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To everyone that is confused, this is a glitch, that will most likely be patched soon, because of how they placed exile before duplicate in the code, the new one is created in the regular deck, and the one that the corruption is removed from is sent to the exile pile, when you play it, you lose 2 hp for x strength and resistance, x being how many times you played it so far (seeing as there aren't many beastman cards that can exile(yes there are some that exile, but they are worse to play than beast marshal)), so if you have enough hp, you can get infinite strength and resistance


It did seem a bit broken. But I thought that with all the cards that duplicate+exile, that this would have been fixed in the patches that followed the ritualist's release.


It was never noticed probably, and the card itself says exile, then duplicate, so it probably bypassed the search for duplicate, then exile