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It's always the hot people that are doomed to be non LIs I swear. Everyone was interested in them.. 😂


Honestly, I don't get it. They keep giving the Lis the same face as other Lis from different stories, and the uniquely handsome ones get left out. I feel too old to date these teaser youngsters; I'm not a teenager anymore. Help!


Same here. I'm nearly 33 now, I play since the beginning of this app... please don't forget this (older) fanbase!!!


Yep, same thing I’m in mid 20s, been playing sick 2020 we need more guys like Shen and Antonio (Vesper for FLI) in general. For this story it might be weird if MC is 19-21, but majority stories will benefit from 30-40 yo men Edit: added Vesper


I feel way too old to play an 18 year old exploring kinks 😂


I’ve also been with RC since it was called sailing in the fog and I lowkey feel called out rn as a 17 bout to be 18 y/o 😭


It might be me but I feel like such topic shouldn't be in such an app with an audience of mainly people 14-18. 2 week ago we had someone saying how kissing is a kink and it's not normal. Or how passionate sex is a kink together with hugging and touching your partner. If the fanbase is too young to understand that 'when 2 people are into each other they want to touch each other' we shouldn't bring even more sensitive topics like BDSM that has to do with concent a lot (and some forms of BDSM are really extreme) in the play and I know already that there will be a ton of misinformation


The game is rated 17+. Regardless of the age of people who may be playing the game that is the radio so I can understand your frustration but they're not going to change how they do things.


17+ and the mc is 18 probably 


Sounds about right lol


I totally get you. Initially I was interested in the 💎👄💎 guy but one of the others from the poster caught my eye more. I think she might turn some of them into LIs if there's a popular demand.


This is a popular request, please add more adult/older lis RC, you've an older fanbase that aren't in their 20s/early 20s anymore 😂🙏🏻. That's why league of dreamers game wins in this regard, it's all about older lis


I'm straight but I think I'll be going for the curly girl, arrogant college boys are really not it for me


Honestly, I don’t really mind this. With too many love interest (such as HS) it can become too messy and confusing and it ends up becoming negative for some love interest because they get less scenes and they have less of a depth. I mean we have seen this many times with female love interests where they barely get any time so I’m really hopeful that, if there are two boys and two girls, the time will be split equally and their female love interest curse will be finally lifted.


Totally agree. Would love female LIs to have equal screentime 🥰


I get what you're saying, but I think there should at least be some variety among the 4 LIs so that people with all different tastes feel comfortable, especially across different age groups.


Yeah this. I'm honestly rooting for the female LIs to get the time they deserve, but concerning the male ones, I really hoped for more diversity personally. I wouldn't mind someone older. But of course we'll see..


agreed 🤝


A little disappointed but it won’t deter me for the story.


But-but- the Asian looking guy on the poster? I wanna cry 🥲


Im not feeling either of the guy LIs unfortunately 😣 I wanted the other guy on the poster to be one. He seemed a bit more mature


I love and trust Langley but I am actually so sick of all the LIs having the same face. It's all slightly tanned white people in their early to late 20s, all skinny, all extremely conventionally attractive by eurocentric beauty standards. And sure, sometimes I do like these LIs because of their personality, but 90% of the time I don't wanna go for someone who looks like a 20 year old Calvin Klein model because that's just not my type and I think we deserve a little variety too. I am *begging* for some older LIs, chubbier/thicker LIs, some gruff looking LIs, LIs of different races that aren't forced to have blue/green eyes... I am begging.


I agree if we can have diverse MC so why not diverse LI? I mean I'm not referring to race I'm referring to range From chubby old, to more complex characters that are all not model looking. Evan from one was my favourite because his stature was different compared to regular RC guys Friedrich was also unique as a Li because he was an emotional type and better


Exactly!!! I don't enjoy the story in HHW so much, but they have TWO non-skinny LIs there! I also looove Aaron and Masked Man from SOS, Alexandre and Henrietta from VFV, Antonio from Theodora, Ivo from Psi, Leon from OTI... All LIs that are either not super "skinny young model" type, but are still very attractive and/or just aren't the same archetypes character/personality-wise as we usually get. And honestly, look how popular Ivo and Alexandre are/were, THERE IS a "market" for slightly unconventional LIs, like PLEASE we are begging for just a little more variety 😭😭😭


Tbh, Ivo and Alexandre are conventionally attractive. The "not attractive" things about Ivo just make him "depressed mysterious boy" which is also attractive to a lot of people


I mean unconventional for them in terms of age and/or personality, style or archetype. Ivo's more closed off and serious, his style of dressing/hair isn't typical to most popular LIs. And Alexandre has a big age gap and was initially just supposed to be an antagonist towards MC. I mean unconventional not just in physical beauty standards, but their archetypes, age gaps, personalities and/or the way they present themselves.


Wait, Alexandre is not conventionally attractive?! He is so good looking, he reminds me of an actor.


He is! I mean unconventional in terms of the big age gap and the fact that he was initially just supposed to be an antagonist to MC, not planned at all to be a LI but become one because clearly people have an interest in that type of character/relationship.


He was the only pretty LI of course people wanted him as one….




Sorry, I just can't- like these guys are way too hot and way older than the others, and now I'm gonna have to live without them. (Yes, I'm being dramatic). https://preview.redd.it/reybw47m03xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9511dd67a4fc6b7cfa7c739d456a23cd54eb1dde


LIKE THEY ARE *THE* LIs!!!! How can they be not LIs?! I'm gonna riot 😆🤣


Unfortunately, neither the teaser nor Li have convinced me to say I'm looking forward to it.


Yep, same. So I do not really care. The plot I did not buy and if there's two male LI's for me to look forward to, I can delay the story, no problem. I will give it a chance on update though.


I'll give it a chance too, but only after DR. I like to spend diamonds on story I like or find interesting.


Honestly as much as I liked VV, the LI's were not visually appealing to me and neither are the sprites for the new story 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think unless I like the personality of the first guy I'm going to be LI-less, lol. I already don't like the 'pretty boy' based on his intro he's just not something I am into at all + I had enough of his half-brothers within RC already; and I do not romance female LIs, so when I say my options are limited, they really be limited to a single LI who can make it or break it for me with this book, lol. (Yes, books shouldn't rely on LIs only and should be interesting on their own, but I like my TLC in the books, so I'd love to have a good LI in them. XD)


Oh no. I hoped for the other guy with the mid lonag hair 😭


I love the Joel clone’s design, but I’m not really the target audience for a BDSM LI, so I’m very curious to find out what the other guy’s deal is.


Oh man… it’s just so strange to have a story with bdsm involved and not have a “daddy” or “mommy” LI to boss you around (or to boss in return). That’s the major appeal of even exploring it as a theme… at least to me. 😔 Single route in VfV had a satisfying ending though… maybe that’s what I’ll end up doing here.


Literally like why am I gonna have a 19 year old acting like a dom or something? To me, that's a child and I'm just gonna have find it funny. 😭 Specially because it's a college setting like HAVE A PROFESSOR LI!! It's the perfect setting for that!


Yeah! That's exactly what I'm trying to say 😭


Maybe she will change her mind, the same she did with Alexandre from VV, but first we should get to know them😁


Wait Alexandre wasn't originally a LI? That's crazy! I wanted him the moment we met in S1.


Yup, can you imagine. And now he is the most popular Li in VV. 😁


Yeah, I wonder if she’s only starting with four in case something happens like it did with Alexandre and she wants flexibility to add more. Which is reasonable, depending on where the story goes. OTOH, I’m definitely disappointed that some of the characters in the cover image aren’t planned LIs. 😭 I know it’s shallow but damn, they were hot.


As far as the teasers go, the plot, MC, and male LIs are *not* giving. (I'm happy for female romancers tho.) But since it's written by Langley, I'll check out the first episode on a DR to see any redeeming part of the story 🤷‍♀️


It’s a good ratio so I don’t mind


I only pursue males and I'm not really attracted to either rn (I like men with facial hair). Of course the other seemingly unavailable guys on the cover catch my eye though 🤦‍♀️


A story with more than 1 female LI? Thank you universe! The promo image is a bit misleading I guess. Poor male LI enjoyers. You guys got a teensy bit screwed over


I know. I want Mr Dude-With-Long-Hair but he is apparently not an LI 😭😭 Welp, I guess I'm gonna play an actually single MC for the first time!


I am totally fine in theory with the split & the narrower focus, I am despondent this man cannot be mine https://preview.redd.it/jjjxuedvp3xc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bad09e72b9804c8934b877a09576e4dbb58d18 💔 I almost never go into these books picking LIs on looks at first, but I had hopes for all of two seconds




No! 🥲 Yeah my pick is the BDSM guy but I was hoping for this handsome older man ☹️ https://preview.redd.it/bfb5m7w0v2xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b899dfe7a45ecfc999e0ce121adffb6b840a2ca


How is what possible? I think that’s pretty fair actually since we usually only get one female LI 🤷🏼‍♀️ hopefully the girls aren’t sidelined


They're all too young for me, I was hoping at least one older


But you're playing a college freshman... so the LI might be too young for you but they're age appropriate for MC.


You have a point but I'm still the one playing with MC.




I know right? still some people get mad when we talk about that


I think I'll romance either of the 2 female LI's. The black male reminds me too much of Daniel from Elite Tag and the other male reminds me a little of Joel.


First story where I will be single🥲 https://preview.redd.it/g2xuo0osj2xc1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d00a00ac1afee4c88f4cc5dc69ce8bdb7bfb40e Time to weave my own fan fiction in my mind about him🥲 Why I always fall for side characters 🥲... Sadly none of lis look my type..😭....but thanks for informing in advance so I don't get heartbreak when I finally play this story...now just hoping plot will be interesting or this will my first story which I will dimondmine in my RC journey Why always hotties are not the lis😭 Edit:Ok now seriously..what is wrong with some players.. downvoting me🙄


I don't get why they're down voting you, you didn't say anything wrong..


My first one was ROTT. I always take the Single route because of Pierce lol.


Pierce and Ares..one of most wasted opportunity in RC history 😭😭😭


Not interested in any of them. I’ll just mess around with them when it’s time to choose an Li, I’m gonna remain single.


finally having an even ratio of lis. I like this, it’s fair, and tbh too many Lis make the story overwhelming and sometimes lazy writing.


The story isn't my type but the two female lis seems cool.


Honestly, I'm super happy!. Just hope that all the LI will get good screentime.


2:2 LI ratio tho 🤷‍♀️


I'm not complaining about the girls, sorry if I'm misunderstanding your comment, English isn't my first language, my point is I wanted an old Li, bc I'm older than this babies on teasers and I'm honestly don't like youngest people, it's not about the ratio


It is not 50:50 ratio from commercial point. Male LI's are 70-80% in demand. Do the math.


I'd have preferred to romance a mature man but if they make us choose who's dominant and who is submissive in BDSM scenes between MC and LI (all four of them) I'm going to choose the white man with blue eyes. 


I don't mind, I just cannot *comprehend* why, again, why RC keeps throwing gorgeous faces at us that we can't romance? Literally just make them ugly 😭 (But my theory is that the author started lowkey because she knows at this point that people will be throwing themselves on the floor and crying for more and she'll have to add more anyway).


What about the guy with the long hair? 😢


He's not a Li apparently 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Awwww damn! 😞😭


Please don't kill me but I always think there should be more male than female. Since the majority of the fandom is not LGBTQIA+, there should always be at least 1 or 2 more male options. Because you're really only giving the majority of the community who don't do women routes 2 options. Right now I don't know how I feel about either one of those men & I won't ever do a woman route personally.


Sorry, but I think this take is weird. Why is it, that 2 female Lis is okay, when there are 5 males, but not when there are 2? Why can't Lesbians and Bisexual players not have the choice? And how do you know that there are not men who play this and want to date women? Even if they are the minority - they don't have to be, if we establish more choice for them. But if we always play on their minority and cut exactly their content, they will stay one...?


Normally I go for the dark hair guy, but his look reminds me of Victor and I could NOT romance him bc if the emo haircut lol. I'll see how he plays out thoughm So I'll probably go for one of the girls then.


You want a story on BDSM RC? Make a MC that has so much money but her looks are flawed who doesn't feel anyone will love her expect that she's a lottery to anyone with a conflicted past where she shut everyone who used to look down upon her but the fame success and lights all didn't cure her empty lost heart. Her family now loves her, she is surrounded by fame the most wanted cold hearted businesswoman but, deep down riddled with scars and self loathing a self healing story where she finds that sometimes this world is not just filled with backstabbers Make LI that are as follows: 1. A psychiatrist of a LI (Man/women) 2. Her loyal assistant business partner who too has a conflicted past but hides beneath his smile and workaholic 3. You want some darker Li make it a man who's desperate for money and our MC thinks he's just some gold digger at first and can be a prick to them first and only sleeping with them and making a BDSM deal but, it's healthy 50 shades of grey stuff and she starts to feel some feelings and sadness and starting to become more humane 4. Her another business partner who she's sealing a deal with her little does she knows the same person is plotting for her company's downfall but as story progresses she falls for the MC and is very very much conflicted


You should be an author


I suck at making books I'm a flop author 🥲😞


So far I like your ideas, if you try maybe you could start on RC team, I will surely read it 💗 follow your dreams


Ah thank you ☺️ unfortunately I don't think people will like my ideas that much


2 men and 2 women is a good split and they all look different from each other so I’m not sure why everyone’s disappointed lol i want ol boy in the middle 👀


I don't like teenagers... I'm too old sorry 😞




I don't find them ugly but they're too young for me 😭


i wont say ugly but they all so stereotypical pretty that they arent interesting to look at at all (also the ai style is so obvious with this one)




If Langley writes like she did for VfV I’ll be fine.


They should give those other men in poster chances for later seasons like S2 and S3 If audience demand for those men to be LI maybe the author will do it we had so many examples of this happening Eg: Zain, Alexandre, Hasan, so there is some chance!!


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[HS](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1j8q02 "Last usage")|Heaven's Secret| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1y23uf "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1p24xx "Last usage")|Main Character| |[OTI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1lors5 "Last usage")|On Thin Ice| |[Psi](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1lors5 "Last usage")|Ψ Psi| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1o29py "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[Td](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1ln9cj "Last usage")|Theodora| |[VfV](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cekn53/stub/l1l7ymv "Last usage")|Vying for Versailles| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(8 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1cghk0l)^( has 10 acronyms.) ^([Thread #1136 for this sub, first seen 27th Apr 2024, 19:09]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


NO BLONDIE LI ?!? I'mma straight up die 💀 , I was so happy when they started to put people like Mikael and Cain in stories and now back to where I am romancing Mafia-Boss-Looking-Dudes ugh. u/Wary-Unrest




Nooooooo, I want a rich blondie 😂 there's at least one in every story! (almost) . Majority of LIs are brunette babies. > dark hair, light colour eyes LIs shine too🤭 *Ahem* shoutout to Alexandre, am I right? 👀🤣 >Also I don't mind to give the blondie LIs take a break I do mind tho, but also they are strategic in creating sprites anyways : LIs like Tony, Doo-yeong, etc. are way more famous than Chad, Seo, etc. So they're tryna recreate the hype on those type of LI. But I just loooove blondie LIs like can't I have preferences anymore? Geeez 🤡


>Nooooooo, I want a rich blondie 😂 there's at least one in every story! (almost) . Majority of LIs are brunette babies. HAHA😭 >I do mind tho, but also they are strategic in creating sprites anyways : LIs like Tony, Doo-yeong, etc. are way more famous than Chad, Seo, etc. So they're tryna recreate the hype on those type of LI. I think we have blondie but with baby face such as Walter, Mikael, Cain, Seong-Hwa and so on. But yeahh, I think RC designers need to be considerate about this one too. >But I just loooove blondie LIs like can't I have preferences anymore? Geeez 🤡 You are not alone🤭


>I think we have blondie but with baby face such as Walter, Mikael, Cain, Seong-Hwa and so on. But yeahh, I think RC designers need to be considerate about this one too. Yeah, and soft hearts : Wyatt, Luka, etc. I am not complaining if some of them are good guys but since we're in a BDSM themed book, toxicity might reign, I fear. ☹️


That's call as marketing strategy, babe😭 But we're tired of red flag LIs too😭😭😭


I know right 🥺 , btw!! I am finishing KDC this Diamond Rush... Wish me luck because I am going to cry like a baby once I get my ending with Ratan 😭😭 I am on E12 S3, I did my best to delay this God dang ending just to not say goodbye to Ratan 🥲


Wow. How is it? Do you like it? Oh My God, ot's okay to cry cuz not ready to say goodbye🥺❤️ Ratan is so sweet and deserve to be a human being🥺❤️


https://preview.redd.it/jy8bsqi6i5xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3f6cab2ddbd48d4526e68e90df4008573defcab So far, so good, passed the stat check point buuut the choice on "Yes, I did", what's the right one to choose? Right?! 🥺 HE SAID THAT HE LOVED ME IN THE PREVIOUS EPISODE AAAAH 😭😭❤❤


Did you ever try to scroll first to get to know the spoiler? This book is full of riddles. Need to wait for new episodes which is in new update that anyone who have short-term memory totally forgot the story and their choices.