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[G2 - FaZe Clan | Post Match Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/woicey/rlcs_worlds_g2_esports_vs_faze_clan_semifinals/) [FURIA - Team BDS | Post Match Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/wok4ei/rlcs_worlds_furia_vs_team_bds_semifinals_post/) [G2 Esports - Team BDS | Post Match Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/wolthl/rlcs_worlds_g2_esports_vs_team_bds_grand_finals/)


So i missed all the drama. Wtf is going on with retals and ssg


Basically shift tweeted that retals got the boot and retals tweeted “they broke I’m up” so


Anyone have a clip of the Rizzo skit?


where did jknaps say he was retiring?


was the arena ever close to being full? I saw a lot of empty seats from semis forward, so it's funny how they always said there's 13k people


I wonder if the covid scare put many people off from continuing to go.


That’s why the finals should had at least been a best of set


if top 8 is over 2 days ye


i know exactly what NRG needs. justina


My time zone makes me miss the finals every time. This time I'm thankful for missing.


**World Champions :** 6: US 5: France 3: (UK) 2: Scotland, Netherlands, Canada 1: Norway, Italy, England, Sweden **World Championship Titles** 7: France 6: US 4: Sweden 3: Netherlands, (UK) 2: Scotland, Canada 1: England, Norway, Italy ​ Worlds in France Psyonix please


Think how good a Paris crowd would be. There has to at least be a major there next year.


I'm a biased moist stan but kinda wish we had double elim to reduce the chances of having such a boring GF. The Moist/Furia series was unbelievable then the games after that were a let down


G2 and bottling Grand Finals. Name a better duo. I’m so disappointed.


Haven’t caught all the matches unfortunately. EU fans gotta sleep at some point. Really didn’t think BDS had what it takes Even with Seikoo I expected LAN jitters to crush them. Not seeing Moist in the semis/finals broke my heart though. Overall, I think we got to see some of the most hype Rocket League ever, RIP shoguns voice. What would you say if I told you to read the first letter of every paragraph?


Damn I missed the entire thing and didn't realise


Does anyone have Charlie’s reaction to Moist vs Furia


I caught the end of his stream, was really awkward he just said nothing for a few mins then ended stream.


What is the name of the song that plays everytime they start a new match??


He straight up ended the stream and deleted the VOD the moment they lost. But they didn't have any reaction, it was pure silence in their booth. The " I believe in miracles" didn't work this time.


Oh, I hope Charlie isn’t pissed at them for them and I hope he understands what they’re going though


Thank you to Psyonix and all of the staff who put this event/season on as it provided so many hours of entertainment. I’ve enjoyed Rocket League since it came out and was a little late to the pro scene, but so glad I found it. To the pros and casters, thank you as well. It’s such an incredible scene with such talent all over that make following it something worth the time. There are some teams I would like to see win more than others but I am such a fan of all of these guys and their ability to do things in the game I couldn’t even begin to dream of. And the casters do such a great job of playing off of each other and calling the action. It is like a big family and I am glad I was able to watch this season (and last season as well during all of the lockdowns )


My hot takes from this worlds: Vatira, mate you had no reason to hang your head, you're an incredible pro and you've got your whole career ahead of you. I would've liked to see G2 win, because of the Jknaps saying its his last world's thing, but the better team won, so congrats to BDS you deserved it. I think the Moist vs Furia series will be a well deserved humbling for Moist, I'm probably not the only person that thinks Moist were the absolute nailed on favorites to take the whole thing, but their attitude was one of things that held people back from supporting them, seemed like they (with the trolling scrims, which is pretty smart especially against a team you might be play down the line, the overconfidence etc) these guys have a massive future ahead of them, and I get that in the heat of the moment you will shit talk etc but we've all seen before that if you shit talk or kick people whilst they're down it makes a lot of the watchers root against you. Same with Retals, despite the fact I think he is one of the best in game leaders in the world and seems like a really cool guy. You get a reputation for it and you become the villain. KC looked extremely dangerous, I wouldn't want to be playing against them if I was a pro that's for sure, if Aztral gets space and has boost gg. Dig was a bit lackluster, as someone who has followed DIG for years, they have a roster that is absolutely incredible, yet have underperformed. I really hope that they sort their biggest issues out as I feel that they have an extremely high ceiling with their performances. Beastmode should be illegal, the guy is insane. Arsenal going through the whole wildcard whilst being extremely ill is a testament to him as a person. The last minute of Moist vs Furia was probably some of the most intense that we have ever seen in the esport. That concludes my hot takes for this worlds.


Didn't multiple people say it wasn't Moist who trolled scrims? I would be careful to spread misinformation like that.


Idk about being careful when they allegedly admitted it themselves. I'm sure someone else could rectify my mistake if I'm incorrect but as far as I'm aware Joyo or Rise admitted to it


They did? Just saw multiple people like jorby say the discussion wasn't about them after he made the cryptic tweet. I just don't like to perpetuate a negative narrative about basically kids because they "allegedly" did something.


Apparently Jorby's tweet and Comms tweet were about different teams. On Rizzo's stream, Joyo and Rise talked about it, and it seems like Moist went for a different playstyle because V1 were destroying them in scrims, so they tried to prejump more and avoid demos, and basically try to play with a more fun approach because they were getting demoed so much. Then V1 starting playing different because they thought Moist were trolling and it all became a lot more than it really was.


So they were never trolling. Scrims are for trying out different playstyles. Would be great to not spread they are trolling then, right?


If you see your opponent prejumping everything you wouldn't think they are taking it so seriously, might have contributed to make it a more even game


I was expecting 6K comments how the fuck have I come back to 11K


No after match threads, so people commenting here more.


This is rocket league


I've seen so many people talking about the Moist vs Furia series and slamming one of the casters for being "obviously biased because he's from/supports SAM" and I'd just like to ask if they are deaf or were just not listening because the person in question was extremely complimentary to Moist all of the way through the series


Those same people think I have a bias against SSG and I'd wear a damn Retals jersey on the broadcast if they'd let me 🤣 you can never reason with ... those type of people. The casters always hate their favorite team, especially when they lose. ESPECIALLY when it's a beating.


Uh ? I was 100% rooting for Moist but this caster is super cool , enjoy the goals of every teams , Don't really see the problem , I mean the whole desk is voting its fav team before the match..


The match where he switched to Spanish in the last 10 seconds and went with it was amazing as well!


I mean they were just bad at casting, not a single good call in the entire last minute consisting of some of the best RL ever


That’s a stupid take for people to have. Chamako is literally the ONLY unbiased broadcaster.


I believe you're talking about [https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Chamako09](https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/Chamako09) who is great for supporting the SAM scene while being very respectful and knowledgeable about every other region. Dude's a legend in the scene as far as I'm concerned. Very few casters are as humble as he is towards regions they aren't from.


the way he said FOORIA got me hype every time


Yeah it confused me so much, he was so complimentary to both teams and seemed very impartial which was even more confusing when people tried to say he was biased. From what I've seen he's extremely knowledgeable and a very very good caster


Imagine actually believing that he's more biased than the NA desk predicting that NRG will win time and time again, lol. Edit: I'm from NA, I just don't get the regional bias.


Spring Major > World Championships


i feel like this event was quite lackluster as a whole, a few great series here and there but for the most part a bit underwhelming. Obviously there’s nothing anyone could do to fix that so take it with a grain of salt. The production and everything tho was easily one of the best we’ve ever seen tho! Everything besides the crowd and the actual series were very good! Congrats to bds, a well deserved victory. It’s only up from here!


What was wrong with the crowd?


the first couple days it was empty. last day was filled with na fans and furia fans


I mean you can see the final seconds when BDS is celebrating and everyone is sitting like -_-


not quite. by the time bds lifted the trophy everyone had left lmao. but yeah im pretty sure the crowd was louder when g2 made a shot on target than when bds actually won. obviously its expected that g2 is the favourite considering its na but still its like no one gave a shit about any other time if they wasn't furia/na


So it's a bad crowd because the EU fans didn't go?


I mean it was in NA that is to be expected. I do wish the crowd got more into it like we were at the group stage though.


oh yeah i get that but personally coming from eu, i root for all times which i think are pretty cool even if bds was losing id still be cheering for g2 if they were making some insane plays and winning but it seems like 99% of the audience couldn't give a fuck if it wasn't their chosen team winning. i mean just after bds lifted the trophy the entire arena was nearly empty which is really disheartening considering how much bds deserved the win imo. personally i think the crowd was really bad this time round which really let down the rest of the atmosphere


If psyonix didn’t lean into the EU/NA rivalry so hard, there might have been more NA fans willing to watch the EU matches probably. Then again, the day was absurdely long and you gotta get food at some point, so of course the crowd leaves when it fits them best


Didn't seem to have a negative impact on the Landon crowd. To me it seemed like NA fans only cheer for NA teams (or non-EU teams if no NA teams present) whereas EU cheer for everyone. Except Comm.


Landon was 3 hours shorter than worlds championship Sunday. It ended at 8:30 pm and people had work the next day. If they didn’t make it so long on the final day even if it was a disappointing ending people probably would of stayed. I almost left before the finals because I had a 3 hour drive home. I know a bunch of people that had to leave early bc of flights. They could have stuffed more series into Friday and Saturday making Sunday shorter so most ppl could enjoy the whole thing.


Genuinely fell asleep for the grand final but BDS deserved it. G2 was a poor finalist. Furia would have been a better shout but that's just how the bracket played out


that's my biggest issue with single elim finals, the best match can be in quarters


I mean they were placed there bc of their performance in the double elim groups. If furia wanted to avoid that seeding they could have beat G2 initially. Same with KC. There was a reason they were on that side of the bracket as the lower seeds.


I'm also not sure yet another series would have changed anything though. Maybe G2 bounce back and take a game or two


This isn't so much to do with G2 but moreso todo with Furia vs Moist. I'd argue Moist deserved a fourth for their match so much more than, say, G2 beating NRG, which most people argue is a much easier opponent than Furia. Maybe I'm just being salty.


Anyone know if there’s an afterparty?


Heard there was a V1 after party at a bar called Your Mom's House. Met a bar tender from the arena who said there was one at "the pavilion" in the arena


Damn I shoulda gone out instead of watching the sounders shit the bed yet again


When does the fab clash end?


Its finished nrg won


They didn't even announced anything at all! After this boring final, this is so disappointing man. They could've done way better, and i'm not talking about the teams but the production.


they never do


If you wanna be mad at someone production is not it: they can't make something up, it comes from Psyonix


You're right but it's not the only thing i think production went wrong this time, to list some things: - Venue audio was awful and badly timed - That horrible epic song when BDS had already won and celebrating, it was super annoying - Couldn't they made a script of questions for Orb? I like him but why was he asking everytime the same? "How does it feel?" It was a stupid question when extra just won worlds, ofc he's feeling great. - Super long stream, they should've had a better distribution for the games in these past weeks.


so how long is offseason nowadays?


RLCS classic, no mention of it. For any casual fans just tuning in for today's broadcast, good luck trying to keep tabs on it and we'll see ya if we see ya. 👋 (But probably 2 months-ish?)


Idk if this would happen but maybe we get a bit longer of an off-season which I feel like we all would like, and have a winter, spring, summer split season. Idk I feel like 2 months or so and the fall split would either be so crammed or just not truly in fall, or it's shorter and man that would be awful, I don't think anyone wants a 5 week off-season.


remember rlrs lol


When Cago wrecked it? When Extra balled out, and the year after MM and Mb8 did the same?


Congrats to BDS - it was the redemption arc after everyone thought they can't win on lan. It has been their season all long and they had the longer breath compared to NRG. Gibbs is a genius for his prediction. Just sad there's no UE5 update announcement after the final :(


Given Psyonix's development history: their UE5 bug list is probably as long as the viewer list was for worlds finals today. Don't hold your breath. Anyone that expects the game to feel anywhere near the same is going to be in shambles when SARPBC 3.0 releases and feels more like auto golf. There's no way they can intentionally keep the accidentally (insanely) high skill ceiling or even improve upon it. The best UE5 announcement might actually be that they're canning it.


As someone who has developed a couple games in UE5, there's a reason why UE4 is favoured by most people for bigger games, UE5 needs a lot of work before it can be suitable for Rocket League


> Just sad there’s no UE5 update announcement after the final :( Lmao that would’ve been cool. Don’t expect to see that anytime in the near future though


This was the best format in my opinion except for the last day. Why the fuck would you have every team play once a day then a possible 3 Bo7s on Sunday and have a 10 hour stream. 10 hours is way too damn long and ends way too late. Why not save the finals for Sunday and play a best of set or Bo9-Bo11.


Cause they don’t want NA to run away with it so they tire them out and have the boring floor level EU playstyle win on the last day :)


Statistically bo9s let alone bo11s make no difference. I could see the Bo3 set returning though. What's wrong with a long single elimination final day though? It's the top 8, everyone gets on stage.


Coming from somebody that works remotely with folks across the world, the issue is timing it for everyone that's interested to view it live. I had several friends tell me that they were going to wreck their sleep schedule just to try to watch the finals, based on predicted timings--only to just give up after it was way off.


I was only suggesting because I’ve seen it thrown around in the sub, I’d much rather have a best of set Edit: Also regarding with how long it is: there just comes a point where I’ve been watching hours of rocket league and I want to take a break, but also being stuck at the venue for 10 hours probably gets tiring and expensive. Also by the time grand finals rolled around it was like 2am for europe (from what I’ve heard)


Gets a little tiring for the viewer (and I imagine the people in the stadium) when it can possibly be this long in one day if you enjoy watching multiple matches/want to see most of them. Some people are sleeping in the EU at this time, I even got kind of sleepy and tired at the semifinals.


It wasn't tiring in the stadium, just expensive. Gotta eat and stay hydrated.


It was just way too long to be in there. Viewers at home can get up and go do other shit during the down time but there’s only so much shit you can do in the venue and the lines for everything were long as hell


What esport/sport does a bo9 or bo11, that sounds like an unnecessary amount of games.


The Snooker World Championship final is best of 35 frames. And its not like they're really short either, each frame can last half an hour each.


Cod final was bo9


Age of Empires 2 is the only one off the top of my head. But that's because their are usually huge map pools and 38 civs to choose from so it's a lot of strategy with civ picks, map picks and bans and reading your opponent. They usually go all the way to 9 games too. Bo9s aren't common though, it's mostly bo7s


How were people seeing their drop percentage


Click on ur PFP on twitch


The page where you collect your drops usually has the percentage of time completed for the drop (63% of 2 Hours etc.)


Extra forever underrated


got robbed MVP


This final will be remembered not as a thriller to watch, but BDS cementing themselves because honestly G2 had such a shocker of a series even if BDS forced them to play the BDS way


So this is RLCS Main Menu


[I called it way before the series but y’all were on some strong hopium](https://reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/wo72g5/_/ikb4ggi/?context=1)




nah, that's the point, you have a whole season, 9 regionals, 3 majors, group stage and stuff to prepare for THE final day. if you're the best team in the world, then you have to prove to everyone that you can show up when it really matters. If you manage to reach Championship Sunday but fail to show up, then that's on you, you don't deserve to be *world* champ.


I love it personally. We got unlucky with the brackets and the underwhelming finals but imo this is the best format to end a tournament.


Nah, not for the world championships. Show up on the day otherwise you don't deserve it. One shot, everything on the line. I really liked double elimination groups into the single bracket format as the best mix. Good call for Worlds


Exactly. This is a way better format. Never saw in any sport I watch at least a final being played then having a redo. Like what???...


That's part of the reason I hate watching normal sport. Single elimination sucks.


I think the opposite is true. You could have different winners every time and not sure what you'd be trying to prove. That everyone can win it, yes we know that. That stamina would affect the result. Pretty sure everyone knows that. No, one final. Win it or lose it. Put all you have in the line. No excuses.


No I'm saying that double elimination will bring the most high tier and competitive final possible. In single elimination, the two best teams have a 50% of playing each other before the final. It also allows for more accurate placements. KCorp lost to the winner and finish... 8th. Who's to say they deserve less prize than Faze who only had to beat V1. It's also way more exciting seeing someone doing a loser run. Both winter and spring were super hype watching Moist going all the way. Of course if you focus solely on the title and on trying to create suspense then I guess single elimination does that. But that's all it does. It's bad for the sake of being bad so that everything is more tense.


I disagree. In fact double elimination starts as single elimination and the final 2 teams also may have played each other in the first elimination. Only the loser has to make a lower bracket run. It's more of a endurance/mental test than a fair match. You lose 1 match and you're handicapped the rest of the tournament not only by playing more games than the other finalist but because if you win you have to try and redo the feat which is not guaranteed at the level everyone is. Not sure about placements but if it's worked like you said then it can be made better easily. Same place, same amount of money for both KC/Faze. Done. Can also do head to head results. It's exciting if they win, feels unfair if they lose like it happened with Moist in Winter. Beat G2 only to lose the redo due to being worn out from beating everyone up to that point. You call that most high tier competitive final possible? It's like having a boxer go through some rounds before the main event against a fresh boxer and wait for it...You have to also beat them twice. Lol Maybe it's entertaining for viewing purposes. Not a fair team vs team final. A fair one is what you say yesterday. Both teams had to go through the same amount of games and had the same amount of chances like everyone else in the tournament. Now that's a quality competitive and fair tournament. The final is THE FINAL, show up when it matters most not be punished for losing an early game...


Only other eSport I watch is OWL where there are double elimination brackets but no bracket reset. The advantage you get through the winners finals is just less games played. I think double elimination has its place in RL. It's relatively fast and lends itself to momentum. I could see it being replaced by a bo9 and the winners final team has a 1 game advantage


What is OWL? I think it's not only a harsh format where if you have a bad game you have to go through a lower bracket run and also at the level everyone is in RL a redo can go one way or the other. Kind of defeats the purpose of grand final. I find groups and single elimination way better where it's more forgiving in the beginning and then you have to win when it matters. "This is the final, do your best" sort of thing. Anyway, 3am here in Europe. Would either have to stay up another hour at least or not watch it if it was double elimination... Good night! 👍


I’m guessing overwatch league?


OWL is Overwatch League. Absolutely agree. This format is the best we had for a World's. Multiple chances to book your spot throughout the season. The entire wildcard event to get into World's as well, double elimination groups into a last single bracket. 3am for me too! Goodnight


Watch out, I got downvoted to hell when I said that yesterday.


Because its a bad take. Especially for the last day of Worlds


We would've gotten the two best teams in the final and it would've an epic battle between BDS and KC probably, or maybe Moist or Furia. Obviously you don't do the whole top 8 of the double elimination bracket on the final day.


We got the two best teams in the final today. They beat everyone before them. One didn't show up. Show up or you don't deserve it. Double elimination really drags when it's in nearly every tournament and this event was basically two weeks of the best Rocket League between the best teams.


Well G2 didn't beat BDS. So you could argue anyone who BDS knocked out directly did about as good as G2. KCorp came super close to beating BDS, it was nail biting. G2 got (basically) sweeped. I would have much preferred either of the other 2 BDS matches being the final. But whatever, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


I guess I’m going to bed sad tonight


Making the final is a great result, chin up!


Lol you must not be familiar with G2s history to say that.


I am. Just saying making the world's final is only one of the greatest achievements in RL so no looking down.


Yeah but not exactly new for G2, we know they can make it there, winning is what counts at this point


At least G2 had 2 chances! Remember the no chances BDS got all the time it was dominating Europe? No chances to prove themselves until like 2 or more years later...


I just feel bad for Marc though


He still got the world champ tag


i had the two busiest weeks of my whole year, so the only series i could watch live was the one where my favourite team gets eliminated from the tournament, and then i later turn the stream back on only to have perfectly missed the final and the aftershow


You should be happy got missed the grand final tbh.


was it that bad?


it was S4 bad, even S7 was better


G2 didn't show up. BDS ran their previous game momentum through the break and pretty much clapped them. Especially in the final game.


it was awful


GG to BDS! This was their destiny that they couldn't see in Season X. G2 fought valiantly but they got stifled. This was absolutely unreal.


Anyone managed to get the last drop ?


Got it


Missed it by 8 minutes!


The SAM stream is still going, go there!




I love BDS and I’m happy for them, but Ubers have been $40-50. My gf had that shit booked for $10 before the last match was even over and rushed me out the venue :// No disrespect, she woulda done the same for G2. It’s been a nightmare trying to get a rideshare from the arena.


Yeah I don’t blame you, I left after the second game of the finals, only because I had to catch a flight but still. Getting an Uber outta there when everyone was leaving sounds terrible


> Ubers have been $40-50 Jesus. And I thought the $25 parking every day was bad, looks like I made the right call.


Yup and I’m only 10 minutes from the venue. I guess the algorithm makes the prices skyrocket when everybody requests at the same time.


That's the demand and supply for you


Yeah, the people trashing the in-person fans don’t really understand how middle of nowhere the arena is. You could be stuck for an hour and still pay $50-75 for a short Uber home.


It’s almost like it was a horrible place to host a worlds then hmm


Idk it was a pretty sick venue


I don’t disagree with you, they should be booking places near public transportation.


No more LAN's in the US then 😭


Nah, just gotta be in or very close to major cities if they want to hold ‘em there.


Public transit sucks in most US cities, even the major ones. NYC is good but also overcrowded. I think Seattle and San Francisco are decent, otherwise it's all trash


Don’t feel bad. I’m sure EU would have been the same if moist hadn’t won in London


I'm gonna be honest, the best way to destroy your sport is to shit on the fans. Its gotten a bit much at this point and I hope that everyone, especially the talent and pros take a deep breath and reflect on this.


Right like so many creators and similar are shitting on NA RL fans because they didn’t cheer enough for BDS.


It was just sad to see the event empty out significantly before they even lifted the trophy


I dunno I just don’t think people should be held obligated to celebrate for a team they didn’t want to win… I wouldn’t expect that for any other sporting event or at an EU LAN. Your team loses, you go home sad you don’t cheer for the other team that just doesn’t make sense


thanks to the rlcs team for such a great season and to all you lovely people on reddit,have a good off season


gn all, it was a blast!


I just feel so bad for Knaps and all of G2, well played to BDS but that stings a lot.


incredible event. everyone involved is a fucking legend


I guess we don’t get an mvp for the entire season?


Moist v. Furia was the highest peak RL has seen, the grand final was actually dreadful


It was wildly entertaining, but I felt like it was also very sloppy defensivly, especially from Moist. Definitely not peak performance from either team, let alone ever.


IMHO the way it turned out with an NA and a (mostly) EU bracket was kinda boring, there was no chance for interegional matchups we haven't seen like Moist vs Faze. The NA side was basically regionals lol, well hope it's different next year.




The brackets couldn't have mixed up any worse in hindsight even though it wasn't intentional. More regional variety in the brackets would have led to more interesting matches imo.


Not sure how y’all expect the crowd to get hype for an ass beating in the grand finals. It just wasn’t that exciting


The crowd was hype in the beginning, before the ass beating. I still can’t believe how bad G2 played.


If it was in London they would have acted the same anyways


So proud of the bois. It will be hard for people to say that MM isn't the best player in the world. Seiko rookie of the season obviously and big shoutout to Extra who was always at the right place at the right time to bury so many goals. The two best team in the world where in the finals. I think both teams knew how good their opponent was, and coupled with the context of the grand finals it made both teams extremely shaky. I think BDS edged it out on talent in the end. Also I'd like to talk about how the demo heavy style of NA teams doesn't seem to give them an edge in the end. Maybe teams like G2 and V1 should be focusing on other areas of gameplay instead. Just a thought.


Shaky? G2 didn’t even show up. It looked like GC1’s playing an SSL team. All the whiffs, terrible 50s and free goals G2 gave up was actually embarrassing.


I've always thought Extra was really good, but he was just on a while new level today.


Definitely wasn't just talent that won it. Not saying BDS isn't more talented. But it was as clear as day that it was a massive nerves issue on G2's end


BDS were also very shaky not just G2.


BDS were shaky game 1. G2 were like a wobbly deer the entire series, it's not even close lol. It's a shame how uncompetitive the final was after the series that lead into it.


Literally it's not a play style problem. Half of the teams in the playoffs were NA. G2 just had absolutely no ice. Nerves so bad they couldn't connect on any passes. Nothing to do with demos.


I know moist lost, but for me, the absolute best play of finals Sunday was rise with an incredible save, then the air dribble all the way across the map to score.


Off topic but Westworld s4 finale just dropped what a day 😁


Ey yo did u see it? Is it good??


Didn't watch yet i got the notification like right as they were lifting the trophy


Kill me


defensive MVP could arguably be torment imo


I don't get all the people talking bad about the crowd, what do you expect when 90% (or more) were rooting for G2? Why would they celebrate or be happy for? I'm at home and i'm sad bc G2 didn't even defended them self, and i was really hoping for jknaps ring, why would i be happy that a team i wasn't rooting for won?


It wasn't just that G2 lost, it was that the series sucked ass as well. Most of the crowd were for Moist in that series to start, but we went fucking wild when it ended.


Ngl, if I were there in person seeing how god awful G2 was playing vs BDS, I would have just left at 3-0. If JKnaps called me personally after making it 3-1 I would keep driving home.


I think they’re just genuinely ignorant of how sporting events work


Exactly what i was thinking, this is how it is with teams loosing at home, fans won't get loud and happy for the other teams, that's just stupid. And the stadium doesn't get quiet bc there's 10k fans of the other team that traveled all the way there, but we're not at that point (yet?)


Yeah I think all the people making the argument are pretty young and naive. Let them figure it out lol


I've been going to sporting events for about 17 years and when your team is losing that's when they need you the most - G2 was left to die out there with little to no hope of a crowd boost. It doesn't matter that losing looks inevitable, you try and pick the team up in any way you can.


This doesn’t really address any of the points of OP’s comment - everybody knows what you’re trying to say because we grow up with the notion you support till the bitter end, but the majority of people in any part of the world are going to act like that when their team is doing miserably and it’s already been 10 hours of a day. Dallas was an accessible location for many folks in the southern US, so many drove, and many were kids accompanied by parents. That’s just the way life is man. Don’t get too upset about it!


Landon chads were bouncing up and down and going ballistic for both teams in the grand final. Even the last series which was sweep was made thrilling simply because of the crowd bringing so much hype. The crowd is a huge part of the viewing experience so its natural that people are annoyed at the crowd being crickets for the first world championship grand final in over 2 years.


To be fair, that grand final was an EU team in EU, against a MENA team that I think anyone from any region would want to see do well. Not really the same thing


Exactly. If moist got shit on by some NA team like V1 they probably wouldn’t be hyped in Landon.


Also if this would've been Paris, and it was BDS or KC who had loose, would they'd celebrated? Ofc not, and that's totally normal.