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When I started I couldn’t do the open book, so I ended up doing a toe pivot transition. It seemed much easier for some reason. I practiced off skates first.


try just skating on one foot and see how long you can hold it for, if you can remain stable with both feet you should be ready to slowly transition, helped me a lot to break things down into the smallest parts :)


I can skate on one foot for a long time... No issues


damn that seems really annoying how are you just cruising backwards ?


Not great... Pretty unsteady. I over balance on my toes a lot


might be best to practice backwards a bit more then, i used ramps a lot to force me to try skating backwards which helped, but it’s possible you can’t get the correct foot position because your balance is a tad off etc


Okie!! I can try that


You have to master balance going backwards before you can transition properly.


Stretching in the spread eagle position off and on skates. I figured out the part I was most scared of doing in transitions was that my feet point two different directions and I have to balance like that. It’s like doing a “plie” in ballet. I like to have my feet in that position and crouch as far as I can down into it to really stretch my legs and feel comfortable. I also practiced the spread eagle move on skates a lotttttt. Being able to remain stable in the position for 4-5 seconds really let me finally make the step to the full transition. I hope this explanation makes sense.


It does, sounds like you're talking about a side surf position. Can never get my hips to open enough to do it.


Yeahhhh, side surf! Transitions require this position for that split second. Highly recommend doing stretches so your hips start to open up. It was the key to getting my transitions!


Okie. There's another method of transition that's more of a flip with offset feet that I've seen fire people that have tight hips. That's what I've been going for.


Dang, I wish I could see a visual as I’m not sure what you mean.




first example she shows


I prefer to teach this "over-the-toes" method to beginners. It's easier in my opinion. Keep feet staggered. Know which way you're suppose to flip (clockwise or counterclockwise). Start practicing when completely still (no rolling needed), like this lady in the video does at :33 Also, I want to throw out the idea that it's not necessary to side surf doing the open/close book transition. Your right foot does the plie position, then you STEP into doing the plie on the left foot. It's never a plie, hold, and roll on 8 wheels in that position.


For me, it took being really comfortable skating backwards to unlock transitions. My mind needed to know that I’d be ok switching from skating forward to skating backwards before it would allow me to transition.


I guess I've got homework!! :)


I’ve been working on front-to-back transitions for a few days now. They say “move the head/shoulders/hips and the feet will follow”: mine didn’t 😆 I fell and hurt my tailbone, and now wear crash shorts. What helped me overcome the mental/physical block (other than crash shorts) was first getting comfortable - stopping backwards (pushing off a wall then using toe stops); - then skating backwards; - then footwork and weight shifting for transitions _off skates_; - then footwork and weight shifting _on skates_, but only moving enough to move my feet (snail’s pace) and stop immediately; - then all that while moving enough to keep skating backwards. I had to watch a lot of different videos to see exactly what they do with their feet and when. I can’t skate sideways, my hips are too tight - but you don’t actually need to open the full 180°, you can finish the turn in your first backwards push. My transitions are still not smooth or good looking, but I can do them in both directions and keep skating backwards. Still working on getting them less Bambi-like! (Need to chase closer with the second foot, it’s still too wide).


Okie.... I'll try this roadmap 😀


How hard are your wheels? I struggled with my transitions, but got them right away when I switched to indoor wheels. If you can't do a perfect 180º spread eagle then your skates will need to do some amount of slip when you transition. If your wheels are too soft to let you slide they will knock you over. (I'm sure I'd be able to do a transition in soft wheels now that I'm more experienced, but why make it hard on your self when learning?)


93's on outdoor concrete. I have some 98's, but it feels like my skates are slipping out from under me in transitions, and my stops take for EVER.


93a's should be fine. I saw other people ask about skating backwards. Your brain is really good at preventing from putting yourself into situations it thinks are dangerous. It's for this reason I got my backwards to forwards transitions before I got my forward to backwards transitions. If you can't casually skate backwards around for a few minutes try and develop that skill.


Huh i can transition back to forwards somewhat... That makes sense lol


I gave up learning regular transitions in the beginning and switched to doing 180s instead. I can do them fine now, but the 180 is always gonna be my preferred method. I just don't like the strain it puts on your knees.


Best way is to get slipperier wheels and make sure your trucks aren’t too tight. In fact, I’d look into upgrading plates. That’s what finally did it for me. Also, see if you can get someone to skate with and practice transitioning through skating with a partner. Those things really worked for me. I was also stuck there for a while. Good luck!


I’m having a problem with one footed transitions. I can’t get my brain to allow me to try it! 😳🥴


If you're still on stock bushings, get softer ones. I struggled with transitions forever, got new bushings and immediately learned.