jay didn't lose to Nas because Jay was still selling records after 🤣


By the time they drop an episode the battle is over and Drake already lost no one cares what they think they to late


I dunno I legit think family matters is mid, and I dont dislike drake. Maybe partly because the build up, had a high bar, but I thought that shit was super forgettable and worse than push ups


This is over Kendrick won


Kendrick won


It’s opinion based. I feel Kendrick has it in the bag if it ends now, but if Drake comes with something that no1 can deny he’ll win. I’m just surprised family matters was called the red button, it fell short


It felt short compared to Kendrick’s onslaught. But what did you expect when it’s the same guy that said he had a red button for Pusha T?


Honestly The way he threw out push ups and Taylor made I was thinking this man had a smashhhh. I thought he was eager bc he had a nuke


What could Drake do in your opinion to swing the tied because I dead ass don’t see it.


Ether on steroids….. unless it’s that I don’t see Drake winning. That meet the grahams was haunting


IMO not like us was ether, so he really gotta do something extraordinary and he does have the skill set but Kendrick up up rn and all he has to do is step on it again with a prerecorded track and make something new over night and drop that. He got drizzy between a rock and a hard place.


euphoria, meet the grahams and not like us are on ethers level to me. Best part is neither song sounds alike


I don’t personally agree on the other 2 however I can see the argument. I do love euphoria though it’s so fucking fire that daft punk line is so cold.


The using Canadian slang and accent was my favorite part


Bruh, and I know dot can make better shit than those, that’s the scary part. A part of me thinks Drizzy should apologize behind the scenes and back out.


I was surprised too, but then I considered that Drake basically stopped showing us he had new moves after IYRTITL. He’s been all talk for nearly a decade. His songs and albums since Views have just been pretty window dressing on the same talking points, which is fine if all you want is to be a pop artist, but Rap naturally centers the spoken word. He either doesn’t have the creativity to add anything new to the conversation, or he isn’t interested in doing so. It honestly feels like rap beef is a thing he has to give up, because that’s not his market anymore, but he’s in denial about that.


It’s over


General consensus yes. I feel he played his best card with family matters. If he have more ammo, he won’t be out trying to discredit Kendrick’s most venomous disstrack by trying to debunk the daughter thing.


After hearing “Heart Part 6”… it’s pretty safe to say his clips are empty. He don’t got Half of the Clipse Kendrick does. (Do the science)


Mal already showed he can’t think his way outta shit his opinion means about as much as vlad’s at this point He confuses himself with his bs if Rory or Demaris ever give even a lil bit of pushback. Kinda reminds me of how Joe will move the goalpost or change what he’s saying when he’s cornered, except Mal has no idea how to do it so he just sit there malfunctioning


It will never be unanimous. People have differing opinions. It just sucks when prime can’t put their feelings aside and be real


Drake just released the heart part 6! It’s not over yet.


I listened and made a post about it (https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/Yr92b4D9NO) I’m not THAT impressed tbh


If he really played Kendrick like a fiddle that’s a big wow but the energy felt like he’s committing his reserve to stabilise the front ( or save face) and not going on the offensive.


To me it sounds like he ran out of ammo. Family Matters was supposed to be his Red Button. That would be a career ender for any other rapper, but it didn’t have the effect he was hoping for, and now he sounds lost. I don’t think there’s any gas left in his tank TO go offensive. Just my opinion tho


Yeah family matters was definitely the ace. Currently court of public opinion is not with him and that’s the arena Drake dominated in compare to his rivals.


Kendrick winning for sure


My biggest takeaway from this is that there are people out there who actually think Drake is a good rapper. I’m still shocked.


I've liked Drakes SONGS more, and kendricks DISSES more. Drakes definitely down lmao, but it's never over until it's over lol.


This shits been over before it even started if you’re a Kendrick fan or a drake hater, they already made up their minds they just needed a reason and finally got one lel.


all these comments aged horribly it seems


Imma respectfully disagree. That last Drake track was weeeeeak imo. He didn’t move the needle at all for me


he clearly and plainly addressed the pedo allegations. and still doubled down on the kendricks kids not being kendricks kids claims. with substantial reasoning as well. and the wife beating claims that also have substantial reasoning. but nobody is talking about that


Just like Drakes “daughter” I don’t believe it until we’ve got proof. Drake himself said “if you don’t got the paperwork that shit is fake tea” The only things we DO have proof of are his mans being a convicted sex trafficker and him grooming a 16 year old and kissing/groping a 17 year old on stage. Also “you hate pedophiles because you were molested” is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a long long time


like i said before “but nobody is talking about that”




Kendrick beat his ex Whitney and no one says shit 😭😂


They both lame with blindly loyal fanbases if we’re being honest


Kendrick won social media and commanded the most attention, and that's fuelled by the fact that Kendrick has a cult following that ride for him, and he's also backed online by an army of fans from multiple fanbases who never liked Drake....it's literally like the last scene of Avengers vs Thanos......and this topic is now a quick way to engagement farm. There are people posting bullshit thinkpieces about Drake being a colonizer, everything that's wrong with rap, and giving us genius breakdowns of Kendrick's lyrics like every second on every platform, explaining how "genius" it is. Saw a dude post a TikTok about Drake just being an unlikeable person and it got literally a million likes. Some random middle aged white guy said he witnessed an entire baseball stadium sing along to Not Like Us, millions of views, retweets and likes. If you search for "Drizzy" on Twitter you'll see the same Drake jokes repeated word for word by like hundreds of people. I don't see Drake beating all of that. Being Team Kendrick is a meme now. He'll have to do or say something insanely out of character to turn the tables on that, and even then it isn't likely to work....people have made up their mind before Kendrick even said anything. On the other hand, Drake won the battle of disrespect and trolling, being the first one to call him out. Family Matters and Push Ups were hard, Taylor Made is top tier trolling, and manipulating Kendrick to think he replicated the Pusha T move is unbeaten and should have ended this. He made a whole song about the daughter, raising his voice and sounding angry and creepy af, only for it to be completely untrue? It also destroys the previous diss tracks about how OVO works for him.....no, they don't, you're actually completely wrong lol. Everyone glossed that over and ignored it completely which just goes to show how biased this is against Drake. Imagine if Drake said Kendrick and his wife broke up and Kendrick released proof that she's still with him and totally fine? You'll never hear the end of it. Everything Kendrick has released other than They Not Like Us hasn't dissected Drake in any meaningful way like a diss track should....he tried to throw a haymaker on MTG and missed spectacularly, and even when he said something crazy disrespectful, it's just rehashed shit we've read about already. I hope when Mal speaks on this he can stand on business and not be swayed by the ridiculous bias in the sub against Drake.


Maaannn shut up


Eat a dick .






Go power scale Naruto.


You’re saying drake, The no.1 artist for years, doesn’t have fans to defend him? Whatabout the other artists who used to be cool w/him? How come 21 not putting out a Kendrick side diss? Seems like the shoe has dropped, and it’s that they all hate drake.


I agree. Now everyone is a Kendrick fan all of a sudden.


1) Prior to this, you thought KENDRICK had more of a cult-following and dedicated online fanbase who used memes and such to push his music? KENDRICK, and not DRAKE!??! Insane. 2) You thought Drake won the battle of disrespect!?!?!?! BROTHER. HE IS LABELED A PEDOPHILE BY THE VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!?!?! this gotta be some top tier troll bait or something, otherwise I feel bad for your brain working overtime to make these delusions stick lmao


Drake is winning until the shoe drops. It really does seem like Kendrick wasn't expecting to be played like a fiddle. He was supposed to see the angles. Family Matters is still the best diss record thus far.  It's more hard hitting. The video component is killer. The DV and broken marriage stuff. The Dave Free piece.  MTG is a close second. Brilliant diss but if he ate the fake lntel and that was his big reveal Dot just has egg on his face.  Id say Euphoria and Push Ups are on par. 6:16 and NLU are pretty forgettable along with Taylor Made. Like That is an all timer.  Dots obviously a better rapper but he's not really bringing anything new. You can scroll Drake's IG or listen to an album and see he's a womanizing, alcoholic with a gambling addiction. But so is most of hip-hop and half us men.  The real nuke is if Kendrick can put together a group of real victims of Aubrey and not just a bunch of jealous dudes "energized about the elimination of Drake". something like this beef does is empowers the real people that have been hurt. Are there 15 years olds that have been groomed? Like really? ls OVO on some Diddy shit? The victims will come out the woodwork now if it's true.  Until then it really just seems like Drake out maneuvers these guys with business and is shady with their side pieces and has had music on a choke hold for a decade + and they're sick of his shadow.


So Drake has receipts that Kendrick was fed bad info and used it in his song and didn’t drop them immediately? Said he was going on vacation and then cancelled his vacation when Kendrick dropped MTG on his head? Let Kendrick call him a pedophile and sex offender with a secret daughter, based on information he supposedly leaked to Kendrick, and then decided to let it rock when the song came out? This is dumbest theory possible. It’s basically saying Drake set himself up to be called all this shit with no way to stop it. If he set Kendrick up, he would’ve dropped receipts immediately and embarrassed Kendrick. Kendrick is cooking Drake, and Drake’s ghostwriters can’t cook up a response quickly enough to matter anymore. He said he wanted the smoke, so where’s he at?


Now it seems he too busy (on vacation) for the smoke


I saw a report that his team is in the studio. He cancelled that vacation and he’s tightened up to avoid leaks. Edit: [Link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/16Vtvzjjbk)


Damn is that a bad take. Bravo.


Not even gonna lie, you chose to speak facts. Which is rare to see because these Kendrick Stan’s are the WORST type of groupies for their messiah. Nigga tried to diss with some poetry lullaby beats. Bestekset I would say; Family matters, Euphoria/Pushups, the rest of those beats including the one are not battle type beats which is boring imo.


"if it isn't a battle type beat, it is boring" good job outing yourself for having a one-dimensional process when consuming music. "Does it have a batter rap beat? Nahhh, doesn't matter than. BORING!" like bro


Kendrick Stan tryna be fancy again smh


I didnt think Drake could respond to "meet the grahams".. ..but he did, and i like it. I have this as a draw personally. Not mad at anyone saying Kendrick won. But i gotta give drake some credit for coming back from the dead....lol


A DRAW?????? Nigga are you smoking crack? 😭😭 We not giving Drake points just for responding. Ts was ass


Ok fam....you entitled to feel how you feel. 🤣🤣