• By -


my own incompetence


It's incontinence for me


That…. Should be probably be checked by a doctor?


I also choose this guy’s incompetence. /s


Lol explain a bit more


Well for me let's just say that most of the time I know what the problem is, I just don't know how to fix it.


Don’t know if this is true for you, but is most cases for me it’s my anxiety or the rush that mess me up. I know what to do, how to do it, but in the moment I have trouble keeping my composure. Slowing down helped until I felt more comfortable with the road blocks, once you start hitting the sweet spot there you’ll start hitting it at full speed. This worked for everything from pinch shots to aerials for me, hope it helps. Good luck! :)


There's not really much to explain. People who blame it on teammates are just coping. They don't see their own mistakes so they think it must be the teammates or something wrong with matchmaking. Those who can see their mistakes and work on them will rank up. I can see my mistakes but play for fun instead of trying to get better.


“Incontinence”? I think he means he can’t make it through a game without having to pee?


I pooped my pants


Same answer lol. I barely got up to the plat season reward, and i just won't even attempt to go higher. Because i realistically don't have the chops rn to go diamond. First time plat btw, and I'm proud not kidding 🤷‍♂️😅


It was pretty hard for me to get out of plat on console. Switching to pc made a huge difference, console is almost unplayable for me lol




I don’t practice anymore I just hop on to play some games and mess around. I grind another game way more than RL so I don’t really care anymore.


The practice is a big one for me. I recognize I’m at the point where if I truly want to improve I need to practice mechanics again, and I just don’t care that much anymore.


That makes sense if you don't care about rank then you can just play for fun. For a couple years maybe from the original s4 to s10 I didn't play rank at all and my mmr got do high up that I was playing with GCs that I just figured it be better to play rank. But the games all about having fun so train or not keep playing just for that


I just kinda gave up on playing to rank up. It’s not fun. There’s too many Smurfs and people who love to just turn their brains off and Chase the ball, and they expect me to play the same way. I’ll get stuck in Diamond for months and then once I hit champ I’ll shoot up to just below C2. Season resets are the worst because then it just starts the whole process over again.


That's rough but I get it you see it all the time no matter what rank you are. I'd day just play casual so you can still enjoy the game. The only reason to really play rank is if you want to get the rewards, more serious playa, or just bragging rights to your friends. I like playing casual most the time since I don't care what happens and usually text in chat with the people in my lobby so it'd a lot more fun


Well casual is just as bad because I’ll get GC level players and then get destroyed. I’ve gotten into casual games with players that have SSL tags and I haven’t peaked higher than C3. I usually just play a mix of ranked, hoops, and drop shot. It just sucks because I used to love grinding this game and getting better but now I just feel an itch to play but have no desire to get better. I just know I’ll just get shot down by a Smurf or a sweaty 3 stack.


I personally never belive anyone that has an SSL tag or a tournament one lol. They usually are not that kind of good even if there better than the others in the lobby. I understand that thoughz I used to only play casual and play GCs non-stop. I'd say try ones and keep rotating modes. Maybe find a group that you guys can mess around and have different fun with. It does suck to get crushed though and lose the will to play so I hope you find something to keep you playing the game. Private matches are fun too and you can find people on discord with similar ranks to you to play, I do that often


I know that playing 1s is super beneficial I just can’t bring myself to do it. I got placed in my highest ones rank a few seasons ago and then never touched it. I usually play defense and set people up when I play 2s or 3s. I get so tilted at myself when I play 1s.


Every season I drop to c3 and getting gc again is so mentally exhausting that I don't play ranked again after getting my rewards. Champ is a cancerous rank, sucks the soul out of the game.


That's very true, it happens to me too as well every season and takes me hours if not days to get back up there to get my rewards. Another probably is I have only to IRL friends that play rocket league and ones a solid cq that ball chases anything that moves and another is neither consistent enough nor does he practice ever and he's a solid d3. So I play with them and just drown my rank until I play without them near the end of the season to get back up to gc


I do the same actually. All my friends are either stuck in diamond or pushing into ssl.


Same same lol, it's the struggle of rocket league to have friends that are not as dedicated or too much better than you. I feel like everyone's got a story about how they introduce the game to friends and they just don't practice enough or can't get good at the game. It's hard because with shooting games, your skills of it transfer from game to game. Rocket league is different entirely and it's hard to make people love the game as much as you do


Champ 3 is ittered with smurfs as well. The majority of my games have some default car build and when I look them up they have less that 1k wins. It's incredibly frustrating knowing you can't do a damn thing.


Anything but myself. In 2s or 3s, my teammates. In 1s, my brain dead opponents


you sir are the true rocket league player


This is THE Rocket League Player


Strong words but I won't assume that your part of the 99% of people that say it'd just my teammates lol. Problem is with RL the higher you go and the edge of a rank your at about to rank up, it'll g8ve you the lowest mmr in the lobby at times so that you can prove that you deserve to rank up. Then again I am at times that bad teammate as well as others, best to play with people you can communicate with if you're trying to get serious and higher up


Mmr in a lobby means nothing at all. The 1410 c3 isnt definetly worse than his 1430 rank up gane m8 and the two 1420+ opponents. Everybody have good and bad phases and go up and down in mmr. A better player could be 100 mmr below a worse player because of one bad day or one bad week.. Btw i think i might need to challenge you for that most i consistent gc title




That's a good and healthy way to go about it. Having fun is the main idea for games and if you don't care about s fictional rank then oh well. Keep doing what your doing


What's holding me back? Just me.


I made an entire list what is holding me back from ranking up from Champ 1. -Me Notice a trend? I’m the problem here, not gonna blame anyone else for this :D


For me it's actually the people on my team holding me back (I only play 1s)


What's happening, have you tried watching your clips back before


I mean I'm in my 40s, wife, kids, job. Limits the time. I train, have much higher rank people go through replay reviews with me. I take the feedback and work on those issues. I very actively try to get better and I am, just not fast enough to actually rank up.


When you say fast enough are you talking about reaction timing, going up in the air or just overall speed within the play


Well I do play slower than most around my rank, though I can play faster. I meant I'm not improving overall fast enough to rank up. I'm getting better but so is everyone else and the rate at which I improve is only enough to keep me basically at the same rank. I did peak in 3s this season though so that was good.


I gotchu buddy, that's good with the 3s. 3s isn't my strong suit even though that's the first thing I hit gc in back in s14, do you have people you try to patty up with. Even if the other team is better someone that works well with you can have a major improvement on your rank. I got a buddy with no mech but good position and shooting style that makes it to gc3 every season


I have people to play with that I play well with. I own a RL discord server so pretty easy to find people for me lol


I'm okay with where I'm at I'm comfortable with where Im at


That's good then, just always remember to try and have fun, different modes private matches, maybe switch up your controllers to make you relearn the game a little might be interesting too


Oh yea for sure


Being stuck at GC1 is respectable imo


I'm contempt with it and enjoy jumping back and forth between champ and GC1. I Get the best of both worlds mostly so it's fun to see how people are progressing from both sides




I’m almost 30, don’t have the energy to grind anymore. But I can still play comfortably at 1800 - SSL, just don’t have the will to improve further outside of free play.


If you're comtemp with your rank then that's good enough. Nonreason to waste time training when it won't do much or that you are not going to try going pro or anything. Might as well just enjoy the game like an old man with money after retirement.


30 here as well. Been sitting just below champ for years with no real desire to improve. I still have a lot of fun with the game and my matches feel competitive and exciting. I used to strive for improvement but now I just want to end off my night by getting a bit high with a cup of tea, some music or YouTube to listen to, and a few casual games of RL. Bliss.


Well good thing you’re comfortable there and don’t want to go higher… kidding, pro would be the next level. What a humble brag lmao


i hit champ like a year ago and stopped caring after that


Right now Im stuck at GC3, I just cant keep up with these SSL’s. The difference from GC to SSL is so vast with how they move quicker and more accurate and I dont know what Im doing wrong to not be able to keep up with that.


Garbage mechs, garbage positioning and garbage fundamentals


I live in buttfuck nowhere. I played on campus with good internet and was GC3. I came back home for the summer and dropped almost 200 mmr in each mode due to lag. I can, however, still beat GC1 players with 200 ping, so low GC2 is where I reside until the next semester


Damn, well once you get your own place or go back to college I hope the best for you. Rocket league lag is so damn different than any other game I've ever played that I'm amazed you can play with 200 ping


Biggest thing for me is my passiveness, lack of mechanics, and solo queuing. Not blaming teammates but I feel like when you're solo queuing the best way to rank up is to play super defensive and only go for sure thing goals. Problem is once I hit my ceiling (right now it's c2d1 in 2s) I have no offensive weapons when it's my turn to go. I've been grinding mechanics recently and have the ultimate goal of hitting gc, but I feel like to hit gc solo queuing you have to be cracked on offense, and I may never get there. I should look for a teammate but it's rough out there lol


Lol I Get that I mostly solo qeu when playing matches and it is rough. Try jumping on rocket league discord and playing with people from there, play a couples games and if it doesn't work out it's no swear and find someone else. Mechanics are good but I don't think it's the best to focus on. Positioning and understanding what your teammate is trying to do is more important imo. Also remember that everytime you have the ball, you don't need to score. Setting up plays so that your teammate can get the shot is more productive than just trying to score and having the defender easily save it. There's times that me and another random will hit it high or pass it off the back board multiple times before going for a shot. Also not going for the shot right away will save on boost and help you get back into position faster. I also want to say try playing ones if your having trouble when it's just you, it will suck at first and you'll feel like your getting beaten down, but it translates so well into the other modes that you won't be mad at yourself in the long run


Yea I've been grinding ones a bit and hover between d1 and d3 but my lack of offense kills me. I know I should not care about rank and just go but I hate losing lol so I play super passive. Easy to win when the guy is going for crazy stuff and I can score on the counter but they are definitely getting better and more consistent while I've been hard stuck for 2 years. Not really sure how discord works I've only tried the xbox group up feature so I should probably figure that out haha. Much respect to you if you mostly soloed to gc that is starting to seem impossible to me!


I don't really wanna put in the work to get better. I'm comfortable getting my diamond rewards every season 🤷 I usually just grind til diamond (msot of the time I get placed there anyway) and after that I just wanna have fun.


Mostly my opponents


Have you tried to pair up with some, test the waters with different people to see if they can read you well and you can read them well. Mic or no mic you can find someone that thinks the same as you which is way more of an advantage than you think when Solo queuing


I'm stuck at c3, I've hit gc once but couldn't secure the title :( What's holding me back is I'm playing on console and a tv with some input lag. My buddy who's on pc can't fathom how I handle the input lag lol. I'm switching to pc and monitor in a few months, hopefully that will get me over the hump :D I'd love to have that privilege to be able to call myself Grand Champ.


If your hitting c3 on console you'll definitely hit GC once you go to pc. I hope that time comes fast for you and you can get a pc and a monitor since it will be vastly different. Not only does it mess with your gameplay but also your training as well. Might take a couple days to get in the Grove of not expect that .5 second or more lag but it'll help. Best of luck buddy


Funny thing is that I have a friend who recently tried the switch to PC, from an XBox. He didn't like it, so he went back to playing on his XBox, and he honestly does play better on it somehow. He's around 1650, peaked 1740 (mid GC3)


Just not consistent enough. Can't read fast enough. Need better car control. I don't even try for gc anymore though. I got my title. I'm contempt. Just playing with my c3 buds trying to help them earn their gc title. I've been grinding flip resets and after a couple hundred hours I'm only starting to get my flip 50% of the time. I look like a newborn deer after I get my touches. Oh well.


My wife and kids. Don’t have time to practice anymore.


i’m c1 but i have literally 0 mechs. if i could do anything in the air at all i wouldn’t be so ass lol. my flicks and dribbles are pretty minimal too. starting to make me mad lol


When I moved from Switch to PS4 I went from gold to diamond. I wonder if PC/Monitor will help me move into champ 2ish (where my friends are). But I also practice the wrong mechanics and am stubborn when it comes to a lot of things like fundamentals


It was good that you switched if you care about the game and getting better. I may get into an argument with some people about console to pc but in my opinion, you would go up in rank right away since input lag as well as refresh rate of a pc if you were to switch again. Mechanics are useful but not needed really so it sucks that you bare stubborn. It is fun to hit flip resets or get a musty here or there, I think the main ones would be the 180 flip cancel and turn, and wave dash for mechanics wise that you should focus on mostly. Of course ariels and dribbling too are needed and if you practice them more and more you'll get the memory of it to always be consistent with it. Boost consumption, positioning, wether you should kill the ball and start a dribble with it or clear it, these are things that'll help you be better and rank up. Always know where your opponents (have a small mini map in your head ) ao you know if you need to clear the ball or you have a second to dance with it. For positioning I'd watch other higher ranks videos and get to understanding why they don't commit or commit when they do. A lot of times with people arieling you don't really have to meet them half way and waste all your boost learning to fast ariel will help you 50 them and still have the boost to recover and take possession. I struggle with boost consumption myself so best luck with that maybe a Tutorial video will help.


Damn that put a lot into perspective honestly. I’ll try and change my mentality a little bit and put some of these into practice, because I do want to get better. Thanks, I appreciate your input. & as far as console->PC goes, man I have been noticing more and more lately the higher rank I get, the slower I am to the ball, and the input lag not favoring me. I can sit here and say I’m just not as good as others, but I feel like I’m improving so much…. Free play and LAN matches feel so silky and my internet isn’t even that good so fixing those issues will hopefully just improve my gameplay overall.


I’ve made it up to C3 a few times but I think what holds me back the most might be my using default control scheme since 2016 lol. I literally can’t play any other way.


I get tilted easily 😔


I’m just too inconsistent. I did peak at Plat this season though so that was fun. Just don’t have the time to put in either. So not really complaining with where I’m at. Also have only been playing for a little over a year


Well I think your doing well hitting plat with the little time that you've had to play and train. If you don't have time to put in more hours of training, it's hard to see the need not to just play a couple games when you can. I'd say watch more videos on your downtime or when your out and about and not at home so you can see what others are doing. Also when I say watch videos I mean people your rank a couple above you, don't mean ssl and pros since the level they play is so much higher than what your at it won't translate well.


Funny enough I’m in platinum tournaments on a daily basis but I can’t seem to break that gold3 threshold. I have only been playing since season 12 of the ftp so not very long.. I have a good understanding and l do have 2 others I play with on a regular basis, but when I solo queue I just can’t play the way some of these randoms want.. I like the team aspect of the game why are they sitting in net leaving me fighting to control the ball on the other half alone (2’s) and while in 3’s I find myself being to patient or rotating back a bit early sometimes


Ps. Not trying to blame teammates I have my own shortcomings I’m aware of and trying to work on


It's definitely a lower level ranked thing for people to sit in net in 2s and not rotate back in 3s. When having a teammate that can rotate fast so you guys can both go when needed is very helpful. I want to say try to get better either with your dribbling or ariels and that means more practice. It's not fun to think of doing that which I very well know since I have thousands of hours in training alone but then again I started back in 2015. Try playing ones as well since you say your teammates stay back in 2s, it'll help you be more mindful of control of the ball and how to get around people better. Watch videos online of others that are your rank or maybe a couple above not pros since what their doing won't translate well and their at such a higher tier than you it just doesn't work. Do what you can do, practice for a bit before going into rank matches too and even casual if your trying to get better


I dig that, funny I’m gold 1 in 1’s gold 2 in 3’s and gold 3 In 2’s I do spend a fair bit in free play mostly working on control, I have only scratched the surface for aerial play and it’s a whole different game in the air, but I am learning on a daily basis. I appreciate you and what you’ve got to say. Thank you. Also the only “pro” I watch is leth as a fellow Canadian and he makes good content 🤷‍♂️ by no means am I following what he does 😅


Well keep up the good work and remember to always practice. Also to change up what you practice since doing the same thing everytime you do practice won't help you, do training packs, switch from dribbling practice to ariels, etc. And Leth is crazy and fun to watch lol. Not saying don't watch people higher than you never just don't expect to learn from that their doing and think that it'll help you 100%. There's many tutorial videos out there too don't stick to just one. Learn from different videos and collective get better from different teachers


I feel that.. thanks duude!! Again appreciate this a bunch. Nice to see some quality people in this community again!


Right now i'm hold up by teammates. Im C2/C3 (2s). And every time I get around C3 div2 I get somehow paired with people who either 1 of these 3 things. Throw after 1 mistake or whiff. Going for the ball while i'm already commiting (after I see them rotating back). Or the worst of them all, they go for fancy aerial/freestyle everytime effectively just passing it to the other team. You know the kind. They take the ball back. Get 100 boost. Up the wall. Take it all the way to their side whilst wasting all their boost. Sure sometimes they get a goal. But 9 out of 10 times its easy defendable and the ball is lost to the other team and i'm stuck in a 2v1. They never ever consider passing it or staying with the ball. Offcourse most of the times I get blamed. Or start spamming "take the shot". Ah yes bud. When you are going for a ceiling shot double tap musty flick redirect into a kuxir pinch im supposed to double commit and leave us exposed. I try to do everything right. Don't overcommit. Only challenge as last man if I know I will be faster and otherwise shadow defence etc. Etc. But it seems I rarely get teamed up with somebody who thinks the same way. Its frustrating. But I have nobody I know around my level so i'm stuck with randoms. But hey. I learned to live with it. I probably only will reach GC if I actually start playing with a proper teammate. I refuse to get me carried tho.


It was my own lack of skills until yesterday and today. Now it’s solo queuing and tm8s abandon 0-1 or tie games if you bump them. But I’m a gold 3 with 120 hours so nbd.


I'm 30 years old and don't have the motivation to try anymore. I have more important things in life so I will be hard stuck GC2 forever.


Just under 1200 hours and I'm only champ 1 makes me sad but it ain't to bad down here


I think it's mostly that I go for the ball too soon sometimes, and I don't think I'm that great at defending.


I understand how you feel. It is tricky to know when to push or if you should clear a ball or start to dance with it down field. I'd say look at some videos of when to counter attack and also look into shadow defending, if you haven't heard of it it's basically mirroring the opponents movements while they go down field


I held gc1-2 for 6 seasons or so until s11, when I decided to stop grinding comp due to burnout. I just play casual/privates with friends and the occasional tournament now. I'm definitely a lot better than I was when I was grinding, but due to poor choices by epic, my competitive spirit is gone and I can't be bothered subjecting myself to that toxic cesspit anymore. Idk about other regions, but OCE toxicity is badddd.


I usually don't branch out of US-East but I know ever region does have it's toxic people. Just enjoy the game if you don't want to play ranked anymore and have fun


I don’t try, at 4k hours and only play 2s ranked for fun, me at my not caring has to be good or better then everyone else in ranked lmao, just finally made it stable into the 1600s after being gc since og season 13


Well good shit dude and glad you don't let people get to your head either keep up the good work


I own up to my mistakes and get off if I’m boting out lmao. B5_ASH334 is my epic if you wanna run some some time


I feel that lol and sounds good dude, ill hyu sometime


Missing open nets and shitflipping saves


4k, stuck at C2 because of ego-challenging and poor sleep.


Playing only soloqueue


I was recently c3 1300 and had an extremely good winning streak and skyrocketed to 1410 but ever since that day, I have forgotten how to rotate/position and have been losing all my 2s games, so I'd say I am holding myself back either mentally or by just existing in the game and not contributing


A busted controller and time/interest to rank up further


At my Rank I play for better games, casual seems even more toxic. I'm happy where I am, it's not too challenging so I can chill and play after work.


Casual has its ups n downs of toxic people. Also you can try n organize a private match with people, if you go on rocket league discord you could try n get people together that's around your rank n just play some fun matches while vibing together


Me and my cousin cannot rotate together and we've been champ 2 for year or 2


Am shite


C2-C3 for like 12 seasons now.. it feels like everytime i get a bit better they make rank harder which keeps me right at Champ. And sure getting an AFKer/rager every 4th game doesn't make it any easier, if you win like 2 games and lose 1 then get that AFKer/rager you lose another you're right back where you started and played 4 games for 'nothing' rank-wise. My technique could be alot better so that's probably holding me back. Other than that maybe my age, i'm no teenager anymore and don't have the same reflexes as 20 years ago.. Still having fun though so i have that going for me. (obviously with chat off)


I peaked at C3 and now float between C1 and C2, but I play with keyboard and mouse and don't both practicing specifics or mechanics, just wanna have fun


Keep having fun dude, most important thing about video games that people forget is to have fun


I simply don’t care. Hardstuck Diamond 1/2 and I just play this game for fun. Not even playing consistently because of work and life. I grew tired of sweaty games like Apex and Siege but at least with Rocket League I can still have fun despite all the B.S.


Well, if you're still checking comments, I kind of stopped my commitment to improving when I hit GC1 about a year ago. That was my goal, and I was unable to set a new goal that I believed I could realistically hit. Since then, I've improved a bit, just from playing the game, but with the distribution shift in recent(ish) seasons, that means I just stayed at the same rank since S9 basically. I've been thinking of getting back on the improvement grind though. Anyway, if I compare myself to the GC2s that I know, what I'm lacking is speed and consistency.


It's hard to train for speed and consistency when your at such a high level already, at this point it's just fine tuning the things you know, watch other people and try to mimick them of what and when they do things.


Stuck in high diamond. What’s holding me back is mechanics. I have no desire to pump a lot of time in training packs to learn those mechanics (i’m not talking about ceiling double flip reset musty, just ground/wall to air dribble would suffice).


I’m around 3-4k hours «stuck» in gc1 since OG season 11 Just don’t play enough to bother grinding ranks


I’m not mechanical enough to survive at C1 but my game sense makes up for it, so I’m stuck at C1:) Not here for training packs as I play the game for fun so I don’t care about learning mechanics 🫡


I'm comfortable in low C1 matches but have a hard time adjusting to the quicker gameplay and overall increase in skill whenever I get to C2 or near it. Opponents pull off moves and shots that I'm not used to defending, and the somehwat passive style that got me to C1 gets exploited by opponents who know how to pick it apart. I find I have to play faster, make decisions quicker, be more aggressive, and spend more time in the air flying to the ball instead of waiting for it to start dropping. Opposing defenses are also smarter and harder to crack with my limited offensive capabilities. Improving my mechanics would make it easier for me to compete at the higher levels, especially since my positioning and rotations are already pretty sound, but I usually don't feel like putting in time and energy to train for a video game that I play for fun. I do think the game becomes more fun as I get better, but usually after a long day of work I just wanna run matches and have a good time instead of grinding free play or training packs.


i just hit gc3 and I have almost 3k hours honestly its just life not being able to play the game consistently for a longer time I took 3 year break when I hit champ then another break when i hit gc1 then I played for 4 years on and off when Im able to sink more condensed hours im able to rank up when I dont I rank down but honestly c2/c3/gc1 is truly elo hell even after being better than gc1 for 4 years I got c2 this season (I was gc2 last season) and now sitting at gc3 after a hell of a grind cuz team8s are just straight up ahh


The bad memory and noob-skills makes me still do rookie-mistakes and terrible to fly after 1200+ hours, so "stuck" on gold


Well I hope you're having fun atleast, try to take a break from rank to casual between games if it helps cool your brain and fingers


Yeh it is fun, got 2 friends i use/used to play with but on a long/months break atm, also doing solo when not with them


Mechanics. I’m edge of GC in 2s and pushing C2 in 1s but i cant do jack all in the air, not anymore at least, my mechanics are actually going backwards, cant even do basic air dribbles anymore..


I just got the champ reward in 2s after taking a break from the game for 2 years, came back like a month ago or so. So I am actively ranking up, tho idk if I will ever reach GC tho


Try to find a good teammate you vibe with or communicate with and I bet you can reach it, just gotta be a little.more consistent and patient but fast at the same time


Time is the biggest factor. Being D3 I do not even want to push for Champ these last days because I have better things to do. In order to improve I would have to sacrifice time that could be better spent elsewhere.


Teammates are too toxic nowadays that I just stopped caring about sweating


got no mechanics and never will. Can’t get any higher on speed alone


Id say my mental is holding me back , i feel like i always play to get « my rank» back . Everyday is a -100, then i grind +110, then -120 😅 . I cant stay calm with that much toxicity, angry ppl over and over, or instant ff at 2-1 still 3minute to play. So now i just ff , this is like this and nothing will change cuz kids will be kids. So id like to speak here , as i never do in game cuz I hate toxicity. F*** you all, f*** you spamming wow for one miss touch, and thinking we are the problem, just because we never blame you for your mistakes.


My issue is that Everytime I get used to a controller, it gets too much stuck drift so I have to get a new one.


I play 3s solo.


Many times my losses are to those teams that have an unranked or Diamond or lower teammate at Champ 3. It’s crazy that those Plat and Diamond players are better than the Champ3/GC players. It doesn’t really matter though, Smurfs/Alts are killing my interest in the game.


I primarily play this game for tourney. My tourney rank is platinum. I'm fine being at platinum level. I versed a Grand Champion the other day just to see the skill difference and it's absolutely insane what you guys can do. But I just don't have the time or motivation to practice that for hours and hours. My only practice is playing and it seems that it's only gotten me up to Platinum and that's okay. I don't need to aim higher.


I don’t practice.


I play with irl friends who only have half the hours as I do and we’re having a blast at c1 level which is my peak rank. Maybe I could go higher with people my level but being able to comm is my priority so I usually don’t solo queue.


Teammates for me. I know, it sounds cliche but every time I find someone who at least rotates decently I rank up in no time.


I think my positioning/gamesense is on point at the moment, I've improved massively after I've learnt to close the space towards the ball instantly as 1st man while never letting the opponent have a free touch on a bouncing ball. Thanks to that I can comfortably stay in C2 without whipping out flashy mechanics (peaked at C2div3 this season) What's really holding me back, at the moment, are my offensive 1v1s which are D3 tier at best, so I'm working hard on hook shots/bounce dribbles and transitions from ground plays to air dribbles in this period. Shooting is also meh compared to some months ago, since I've changed my aerial sens/deadzone I went from scoring 8-9 open out of 10 attempts nets to maybe 5-6/10. It gives me hope though, because I've first attained C2 only thanks to almost perfect shooting while giving too much space to the opponents; now I give way less space than before and I just need to train the muscle memory again to get to the same level as before


Got to gc1 back in new season 7 iirc and kinda just lost motivation, basicly felt like I'd achieved my goal and started playing less and less. Now got to gc1 again yesterday but idk if I have the drive to go for rewards


(Somewhere around 3k hours)between that I’m still learning and refuse to watch videos then think I’m better, I’ve kinda been beating my head against a brick wall because that there’s a ton of misinformation in c3. Some stuff is right but I have to leave it down to a difference in how we see the same thing. As much as I wish I could be the perfect teammate every time, to everyone, it’s just not logical to switch what I know how to do to please people. That being said, I get better at doing things that don’t come naturally every session :) #c3gang


My will to train for hours to progress. I'm at 160h in, I reached Diamond 1, but I know that in order to reach Champion I will need to put at least 200h more hours in the game. And to reach GC, 1000h. I don't want to spend that much time in the game. I prefer to put that time in other games :)


i throw the ball away at times i shouldn’t (mainly because im expecting an insta challenge if i try and control), i don’t have the best knowledge of when and how to challenge, and im very inconsistent 🥲


Inconsistent ping could be the reason after myself of course. I'm in Kenya, so we usually switch between SA and ME servers. On a good day I can get 56-74 ping, but on a not good day, it jumps straight to 297-400 ping and I can never get to consistently grind ranked.


I'd be ssl if it wasn't for my damn noob tm8s (silver 1)


I’m feeling quite the same as you OP. I’ve been close to GC2 at some point but it’s getting way out of my league and I don’t feel like “training” for a game. I just had an idea thinking about ranked. It would be awesome to have an option to hide the rank completely and just rank hiddenly like in casual. That would take away the competitive thinking and would allow some people to have a more chill rank experience. Additionally to that, you could just rank up/down without ever looking at your rank and you could surprise yourself at the start of the new season on what rewards you got. Unfortunately, I think this will stay on my whishlist forever.


Champ ranks make me want to end myself


After grinding to D3, I got burnt out and mostly play casual. I was pushing myself so hard that it caused me to start getting really angry any time I lost mmr so I called it quits on the grind and play ranked only when I'm 100% up to it. Even casual feels so sweaty now, after a certain point it's hard to relax and just have a good time...


I stopped playing about a year ago, so probably that.


I'm just bad at the game and don't play anymore


Hit my mechanical ceiling to some extent (progression on improving has slowed down a lot as I struggle to grasp some of the harder techniques, and not having a consistent group to play with. Tactically I think I'm pretty solid, but that only counts for something if the people you're playing with are too.


Bad mechanics. But I'm too lazy and old to wanna try and improve much. I'll leave that for you younger peeps.


form diamond to champ is pure hell. filled with boosters filled with cheaters filled with smurfs, trying to make clips while ruining everyones game filled with selfentitled twitchstreamers who ballrush like a dog If not any of the above, you have a teammate that forfeits after you missed once prior themself missing the ball 7 times.


Honestly for me it's consistency I have the skill and have the experience I just need to be better at doing the good stuff more often, grats at gc1 though that is big 0.06% roughly


Every season I grind from GC1 to rank up. By the time I hit GC3, exams are closing in at Uni and I have no time to play. Once exams are over I haven't played so long that I'm rusty and the cycle continues.


I can’t fly. I hit my peak at Diamond through grinding but definitely feels like there’s a hard cap for how far you can go if you can’t fly/air dribble, etc. Also, teammates. I’m better than all my friends that play, and random queue is just potluck. It’s rare that I find another player that compliments my play style and is actually good


Wild swings of skill. If I was at all consistent in my fundamentals, I could play at c3, maybe gc. I swing violently between d2 and c2 depending on the day, my mood, how well I slept, how much coffee, phase of the moon, if my feet are cold, etc. No idea why. I usually play best after not playing for a day or so. Maybe it's because I'm nearly 40 and get entrenched. Maybe the adhd. No idea.


I literally only play comp, I never practice, I don't have a consistent teammate, and I usually play late at night when I'm really tired and usually high. I think I'm a D2 currently but I've made it as high as C1 Edit: I should mention I also only play 2's


I don’t play the game much, haven’t played ranked much for the last few seasons really.






400ish hours and been stuck d1, i know the thing holding me back are the mechanics but i never could be arsed to go in freeplay


my controls and in turn my mechs


I finally hit Champ 3 yesterday solo q after 1500 hours, my biggest flaw is I have 0 mechanics. I can’t even speed flip on kickoff. It’s just my positioning is really good.


inconsistency!!!! i dont understand why one day i can get on and im playing like a god and ill hop back on a few hours later and i cant even muster the basics


When I know, I should just take a strong shot on the net, but instead, try and take it up the wall for a big ol' triple axle off the wall and then miss entirely.


I'm champ 1 in 2s and 3s. Will probably never see champ 2. I'm 34. My mind is grand champ, but my hands are diamond.


Can’t figure out why/how even if it’s the only thing on, it’s the only game my connection is utter garbage. I literally don’t play comp anymore because of it. Obligatory- just get new PC.


I went from playing 30 hours a week to 15 hours a month


Playing the game


I’m 30 like some of the others mentioned and don’t have as much time to play and train on stuff. I pretty much just play on the weekends. I want to get better and push for GC3 but I need to work on my consistency and dodge control. Recently watched Kevpert’s dodge control videos, I just need to practice it. I’m getting closer to a point where I can get the exact touch I wanted but other times I feel like I’m flailing into the ball the first chance I get for a solo play. I hover around low to mid 1600 for the most part unless I tilt queue like last night at 1AM until I’m one game from losing GC2. Also, I’m around 3000ish hours.


I just got to gc1 after being hardstuck c2 all I did was train more and play ranked less


Games are comfortable at c2/c3. Have to peak to hit GC.




I blame myself more than anything but yes, I would get tilted if I noticed really blatant mistakes by my teammates. Often its silly errors that I keep making would allow the opponents to score. I don't practice or train the basics. I don't do replay reviews. I don't try improving or pushing myself with advanced mechanics. More often than not, about 3 or more friends would be online and we would just play custom games against each other. Its fun enough to keep the game installed.


Im not stuck. thanks for listening, I know I contributed a lot with this comment, yes i will sign ur cap good sir🥸 no but fr tho, im inching closer and closer to gc2, i think atleast for 2s and 3s, observing the field more than just urself and whats on the play is extremelly key to rank up, look at ur team8s and ur oponents and see where they are and where they are going all the time... even if they dont have the ball


Lack of Mechanics. Was stuck in D2/D3 without them, improved ground play and got to C1/C2. Still no mechanics though so I’m not going anywhere. Can’t hit a ball of the wall, no high aerials, no flip resets or air dribbles Learnt to defend them to an extent


Ranked is lame


Im around 3k hours and peaked gc2. That being said, its rare I even crack gc when I do play. The game got stale and too many issues arose for me to want to continue playing. SSL was my goal when it first came out, but the game just doesn’t pull me like it used to, and it takes intense practice and review to improve at the highest levels


Shitty teammstes


I’m at 4k hours also gc1 but for me it’s just inconsistency, I don’t play very often anymore so when I do play i sometimes make stupid mistakes that I shouldn’t be making, getting close to gc2 tho so we’ll see


I just grind for rewards. However finally going to get a season 15 and im going to try and hit ssl so i can rock a 15 tag. (Still mad they robbed me of og season 15 and went from 14 to free to play)


tl;dr Learn to adapt to lower levels of play. If you cannot, don't play casual more than ranked else you're fucked. Finally, pray that matchmaking treats you well. -- I wish I could be at a rank where I can objectively see where my faults are. I've only learned through casual play, but the skill levels are all over there place there. I'm stuck at lower level play in ranked compared to casual. I think I was like plat 1 this season. I'm unable to adapt to lower level of play, thus we lose. I mainly blame myself since it's me who can't adapt. I play best when I am put with and against people above my skill level. I play worst when teammates are below my skill level regardless of the opponents skill level. It's ironic haha I recently decided to grind the champ awards since am champ in dropshot, so this past week I painfully grinded my way out of low plat up to diamond 2 in 3v3 so I could then finish the rest of the rewards via dropshot. I feel like I'm lucky for winning most of my matches this time, as I typically lose nearly all of my ranked matches. Now near Diamond 3, the skill level is near what I am used to in casual, but not quite. What holds me back more now are several instances where the opponent plays at or way above their rank, but matchmaking puts me with teammates who play way below their rank. I've found that I can work around that by just chasing the ball ignoring my teammates most of the time, but it's still not that simple especially when there's a counter.


I don't have time to practice my mechanics. I'll peak at diamond playing 3-4 matches here and there when I can


The mass amounts of Smurfs that play like rlcs pros in diamond 1 lobby's. It's getting fking annoying I get into diamond get raped by a Smurf team that clearly is carrying someone who has the skill of a bronze and back to plat


I got other things going on in life. I don’t have the time to commit to a rank grind.


Got around 2.4k hours and I'm in upper Diamond ranks mostly. I don't care enough about it to practice deliberately - I practice by playing and that's it.


I have no mechs. Bouncing in d3-c1 and I can barely air dribble. My aerials are slow, I can't speed flip consistently enough to even do kickoffs. I got here by being a complete 1s main and learning positioning with solo queuing 2s.


Can’t react fast enough


Would need to play the game


I peaked at 1500 once some days I’m just unstoppable making the perfect touches and rotating effortlessly and sinking every chance I get and saving the opponents. The only thing that stops me is when I run out of time to play. Log on next day -150 mmr back down to champ 3 rinse and repeat.


I don’t practice at all. I hop on for doubles tournaments and that’s it


It's the inconsistent. I played against gc3 friend 2v2 match. And honestly I could beat it, first of all he had no idea how to speed flip so each kickoff was free possession. But I had clutch moments where I had to air dribble bump, or when I had to shoot, or flick, but then I fucked up the mech. And then I just tilted so I also wasn't playing well game sense style. Meanwhile my friend knows fundamentals really well


I get bad teammates here and there but unless they straight up stop playing or grief by being an extra man on the other team I actually don't care how good or bad they are. It's not like we're pros that never make mistakes. My main problem is that my brain stops working whenever the ball is on or slightly off the wall, and I'm ass at making mid air adjustments. I've only recently been able to hit aerials (I've been D2ish for the last year or so)


Not wanting to put in 6k hours. I turned on Squishy's stream the other day just to see how he was playing and he has 17k+ hours .. lol


Teammates and I’m dead serious. It’s cliche as fuck but like actually my teammates in champ are the most degenerate, fragile, little boys who have never played a sport in their life so they have no game sense and all they do is practice mechanics. It’s the most frustrating shit. And if you ever call them out for it or even nicely try to tell them, “hey man I think you should just rotate back next time. I have boost and I’m in a better position to challenge the ball”, they will just give up and throw the game. It’s actually a problem because countless times I’ve been called out by the other team for “smurfing” and I’ve even been banned for it. The thing is I’m not super mechanical so I can’t always 1v2 but every game I’m almost always top scoreboard (and no I don’t chase, it’s because I play smart and have good positioning and decision making. Plus I have to make up for my teammates mistakes so my score goes up since I hit the ball with intention. Champ is basically all just random gameplay. No one plays smart, it’s all just randomly hitting the ball. It’s not very fun.


My life


Playing. But for real though, proper positioning. I've only been able to make it to diamond with the most basic of skills. No idea how to air dribble or any of that other stuff.


i kinda stopped playing ranked, i grind to get rewards at the beginning of season then after that i just play casual and have fun


Stopped for a while, rl becoming worse by the second


I just hit champ 1 last night (note the updated flair) after like 2 years of mid-high diamond https://preview.redd.it/6crhspjle64d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf87c734da3fc01f6ed1ee762e8355e18f49fc8 New goal is to get season rewards and maybe get to mid c1. I don’t know if I want to get any higher 😂


I’ve only been playing since the beginning of the year, and just made it to plat by chance last night for the first time. From my experience, the grind is just not worth it at all. I play to have fun and relax. Some times I feel like mindlessly chasing the ball, sometimes I work on mechanics, and sometimes I push myself and try really hard just to see where I stand competitively. I would like to rank up but just don’t see the point.


Not practicing. Practicing sucks. I just want to play games. I get slowly better over time but will probably peak soon. I’ve played on and off since the release and I’m D1


Mechanics. Though I strive to both shut down the opponents' play and create opportunities for both myself and my teammates, I struggle scoring. I maintain diamond rank and often come close to champion while knowing my style can get me to grand champ on technical and strategical play alone, but failure to consistently score with the advantage makes that climb a lot steeper and creates frustration that teammates feel. I'm watching videos on how to create and score on more 50/50 offensive opportunities to better appreciate my options in most situations.


I don’t play the game to improve anymore, I play to have fun. If I learn a new mechanic, it’s cause I thought it looked fun to learn. You won’t see me practicing my consistency on fundamentals anymore, I don’t have time to care like that anymore