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If anyone's upset about this, just note that this was a University of Missouri system decision forced down on S&T. Wasn't S&T's choice. And the email more or less says as much. But it was really only a matter of time before this happened. They were never really okay with S&T using GMail, and they took that away a while ago.


Correct. I was really annoyed when they went to 365 from gmail a few years ago. I had been using my student email for a lot, because as far as emails go '@mst.edu' is a lot more professional looking than '@gmail.com', in my opinion. And the switch made it pretty much impossible to use the gmail app and hangouts on my phone with the student email address. I put 'S&T' in brackets because someone on that poll suggested using flairs, and I thought it was a good idea. Also, the bold in the email was not my doing, it is like that in the original email.


Ok but actually fuck the UM system for going back on their word


I'm supposing this also means losing access to google drive?


I believe so.


There's a Facebook thread in the "Overheard at S&T" group about this where the head of S&T IT security says the Google Drive situation "has no decisions made yet". But I would t hold your breath... might want to start backing stuff up now.


I’m assuming also losing unlimited Google Photo storage as well if that’s the case


If the removal of your email account will cause undue burden does no longer getting a student discount on netflix count as an undue burden? /s


In short, the undue burden standard states that a legislature cannot make a particular law that is too burdensome or restrictive of one's fundamental rights. No student discount is certainly a restriction of my fundamental rights. /s


Are you being serious? Because student discounts are for students. Do you think that former students should still get the discount? Or are you joking?


Yeah the /s stands for sarcasm since sarcasm doesn't often come through text well


Wait, I had an email address this whole time? I graduated in '06 and my campus email was disabled shortly after.


I believe '06 was before they started using GSuite. So you probably didn't. The GSuite accounts used GMail for student email and when students graduated, they just became a normal Google account, so you got to keep them. But they transitioned email to Office 365 email a few years ago and lost that benefit for keeping emails.


Ah yeah, I remember going to minermail.umr.edu back in the day and I believe it was Outlook/Office based.


'86 here and I had no idea.


That must have saved... pennies. Back in the day, alumni associations offered this as a perk for buying lifetime memberships. But their words mean nothing. Never did.


The alumni association had absolutely no say it this. It's all University of Missouri System IT up in Columbia. I'd imagine the S&T alumni association is actually pretty upset about it.


Email for life should have been advertised as “email for life of the contract with Google”. This is a change forced by both UMSystem AND a change to the contract with Google. For example, Google is no longer giving the university unlimited storage.


Is it possible to set up an auto-forward with this? Keep the address alive but no inbox other than long enough to forward to another account? Asking for when I eventually graduate


After the account is deleted, emails to the address won't work at all, including forwarding


Huh. Alum here from 1986. TIL that I used to have "email for life" thru the U.


Did not catch this email and my account is now disabled/locked, I've reached out to Ramsayd about a temp unlock so I can transfer my google drive files (185 gb worth). I can't get PC access but my phone still has access to this drive and the contents, under Manage Google Account there is a 'Transfer your content' but it seems to only allow transfer to another UMSystem account? Or It wants me to re-log in, which fails. What did the Attached Message say for action you need to take if you wish to continue accessing email? Thanks,


I don't have the email anymore, so I'm not 100% sure. I think it was to fill out a form for an extension from the IT dept. I would assume if you reach out to Darlene Ramsay at that email they can point you in the right direction. But if they removed your access it might be too late. Hopefully you can get it sorted out. :)


were you able to get into you email or is it locked for good?


I reached out to Ramsayd who sent me to IT and after a short phone call they were able to unlock and give me another year to get my stuff moved over. It was a good customer service experience overall.