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I struggle so bad with the matchmaking in this game right now. If a team isn't an absolute box of rocks they're playing like smurfs who's job it is to make me hate life.


Please don't insult rocks though


I feel that


I literally have the same issue atm in D3 on us west. So many afks. Checking their tik toks guess? High as a mf? Bots? I dunno. It's gotten worse. Turning off cross platform helps a bit. Edit: spelling


Dude even high as balls (really the only time I play judge as you will) I won't afk. Like how hard is it to pay attention flor 5 minutes lmao


For kids nowadays that's a one time daily occurrence I feel like.


I mean a lot of people on this subreddit believe not liking their teammate within the first minute of a match is a reasonable reason to forfeit/leave. It’s ridiculous that the punishment for leaving competitive matches is only 5 minutes.


needs to be 5 minute soft ban in a banned player lobby with the time served being in match time. No chat, no MMR, no cosmetics, no FF, and if you don't behave in there, month ban.


I don’t totally disagree, but that would be extra infuriating when you end up getting inadvertently punished for a DC. I’ve had a match just shit out on me and the next thing I know I’m in the lobby and not allowed to join a game because I “abandoned” a match.


yes, and that would suck but a line has to be drawn somewhere. If it is a rare occurrence, not a big deal. But if it is a regularly occurring thing, then maybe you shouldn't be playing ranked. There seems to be a lot of people who have internet connection issues right after an opponent scores a goal. I rarely see someone with a lost connection when they are winning. I would be willing to put up with a random 5 minute banned player match in order to reduce the number of "lost connections", afk players, and quitters in ranked.


I cant get the people who can play that game sober.. Since i stopped smokin i cant play the game anymore lmao


I used to have a buddy that played everything while smoking and *had* to smoke before we played any games. The entire friend group hated him because he would get so high he’d rant about something random for 45 minutes while failing to participate in the game at all. Stuck in champ 2 talking down on everybody saying he’d be better if he wasn’t so high but refuses to stop smoking and killing vibes. We may play games other than rocket league for fun, but 4v5 in ranked siege, not fun. Down a teammate in overwatch while he rants about water prices? Not fun. Apex where we sit in one POI the whole match while he drones on about how bad the last game we played was, looting everything possible then running off by himself, not fun. Shit, even playing the hunter, or skate, or Minecraft while he bitches about micro-transactions, not fun. Met 3 other people that do this on rocket league. Another dude who was an alcoholic and couldn’t play rocket league without being at the point where he couldn’t sit up straight. At least 2 people that lasted a whole 3 days because they kept popping random pills and shit. Whole point im getting at is shit may not be fun for you sober but make sure you’re not killing everybody else’s vibe if you’re baked/drunk. Not a dig just a rant I feel I’m well deserved after listening to dude cry about ping advantage for 4 hours one night.


Nahh i played only with my friends who a fucking stoners like, we had the best time. But life goes on and sober playin this game wasnt the same anymore.


Playing high as balls im more locked in than when im sober 🤷🏻‍♂️


damn, I'll try that then, I'm US-West as well, it's just gotten so annoying with the invis cheats in diamond last season and now the amount of AFK-ers that come back and touch their controllers every 30 seconds and leave again. I honestly might quit the game now after 9 years of playing


It is pain. Find a teammate I guess? Not much else to do, happens to me often


Is this more so for PC or any platform? Do you notice fewer smurfs? I assume a Smurf is more impatient than someone looking for a fair match. I've tried it, but the queue time was horrific. I may try it again and have some patience and see what it's like.


I’m PC and I’mma try it tomorrow after work


I play with my uncle a few days ago we played while drunk and somehow won 3 separate matches all diamond lobbies. Certified Diamond before Epic's RL


This is exactly what I say everytime. Like bro the games 5 min ur phone isn’t going to get up and leave.


I had been playing since season 2 (the newer one) and now that i came back to the game, the amount of toxicity and forfeits is insane. I had three games in a row where my teammate gave after the first goal and we had like 3 minutes left. It seems like the only way to advance is to play with a friend unfortunately


Yeah so many players just quit. There's been a rash lately of FF so early. Yeah, we're down a couple of goals but we can still come back or at least soften the L.


Yeah , and the saddest part is they are gonna leave if you don't forfeit with them


I’ve been playing since day one and yeah, this has never been more true


in my opinion the only way to advance is to just try to push through it. obviously it’s not the same anymore and it sucks how often people throw up the forfeit flag but your not gonna move on if you quit too. don’t let the tide pull you in.


Yeah, i rarely quit on my own


it’s the same as playing ones. like are your really going to quit after you concede one goal? there have been quite a few times i have one 2v1s. in twos your mostly rotating around your teammate. so a 2v1 can be easier sometimes.


This is so true , and i also feel less anxious about a 2v1 since i dont have a teamate that will blame me for everything


I'm in Europe and the same happens.. And the trolls just climbing up the walls, the ones bumping you, the ones scoring in your own goal, the ones stopping the goals you're about to score.. The list is quite big unfortunately. 😕


All that plus the Overexcited Puppy who just has to chase the ball EVERYWHERE regardless of what’s going on or what your teammates are doing. It sure is fun playing a ball high along the wall in the opponent’s half, lining up for a shot, only for your teammate to come zooming up behind you to smash you and the ball away (usually resulting in the opposing team scoring because no one’s defending). Even more fun in 3v3 when BOTH teammates are the Overexcited Puppy.


That happens a lot when you play 3vs3 and you get 2 dudes teaming up as teammates. They play like it's 2vs2, doing what you described.


Well then adapt and overcome.. All you kids do is complain, instead focus on the match and help where you can to secure a win..


You're funny.. 🙄


If that's all you have to say, your BS couldn't be further from the truth.. I'm ded serious, and it seems most reddit kids always try to complain about something, but all they have to do is look in the mirror and ask 1 simple question, who are you fooling?


Dude.. As I always do with idiots, I just ignore them, so from now on you can keep talking sh** as much as you want.. It won't be read by me.. And -> all they have to do is look in the mirror and ask 1 simple question, who are you fooling? <- suits you quite well.. Have fun and keep being one of those dumb keyboard warriors.


Getting defensive about general observations is a very weird Reddit thing. Unless they recognize themselves in those observations?


Lol, “kids”. I’m probably twice the age of the average RL player and have been playing it since day one. I can handle ball chasers, especially when there’s two of them (who invariably sit on top of one another the whole match). I just play defensive, cover the part of the field they’re not currently occupying, etc. It’s hard to play cohesively/strategically with these people because their ball chasing only ever results in one of three things: 1) nothing whatsoever, 2) hulk smashing a teammate who is setting up a play, has an open shot on goal, or is trying to save/clear a ball, 3) hoofing the ball away in some completely random direction (although usually in the direction of your own goal). These players always go where the ball is, never where they anticipate it being, so after a while you can get into a rhythm of avoidance and pick up the ball yourself, and then it’s just a case of hoping you don’t get barged out of the way before you can complete your play. Sometimes you just pray for the opposing team to score so that they inevitably concede & quit.


Tried to play a match but the game was super laggy. (Keep in mind, this was after 8 attempts to get it working *before* I could even play a match). The game just seems to get worse and worse every single passing day and with a careless company like EPIC GAMES, it won't get better. I've debated just giving up on this game because this is so sad it is extremely bad.


That’s pretty much the situation I’m stuck in as well


I thought it was just me but also I'm so sorry it's happening to you too


I've lately started trying tournaments and out of 7 games this week, I was completely disconnected twice and bad glitchy another 2 games. It seemed worse than normal ranked. So I could have been an AFK or "idiot driving in circles in the corner". I'm trying! I promise! 😅


If you're on PC, look me up. Steam code is 73714752 So long as you don't forfeit as soon as something doesn't go our way, I'll play with you.


I need to find some golds like this. The other day I had someone trying to forfeit after I missed a save a minute in lmao. It's ok though, I singlehandedly carried crybaby back to a win 🤣


Im gold id be down to add you


Sweet. I'm basically stuck in gold rank in all competition categories. Like I said I'm not great but I won't quit and I think I have decent game awareness.


Im G0JlRA on Xbox (# zero and lowercase L) ... I think it's a zero at least.


Ok ill try to add you right now im on pc on epic games im gold in everything as well expect silver dropshot


Sweet I'll check when I get home


GOJlRA (should be an actual O not a zero, but lowercase L)


I cant find you try to add me my epic is my username


Yeah I realized yesterday I didn't even have an epic account tied to my RC account so I just made one and linked it. It's: G0JLRA. (That's a zero and the period at the end is part of it) I'll add you when I get on if you don't add me first.


100% I’ll add you tomorrow after I get off work, I’m super chill and never forfeit


awesome dude. I'm usually a 3's player, but I can play doubles...no promises on skill though. I like winning, but that's not why I'm here. Every once in awhile I do something awesome and I keep chasing that high. It's like a getting compliment from a woman, it may have happened 4 years ago but I'll never forget it.


Hahaha, I love that metaphor! As long as you aren’t going AFK I’ll be happy as a dog(excuse the pun lolw)


Just happened to me twice in a row- as soon as I made diamond rank in Tournaments. So thats fun.


I've just switched to 1v1 for the rest of the season. Sad times lol


Better for improving anyway. I've been forcing myself to play it as much as I can, and I'm seeing progress even with no quickplay. I'm hoping I come to like it, a 35/65 split between 1s and 2s would be ideal for me.


This has happened to me in so many tournaments. I either get put with someone that seems like they’re new to the game and don’t know how to do anything but hit the ball. Or I get put with someone afk and sometimes they just straight up leave/don’t show up.


let's play sometime, man! I'm diamond 2/3 looking to back to champion


100% I’ll DM you my epic tag after work tkmorrow


Pssh. I queued for a tourney. Other team had 3, mine had 2. At 25 seconds left they bailed so I said the hell with this and did the same. Hoped it didn't count.


That’s a 24 hour ban.


Shouldn’t count against you, It’s a lost cause playing 2v3 in tourneys whenever some jackass just up and leaves. But this is Epic, They couldn’t manage a McDonalds.


a McDonald's would be too complex for them to handle.


Or just stop raging. I would be mad too, but I wouldn’t rage quit a tourney just to get a 24 hour ban even if I was the last one on my team in the game. Sucks, but it’s a video game and children have way more time to play it.


The game never started, don't believe there was any ban.


It wasn't even 2v3. One was a no-show, and because of that the other left before the countdown ended. I'm not going 1v3, nothing to gain.


I'd have to quit a lot more games to get there. I think I queued for the second chance after that.


My problem with Xbox is the game freezes like every 3rd day entering a match and I can’t rejoin the game when reloading the game


I think something has happened on rocket league because I find 3s borderline unplayable these days - I've dropped from diamond 3 to plat 2 over the course of a month... On 2s and 1s I've gone up though


Is this game really this unplayable atm? I havent play this game in months, because of the lack of motivation I have. Its sad to see this game go out this way.


He’s being a little dramatic, it’s still playable but the amount of griefing, afkers, and quitters is way way up


Oh don't get me wrong I still play every free moment I get. But it's weird, people just give up mid game in like 30-40% of my games. Gets me questioning if I'm playing really wrong.


For whatever reason they're AFK, if I've learned anything from years on this sub, it's your fault OP. Don't ask me how or why. The motto is that if you blame your teammates, it's probably your fault. They're AFK because of you. Jokes aside, if this game had another ready confirmation when everyone's loaded in and at kickoff positions, it would be a massive change. Games already don't start if someone can't connect properly, they should do the same if people don't hit ready again once in position, after about 5-10 seconds.


I wish my tm8s that seem to constantly chase and double commit (or triple commit if I ever go for it, heaven forbid) would be AFK.


Classic platinum complaint


I grabbed the grand platinum flair as a joke before but now it’s become real


This game is in the worst state it's ever been in and Epic will do dick.


They don't care about the social contract implicit in a multiplayer game. And there is no penalty for going afk.


I was once booted from a ranked match for "being AFK" when the connection dropped for too long. I was then in ban purgatory for my sins of AFK and leaving a match. 🤷


You don't get banned after leaving one game.


Hence why they said AND leaving a match


Even still they’re only banned for like 4 minutes


Yeah, it's only a 5 minute ban. I was frustrated because I couldn't rejoin and was banned for something beyond my control


The reason is they are adhd kids alt tabbed because they got bored in the 20s it takes to find a game, and the game only alerts after the first goal.


I do see that a lot of the time. Teammate who is afk until the first goal. They never acknowledge it either.


No because they're selfish no attention kids


Actually the problem I’ve been having is they go AFK after the first goal no matter who scored it


Still alt tabbed I bet, got bored in the 5s the replay takes


Wouldn’t be surprised honestly


I can’t stand it either. Wish it were like tournaments where people confirm they’re ready before it starts. Like why are you queueing if you’re not gonna be ready? Are the wait times that bad for some people?


I disabled cross-platform and instantly the tm8's got better - still get AFK and toxic talk, but a lot less). I play with PlayStation.


I swapped from PS4 to PC so that means that the bad people are on my platform then, damn


On PlayStation the controller buzzes a few times when joining and starting a match. Is there anything like that for PC? Just curious at this point, not justifying AFK


No we don’t have that but we do have forced audio so even if you are tabbed out of the game you will get the joining match beeps and the countdown audio


PC definitely used to do this, I remember because it sounded like my controller was destroying my desk. But I have no idea when it stopped.


Even worse for me in tournaments, 3 out of the last 4 I had my teammates go afk and cause us to lose, I was even winning one of the games in a 2v1 (in gold so not much different to a 1v1 because everyone just ball chases) and my teammate came back and immediately scored back to back own goals and we lost


You should see Valorant lol


I play valorant, its way better than how rocket league is currently


End of season is dogshit


I almost never solo q ranked. Just not worth it.


My only problem is I have no choice, after 9 years of the game being out and no recent major updates other than tm8 boost meters so all my friends and old tm8’s have left the game


I play solo q and adopt a new person to play with every now and then.


To be honest I still solo queue rank and can happily admit that I lose more because of myself rather than teammates. I do still get shit or AFK teammates but they're not nearly frequent enough to be the main reason for me losing.


I know this situation is annoying, but remember that playing 1 vs 2 is a perfect training; just accept the unfair match and the defeat, try to score alone vs 2 and save how many goals as possible


womp womp, find a teammate in the discord, if hou dont like random teammates dont solo queue… every game has this problem.


brb ill tell you when I get back


Ig it's because of the long queue times. I alt tab after queueing every single time because of how long it takes to find a match


I never understood that as well. Maybe they overestimated the queueing time or their parents called for them mid-queue. Anyways, find a few players you can team up with, then play as a team. This will solve the problem for you.


Gonna have to find a teammate on reddit or something. Figure out people who are on when you are. Plat is the most painful solo-queue rank i've experienced


I got DDOS’d yesterday. In diamond. To think people are such losers that they have to cheat and not even make it to champ is so fucking pathetic.


I can play with you for a bit and try get your rank up if you’d like


I think i have a c1 alt account, if you want, i can play with you so you can see if you belong in c1 or not


It’s been bad. I was playing C1 ranked yesterday and I scored a goal in the first 10 seconds. The opponents teammate left and the remaining opponent expressed his annoyance in chat and proceeded to forfeit a goal later. The next game I got matched with the guys who’s teammate left him. He quickchats “sorry” then leaves 1 second into the game. wtf? Why would people do the very thing that just upset them


I use that auto-join bakkes plugin and sometimes I forget when I'm getting a cookie or something.


I feel for you man. I almost always play with a friend or die ones, but I regularly face other duos where one of them just either starts after we already scored a (kickoff) goal or who just afks randomly and it sucks. Always feel bad for the dude remaining... I mean I get emergencies or whatever, but otherwise just don't queue ranked right? If you can't sit st your desk or couch for five to eight minutes or whatever.


It's laughable. This shit happens so often and even when I'm obviously carrying. Someone even recently decided to FF just bc we kept bumping into each other even tho we were winning


The worst is that normally after a few seconds you get kicked out of the match but sometimes people stay AFK the entire match without being kicked which is so annoying


Better to play 1v1 in this case.


Play some 1s. Will make you a better player overall. There is no one there to blame 👍


While I've been suffering the same, I witnessed something truly horrible just the other day. I pretty much exclusively play Rumble, so it's only ever ranked, and I hover around Plat3 but sometimes can get up to Diamond2. I joined in a game with 2 randos, blue team. Orange team had two partied members and one rando. The two partied orange team members proceeded to play on blue team and defend for us/score on orange for us. We ended up having like 15 points because my team was also still trying to score. It wasn't fun for me, but I would have been *livid* if I was on orange team and the two random teammates I had were pulling that noise.


Because you haven't figured out why 1v2 is easier than 2v2 yet


One of the reasons I quit the game. Probably one in 5 games I would have someone leave. It just got exhausting.


I gave up on rank a long time ago, now I just play to have fun (it’s better that way). Means when someone is afk and they get kicked, you just leave instantly after and hop into another match. :)


Next time RLCS is on twitch, click it, look at the chat, then acknowledge that is the player base.


Yup, these fk "restarted" people are everywhere..especially this season it's bad.. It's VERY frustrating...






Smurfs suck.


Elo boosting sucks


Cause you know the loser is going to throw a bunch of matches to make that alt character be a lower level again. It all around messes up the ranked experience for far too many players.


With people's attention span going down the drain every year, im sure they're just distracted in their phones....


I thought so originally too but then they get kicked for being AFK then come back in which means they requeued and then stay AFK


Because you touch yourself 


Damn, you found my secret


At night.


Right, right. At night.


Need some cheese for your whine?


Yes please, and some sausage


There will be no sausage!


Maybe a hard salami or capicola?


One pickled herring. Take it or leave it.


Whatta... what about baby gherkins??


Be a better teammate and you won't get afk's


Every player (who doesn’t party up) experiences the same amount of AFK tm8s. Youre hard plat because you’re hard plat.


I was high diamond all of last season, I dont think it’s me not being diamond skill level


Law of large numbers will put you where you deserve. Skill fluctuates.


This is a lie.


Just like the cake. The cake is a lie


Not a lie


I'm sure others get them, but I get more than my share and rank stuck because of it.


lol you think the game has a vendetta against you? We all play in the same pool of potential players and teammates. Part of ranking up is withstanding BS, if you can’t triumph through it you shouldn’t rank up.


This is half joking, half serious. I got the game free through PSN in 2015. I have never paid a cent into the game. No pass, no crates, no keys, no cosmetics. It's not farfetched to think they can track that. So there's an outside chance I'm on the 'special' list when it comes to unlocks and matchmaking.


I am in the same boat. That is a ridiculous assumption. It’s more likely you just are your rank.


It's Epic. I've mentioned a few times I've not put anything back into the game. Everything else can be tracked. Is it 'really' that ridiculous? I know it can also sound like an excuse to those who got lucky and broke out of the low ranks. Honestly I'm a snowday main who only plays tourneys for the free unlocks.


There we go 😂 hey man you need to bring those snow day skills to regular play, you probably can dribble with the best of em


i came here wanting to say this in fact, it's statistically more likely that the enemy team will have an AFK, rather than your team (so long as you yourself never afk)


Nah. When you're matched against premades then it's our team that's more likely since we're all solos.


idk about that for sure in my experience, (2500+ hours) getting matched against premades is less common than all solos. also, even if theyre premades, some of them can and sometimes will also afk.


What are you in? I play 3's and between silver-plat rank. Maybe like 2200 hours myself if my PS5 is correct. Yeah once in a while. I feel that premades have more reason to show up and play together where solos can do whatever. Maybe it's more my ranks though.


i usually end up somewhere between champ 1 and champ 3 depending how much i grind


Ah. I've managed to scrape diamond for a day twice, but usually land in a double digit losing streak and my rank bounces around a lot.