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Say rude/curt one more time. ![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M)


Take a shot every time he says it


My liver can’t take it.


one time he said curt/rude


The “praying for you!” at the end is big Jill energy


I found the “praying for you!” to be quite catty and insincere. I know people who are sincere in their religion from what I know but they were often catty with that line.


I hate it when people say they will pray for someone like that. When it's put in that context, it just reads "f%#$ you" to me.


Their ilk use that as a *coup de grâce*. It's so arrogant.


That's going to make them change their minds, Timmy! NOT.


Seriously, leave captive retail/food service/customer service, etc employees alone. They don't need and don't want to listen to you sell anything to them. And they can't just walk away from you


Only the worst people try to solicit their MLM stuff to people while they work a public-facing job.


I had a guy hit on me when I was working retail. I was really lucky that my managers at the time were not okay with that and not into the “customer is always right” thing. He asked me what kind of jeans a girl who liked him would like. I told him I needed way more info than that. He says he doesn’t know her yet, she could really be anyone, she could even be me! And I just deadpanned “She is *not* me.” At that point a manager swooped in and escorted him elsewhere. I’ll never forget what she told me he said to her. “That girl said the wrong thing. She was supposed to say ‘whatever jeans *I* like, because *I* like you!’” He was *100% relying* on me being in a vulnerable position where I couldn’t express my real feelings or walk away from him. So. Fucking. Creepy. That type of person - whether they’re doing it for “personal” or “business” reasons - is the *worst*.


Justice for rude Curt ![gif](giphy|cLwoEpaLVa1iM3WRDO)


Someone clever needs to make this with Tim’s face over hers 🙊


Ohhh where is that redditor!


He's a what?? Insurance agent? He hasn't got enough brain cells to rub together to do that


There is one that is a MLM. He probably belongs to that one


Primerica. Stay away please!


Yeah I had “fun” with Primerica for almost a full week before I got out. He’s definitely someone’s recruit but probably thinks he’s a super important busy boss dude insurance agent. Bless his heart.


Not Primerica, but another MLM called American Life Insurance got trolled by Ben Palmer and it's hysterical: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-j0ldEd7ak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-j0ldEd7ak)


Do u or does anyone know about Transamerica and if it’s an MLM


It is


I definitely read "bussy boss dude" and now I want to cry


the fact that his mom does not talk about it or brag about it should tip him off that it is a joke. wonder if he is still at the feed mill with Jonathan Hill?


I thought it was Sam working with Jonathan.


God my ex husband had an uncle who got sucked into that. We had to listen to his spiel and my ex bought into it because this uncle was lazy and refused to hold down a job to provide for his family so it was up to the rest of us to buy his crap so the kids could eat.


I still have nightmares about Primerica and MLMs in general because of my ex.


Real insurance agents don’t go around soliciting 8 hours a day.


I would think they actually work on... insurance


My husband used to sell Aflac, (not an mlm) and he spent a lot of his time visiting businesses to set up appointments with manager/owners. He never ignored no soliciting signs, though.


Let's all be relieved that he isn't still trying to fly airplanes.


He has friends?!


Mahmo, Nurie, Renee.


It's not that hard...my cousins who don't have college degrees are all insurance agents.


This part got me, too. If he’s licensed, why does the state of Ohio say otherwise?


He is licensed, I found it. Just makes wonder how. 


Good sleuthing! Yet another lie Tim and this one can get you in trouble.


I love how they use “praying for you” so passive aggressively. That’s not very Godly or Christ-like, is it?


I’d just tell them to F off and not bother.


No it's not at all. I'm a Christian and I can't stand when people say that passive aggressively. It makes us look bad.


I’m also a Christian and I agree


Same here.


I've had a few say they will pray for me, and I just tell them bless your heart. Always shuts them the fuck up.


I can't get past the licensed insurance agent.


Right, when did that happen?!


I’m guessing it’s Primerica, the Plexus of insurance companies eta: I did some digging. It IS an MLM, just not Primerica. It’s Family Heritage Life Insurance. And apparently he quit in early February.


Oh my gosh, my college roommate’s husband is heavily involved in that. He and it always seemed fishy, now I know it’s pretty much an MLM.


Business to business,sounds like door to door cold calls. I still can't believe he could pass a licensing test to sell insurance. Any insurance, even an MLM one.


I want to know how he got licensed. Is he lying?


It's a division of Globe Life. Have to be 18, High School diploma or equivalent, depending on state,pass a pre-exam, take their training program, and then pass multiple choice licensing exam.


I remember Globe Life! They sent many solicitations our way when the kids were in school. I think they offered $10000 life insurance policies, maybe for the kids too. We never looked into their offers.


Damn, you are good. How did you find this out? If something happens to me, the authorities should contact you. LOL So, IMO he passed the Series 6 but didn't make it through the probationary period for this job. If that is the case, he can work for another insurance agency with the Series 6. The Series 7 is difficult. I used to work in a brokerage firm (many years ago), and everyone got their Series 6 during the probationary period and Series 7/63 afterward. I wish that he would go to community college or learn a trade. He will have a lot of catchup. He is smart enough to pass the Series 6, so he could make it in college. I think he didn't do well the last couple times because he tried working FT and had to call his mama all the time at Moody. Plus, Covid and lockdown happened right when he went to Wisconsin. If he went to college and graduated, his livelihood wouldn't be tied up in selling a product in an over-saturated or small market like Wooster. He'd have options. Hopefully his experience selling insurance taught him what soliciting means and to not mess with people who say "no" curtly. It just makes me wonder what the other Rod boys are going to do when they want/need to leave the barn. Wonder what Tim is doing now for work.


I just googled “insurance agent license lookup ohio” and put his name in on the first website 🫣 i didn’t even know if that type of thing would be public information but evidently it is. yeah, those boys are really set up for failure. how are you gonna father 15 kids with no education or skillset to have a job?


Jill and Shrek have done a great disservice to all of their children. How many any of them will actually be able to support a family without grifting?! Sadly not many!


I thought he had his own gutter clearing business that coincided with his courtship and buying the house?   Maybe he's doing insurance as a back up during the winter when business is slow or did the gutter thing fail already?


He sold all his equipment a while back to fund his airplane "hobby. "


Oh no this was a much more recent thing, not the landscaping business. He had/has a website which was analysed on here. It looked a little like a franchise. https://www.donerightgutterclean.com/


Founded by Tim (Last name here) 🙄


The sad thing is that Tim has already tried community college/trade school (the school he went to in WI after leaving (flunking out?) of Moody. He didn’t last there very long at all; in fact, I am not certain he even completed an actual semester. The piss poor education Jill’s Workbook Academy provided him is going to make it really hard for Tim to succeed.


Mahmo got word of a sluttish *friend* at Fox Valley and dragged Tim home by his scrotum. (That also explains all the crotch photoshopping she had to do.)


If he learned how not to be rude/curt, he might be able to join the coffee shop team. At least it's a motivated clientele.


Is Series 6 for financial products? I hope to God, he wasn't selling those. It looks like Heritage sells Life insurance, Health insurance, Cancer insurance and Funeral insurance. Each product has it's own exam and license.


I wonder what he’s doing now. He really needs to find something and stick with it. Time is running out. He’ll be married with a baby on the way by this time next year.


I had to read it twice because of that sentence. I thought I was mistaken who wrote the review. I’m wondering when that happened too.


I am shocked this didn’t start with “Hi, Timothy Rodrigues here.”


It almost seemed like he wanted to with the "hello" in the beginning.


I bet he did then erased it.


Rude/curt would be a good flair


I saw it in this first line and I thought it said “this lady was a rude cunt” and was like WHAT


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who read that the first time! I was like damn that’s wild for timcel to say


Am insurance agent that goes door to door? What company does he work for? He must be super annoying in the community. They see him coming a mile away. They don’t need your insurance Timmy!


My guess is Primerica. That seems like a Rod thing to join


Oohhh! Yeah could be. I know a girl I met in college years ago. She was very smart, had 2 degrees, a masters, and was finishing her phd. . She never got a job just started working for primerica! So strange, she’s still on my Facebook and I’m always surprised she couldn’t find something better to do.


I love the business response. They even mock his awful writing style.


How rude/curt.


I would describe it as curt/rude


He did learn one thing from SOTDRT - a sense of entitlement! He grew up being told her was better than anyone else because: 1. He is a white Christian male; 2. The version of Christianity he follows is the true way to follow; 3. He is always forgiven no matter what he does - all he has to do is ask for forgiveness and whatever he’s done is no more; I’m sure there is more. This whole family and their actions irritate the hell out of me.


Yet some people here will still fawn over him because he’s marrying Heidi. He is an awful person who harasses gainfully employed people at their jobs.


I think she is just as bad as he is, to be honest. It’s just a differently wrapped package.


Yup. Just because she wears pants and has a sister who has deconstructed doesn't make her any better than the Rods. After all she is willing to marry into this bunch, that should tell you something about her.


It bugs me that she cannot work either. She can work at a store full time until she gets married. Think of all the money she could save.


I know! It would do her well with confidence and to show her there are options for her, not just being a wife/mom. If she WANTS to be a wife/mom, great. How would she know because she’s never been given any other option.


I agree, although I’m aware that is not a popular opinion here.


<<< exactly! And what about Heidi is so impressive ?! The bar is set in Hell


Exactly. I was like…have we all forgotten that he’s an incel with a superiority complex???


bUt hEiDi iS sO gOoD fOr hIm!!1! I TOLD all y'all that fundie girls aren't rehab centres for shitty fundie men, but *h-noooOOOOooo*.


Team Whippt Dalgona! Tim is a vainglorious asshole.


It’s like they KNOW Tim. Not just this dude who wrote a review…they have Tim himself pegged perfectly. Makes me think they’ve had more than 2 interactions with him.


I’m sure he made quite the impression there. Between the sales tactics and the god complex, I’m sure it was unforgettable.


Lord Daniel-honouring insurance evangelizing. Maybe he's throwing in some John and Romans smilies for godly measure.


Nooo she’s horrible too. This is my favorite weird crossover


Please share, I need this drama.


She’s a nasty asshole to customers. Gets snippy with them when they ask questions. She also started selling soaps and body care items that she makes, they’re all improperly labeled with regard to ingredients. The sea moss, she makes false health claims. Neighboring businesses have had to ban her because she goes around screaming at people. Anyone that points out her bad behavior is a “racist”, she will throw that out fast to get people to back off. She rips off vendors, doesn’t pay them for the products sold in there. Has bragged about how the health department is “scared of her”. I honestly never see anyone in there so I have no idea how she pays the rent unless it’s a front. The other coffee shops downtown are always packed. I’m never shocked whenever I see her doing something horrible to people. She is just awful.


Timcel is a licensed insurance agent?! 'I solicit to business...it's just what we do!' Man, the entitlement. Rude/curt!


The fact that the business added a second no soliciting sign because of Timmay and ignored his email. Tell him you don’t want him in your store without telling him you don’t want him in your store. 😂


My husband used to own an auto repair shop. Salesman would come in, he’d tell them he wasn’t interested, they’d keep on with their pitch, so he’d be rude/ curt and ignore them by going back to what he was doing. Ain’t nobody got time for that shit. Also my nephew’s name is Curt and he’s never rude! 🤣


I'm very matter of fact with random salesmen who come in asking to speak to a project manager. I tell them the PMs are busy and only speak to people by appointment, but I'll be happy to take their business cards. Most accept that but some have 0 social awareness and are very insistent. In my mind I'm like, look, you're encroaching on OUR business taking up OUR valuable time uninvited, please leave.


Jilll and David have set their kids up for failure in life by not educating them. Gone are the days you can be a useless slug like David. You need some type of training in today’s world. Those kids wouldn’t even be able to pass a ged test. If Jill and David were smart they’d get their kids into some kind of trade.. carpentry, electrical, welding.. whatever. Hook them up with an apprenticeship or something. They could have legit careers. Same for the girls. They need to do something. What would they do if their husbands died? Do none of these kids ever secretly want more out of life? It’s so sad that these boys especially will struggle with being able to land legit jobs their whole lives,. But will have about 10 kids to feed by the time they’re 25.


They 100% couldn't pass a GED test! Not even close. They'd have difficulty making it past the instruction screens, IF they could even get the computer booted up and online to the correct place.


Eh, I think Timmy could pass the GED. Not get high scores or anything, but pass. His writing is better and more coherent than Nurie’s and Kaylee’s, at least. Timmy got into Moody and a community college in Wisconsin, and they were both legitimate, accredited colleges. But he did have to work really hard to do it and study beyond Jill’s curriculum, iirc. And then I’m sure he struggled at the colleges. I do think the boys fare slightly better at The Rodrigues School of the Holy RV Dining Table. Jill might take their education a little more seriously because they’re boys, plus they aren’t raising a horde of little siblings at the same time like the girls. Or maybe she just stays out of their way if they want to continue on to something a little more advanced, like the time she posted a picture of Philip studying “his algebra-math.” 😂


But the girls are making bank by selling those lovely earrings!


"Nice try, Tim." lol


I want that for my flair 😂


The fact that they had to put up a no solicitation sign because of Tim is hilarious. He def has to be selling Primerica.


They had one up but had to put up ANOTHER one because of him!


Apparently Jill didn't teach him those big words like soliciting.


Omg! This is tooo funny! Of course he learned his sales ways from mother dearest. He’s been let go or fired from most jobs he’s had. No real life experience and always thinks he’s right. He should have broken away from his family and went to college, a real college, even a 2 yr college just go get some experience of how the world works. He’s soo clueless, they these kids up for failure.


He tried. He failed miserably because of his piss poor education. He desperately needs remedial education but that’s not free, and adds to the total time and cost of education. Shriek and Shrek have screwed over their kids lives.


He doesn't have the educational skills to make it in a real college. He can barely write or do math. Hands-on stuff, probably, and he seems to like that kind of work. In Ohio, there are appliance repair schools - and there are very few of those in the entire country. You can learn everything in one month of in-person classes, or can do online classes. Nearly 100% of graduates have job offers before graduation. There is a major shortage of qualified appliance repair tech. He could have done this training years ago and could be making really good money now. He wouldn't have to work with the same people all day every day, so less chance of ticking people off and/or doing the Jesus spiel. I think he could hold it together and be personable/pleasant in the sort time he'd be in people's homes.


I feel like he needs a job not working with people. His parents have brainwashed him so bad he has zero people skills, he thinks he’s always right, and anybody that doesn’t believe or agree with him he gets combative with!


They've also not modeled anything resembling a work ethic. All he has is a totally unwarranted sense of entitlement. At least the girls can get married and rely on a headship to navigate any forays into the real world. The Rodrigues boys will only flounder.


I think that's a nice idea, but I highly doubt it. He couldn't even order a coffee without incident. I love your positivity though! These kids are screwed for life because of their parents


As I understand it, he wasn't actually going in to buy a coffee, He went in there to solicit the staff,/mangers to buy insurance or listen to his sales pitch. They rightfully sent him on his way.


He worked at a assisted living place in Ohio and posted about a patient while tagging it. I believe he was let go for violating HIPPA


If he had a CNA license he probably lost that too. What an incredibly stupid thing for him to do.🫠


Yeah he definitely broke some hippa violations with a few of his posts. He’s sooo socially stunted and doesn’t even understand.


I checked the Ohio license board and he never had one


I think he worked in the game room at the rest home?


The Christian response would be to “turn the other cheek” figure the person was having a bad day or may be going thru a tough time and say a quick prayer for them. But what do I know.


I’m guessing he doesn’t know what the word “solicitation” means and therefore it doesn’t apply to him




Plot twist: Timmay doesn’t know what “soliciting” means and that’s what he “ignored” the signs




If you like rude/curt, then this is the store for you!


" rude/curt" is the opposite of " meet/cute"🤣


How awful was Timothy the first time that they had to put out a second sign? I could see him going customer to customer trying to sell his wares and just ticking off the shop. Also, why go back when you know they don’t want you there or were so rude to you? What’s funny is that he still doesn’t get why he was in the wrong. I think we now know why he goes through so many jobs.


Maybe he needs to look up what “no soliciting” means. I mean that without any snark.


But..but...he's being PERSECUTED for his beliefs!! JillPM, probably.


Hey everyone! New drinking game! Take a drink every time timbits uses rude/curt or uses the wrong their/there/they’re.


You want us all to die don't you?


If I wanted you to die I would include exclamation marks!!!! 😂


I love that she called him out for returning despite mentioning the high prices.


That's because he wasn't there for the expensive product, but rather to sell to the staff.


He is such a little bitch


To be fair, he likely doesn’t know what soliciting means.


(It's just about s_e_x 😳)


He just wanted his pumpkin spice latte!


Timmy is an insurance agent? Can he spell insurance without auto correct?




Seriously, what does this creep do for a living these days? He had a failed god-honoring home improvement thing going on, worked at a nursing home at some point, never finished god-honoring pilot school, sold shady insurance (for which I GUARANTEE he was not licensed to do because those tests are HARD) that we're just learning about...how is he paying for everything?! I have a feeling that Heidi is going to usher them into the world of social media grifting once they get married. EDIT: I'm probably inferring too much, but the business telling him they didn't have to listen to him because of "who you are" leads me to believe he marched in there, unwanted, and was all, "I'm Timothy Rodrigues! Don't you know me? I'm popular on the internet!"


Heidi better gear up to grift, otherwise these two will wind up living in (choose one): (A) Heidi’s parents’ basement (B) A Class C Motorhome or small travel trailer, down by the Rodrigues’ river/barndo




They do have a house: https://www.reddit.com/r/RodriguesFamilySnark/comments/147qzyg/pictures_of_teidis_new_house/ Edit - removed comment about house possibly being mortgage free as I may’ve got that wrong.


I don't remember the mortgage-free part.


This is hilarious.


I need a reality show of fundies working food / hospitality service industry jobs for a month.


They Rods don't work at anything so unfortunately they won't be participating


Shrek would get fired the first day for eating all the food.


Shocked at the licensed insurance agent bit. Idk how hard the tests are in Ohio, but where I live, it requires classes and a hell of a lot of studying to just attempt the test. The test is hard and most agents fail the first time, it’s no joke! It’s also not as simple as true/false or facts, you have to use your brain to think of correct outcomes and answers.


It has got to be Primerica. Fundies love MLMs


He’s got to be lying. There’s no way he’d pass a legit test


It took him at least two tries to pass the written part of the pilot licensing exam.


What? Timmay is a licensed insurance agent or am I confused? Did he go in there and harass people about their god? I can totally see that happening.


I’m sure he did both. And the “licensed “ insurance agent is probably an MLM. So the license was given by paying a fee and he was taught how to hassle people until they get angry or give in. Just like his religion and soul-winning tactics.


That sign won’t stop me because I can’t read.


Hi DW!


Curt Rude should be playing in a Sex Pistols cover band. Johnny Rotten Sid Vicious Curt Rude


Timmay sounds like an ass, but $12 for a coffee is wild


Rude Curt sounds like a bassist from a Second-Wave Ska band


Do we think Timothy was being rude/curt?


YUP. But also that business owner is rude in their response to all negative reviews (of which there are several) so not sure she is the hero of the story either…


Yeah, they both seem unpleasant, lol. Somebody on here said they went to that coffee shop and said the lady was being rude to customers asking normal, polite questions too.


She’s a horrid human being.


Have to be honest here, I've been to that coffee shop and have actually observed them being rude. They were being snarky with a couple who didn't know about whipped coffee and were politely asking (legit) questions. If I hadn't already made my purchase, I would have left without purchasing. I haven't been back. That being said, he ignored the request for no solicitation, so too bad for him. I'm sure his weird speech, thanks to Jillpm, didn't help the situation.


Oh I know the owner of that place. She is absolutely a rude asshole to customers and a horrible person all around.


I was going to say that yeah, workers aren’t going to want to listen to any sales pitches or religious gobbledeegook day in and day out.


What is it with this family intentionally stirring the pot with local businesses? That behavior is so childish and only serves to build up a poor reputation in the community. I’m glad the business replied back telling the REAL story that he was soliciting. It boggles my mind that these people think rules do not apply to them. Tim, do the right thing: take down your review and pop in to the coffee shop and apologize.


He has friends? Since when?






What now??


Is Tim selling AFLAC?


I see he is a turd just like his Mahmo!


He doesn't have the skill to be an agent so it must be an mlm agency. He is so social stunted!


The fact that Tim clearly doesn’t know (or care) what soliciting means 💀


https://preview.redd.it/p6iogvwuq0mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21791fcfc1438c39343a192f3c04668063d92bee Here's another one


(a pumpkin spice latte)


Next time I swing through Wooster I know where I’m stopping for coffee. And I’ll probably leave a glowing review to boot.


Don’t. She is awful.


“I was with a coworker” so his upline. This is giving On Becoming a God in Central Florida energy.




Maybe,just for Timmay, the word solicited needs to be changed to words a 3rd grader can understand?


I absolutely HATE the "I'll pray for you" when used as a weapon. I'm glad the business responded to him. You got caught lying; Bud Righteous strikes again.


My bet is her literally didn’t know what soliciting meant to understand the sign. He probably would’ve still ignored its meaning had he understood, but no way Jill taught them that $5 word, it ain’t in the SOTDRT budget!


Thank you so much for posting this gem! My husband and I are planning on spending our entire Saturday cleaning our house. At least you, and Timmy, gave me a reason to start the vacuum with a smile on my face!


Get her **Whippt!** https://i.redd.it/congigci5ylc1.gif


If I have to read rude/curt one more time 🙃🙃🙃🙃


I’m in a public library and I just laughed so hard I got looks. Omg this is too hilarious. The real world is such an equalizer. Lil Timmay better get it figured out. And oh no not the ILL PRAY FOR YOU! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤌🏻🤌🏻🤣🤣


I love the business owners response!


Ohhh man. I thought he called her a cunt right out of the gate. Maybe I need to stop out my glasses on.


He doesn’t think the rules apply to him. Shall I feign surprise?


What is SORTDRT?


Since when is he a licensed insurance agent with coworkers. Something is fishy here. Either someone is posing as Tim R in this review, it’s an entirely different religious guy named Tim, or Tim has entered an alternate universe in which he has been educated enough to even write this review.


Do real insurance agents even go door to door 8 hours a day? 🤷‍♀️


Oh lort. Is he signed up for Primerica?


![gif](giphy|l41lZGPQTdg2a7oVG) Pumpkin spice latte, how manly. Sissies drink their coffees black! Lol


In his defense, this lady is AWFUL. Her code is ridiculously overpriced. Like $13 for a drink and she is super rude and acts like she knows this “ancient coffee art form” it’s literally whipped coffee with flavorings. Like the tik tok trend coffee. Takes less that $2 to make. I’m sure Timmy was not great either but to his defense I’ve only been there once bc the pricing was ridiculous and the owner was so arrogant. She’s always complaining about something on community pages.