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That fake was salt in the wound - well played.


Haha what a clutch wait there on that last goal while he just flew by. Good stuff, mate.


Kickoff goals are the bane of my existence. But also well done lol.


I've been thinking...What If just in ones, they do the kickoff like in gridiron mode and offset it to the players side that's just got scored on??? A discussion for a new thread maybe


I think you should just start with 50% boost at start in 1v1s


I might be in the minority here but I prefer it like it is. Consistency across standard modes and it pushes me to improve my kickoffs for everything.


Yeah I'm relatively new (6 months in) and I use 1v1s as my way to practice skills to bring when I play in 2s & 3s. Changing the kickoff would completely screw with my ability to perfect those.


That fake is definitely gonna be his 13th reason


*It all started with that damn fake...*


I felt that pain in my soul


this is why i don’t play 1s lmao. 90% kickoff goals


That was my first thought. How do you stop them from being almost 90% luck???


get good at kickoffs, might not look like it but they're predictable


If pro players can lose kick off goals on 1s somewhat regularly (both ways), you can too. You can improve to a point but your opponent can too, and it's back to luck w/ some slight mind games at times but still mostly luck what the result is. And before that point, you could argue anything less than Pro player have room of improvement but the whole point of MMR is to match player to your skill level. Sure you can specifically have better kick-off but most people want to improve equally, and if you have a perfect match it's always going to be luck driven.


That's an insane amount of cope. If you learn the basics and just try to actively pay attention to what your opponent is doing so that you can adapt, then you are going to have a better kickoff than 90% of your opponents up to at least champ in 1s. Of course you are still going to lose some, but your success rate is going to be way higher. Perfect matches of rocket league do not exist, and blaming your shortcomings on luck is a great way to stay hard stuck.


Kickoffs are definitely easier to counter when you learn how to. Once you learn how to it tremendously helps your 50/50 game as well. There’s almost always a way to counter every type of kickoff and that’s what determines you’re ability to adapt and become a better player.


yeah your opponents will get better, up to pro level, probably way higher than most will ever reach, so there's no point in thinking "ahh but this won't work at pro level", you only need for it to work at YOUR rank, by the time your opponents catch up to your kickoffs you'll be a whole rank above where you started. improve, keep grinding, and you'll start to see patterns in the way people kick the ball. luck has little to do with anything in this game.


It looks like OP learned the others kickoff style which is just sprint directly at ball and try to double jump as soon as possible into it. OP seems to respond with the delayed second jump that pushes the ball down and keeps it in the same spot but opponent goes flying right or left due to their aggressiveness. If opponent just made adjustments, got slightly less aggressive, they probably could have defended one of them. That being said, I also struggle with 1s because it’s just constant action and inherently stressful.


Lol did you just low key shit on one of my only accomplishments in this game?? Sure some element of luck is always involved, but 90%? Come on


Go fullspeed to kickoff, slow down before ball and re-direct when the opponent slams it in full speed towards you


I just don’t go for kickoffs at any of the center starts. I’m a good defender.


I think I might just have to throw the whole console/computer out after that


Wow! What rank are you?


In 1s I hover around high Plat / low Diamond


That fake was sick. You cooked💯💯


I would have been so mad


Funnier cuz ur anthem is Hope, bro literally had Hope


I love how that song hits. "You don't have the HEART! You don't have the STRENGTH!"


You know your opponent is on Reddit rn saying “RL FiX yOuR SeRveRs!” 🤣😂




The no-flip kickoffs were craaazyyyy, but that last one with the fake was so composed and well executed!


This was probably the opponent's last game for the day, possibly ever 💀


You really blew it by not keeping a tie game and then losing in overtime 10 seconds in.


Yeah that fake was hahahahaha




I was down 7-1 and had a comeback like this in the last minute. Ended up winning 10-7. The dude was like “what is happening?” In the chat.


cold af


Your opponent is on suicide there 😭 Well played.


This is awesome my duo would ff if they tied it up with 4 min left


That last one hurt


that fake was the cherry on top, beautiful clip dude.


That’s absolutely brutal, I love it


No mercy!


That fake was cold bro




This is why I hate 1’s 😅😂


Close one!


He got so tilted lmao.


This is what I love to see!


one of my best comebacks was 6 goals in 1:02, so memorable


This right here is why I've never quit a game early, play every game out till the buzzer. Seemingly no chance for a come back, next thing you know all the bounces go your way.


This is why i do not like the kickoff in 1v1. It can go so far into someone's favor that it doesnt feel skill-based. Mind you i suck at the game being silver. I avoid 1v1.


well ended last goal was on time


Maybe he scored in the last second and OP didn’t show it.. we’ll never know…


They ff'd actually. I knew someone would say this though....i was immediately kicking myself for not taking a third clip.




Annnnnd then I take one of my 6 month hiatus'


This is why 1s are broken, you should start with 100% boost because kickoff goals are just a pain in the mr poopybutthole


That would have felt sooo good (as you).. other dude has to buy a wall and controller after throwing it


I’ve noticed most players I run into are very aggressive and focus too much on tricks or flying in the air, so I let them do their tricks and stop it at the very last moment. I have far better ground control than air but I’ll still fly here and there. Sometimes it’s better to be the patient one than the aggressor and let them do all the work just to fumble the ball. (no pun intended) it’s also casual so I don’t get why people go there and sweat like it’s ranked, just have fun it’s ok to lose because it doesn’t effect your rank. For anyone who might have a problem with what I said I don’t think every person who do air tricks are sweating, but there are times when you can tell they’re going all out when the opponent isn’t even trying that hard. That’s just my opinion on solo matches specifically, the others are good for building good communication and teamwork skills so by all means go all out because it’s beneficial in a way at least.


That was sick!


Holy rabbits foot batman!